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Happily Ever After: A Romance Collection

Page 78

by Amelia Wilde



  Fuck. I bang the wheel. This traffic is killing me.

  “She’s at home with Brynn,” Aspen reassures me, placing her hand on my thigh. “According to her text, your Mom is doing well.”

  Maxine, the nurse who traveled with Mom, called me just now to inform me that they are back in Seattle. My mother didn’t want to upset me. How absurd is that? I’m angry because my she flew across the world to take a vacation she cut short and wouldn’t tell me she needed me. She’s sick and getting weaker by the day. I know she came back because she isn’t well. ‘It’s too hot, and there’re too many people around to enjoy the landscape’ isn’t an excuse Mom gives lightly. Any other person believes the story. I know better. This is the woman who waited hours in line so her sons could ride Space Mountain on Independence Day. The same one who drove thousands of miles from Tacoma to Arkansas in the middle of the hottest summer so her children could visit their paternal grandmother.

  Why can’t we find a cure for her? I exhale my frustration.

  Aspen grabs my left hand and kisses it. There’s no need for her to say any words, I feel them. I’m here with you. I wish I could do more. Share your pain with me. They’re as clear as the phrases she tells me daily.

  “Have you hired the nurses yet?” I park the car in front of her house. “Do you have everything you need?”

  Aspen suggested at-home care for Mom’s last days. It sounds like something Mom would love. Except, we are moving her to Aspen’s house. That way, Aspen and Brynn can be there for her. We are renting equipment to make those last days comfortable for her. Mom loves her girls, so I know she’s going to be thrilled to be with them.

  “Everything’s ready.” Aspen unbuckles her seatbelt, sliding onto my lap. Hugging the back of my neck, she stares at me with sad eyes. “Deep breaths, we are going to get through this together, okay?”

  I wrap my arms around her shoulders pulling her closer to me, feeling her soft body against me. We’re so close I don’t know where she starts or I finish. Despite the heaviness in my soul, my heart remains warm, and it’s all because of her.

  In her embrace, the outside world doesn’t exist.

  Time stops, the pain disappears.

  My mind is at peace.

  When I think about my mother’s future and the raw emptiness nibbles at my heart, Aspen comes to my rescue. I trusted my men to have my back. My brothers to protect me as I did during our mission. Not once did I thought I would need emotional support, or that someone smaller and more delicate than me would be my shield when reality is unbearable.

  “Thank you” I kiss her neck, combing her curly hair, “for being my strength.”

  A hand runs through my hair. Her head turns, brushing my lips with hers before taking my mouth. There’s nothing gentle about the kiss. It’s hot, fiery, and filled with raw passion. The world disappears while she runs her fingers down my spine, warmth spreads to my body. I want to pull away before I lose my shit and fuck her inside my truck.

  “You don’t have to thank me, Hawk,” she whispers, her breathing uneven after that soul-searching kiss. “I’m here to hold you when things aren’t pretty, just the way you do when I’m breaking down. Couples do that. They stick together during the bad times, and celebrate the good times. Understanding each other, fighting for the last piece of bacon or the remote. Sharing what matters to the other even when it might be insignificant. We’re becoming an us.”

  I open my mouth, ready to say the words when her phone rings.

  “It’s Brooklyn,” she announces moving away from my lap. “Smile, Hawk. Bright, cheery. Enjoy these days because they could be over at any moment.”

  I chew on the words, staring at the beauty in front of me. The millions of emotions I feel every second of the day because of her. Each and every one altering my thoughts, taking me somewhere different than I ever expected. My heart beats harder as I decide to make some drastic changes in my life, like steer away from the missions where I spend months away from home. My pulse accelerates as I have a glimpse of an alternate life where I spend time with Aspen for as long as she allows me. Forever, if that’s even possible.

  “Come on, Hawk,” she redirects my attention. “You’re going to be fine.”

  “Yes, we’ll be fine.” I copy her smile, ready to face the most painful days of my life.

  “Baby clothing?” I stare at my mother, then at the pile of clothing she brought me. Thank God Aspen isn’t here to see them. “Why would you bring me baby clothing?”

  She folds a blue blanket, handing it along with the pink one. “One day you’re going to have children. At least, I hope you do.” Bending lightly, she searches inside her duffle bag that seems to have no bottom to it. “They are going to need knitted clothing from grandma. I won’t be here so…just make sure to tell them I love them.”

  “Mom, please don’t do this today,” I beg her. Only a few hours ago, my stomach dropped to the floor when I received the call that she’d come back early. Pale skin, skinnier, tired. My heart hurt to see my mother changing so fast. “I’ll be happy to save these presents. There’s no guarantee that there’ll be children in my future. But if we have any, be assured they will wear what you gave me.”

  She smiles, staring at me with satisfaction. Happiness. Peace. “You love her, don’t you?”


  Do I? There’s this strange feeling inside my heart that grows every day, taking over my mind and my body. Unknown to me and overwhelming in the same absolute way it exists. The emotion filled up a hole I didn’t know existed. It’s frightening to think how I survived without it for so long. From being a loner, I find myself next to a person I can’t imagine living without. Is that love?

