Happily Ever After: A Romance Collection

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Happily Ever After: A Romance Collection Page 48

by Amelia Wilde

  She pauses, and holds her fingers to her lips. Judging by her profile, she doesn’t appear angry or even upset. I’m not sure what to make of how she’s reacting—or underreacting.

  “I have to tell Reggie what I did,” I continue. “He’s going to flip his lid.”

  “Is your ankle okay?” She returns to the bed and sits beside me, digging in the blankets and sheets for my foot.

  I reach down and stop her search. “Ava! Did you hear what I said? I’ve killed the deal. Rowan isn’t going to look twice at me when he finds out what I did!”

  “It’s true.” She’s smiling now, and I’m starting to wonder if her illness last night might have been mental. “Is it possible he won’t find out?”

  “I don’t know. Cal will probably say something.” I push the covers back and stand. “Anyway, there’s no point in staying here now.”

  My chest aches saying the words. The only reason I messed up like this is because I really like Cal. MacCallam Lockwood Tate sneaked his way into my heart, and now the thought of leaving here, of never seeing him again… of never getting that ride…

  “It’s going to take a while to get over,” I say quietly.

  “Why do we have to leave?” Ava jumps forward, catching my hands. “Why can’t we just wait and see what happens?”

  “What are you talking about, ‘Wait and see’? I can tell you what’s going to happen. We’re going to be exposed as frauds, and that will be the end of it. No exposed prince taking advantage of his country, no vindication for Reggie. We’re all out, and you and I have nothing.”

  Her lips press into a tight frown. “We still have the ten-K, yes?”

  Nodding, I walk over to my bag to fish out the black Amex card. It’s sitting in my wallet like an old fashioned insurance policy. “Yes,” I say, sadly. “We still have this. I guess we can keep it.”

  The phone rings, but I’m not in the mood to talk. I want to crawl back under the blankets. I’d been hiding from the world under there, but also, secretly, I’d been reliving one of the best nights of my life, although I’d never admit it out loud.

  Under the blankets, with my eyes shut tight, I revisit every kiss, every touch, every shiver and moan…

  I can still feel his hard body against mine. I can still feel his warm skin as I trace my fingers along the lines of his chest, down his stomach, along the V of his obliques. I can still feel his rough kisses, and if I close my eyes, I can still see him sleeping just before I left him.

  No one has ever made me laugh as much as he does. No one has ever helped me forget all the shit and simply let go. I’ll take him with me from this job, and no matter how much we’ve lost, I’ll always have him in my memories.

  “It’s for you.” Ava holds the cordless room phone. “Reggie.”

  I make a face and take it from her, my stomach in knots. “Good morning, Reggie.”

  “Hello, there.” His voice isn’t as angry as I expected. “I have to say, you are the most unpredictable girl.”

  “How so?” Maybe I’ll play dumb just a little bit longer. Ava wants to see what might happen.

  “While I thought you’d spend the night, make a play for the king, have breakfast and possibly spend the day with him, you sneak off in the night, leaving him intrigued and wanting more.”

  My cheeks flash with shock. “I don’t know what you mean.”

  “Don’t play games with me. We’re on the same side.” His voice is somewhere between agitated and amused. “I just got off the phone with his royal highness, and he plans to invite you to the Royal Casino this evening.”

  “He’s not angry? He still wants to see me?”

  “Apparently no, and yes, respectively.” Reggie pauses for a breath. “Clearly you know what you’re doing when it comes to Rowan. No one else ever does.”

  “You’re wrong…” I replay all my interactions with the broody crown prince last night. “I don’t think he’s interested in me at all.”

  “Didn’t you hear what I just said? He’s calling to ask you out. He’s pursuing you.”

  I walk around the room thinking. He brought me water and ibuprofen. He brought me a gown that would fit an elephant. He gave me the lamest kiss goodnight, and I didn’t hear from him again. Could he have had a change of heart while he slept?

  “We kissed last night…” I say.

  “You what?” Reggie is ecstatic, but a sharp banging sound across the room snaps my attention.

