Filling In

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by Holly Ardent

  Filling In

  Older Woman/Younger Man Cheating Wife

  Main Street MILFs #2

  Holly Ardent

  Text copyright © 2015, Holly Ardent

  All Rights Reserved

  Find Holly's other stories on her Amazon Author Page:

  Holly Ardent's Amazon Author Page

  Steve knew he had to get his app out into more people's hands. After all, what good is an app to match potential employees with temporary jobs when only the people offering the jobs had copies of it.

  He clicked open his address book and tried to remember which of his friends had bitched about lousy jobs or not having enough money recently. There were quite a few names on the list when he finished.

  I'd better send individual emails to each, he thought. I don't want them to think it's spam and if I send a form email to twenty people at the same time, they'll think it is.

  Despite his intent to customize each email, they all ended up very similar.

  'Hey Bill:

  I know you were complaining about your job last time we talked. Twenty hours a week at a convenience store just isn't enough money. I made an app that might help and I'm attaching a coupon for a free download of it to this email. Essentially, it lets people who need some temporary help make a post looking for it and others to respond. I need to get it out to as many people as possible since it isn't much good if there's no-one applying for the jobs posted. It's already got quite a few people looking for workers with it, so give it a download and check it out. I'll attach a second coupon for a free download in case you know someone else who's looking.



  In this case he got a quick reply.


  I downloaded it and damned if there isn't someone looking for help within a couple miles of my house. Thanks man. I gave the second coupon to my brother Jerry. He just graduated high school and couldn't find a job to work at for the rest of the summer until he started college. Maybe he'll be able to pick up enough temp stuff to get him a little bankroll.


  This is great, Steve thought. I might not make much money giving away a bunch of freebies, but if it gets a few more reviews I bet the paid sales pick up a bunch.

  * * *

  Jerry opened up the app his brother had given him a coupon for.

  So this is supposed to help me get some cash, he thought. I hope it works because nothing else has been panning out.

  He searched for job listings by zip code and was surprised to find seven open listings with three more listed as 'filled' in his area.

  Maybe it will work. Bill said the app just came online a week or two ago and if it has this many listings already, I bet it gets more as the summer goes on.

  He started browsing through the listings, idly fingering the screen of his phone. When his fingertip dragged across the box marked 'special requests' on one of the ads, he found himself highlighting text that was the same color as the background.

  It read:

  'If you're young, healthy, and clean then there's more than just paid work I can offer.'

  and that was all.

  The hidden message he'd found intrigued him. He wondered exactly what it meant. He knew what he thought it meant, but the job listing was obviously posted by an older woman so he didn't think that his idea was correct.

  But if it is? A paying job and a playing job? With an older chick who probably has plenty of experience with sex? Damn that'd be nice.

  The lady who'd posted the job had given her full name and he knew she lived in or near town, so he went to Google images and plugged in her name and the town name. When the results came up, he sat back in his chair, staring in amazement.

  She's sure as hell hot enough. This says she's got a couple of kids, and from the size of those titties I can believe it. I wonder if it's really her. What the hell was the actual job request on that posting?

  Jerry went back to the ad and re-read it. She was looking for someone to help remodel her house. She was doing the remodel herself, but she needed someone for manual labor things. Moving furniture and other heavy objects, running errands, that sort of thing.

  Fifteen bucks an hour too, so even if the extra doesn't pay out I can probably make a few hundred bucks, Jerry thought.

  He typed in a reply to the ad. According to the help screens in the app, his reply would get directed to the person who created the listing. If they approved, then the job would gray out and list itself as potentially filled and the person who made the listing would receive his phone number and email address.

  It was less than thirty minutes later when his phone dinged to notify him of an incoming email. When he checked it, he found it was from Donna, the lady who'd placed the ad.


  I received your offer to accept my job. Everything you filled out on the app tells me you should be able to handle it. I'd like to meet you in person and if we get along at all, then the job is yours.


  After a few emails back and forth, he agreed to meet her at a small Italian restaurant for lunch the next day. He was worried about that for a moment, since he was broke, but when she closed her last email with:

  'It will be my treat since I assume money is tight for you and that's why you're looking for work.'

