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Happily Ever After: A Romance Collection

Page 44

by Amelia Wilde

  He’s very formal and controlled, and the way he moves and speaks to Reggie reminds me of one of those billionaires Ava’s always stealing from. He’s forceful and clearly used to getting his way in everything. I can’t help wondering if he ever laughs.

  They turn, and I snap out of my fantasies. Rowan apologizes for his rudeness (I don’t remember him being rude to me). We agree to meet tomorrow, and with that, he stalks away from us.

  “Okay,” I whisper, watching the muscles in Reggie’s jaw move as he looks back toward the ballroom.

  The game is on.




  The Technicolor-blue water of the Mediterranean is nearly blinding this morning. The salt in the air touches my tongue and fills my nose with scents of fish and days at sea. I imagine taking a boat and sailing far from this irritating place—a beautiful brunette stretched across the bow.

  It’s true, my mind is miles away, focused on emerald-green eyes, sweet olive skin, and pink lips that part to reveal a lovely white smile. I’ve been thinking about her all night, longing for her, if I’m honest. I escaped from the ball shortly after she left and returned to our estate at Occitan.

  Relaxing under the warm spray of my shower, I slid my hand over my rigid cock, relieving my aching desire as I fantasized about the little dip where her collarbones meet at the base of her neck. I pictured tracing my tongue across the bead of her nipple, down to the curve of her waist.

  My hand moved faster as I remembered her soft voice, imagined her cries as she came. The prospect of her long legs wrapped around me, being sunk deep into her clenching hot core, had me coming hard under the warm jets. Still, my hand is no comparison to what I imagine the real thing must be like…

  I’ve stood here several minutes, quietly musing, when I realize Cal is standing beside me also silent, looking at the water in a pensive way—very unusual for him.

  “I’m surprised you’re not giving me shit about the ball,” I say, interrupting his reverie.

  Blinking out of it, he frowns up at me. “What’s that? Oh.” He nods. “I think you held up pretty well, considering the circumstances.”

  “Well, that’s pretty lame of you.”

  “Should I call you Cindy? Or do you prefer Ella.”

  “There it is.” Grasping his shoulder, I catch sight of Reginald headed our way. “And here he is.” I straighten, all pleasurable thoughts gone.

  Cal’s voice is low. “What the hell do you think he’s up to?”

  “No telling, but I intend to keep my eye on him.”

  “I’ll help with that.”

  My uncle stops in front of us and does an obligatory bow. “Your highness. Thank you for meeting me.”

  “You’re not supposed to be alone.” I’m only here because I had hoped to see Ava again.

  “The ladies are behind me, but I wanted to come ahead to be sure we were on the same page with this.”

  “What the devil is this about, Reg?” Cal steps forward, arms crossed.

  “The young lady I introduced you to last night is what you might call American royalty.”

  “Is that so?”

  This makes me laugh. “America doesn’t have royalty. They have reality TV.”

  “Either way, you’d do well to give her a chance. She could be the answer to your problem.”

  “She’s not the answer to anything. My mother, the council, all the old crones and their husbands won’t be satisfied unless I marry someone of noble birth, who will strengthen us politically and hopefully economically.”

  As I say the words, my insides feel like they’re shriveling. I want to find Ava, spend more time with her. I want to know how she grew up, her favorite flowers, where she went to school, if she has a favorite movie…

  Reggie interrupts my longings. “What Zelda Benedict brings to the table makes up for all that antiquated formality. Besides, your grandfather married an American.”

  “The country was healthy and prosperous at the time.”

  What Reggie knows about my problems is actually very little. My goal is to move the country away from oil dependence, and I’ve been working toward that goal since I was prematurely shoved into leadership. Still, if playing along with him means I’ll get to see more of Ava, I’m happy to comply.

  Crossing my arms, I feign interest in his scheme. “What exactly is your plan?”

  “I said I’d show her the city. You can take over those duties for me today. Spend time together, and we can meet up for dinner at your estate this evening.”

