Happily Ever After: A Romance Collection

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Happily Ever After: A Romance Collection Page 285

by Amelia Wilde

  It was that guitar that now stood in the corner fo my bedroom. I had wondered why he very deliberately moved there before laying me down on the bed, and I wondered even more as he walked over and picked it up. "Are you feeling inspired or something?" I teased.

  He didn't say anything, only lifted the strap to sling the guitar over his body. I settled down low over his hips and I mock pouted. "It's hiding the best part of you now."

  He grinned but oddly didn't take the bait. Instead he thoughtfully strummed. And then started picking out a lilting little memory.

  I sat up on the bed, listening. The song was simple and totally catchy, the kind of thing that the King Brothers would have sung in their prime but without the overdubbed vocals and the slick production. Just a simple little song that already had me smiling.

  The he started singing.

  Never meant to love you

  I fell without a chance

  Now I'm trying hard to love you

  Though I suck at the romance

  He paused to let me stop giggling. With a gracious, self-deprecating smile, he strummed and cleared his throat.

  It's a brand new year now

  And I wrote a song for you

  About the life I want now

  I want to spend it with you.

  He paused again. My heart was beating in my ears. "Are you proposing... naked?"

  He gave a small shrug.

  Ruby will you marry me?

  I swear forevermore

  To love you, make you happy

  It's you that I adore.

  My breath hitched. I couldn't talk. I couldn't breathe. He grinned again and shook the guitar.

  Then frowned and shook it again.

  Then turned it over, lifting to look inside.

  I burst out laughing. "Is the ring stuck in your guitar?"

  "Gid's guitar," he grumbled, giving a mighty shake. "I don't exactly have pockets to put it in right now, do I?"

  I was laughing so hard I couldn't get the words out. When the small platinum circle finally clattered through the strings and fell to the floor, I held my hand out.

  He bent to retrieve it then looked at me. "Is this a yes?"

  I nodded, still helplessly, hysterically laughing.

  "You have to actually say it, Ruby," he growled. "It's kind of important."

  "Yes!" I choked.

  His shoulders finally relaxed. He slid the ring onto my left hand where it fit perfectly. Then his eyes slid from my hand up to my breasts, and then widened. "I think we need to consummate this."

  "You consummate a marriage, not an engagement!" I cried. But he had already tackled me down to the bed and, well, we were both already naked so I really could see no reason to object.



  It was supposed to be a celebration of the impending spring, but the morning of the school play dawned wet and muddy and miserable. A fine sleeting rain made the roads slippery as hell.

  I drove us to the Saturday morning performance. Ruby was still intermittently nervous about slippery roads and gladly let me take charge.

  Backstage was pandemonium, with parent volunteers trying to corral the nervous, hyper kids and get them into their costumes. I saw Luke Keely, the dude who'd been after Ruby, chatting up some PTA mom as he braided a first grader's hair out of her eyes. The mom was looking at him like she might jump his bones any second.

  I gave the guy a mental high five. He'd been after Ruby which meant he had good taste. I wished him good luck, but it looked like he didn't really need it.

  "Oh no!" Lydia Walker suddenly squealed, but deftly managed to get a trash can in front of Kayleigh before the kindergartner vomited all over the floor. ""Oh no, did you eat spaghetti last night?" Lydia groaned.

  "Oh dear," the PTA mom moaned, rushing over with her nose all wrinkled up. Luke had wisely melted into the woodwork.

  Ruby slid her arm into mine. "Ah, chaos," she sighed.

  I leaned in and kissed the top of her head. "People flirting, people puking. It's just like being backstage at a rock concert." I considered for a moment. "Maybe a little less drug use."

  "I'd hope," she gasped, looking horrified. I laughed. "Okay!" I shouted, clapping my hands. I was getting good at this teacher shit. "Time for warmups!"

  I took them through vocal warm-ups, with all those little voices singing my words back to me, every face turned to mine like I had the spotlight trained on me.

  All eyes on me.

  It felt kind of like being a rock star.

  I heard the sounds of the parents thundering into the auditorium. The show was about to begin. "Okay, you're going to do great!" I called, leading them through one more cheer. Just like I'd done with my brothers night after night for years, I put my hand out and waited for them to put theirs in to. Only instead of three hands, thirty-three little hands covered mine this morning. "One, two, three..."

  "Sing!" they shouted in unison and barreled off to take their places.