  He breathed a sigh of relief and told her that he'd be happy to meet her there at eleven forty-five the following day.

  * * *

  He gave some thought to the meeting when he woke the next morning.

  I want to look good, but it's a manual labor job so I shouldn't dress up or anything.

  He finally decided to wear his newest jeans and a clean t-shirt.

  Hell, if she doesn't like the way I dress, then to hell with it. There were other listings in that app that I can try for.

  He grimaced when he walked outside and mounted his bike.

  I couldn't afford to keep a car on the road even if I could pay for one. So I guess it's either pedal power or begging a ride from mom and I'm not about to ask for a ride. She'd want to know all the details and if this pans out, that's one thing she's not going to hear about.

  He left early so he could take his time and wouldn't be covered in sweat when he got there. After arriving at eleven-thirty, he waited in the parking lot. Sure enough, about ten minutes later, the lady he'd found pictures of online pulled into the parking lot and got out of her car.

  Looks like she's a few years older than in that picture. Her titties are smaller too, but still plenty big, just not as huge as they looked online.

  He spent a few moments fantasizing about what her tits would look like naked before she spotted him and walked over.

  “Are you Jerry?” she asked.

  Her words were sultry, but it sounded as though that was how she normally spoke, not like she was trying to make it that way just for him.

  He nodded, his in-the-gutter thoughts slowing his reply.

  “Yes, I am. You must be Donna?”

  She smiled.

  “Yes. Shall we go in and get a table?”

  “Sure, why not?” he finally said.

  He opened the door and held it for her as she entered, noting that her ass was just as attractive as her tits when she walked through the door he was holding for her.

  * * *

  They were seated at a corner booth, one that was slightly obscured from the rest of the restaurant. The waiter gave them several minutes to peruse their menus before returning for their order. After he took it, they chatted.

  “So,” Donna said, “you're obviously in good enough shape to take care of what I need. I can tell that just from looking at you. So tell me a little bit about yourself and why you want this job.”

  “I'm going to colleg
e in the fall,” Jerry replied. “But I haven't been able to find a job to try to build up some cash. The only job openings I found require special training, which they won't give for just three months work, or consist of flipping burgers and asking if people want fries with that.”

  “Not what you were looking for?” she asked.

  “I'd love one of the first ones I mentioned, but I'm not desperate enough to work fast food, especially if I can find some other way to earn money. So when I got a copy of the Quick Work app and found a bunch of local listings, I picked one and replied.”

  “And that one happened to be mine? Any particular reason you picked mine over the others?”

  Jerry had his phone out and the Quick Work app opened. He pulled up Donna's listing and highlighted the text he'd discovered earlier.

  “Would you excuse me for a minute?” he asked.

  He set his phone on the table, the text still highlighted, and went to the restroom. When he returned, his phone was right where he'd left it.

  Wait though, is her shirt unbuttoned a couple more buttons? I don't think I could see her bra before, but I can see the edges of it now. Jesus she's got some fine cleavage.

  Donna's finger ran through the hollow of her throat, tapped it a couple of times until she was sure he was looking at it, then trailed down into the valley of soft, creamy flesh between her breasts

  “So, you caught my extra message in there?” she said.

  Jerry cleared his throat and tried to reply. When the only thing that came out was a croak, he gave in and nodded instead.

  “What did you think I meant by it?” she asked.

  He took a sip of water and paused for a moment, collecting his thoughts.

  “I didn't know. I know what it suggested to me, but I'm pretty sure that's not what you meant.”

  Her finger tugged at her shirt for a moment before she drew it out of her cleavage. She set her elbow on the table and leaned forward, resting the side of her face in her palm.

  “I wouldn't be too sure about that,” she said. “I did, after all, target the message towards young men. I used to know how they thought and I doubt it's changed all that much since then.”

  His jaw dropped open slightly as her new pose offered him a peek even further down her shirt. He took a breath to respond, but the waiter arrived with their food before he managed to say anything.

  Donna winked at him while the waiter was turned away from her. Then she straightened back up and picked up her fork.