  Ava has knocked over a vase. Thankfully it didn’t break, and she hastily picks it up along with the fake flowers it held. I notice her frustrated expression and cover the receiver with my hand.

  “It’s okay, Ava-bug!” I whisper, giving her a reassuring smile. “No damage done.”

  She doesn’t smile back. She only blinks quickly and leaves the room. Not sure what to make of that behavior.

  “Build on that!” Reggie is saying in my ear. “Relationships take time. Get to know one another, find a reason to be alone tonight and talk. Once his emotions are involved, you’ll have him.”

  “Ugh,” I groan. “I don’t like this, Reggie. I think you’re wrong about Rowan. He’s serious and thoughtful. I don’t think he’s a danger to your country. I think you’re just pissed he doesn’t like you.”

  “Are you near your computer?”

  Glancing around the room, I see my Mac sitting closed on the desk. “Yes…”

  I walk over to it and lift the cover. It springs to life, and I wait for instructions.

  “I’m sending you an email right now. I want you to take a look at the photo attached and the article.”

  “Give me a second.” I open my browser and go through all the steps to activate the in-room wifi. A few more clicks and I’m in the email account Reggie set up for me for this job. “What am I looking for? Never mind, here it is.”

  “Tell me what you see, Zelda.”

  Opening my one new message, I scan the text in the body

  The sovereign acts as a focus for national identity, unity and pride; gives a sense of stability and continuity; officially recognizes success and excellence; and supports the ideal of voluntary service.

  “That’s a mouthful,” I say before double-clicking the first attachment.

  My screen fills with a grainy photograph. It’s a dark room, and I have to squint to make out the profile of Rowan, leaning against a wall, his head tilted back. A blonde woman is kneeling in front of him, and it looks suspiciously like he’s getting a blowjob. I close the image at once.

  “Was that what I think it was?” I snap.

  “I can tell you what it wasn’t.” His tone irritates me.

  “Doesn’t change my feelings,” I say. “The paparazzi are everywhere, and they have telephoto lenses. Rowan’s a grown man. As long as that was consensual—”

  “Look at the next one.”

  “Listen, Reg, I really don’t want to see Rowan’s peen again.”

  “That’s part of your problem right there.”

  Behind me I hear the fast shush of feet on carpet, and I know Ava’s back.

  “What will I see if I open it?” Squinting my eyes, I click on the image. On my screen is a shot of him in a red nylon suit. His brow is lowered, and he’s standing next to one of those weird-looking racecars. He actually looks hot.

  “I don’t understand,” I say.

  “Formula One racing is his other pastime.”

  “That’s right… He told me he loves racing.” I move back when Ava sticks her head in front of my computer. Pushing off the floor, I walk to the bedside table. “So he likes hummers and fast cars. Sounds like a typical guy to me.”


  “How is that bad for the country? You’re making a mountain out of a molehill.”

  “He’s destabilizing our economy. He’s shutting down our oil leases and meeting with experimental startup companies that would bankrupt the nation. He kicked out the existing cabinet, men with experience. I was in the middle of closing a deal with o
ur neighboring country that would establish free trade routes—”

  “That’s what you’re pissed about! You want control.”

  “I want what’s best for Monagasco.”

  We’re quiet again. I don’t know how to argue with him.

  “I didn’t hire you to figure out our problems. I hired you to do a job.” Reggie’s accent gets thicker when he’s ticked. “Are you going to do it or not?”

  As I think about his question, my eyes travel around the luxurious room. Funny how fast a person can get used to the finer things. All this started with a thousand-dollar plaque down my dress, and my overwhelming desire to secure our future. With a long exhale, I relent.

  “I’ll do it, but I’m not lying when I say he’s not into me. Attraction is something money can’t buy.”

  “You can’t be that naive. Rowan is attracted to your inheritance.”

  “Fake inheritance.”

  “I’ll put another ten in your online account. Buy something nice to wear tonight. The casino has a strict dress code.”

