Tragic (Cherry Grove Book 1)

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Tragic (Cherry Grove Book 1) Page 21

by Cole Lepley

  Dylan swaggers out with that stupid grin on his face. “Right here, Mr. G.”

  “Do you know your lines?”

  He waves me off. “Of course. We’ve been working on this for weeks.” He leans into me. “I’m almost to the part where I get to kiss her. Not that I already haven’t or anything.”

  My nostrils flare, but I keep it in check. “All right, take your places.”

  Elliot enters the balcony and she takes my breath away. Her hair flowing down her shoulder, her dress is covering most of her body, but is fitted in all the right ways.

  I take a breath. “Okay, you can start from your last line Juliet.”

  She smiles, but not at me. “Romeo, lose your name. Trade in your name and take all of me in exchange.”

  Dylan moves forward, raising his hand up the tower. “I trust your words. Just call me your love, and I will take a new name. From now on I will never be Romeo again.” His deep monotone voice is already making me cringe.

  “Cut!” I yell. Dylan looks at me in confusion, and Elliot huffs a frustrated sigh. She wasn’t lying about him being shit.

  I walk up to stand next to Dylan and place my hand on his shoulder. “You are proclaiming your love to her.” I motion to Elliot. “This girl is your one true love. Forbidden to you by all accounts and yet you stand here and pledge your undying devotion. You sound like you are reading off the menu at Arbys.”

  A couple of snickers flow through the room and Dylan blushes. He tilts his head to me, lowering his voice. “Um, dude. I’m not good at this. I just wanted to be in a play with, Elle. You know what I mean?”

  I pat him on the back with a little more force than I intend to. “Yeah, I know what you mean.” I take a small lap around the stage, before moving back to Dylan. I place my hand on his shoulder. “Theater is about expressing emotions through words. You need the audience to feel what you’re saying.”

  He still has a dumb look on his face, so I try another approach.

  I motion to Elliot. “She’s a pretty girl, huh?”

  Dylan nods and gives Elliot a wink. “Like the hottest.”

  I can’t help but roll my eyes. “Okay, the hottest girl is in love with you and you love her. Now, can you prove that to the audience? Pretend it’s just you and her up there and no one else.”

  Dylan nods again, a little more appears to be sinking into that thick skull of his.

  “You think you can do that?”

  He smiles. “Yeah, I’ll give it a try.” He pops a mint into his mouth. “I get to kiss her soon.”

  I grit my teeth. “Okay, everyone! Places.”

  Dylan moves to stand at the base of the balcony, appearing more relaxed than before. He gives a thumbs up and closes his eyes for a moment. With one last deep breath, he finally speaks. “Oh, are you going to leave me so dissatisfied?”

  A coy smile crosses her lips as she leans over the balcony. “What satisfaction could you possibly have tonight?”

  He takes a step higher. “I would be satisfied if we made each other true promises of love.”

  Her chest begins to rise and fall faster, but her eyes remain locked on mine. “I pledged my love to you before you asked me to. Yet I wish I could take that promise back, so I had it to give again.”

  He reaches for her hand. “You would take it back? Why would you do that my love?”

  Elliot’s face falls, and she pulls back and plants her hands on her hips. “Is that better, Mr. Graham?”

  I smile. “Much.”

  Dylan grins. “See, angel. I can be super romantic for you.”

  Elliot smiles back at him, but it’s forced. I don’t know what exactly happened in the last few minutes to make her seem so upset, but I can see it in her eyes. Our situation isn’t easy no matter what environment we are in. We constantly have to be mindful of the way we interact with each other in public, and that’s hard. I knew it was going to be difficult, but I don’t think I realized how much it would affect her.

  In an attempt to make Elliot feel better, I decided to do something nice for her. Since we can’t even go to the movies or anything remotely normal, I found a way to get around that—with Oliver’s help of course.