  Mom gives me a knowing stare, yes, you’re in love.

  “It’s too early to say,” I confess. “We just started going out.”

  All lies. It might only be a few weeks, but it feels as if I’ve known her since before the universe existed. As a matter of fact, I requested a meeting with my boss. We need to discuss my future with the company. My life changed when Aspen appeared, and I like the person I’m becoming. I want to spend more time with her. Even though the distance wouldn’t change what I feel for her, I’m not willing to see her only a few days every other month.

  “You two deserve each other. I’m glad you found her.” Her hand reaches out, squeezing mine.

  We found each other, I don’t say.



  “Subject has arrived,” Tiago’s voice comes over the ear piece. “Everyone in place, the mission is a go.”

  I hate suits, crowded rooms, and bright lights. “Why am I here?”

  “You wanted to talk, I needed a wing man in this operation,” my boss retorts as we push open the doors to Noir Gold Paris, the newest Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. “Don’t complain. I’m missing dinner with my family and bedtime.”

  We stand in the lobby where I take in the glowing machines: the loud chattering, beeping, honking, and buzzing. Hundreds of people dressed up with their best formal attire. According to the information Bradley gave me, the owner is well established with the Russian mafia. That explains why I’m here. Among my qualifications, I speak Russian.

  “What’s the play?”

  “Our guy is Aleksei Babkin,” he murmurs.

  “Selling guns to some new organization who is trying to take over the world?”

  “No. He supplies young women and men around the world.” His fancy way of saying we’re dealing with a fucking human trafficker. My stomach clenches, these fuckers make me sick. There’s no end to them because there’s no end to the demand of prostitutes and slaves. We put down one asshole, and there’s already another one setting up shop. “Are we scouting?”

  “No, this is the mission.” This is the last time I text with my girlfriend during the flight, how the fuck did I miss the intel? “Our sources indicate he has a big shipment in one of the ports and is looking fo
r a buyer. Damian Travis might want the load.”

  “Let me guess, he owns a prostitution ring?”

  “The hotel has a unique service for high profile clientele,” he informs me as we continue walking toward the elevators.

  “We are here to stop the sale?”

  “No. We’re here to buy the merchandise.”

  I do a double-take, frowning. “What the fuck?”

  “We need the location to rescue the hostages,” he explains. “I’ll be tracing the money to recover it once we have them. Our second goal is to obtain the name of everyone inside that room. They’re our leads to uncovering more trafficking cells.”

  “Fun, and how did we get here?” I want some of the backgrounds, he only sent a text to head to the airport.

  “It’s by invitation only. An auction. James Howlett and Kyle Rayner were added a few hours ago.”

  “So Wolverine and Green Lantern are here, huh?” I chuckle with the stupid names he comes up with. Of course, he used superheroes alter egos. “You’re an idiot.”

  “Shut up, comic nerd. I’m not the one with a superhero last name. Hawk.” He grins because collecting comic books is something we have in common. “Got my hands on the new Justice League movie.”

  “Fucker, I hate you,” I joke, the nerd inside me hopes he’ll let me watch it before it comes out in theaters. His wife swears we’re like two little children on play dates. I’m sure she knows about the times I’m at home playing with him and his brother-in-law on X-Box Live. “Am I invited to the screening?”

  “As usual. What do you want to talk about?”

  Here goes nothing. “Infiltrating, pretending and living a second life was fun a couple of years back, but—”

  “Are you quitting or wanting short term assignments?” He cuts to the chase.

  “Short term assignments?” I want to say more, but his frown is scaring the fuck out of me. He’s going to fire my ass before we start this mission. “I love what I do. And I’d like to lead a team through the jungle to rescue hostages—from home. I can break into a bank to make sure the security systems we install work or do temporary undercover work like we’re doing tonight. My goal is that after work I can go home right after. I want to be able to sleep in my bed every night, spend a few hours in the tattoo parlor and have a standard life.”

  “You’re fucking with me right now?”

  “Afraid not, boss.”

  “Fuck, I had big plans for you.” He shakes his head. “We have more projects, you’re one of my best men when it comes to long-term missions.”

  “Tiago is your man,” I remind him of the guy who came before me.

  “No. You keep him leveled. He’s too volatile.” He presses his lips together as we reach the elevators.

  I tap the up arrow, then turn to look at him. “Should I take it as a no?”

  “Once you finish your current long-term mission I’ll reassign you, move a few assets around.” He steps into the elevator. “You’re talented, I want to keep you around for as long as you’d like to stay.”

  Mason swipes a golden card, then hands me over a second one. “It’s your invite, the paper has your account information. You have half a billion dollars to play with. We’re bidding against each other. I don’t care who wins as long as one of us gets the merchandise.”

  We reach our floor and step off the elevator to find two guards standing outside a set of wood carved French doors with bronze handles that match the frame. We flash the golden cards. They nod, each grabbing a body scanner. I lift my arms, letting them search for weapons that they won’t find. Our company also develops gadgets, like the unique fibers that conceals weapons.