  We disconnect, and I glance back to where Ava is sitting at my laptop. The first photo is open again, and her lips are pressed into a thin line.

  “Don’t look at that, Ave. It’s not fair.”

  With a huff, she slaps the laptop closed before storming out of my room. Now I’m suspicious. I’m about to go after her when the phone rings again, stopping me.

  “Grand central around here,” I mutter, lifting the black receiver.

  A deep male voice is on the line. “Zelda? It’s Rowan.”

  My heart jumps, and I snap back into character. “Rowan! Hello…” Scrubbing my fingers over my eyes, I try not to remember his expression in that first photo.

  “Why did you leave in the night like that? Are you okay?”

  “I… umm, Oh, you know. Strange room and all. I couldn’t sleep. Who knew my Uber app worked in Europe?”

  “How is your ankle today?” His tone is stern, and I can’t tell if he’s concerned or angry.

  “It’s totally better. I told you it would be. I’m sorry, I should have left a note—”

  “And Ava? Is she feeling better today as well?”

  “Yep, all good. She loves the roses you sent.”

  “I’m glad.” He pauses only briefly. “The royal casino is something of a tourist attraction. I thought you might like to see it. Tonight. With me.”

  My eyes narrow, and I pause. Is he asking me out? Maybe I’ll have to revise my statement to Reggie. Maybe our little clutch last night on the way up from the beach carried more weight than I thought. Then again there was that kiss… Not great.

  “Ava is also welcome to join us,” he continues, and I know I’m right. It’s another group activity. “Cal will be with us.”

  Panic fills my stomach. “Cal?” Shit, and I already said my ankle was better. No getting out of this one. “That sounds great. We’d love to go.”

  “Excellent. I’ll pick you up at eight. You don’t have to gamble, although I usually play a few hands of Baccarat.”

  “Sure.” I feel slightly nauseated as we disconnect.

  I’m not sure what will happen when I see Cal again, and on top of everything, we’ll be at a casino. Is it okay if I know how to gamble? Should I pretend to be clueless?

  Picking up my phone, I shoot Reggie a text. Casino date tonight is a go. Can I know how to gamble?

  Carrying my phone with me, I decide to check on my little sister. I have to pause in shock at the enormous bouquet of red roses now filling the entryway. The card is gone, so I have no idea what he wrote to her.

  “Damn,” I hiss under my breath, shaking my head as I head to her door. I shouldn’t be miffed. So he bought her a florist’s worth of flowers. He did offer to call me a whole doctor for an ankle sprain.

  I’m just about to knock when Reggie’s reply vibrates my phone. Your call, although probably not wise to be a card shark. Don’t be shy around CPR. Make your move. I’m counting on you.

  “My move,” I mutter. “My move is falling for the wrong prince.”

  Ava doesn’t answer when I knock, so I turn the doorknob slowly and peek in. She’s dressed in one of the designer outfits Reggie bought us—tight white capris that show off her long, slim legs, with a flared black sleeveless jacket-top. She’s brushing her hair a little too hard. Her pilfered aquarium bracelet shakes and sparkles on her wrist.

  “Going out?” I walk over to her and put my hand on the brush.

  Her rapid movements still, and our eyes meet in the mirror. “I need something to wear tonight. The casino is very formal.”

  “I’m sure Reggie’s got it covered.”

  “Then I want to shop.” She begins brushing again, flipping her long, dark hair over her shoulder.

  “Everything okay?” I’ve never seen her this way. “You know, it’s possible I haven’t blown this job. Reggie thinks I still have a chance.” As much as I hate it.

  “You kissed Rowan, and you slept with Cal?” Her question is clipped, and embarrassment tightens my stomach. Of course, she’s mad.

  “You’re right,” I say, looking down. “I have to get my head in the game. I have to stop screwing around and focus on the prize.”

  She puts the brush down and faces me. She’s a little softer, but I can tell she’s still not happy. “I think you’re doing the best you can. Don’t be so hard on yourself.” She picks up her clutch. “I’ll be back after lunch.”

  “Really? We’re not going to do anything together?”