  I’m just packing the last of my supplies in the back of my truck when I see Elliot walking out of the back door. She smiles when she sees me, and it penetrates straight through my chest. I don’t even wait until she’s all the way across the driveway before I pull her to my lips. She kisses me for a moment, and then all too soon, pulls back.

  “What are you up to?” she asks, still smiling.

  “It’s a surprise for you.”

  The way her eyes light up at my words already makes it the best night. I toss a few more heavy blankets into the back and motion to the passenger door. “Get in, baby. It’s almost dark enough.”

  She raises an eyebrow, but complies, practically skipping to the door. I follow behind and make sure she gets in okay and plant another kiss to her lips before closing the door for her. When I make my way around to the drivers’ side, she leans over and unlocks my door for me. I know it’s a small gesture, and probably one that many people do, but for some reason it makes me smile. Everyone can form their own opinions about Elliot, but what I see is a girl who cares about everyone. She’s kind and thoughtful and she does it so effortlessly some people may see it as a show, what I see—is a girl who just wants to be loved.

  I pull off onto a dirt road with the directions Ollie gave me in the back of my mind. It seemed simple enough, go past the bridge, turn on the dirt road right before the orchard. So far, so good. I see the old barn in the distance and there’s tracks through the worn grass where other people must come to hook-up. That’s not what this is about though. I want to show Elliot we can be like normal couples—just as long as nobody sees.

  When I put the truck in park, Elliot turns to me with a grin.

  “Oliver told you about this place?”

  I nod.

  She laughs. “It doesn’t seem like somewhere he would hang out.”

  “All Oliver said is this is the most romantic place he could think of. I didn’t ask for details.”

  She laughs again and we both move to get out of the truck. Elliot walks around outside, taking in all the trees with snow-covered branches hanging down around us. I’ll have to thank him again later. This place is pretty fucking amazing.

  Elliot continues toward the largest tree in the row and runs her hand along the bark. I watch her for a moment and then lower the tailgate to spread blankets across it for us to sit on. When I turn back, her hand pauses on one of the trees for a moment and then she turns back to me with a smile.

  “What?” I ask, when I see her expression.

  She shakes her head, still smiling. “Nothing.” She walks over and wraps her arms around my waist. “This is about us tonight.” She kisses my cheek. “What do you have planned?”

  I kiss her other cheek for good measure before placing a longer one on her lips. Placing my hands on her slender hips, I lift her to sit on the edge of the tailgate. “It’s a little colder than I thought so I brought extra blankets.”

  She gives a demure smile, trailing her fingertip down my arm. “I can think of a few ways we can keep warm.”

  The man part of my brain—my cock—agrees with her wholeheartedly, but the smaller, more rational one, wants this to be romantic—and maybe a little kinky too.

  I hoist myself up to sit beside her. After pulling her between my legs, I wrap a wool blanket around us. She snuggles into my chest as I reach in my pocket for the remote to the projector Oliver set up for us earlier. After a moment, the screen lights up on the old barn and the movie begins to play.

  She sighs happily. “You brought me to a drive-in.”

  I kiss her ear. “I know they’re your favorite.”

  She pushes back against me deeper and rests her head on my shoulder. I chose a movie that’s cheesy as fuck, but I know she loves it. Before the opening credits even begin to roll, she place
s her hands over mine as they are wrapped around her and whispers, “Even if this is the only date we ever go on, it will always be my favorite.”

  I lean down and kiss the side of her head. “Every moment I have with you is my favorite.”

  If anyone could hear us now, they would call us love-sick fools. But fuck em’. I love her and she loves me, and if I had to sit in arctic temperatures and watch Dirty Dancing off the side of an old barn every night for the rest of my life I would. I love her that much—and that’s all that matters.


  After School Special

  Dress rehearsal is only three days away and Elliot and I have been avoiding each other for most of the week. Well, she answers me if I ask her questions at school but that’s about it. Now’s not the time to bring any attention to ourselves and we’ve been extra careful not to.