  I stood in the wings before the curtain opened, more nervous for these little kids than I had ever been for myself. Some of the older ones, the nine and ten year olds, they were the age I was when I started playing. This could be the start for them, the little shove onto the path of music. It was exciting as hell because as weird as my life had been so far, it had also been incredible. And I had my brothers and best friends there living it with me.

  I looked out into the crowd and there they were in the front row. Claire waving to one of the kids. Beau looking thrilled and Finn looking confused as hell as to what he was doing here.

  I felt a rush of gratitude to Ruby for making me realize how important they were. I never should have thought I needed to go it alone.

  Then I saw Beau grab his cell phone and look at it, then rush off to take a call. I glowered for a second, but decided not to be pissed about it. The show was starting in five minutes, he had plenty of time to get to his seat.

  Then my own phone rang.

  Ruby raised her eyebrows at me as I looked down at the caller ID. Private caller. I looked back out into the auditorium and saw that Claire and Finn had left their seats. My mother and father were rushing out the door.

  "Something happened," I told Ruby and quickly pressed the answer button before they hung up. "Jonah King?" I answered.



  He went white.

  I had never seen anyone actually go white before. But all the color left his face in a rush as he listened to whoever it was on the other line.

  The high school orchestra, roped into service at the last minute by Principal Donovan calling in a favor, suddenly blared the opening bars of the overture. Jonah had transcribed Gid’s music into a full musical score, and the melody was so familiar now that it felt like part of my DNA. But it was so loud it drowned out Jonah's replies to whoever it was on the line. I heard, "yes." I heard, "How bad?" I heard, "fuck," and then he somehow got even whiter.

  Without thinking, I grabbed his arm and steered him away from the sounds of the orchestra and the combined blare of thirty-three kids shouting at the tops of their lungs. "Here," I said, as he still listened to the caller. "Sit down, okay? You look like you're going to pass out."

  "Okay," he said into his phone but allowed me to lead him over to the exit stairs. He sat down heavily. "Okay," he repeated and then let his hand fall, the phone tumbling out to bounce on the floor.

  "What happened?" I gasped. My heart was in my throat.

  "I have to go."

  "Okay of course, but what happened? And do you need me with you?

  His eyes were darting everywhere, panicked. "That was one of the PAs on set at Gabe's show. There's been an accident."

  My fingers leaped to my mouth. The blare of trumpets seemed to mirror the shock that ripped through me. Horrified, I opened my mouth and tried to force the words out. "And Gabe is?

  Jonah stood up, no longer frozen. "In the hospital. They don't know anything more." He looked at me. "
I have to go."

  "Of course you do."

  "You need to stay here, right? For the kids?"

  I looked down at my left hand. Then I lifted it and pressed it against his chest so that the ring glinted in the low light. I could feel his heart racing under my hand so I spoke as clearly and slowly as I could so he could hear me through his panic. "See this?" I said, pointing. "This means you don't do this alone. This means, I'm coming with you."

  He grabbed me in a sudden and fierce embrace. He let out a terrible sigh against my lips, but nodded. "Good," he finally said. "I need you."

  "Then let's go."

  Thank you for reading Sweet Crazy Song! I hope you loved Jonah and Ruby’s story. And if you’re wondering happened to Gabe, his angsty, sexy, and emotional story is next in LOST PERFECT KISS! Download it NOW >

  Want the story behind the story? Read the exclusive prequel novella, LOUD ROWDY HEARTS, to get a glimpse of the King Brothers when they were in the band…. and find out how it all fell apart. Click here to download >

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means whatsoever without express written permission from the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  The Hostage Bargain © 2013 by Annika Martin

  Taking a Chance on Love © 2018 by Iris Morland

  The Prince & The Player © 2016 by TLM Productions LLC

  Until I Fall © 2017 by Claudia Burgoa

  Charmed by the Bartender © 2017 by Piper Rayne

  Betting on You © 2016 by Jessie Evans

  A Kiss to Tell © 2018 by Willow Winters

  Cold Brew © 2017 by Amelia Wilde

  Legally Yours © 2017 Raglan Publishing

  Saved by the Mountain Man © 2018 by Adriana Anders

  Black Edge © 2018 by Charlotte Byrd

  Shameless © 2018 by Nana Malone and M. Malone

  Sweet Crazy Song © 2018 by Vivian Lux and Theresa Leigh




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