  “We’ll catch up tomorrow. Or tonight at the casino. Mind if I take the card?”

  “Of course not. The money is for both of us.”

  She’s gone before I can say another word, and I look at myself in the mirror. My hair is still a rat’s nest from hiding under the covers, so I take the brush and pull it through until it’s smooth. Then I walk slowly to the tower of roses, pulling one from the throng and pressing it to my nose. Sweet perfume.

  I’m back on with Rowan, but that only solves one problem. How do I pretend to care about the crown prince, when all my thoughts keep flying to his brother? How can I pretend like nothing happened last night?

  I drop onto the soft green sofa and look out at the turquoise blue waters, fighting the memories of last night trying to filter into my brain. I’ve never failed at a job before, and I’m not going to start now. I won’t choke in the biggest game of my career. I’ll regroup and see this one through to the end.




  Cal is unusually quiet on the limo ride into town. We’re both wearing requisite black tuxedos, and while his hair is combed back and smooth, mine is all around my ears.

  “I should have had a hair cut today,” I grumble, tilting the scotch back and forth in my crystal tumbler.

  He continues looking out the window, not answering. His elbow is bent, and he’s pinching his top lip. It’s one of his tells.

  “You’re going to have to loosen up if you expect to win tonight. I can tell you’ve been dealt a tough hand.”

  That brings him around. “What?”

  “Why are you so distracted?”

  His brow quirks, and he shifts in the seat, sliding his palms down his thighs. “Rode over to Longines this morning. That gelding has to be put down.”


  “He never fully recovered from his injury last fall. The vet says it’s getting worse. He’s in pain.”

  Leaning forward, I touch his knee. “Sorry, brother.”

  Cal shrugs. “He’s twenty-five. It’s time.”

  “Still, he was your first horse.”

  He leans back and polishes off his scotch. “I’ll try not to let it ruin the evening.”

  We’re at the hotel, and I give him a tight smile before sliding forward. Hajib holds the door, and the moment I look out, I call back to Cal.

  “We have to hustle.” A cadre of photographers is already swarming in our direction.

sp; With a push off the plush leather, I’m across the space between the car and the front doors before they’re able to catch me. Cal is right on my heels. The doormen keep them outside while I step to the house phone and call our dates.

  “They’re on the way down,” I say. Standing beside my brother, I look through the glass at the waiting paparazzi. I can almost see their fangs gleaming. “We should have planned an escape route. I didn’t expect them to be so interested.”

  “The word’s out. You’re looking for a bride, and you’ve been spotted with the same woman three times now.”

  “Zee?” I think about last night, me carrying her up from the shore in my arms, rotating her bare foot. “We need to flush out the rat at Occitan.”

  “I couldn’t agree… more.” His unexpected stutter causes me to look up. His expression is stunned, and I turn to see the ladies exiting the lift.

  My own stomach tightens at the sight. Ava is wearing a two-piece long black dress with a V-neck, midriff top. I can’t decide whether to focus on the soft swell of her breasts or her lined torso. Both are causing a sudden rush of blood from my head to my cock.

  I have to tear my eyes away from her sexy body to greet Zelda, who’s leading the two. She’s equally stunning in a white dress that stops mid-thigh. Her toned legs are lined, and the bronze heels she wears are amazing. Her dress is cut out at the back, and almost appears two-piece as well, except for the small bit of fabric covering her stomach.

  “Wow,” I meet Zelda in the middle and take her hand. “You both look very beautiful.”

  She’s doing that thing again, where her eyes are fixed solely on me as if she’s trying not to see anyone or anything else. I don’t know what it means other than I can’t look at Ava.

  “Thank you,” she takes my hand. “Always the perfect date.”

  Ava makes a soft noise, and I take advantage of it to look in her direction. “I’m glad to see you’re feeling better.”

  She blinks up at me, and once again, I’m hit with a jolt of emerald green. Her soft hair is pulled away from her face in a smooth sweep down her back, and her lips are a pale shade of pink. I must have her tonight. The thought stampedes in my brain.


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