  “You’re the last two, the doors will be locked from the outside until the show is over,” one of them says.

  As we enter a conference room, the doors shut; I hear electronic locks engaging. The other bidders are already sitting around the oval table. There are about fifteen guests plus this tall blond wearing only a jacket with patches on his elbows and a pair of jeans. He looks like a teacher. “Gentlemen, I’m glad you were able to join us tonight. You may call me Babkin,” he greets us as we take the empty chairs.

  Pointing at the small laptops in front of us, he shows us a card similar to the invite. “Swipe your card, then enter your account information. That will give me free access to verify your funds and transfer them when we confirm the purchase.”

  I do as he says, trusting that Bradley has the half billion lined up and knows how to track his money.

  Babkin shows us a metal portfolio and sets it on the table. “This contains the instructions on where and how to retrieve the merchandise. We will start with the slide show. I have enough for everyone. Unless, one of you wants to buy the bulk.” He shrugs taking the remote from the table and turning on the projector. “I don’t care how they sell as long as you meet my price.”

  “What is your price?” Damian Taylor, the owner of the casino, stands up from his chair touching the case.

  Babkin slams his hand against the metal making Taylor jolt. “I don’t give this until I have money.”

  Bradley’s hand points to the case. It’s our target if anything goes wrong.

  “Fuck!” Tiago yells through the earpiece. The distinct alarming tone sends my mind into high alert. I look at Bradley rubbing my chin, a sign that we are fucked indeed. “You’re not alone.”

  “I hear gunshots,” Everhart speaks.

  Me too, I want to reply, but watch the door wondering how long until they can disengage the locks or the hinges around the door and come inside. The better question is why are they here?

  “We’ve hacked the cameras, and we’re trying to get to the locks so you can escape,” Tiago reports. “The two guards outside the door are down, two men armed with F2000 assault rifles are trying to go inside.”

  “Motherfuckers,” I curse under my breath as they begin to shoot the heavy wood doors. They carry one of the most powerful rifles in the world, and I only have two knives with me.

  “We’re getting close,” Everhart utters, the gunfire can be heard through the communicators. “I can’t promise we’ll reach you on time.”

  “Another day in the job,” I grind my teeth.

  Bradley covers his mouth watching the door. “Kowalski, did you hide the emergency supply under the table?”

  “Yes sir,” someone else answers through the communicator.

  Good, we have something better than knives. I might make it home in one piece.

  Bradley’s eyes find mine. He moves his attention to his fingers, and I follow. The five of them are on the table, he begins a countdown and stays in two. Okay, we wait.

  “Who sent men?” Babkin pulls a gun waving it around. I look back at Bradley, still holding two fingers. Wait for his signal. He shoots the window several times, then looks at Damian. “Is there a hidden door?”

  Damian opens his mouth right when the doors open wide, and the guns start to spit their ammunition.

  “Now!” shouts Bradley.

  We both duck under the table where two AK47’s and four rounds of magazines are stashed. I grab mine, tuck and roll, and begin to fire. The two men Tiago mentioned have turned into six. Babkin doesn’t flinch or move; he observes, laughing as the bodies fall to the floor. We remain still, waiting for their next move.

  “Fucking idiots, I knew they would be an easy target,” says Babkin, taking the case and running outside the room.

  As the eight pairs of feet point toward the door, we roll and commence shooting, getting the last two men. We stand, running after them.

  “Babkin and the case are our targets,” Bradley reminds me as we run toward the staircase.

  “There’s a helicopter landing on the roof,” Tiago warns us. “Hurry.”

  Bullets rain from both sides, Babkin reaches the emergency exit that leads him to the stairs. Bradley covers me as I pull the knife from my jacket and throw it at Babkin’s hand.

  He curses under his breath, “shoot them
.” But there’s no one else to cover him, his guys are on the floor. Babkin drops the metal portfolio pulling the knife out of his other hand.

  Bradley shoots Babkin twice. Then orders, “Call Wings, tell him to have the helicopter ready. We need a doctor to save this asshole. I need him alive.”

  Aspen sits on the steps of her porch staring at the closed book in her hands.

  “We’re here,” I greet her, passing the stretcher that carries Babkin.

  She lifts her head. She drops the book, and propels herself toward my arms. “Are you okay?” She chews on her lip in worry, scanning my face.

  “I would have told you if I weren't.” I kiss her forehead and nuzzle her neck, thankful that I can hold her after a hard day at work. This is what I want for our future. Minus the problems I brought with me.

  “Where do you want him?” Tiago asks.

  Aspen releases me, and takes a look at our man. “Why is his head covered with a black hamper bag? Did you kidnap him?”

  “No. This man is a prisoner, and we can't use him if he's dead.” Tiago delivers a terrible joke.

  “Follow me, and you An-….” Aspen snaps her mouth shut and enters the code to open the garage door. At least she remembered what I explained her over the phone, she’s not supposed to use my name. “I could lose my license if I don’t report this event.”

  “This happened in another state. It’s not your jurisdiction,” Bradley intercedes. “They’re clean shots to prevent the subject from running away. You were the best candidate to assist us.”


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