  “What about her friend? Will she be joining us?”

  My uncle glances at my brother. “Cal can take care of her. Give you and Zee some alone time.”

  “Right! Because I don’t have any plans today.” Cal’s is sarcastic, but I’m right there with him. Last thing I want is to hand Ava over to him.

  “I think we should all stay together.”

  Reginald shrugs. “It would be better if you had some time one-on-one, but perhaps starting out with doubles is a less threatening approach.”

  A flash of color behind him catches my eye, and I look up to see the ladies walking toward us. Ava is wearing a thin yellow dress that ripples in the breeze. She’s like sunshine and fresh breezes, making my whole day feel brighter. Zelda is wearing something similar.

  “Hello, my dears!” My uncle starts toward them, stopping to do the customary kiss on the cheek.

  I glance over at Cal, and a peculiar expression is on his face. It’s a mixture of satisfaction and desire, and I follow his eyes back to where my uncle is standing with the two women. I can’t tell which one he’s looking at, and I have to fight back the surge of possessiveness that it might be Ava.

  “Meeting someone and marrying her are two vastly different things,” I say to him quietly.

  “I couldn’t agree more.” His reply is as forceful as mine.

  “Despite what Reggie said, I’m not holding out hope for his plan to work.”

  “Neither am I.” My brother starts toward the ladies, leaving me frowning after him.

  I have no idea what he’s thinking, but hell if I let him get the jump on me. Moving quickly, I join the group.

  “Good morning,” I say, smiling and giving the two ladies a nod. They each start to curtsey, but I interrupt. “I think we can dispense with the formalities at this point.”

  “Thank you,” Zelda smiles, and her eyes are fixed on me, almost as if she’s trying not to look at anyone else. “Reginald said you’d like to show us the Oceanographic Museum?”

  A noise like a strangled laugh comes from Cal.

  “The aquarium?” I ask. “It is on most tourists’ To Do list when they first visit our country. We can actually walk there from here.”

  “That sounds lovely,” Ava says softly, and my eyes drink in her beautiful face.

  For a moment I can’t find words. I want to say Not as lovely as you, but it’s a cheesy line, and it definitely would not fit into Reggie’s master plan, which for now I’m pretending to follow. Cal’s eyes are on me, and I know he’s waiting.

  “Miss Wilder have you met my brother?”

  Ava’s eyes hold mine in a way that causes stirring below my belt. They glow like green embers, and I’ll be lucky if I make it through the day without stealing a kiss.

  “MacCallum Lockwood Tate, can you believe it?” My brother steps forward, turning on all the charm. I hate when her gaze moves from me to him.

  “I like it,” she says with a smile. “I’m Ava.”

  “Call me Cal.”

  She slips a hand into the crook of his arm, and with a sigh, I turn to Miss Benedict, who I notice is watching them with what seems to be equal disappointment. It’s gone in a blink, however, and she gives me another forced smile.

  “You’re too kind to take time out of your busy schedule for us. I can’t imagine what all goes into running a country.”

  “We’re only a small nation-state,” I say, allowing her to hold my a
rm. “I had several meetings yesterday before the ball, and I’ll be in my office this afternoon. It’s not such an inconvenience.” She nods, and I remember Reggie’s last instructions. “I hope you and your friend will join us for dinner tonight at our estate in Occitan.”

  “Is it in the country?”

  “It’s just outside of town, down by the shore.”

  “We’d be honored. It sounds beautiful.”

  We’re quiet again. Cal and Ava are ahead of us chatting away like old friends. He waves at one of the buildings, and Ava’s soft laughter floats back. It’s like knives stabbing me in the chest. I tear my eyes away from them.

  “I’ll send a car to the Fontaine at seven.”


  Her voice sounds less enthused, and I glance over to find her pink lips pressed into a thin line. She’s watching the pair ahead of us, but suddenly, she blinks up at me as if remembering something. “Have you always lived here?”