  I watch Dylan stroll onto the stage with his shirt buttoned incorrectly. “How did people wear these clothes Mr. G?” He fumbles with the buttons once again. “They’re so not cool.”

  I shake my head. “Well, I’d bet if Shakespeare saw what you wear, he may have the same opinion.”

  “True that,” he says with a smirk.

  I walk to the center stage. “Okay, if everyone’s final fitting went well you are free to leave. If you still need some adjustments, see Darcy on your way out.”

  Most of the cast leaves quickly, throwing dresses and other random items Darcy’s way. Darcy rolls her eyes at me. She’s quiet, but I rather like her sarcasm. After a few minutes the chatter dies down, and it appears I’m the only one who remains. My eyes drift up on the alter, and I see someone still laying on it. I smile when Elliot’s delicate frame comes into view. Her arms are splayed out to her sides, her eyes closed.

  I take a few steps up so I am looking over her. “Rehearsal is over, Miss Monroe.”

  She peeks one eye open and then closes it again. “Well, Mr. Graham. If I had a decent acting partner, I wouldn’t be so nervous about this scene.”

  I laugh. “All you have to do is die. Romeo has most of the lines.”

  She sits up and glares at me. “Exactly. It’s a very pivotal scene where he professes his undying love for her. He actually dies for her. You can’t recite lines like that without emotion. It compromises the integrity of the whole play.”

  I run my hand along my jaw in amusement. “I didn’t realize theater meant so much to you.”

  Her eyes widen. “This is one of the most influential plays ever written. Love through generations is based on it. How could you not want it to be done properly?”

  I watch as she throws her dress over the alter and begins to jump off. I place my hand on her waist to stop her. “What if I ran the lines with you? Maybe it would make you feel better about it, even if Dylan does suck.”

  She remains skeptical for a moment while she dangles her legs over the edge. A smile crosses her face. “Did everyone leave already?”

  “I believe so.”

  She nods slowly. “Okay.”

  “Lay back like you were.”

  She hesitates but complies, resuming the position she was previously in.

  “Okay, now close your eyes.”

  Her eyes flutter closed, and I lean myself over the alter, speaking softly. “First, I need you to relax. A dead person, or someone pretending to be dead, can’t be so tense.”

  Elliot peeks an eye open and closes it again before taking another deep breath. “Is that better?”

  “Hmm, much.” I run my hand down the length of her arm, and she trembles. “The chemistry between the actors is very important. He comes to find that his one true love has taken her own life. The grief that he feels is overwhelming, it makes him desperate. Desperate to take her place. To be with her even in death.”

  Elliot’s chest rises and falls faster as I move my hand along her face. I feather my lips against hers as I speak without touching. “He knows her kiss is literally poisonous, but the madness of his heartache makes him reckless.”

  Her hand grip the bottom of my jacket, and I smile. “Dead people don’t move, Elliot.”

  She sighs, and I trail my free hand down her neck to the plunging collar of her dress. A quick breath escapes her lips as I slip my hand beneath the fabric. My lips are still just above hers, and I can feel her breathe into me as I begin to slowly palm her breast. She arches her back into my hand, and I gently push her back down.

  “I don’t remember this being part of the scene,” she breathes.

  I silence her with my mouth, running my tongue along her bottom lip. “Everyone improvises,” I say harshly.

  Her hand travels to my belt, and I stop her, placing my hand on top of hers. “No, baby. You don’t get to move right now.”

  “I can’t even touch you?”

  I shake my head slowly. “Not unless I say so.”

  She lets out a huff and bites her bottom lip. I press my finger to her lips. “Do you want me to kiss you here or…” My voice trails off as I run my finger down to the top of her dress pulling it down. “Or here?”

  Her breathing is reduced to short pants, but she doesn’t reply. “I’m waiting,” I say , twisting her nipple gently between my fingers.

  “There,” she whispers.