  “I was born in Monagasco, so yes. It’s my home.”

  “Okay…” she nods, her light blonde ponytail bouncing around her shoulders. Her heels click on the red brick pavement. “Do you have any favorite hobbies or anything?”

  We’re at the entrance to the large museum, and I hold the door for her. Cal and Ava are already inside chatting with the curator.

  “I used to race, but I don’t have much time for it anymore.” Much to my chagrin…

  “Race? As in horses?”

  “Formula One. We have quite a famous competition here every spring. It’s actually just a few weeks from now.”

  “That sounds exciting. Will you be in it?”

  “No.” Regret is a constant when it comes to my old pastime. It seems Miss Benedict is a quick study.

  “I think you might rather be on the track than here with us.” Blue eyes slant up at me.

  “Nonsense. I’m happy spending time with you and your friend.”

  “Wow! Would you look at that!” She dashes ahead to the enormous, twenty-seven-foot octopus covering the ceiling in the main entrance of the museum. Its massive tentacles are spread all over the walls and around several of the pillars. I’ve seen it before, but it’s still overwhelming. “It’s incredible!”

  I watch a moment as she turns in a circle looking up. Cal walks to her, hands in his pockets.“Pretty impressive, isn’t it? My great uncle wanted this to be as much about art as about the underwater world. We have Jacques Cousteau’s submarine further down in the great hall.”

  Zee reaches out to hold Cal’s forearm, and he guides her down the vast hallway while she continues looking up at all the sights. A giant squid hangs behind the octopus, and an enormous whale skeleton is after that.

  I’m confident they’ll be occupied for a while, and I take my chance to find the beautiful Ava. As Cal led Zelda away, I noticed her disappearing into the dark hall labeled “Dangers of the Sea.”

  The exhibit twists around huge tanks of jellyfish, coral, and sea anemone. The space is dark except for the black lights illuminating the strange creatures.

  “They’re really beautiful, aren’t they?” Ava speaks, and my stomach tightens.

  “It’s always been my favorite part of the museum.”

  “Look at that one!” She points a slim finger at a Portuguese man of war the size of my torso. Thick tentacles extend down as it floats in the current.

  “They have no mouths, but they’re able to consume entire fish.”

  “We used to get those in Florida. They have a horrible sting—much worse than jellyfish.”

  “When were you in Florida?” I lean on the wooden rail surrounding the tank, watching as the purple lights flicker in her eyes.

  She hesitates a moment before continuing. “I grew up there. I guess that’s something we have in common. Were you able to go to the beach a lot growing up?”

  “All the time. Cal and I would spend every day playing in the surf when we were kids.”

  “So being royal isn’t that much different from being any other kid on the beach?”

  “I wouldn’t say that. Most kids don’t have guards lurking around the sand dunes.”

  She wrinkles her nose in an adorable way and starts to walk. I push off the rail and follow her. “I suppose they couldn’t risk losing the two of you. Who would be the king?”

  “We have that all worked out in our constitution.”

  That makes her stop. “You have a constitution?”

  The surprise on her face makes me laugh. “How do you think our government is organized?”

  “I don’t know. I guess I thought you did whatever you wanted and told everyone what to do.”

  That makes me laugh more. “Our government hasn’t operated that way in centuries, although, I think Cal wishes it still did.”

  “Still, you can do anything you want.”

  Watching her walk through the dark space, I can only wish that were true. “You might not believe it, but I probably have less freedom to do what I want than you do.”

  “Tell me about it.” She turns and leans against the wooden railing.

  Stepping up beside her, I watch the glowing orange clown fish swim along the coral reef. They dart in and out of the swaying pinkish-purple venomous plants without even hesitating.

  I lean forward on the railing, and the warmth of Ava’s body is right at my side. Without hesitation, I gently lift her hand in mine, threading our fingers like the swaying tentacles.

  “Everything I do now is tied up in the good of Monagasco.”

  “How does that change what you can and can’t do?” Her voice is soft, and I turn to find her green eyes round and full of concern.

  “You’re very beautiful.”

  Pink floods her cheeks, and her chin drops. Reaching out, I touch the soft skin of her jaw, lifting her face with my finger. Her soft lips part, and she blinks fast, gazing at my mouth. We’re hidden in the darkness, only a breath apart. The slightest dip, and I’ll have her. My lips ache for hers, and as I lean forward to have my first taste, Cal’s fucking voice cuts through the silence.

  “Now this is my all-time favorite part of the aquarium. It’s dark and winding. Loads of places to make out.”

  Zelda laughs. “Somehow I get the feeling you know all the good make-out spots in all the historic places.”

  “How well you know me already, Miss Benedict.”

  “I met your kind in school.”

  “You probably drove them all crazy.”

  “I’m sorry,” Ava whispers, slipping from my grasp and hurrying to where they’re talking.

  My head, shoulders, and hand drop, and for a moment, I grip the wooden rail with all the strength of my frustration. It makes a creaking noise, and I release it. No use destroying historic property. I follow slowly after them, thinking ahead to tonight, after dinner, walking through the garden maze or along the shore. We will finish what we started.




  “You’re going too fast!” I cry as Cal pulls me through the great hall under skeletons that make me feel the size of a toddler.

  Today, he’s dressed casually in khakis and a light blue shirt with a darker blazer on top. I want to say I’ll just look at him. Instead I move too close as I pass him, or I hold his arm. I can’t seem to stop touching him.

  “I want to see the whale skeleton.”

  At that he stops and turns so suddenly, I run right into his chest. I actually let out an Oof!

  “Hello, there!” He grins down at me as I hold his waist, his strong arms surrounding me, sending heat surging between my legs. “What interests you most in this moldy old building?”

  I can barely think with his face so close to mine. That dimple is back, and his hazel eyes sparkle. You? No, can’t say that.

  “I-I don’t know. I’ve never been here before.”

  “Hm… I see your point.”

  Remembering my job, I push myself out of his embrace and straighten my dress. “Like this!” I say,
pointing up. “Can you believe how big that is? I could fit in that thing’s stomach along with four other people.”

  He steps beside me and looks up at the whale bones. His body is warm, and I imagine leaning into him.

  “Oh! And the jewelry—I want to see the Ocean tiara!”

  “Hm… I saw that on my aunt’s head. You need to see the deep sea room. It’s the coolest thing in the place.”

  I meet his eyes, and his expression darkens. It makes me feel like a tiny fish is trapped in my chest, struggling to get out.

  “Where is it?” I manage to say.

  His hand covers mine again, and we start down the wide marble staircase to the floor below. Glancing out the impossibly wide windows, I see the sparkling turquoise waters of the Mediterranean and pull us to a stop.

  “Wait!” I’m on the second step breathing hard, looking at the gorgeousness from this luxurious palace of a museum. “Look how beautiful.”

  He’s looking at me, but he steps up beside me and looks out the window. “I grew up looking at that—”


  “You didn’t let me finish,” he laughs softly. “You make me see it for the first time.”

  Tearing my eyes away from the ocean, I meet his gaze. I don’t have time to think before his long fingers thread in the back of my hair pulling my mouth roughly to his. A little noise aches from my throat as he pushes my lips apart and finds my tongue with his. Heat floods my pelvis, I taste fresh water and cinnamon, and my entire body is on fire. I don’t think, I only respond, sliding a hand along the back of his neck and chasing his tongue with mine. He holds me firmly against his body, and it’s so good.

  “Cal,” I gasp as our lips part.

  Our foreheads touch, and I can’t open my eyes. I’m breathing so fast. His kiss singed my spine. It curled my toes. I haven’t been kissed like that… possibly ever—by choice. I take a step back, holding his forearms out and away from me. My lips are throbbing.


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