  Hungrily, I take her nipple in my mouth, grazing my teeth along the firm bud. She moans softly, writhing off the table. She doesn’t listen very well, and her hand travels inside of my pants and along the length of my bare skin. I bite down firmly in response and she lets out a startled moan. She liked it, but then again, she always likes to break the rules.

  Her hand stills, but she doesn’t pull it away. I bring my lips back to her ear. “What did I tell you about touching me?”

  She turns her head and catches my mouth, plunging her tongue inside. When she moans into my mouth, my plan goes out the window, and I climb fully on top of her. She presses her hips up to grind against mine, and I’m suddenly wishing these dresses didn’t have so much material.

  Slowly, I run my hand up her leg and up the center of her panties. “I would say you are more than ready, but…” I glance to the stage door. “I don’t think we should continue this here.”

  Elliot’s eyes darken with desire as she firmly grips my tie pulling me back to her. “Since when were you afraid of getting caught?”

  I lean forward and kiss her once before pulling back to calm my breathing. “Since the risk started to outweigh the reward.” I pull her dress back into place and kiss her forehead. “Losing you is a fate worse than death.”

  Her eyes gloss over as she holds my stare. She brings her hands up to grip the back of my neck. “That’s not going to happen.”

  “I know, baby.” I sit up and pull her with me, placing a kiss to the side of her head. “Let’s get you changed so we can go home.”

  She smiles as she hops down and hurries into the changing rooms. I take another lap around the stage when I hear the side door click. My heart lodges in my throat for a moment as I make my way over and open the door. I look both ways down the hall, and there is no trace of anyone. Maybe it shut all on its own?

  Elliot appears at my side dressed in a hoodie and jeans. She looks just as beautiful as she did in her gown. She could wear a brown paper sack and still outshine every girl in the room.

  “Ready?” she asks.

  “Yeah.” I shut off the last remaining light and place my hand on the small of her back guiding her out of the door.

  When we make it to the parking lot, we are the only two cars remaining. My heart rate begins to slow. We’ve been pushing our luck lately, and the last thing we need is a scandal right now.

  She leans in and kisses me quickly. “I’ll see you soon.”

  “Drive careful. I’ll be right behind you.”

  She waves me off with a wink, and I make my way to my truck. As I place the key in the ignition a strange feeling comes over me. Something doesn’t feel quite right. I shake out my hand and crank the engine just as she pulls out.

ride to her house is only about fifteen minutes but for some reason my heart pounds the entire time. When we pull into the driveway there’s an extra car there. Elliot exits her car first and is intercepted by Cameron.

  I run my hand roughly down my face. This can’t be good. Tentatively, I get out of my truck and walk toward them.

  “Well, well, Mr. Graham. It seems you’ve been offering some extra credit.” She cocks her head to the side and sneers at me.

  Elliot gives me an uneasy glance.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I say.

  Cameron laughs and flicks her hair over her shoulder, taking a step toward Elliot. “You don’t always get everything that you want. And this time, I’m going to make sure of it.”



  I cross my arms firmly over my chest and glare at my best friend. My best friend—yeah right. I should have seen this coming.

  “What do you want Cam?”

  She taps her finger against her lips and all I see is that horrible shade of nail polish she insists on wearing. “I want to be Juliet. It’s not fair I’m stuck being her fucking mother who has like four lines in the entire play.”

  I laugh. “Done. I don’t give a shit.”

  “Elle, do you really think it will be that easy?”

  My glare deepens, and Hunter’s hands circle my waist from behind me. Cameron flares her nostrils. “Don’t you even care about Judah?”

  “Why do you care so much? Judah’s a dick, remember?”

  Those words are actually hard to say considering how he’s been acting lately, but she doesn’t know that.

  “Not anymore. You’ve completely ruined him. He used to be this tough, no nonsense player and now he’s just a pussy-whipped puppy that falls at your feet every time you call.”

  Hunter gives my hip a squeeze, and I lean back into him. Even though I want to commit murder right now, just his presence is calming to me.


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