  “Shall we eat?” she asked when the waiter had left.

  She proceeded to start in on her lunch, leaving Jerry alternately staring at his food and the edge of her bra where it peeked out from the unbuttoned section of her shirt.

  * * *

  After they'd eaten and Donna ordered another cup of coffee, she caught Jerry's eyes.

  “You're a bright boy, you wouldn't have noticed my addition to the listing if you weren't. So, are you still interested, knowing what I meant by that?”

  Jerry nodded before realizing that might not be sufficient acknowledgment.

  “Yes, I am. Even more so than I was before.”

  Donna smiled at him, differently than she had before, and he felt his cock stirring.

  “Well then, here's my address. Be there tomorrow at ten in the morning and we'll get started.”

  She handed him a sheet of paper.

  “I'll see you tomorrow morning then?” she said.

  He nodded again, then sighed when she turned to leave.

  Great job idiot, he thought. She's going to think you're mute or something. Try words, they're a better way to communicate than nodding.

  He shook his head in wonderment that he'd managed to make a good enough impression that she wanted to hire him anyway. The thought that he'd been right about what she meant by her hidden message haunted the back of his brain. He was already beginning to doubt that he'd understood her correctly.

  After all, she never did come right out and say what she meant. She just made allusions to it. Why the hell would she want someone like me in that way? The way she looks, she could have any guy she wanted just by crooking her finger.

  He left the restaurant and headed home. That night, his cock was raw from masturbating to fantasies of Donna before he finally managed to get to sleep.

  * * *

  Jerry woke late the following morning and started getting ready as soon as he woke up.

  Shit, it's nine o'clock already and she wants me there at ten. How long is it going to take me to get there on my bike?

  He ended up grabbing breakfast to go and eating it as he rode to Donna's place. He managed to get there five minutes early and breathed a sigh of relief.

  That would've been a great way to start off, he thought sarcastically. Show up late for the first day you're working with her. You almost blew it idiot, at least you did make it on time, even if you're sweating a little.

  When he stepped into the house after she'd opened the door, he realized the sweat wouldn't be an issue. The air conditioning was running full blast inside the house and it was very cool. So cool that he knew Donna wasn't wearing anything under the colorful t-shirt she had on. Her nipples were tenting the fabric, hard from the cool air inside the house.

  “Hi,” she said. “Glad you could make it. Come on in and I'll show you what we'll be doing today.”

  He stepped into the house and shivered slightly. Donna noticed and nodded to him.

  “Yeah, it's a little chilly in here right now. We'll have to turn the air conditioning off later on while we're working so I figured I'd pre-cool the house for when we can't use it. It gets intolerably hot in here when the AC is off.”

  “Oh, well, that's fine. I was just a bit warm from my ride over here. I'm pretty sure that won't last long.”

  “Well, I've got to shut it off now. With everything we'll be doing I don't want all the little bits of dust and other debris getting into the system. So I'll shut it down and tape over the vents in the rooms we're working in until we get a chance to clean them up some.”

  She went over to a control panel and adjusted it. In a few moments Jerry noticed the cool breeze he'd felt stop and the house got quieter.

  “You're the only one here?” he asked.

  “Yes, the twins are at college, they took an apartment near the campus so they wouldn't have to come home for the summer. My husband, the louse, is on a business trip.”

  Her eyes flashed angrily for a moment.

  “I'm pretty sure he scheduled it when he did just so he wouldn't be here while I remodeled. So you'll be filling in for him. I hope you don't mind.”

  When her eyes flashed this time, it wasn't with anger, and once again Jerry felt his cock stir.

  “Um... No, I don't mind at all.”

  “Good. I'll be sure to make it worth your while,” she said.

  Jerry wasn't sure, but he thought her nipples had gotten harder and were poking through the fabric even more than they had been. He gulped.

  Jesus, I hope I know what I'm doing here. Who am I kidding? The problem is that I don't know what I'm doing. I mean yeah, I've read about it, watched it in porn, but done it? If I'm right about what she wants, I sure hope she doesn't mind me not having any experience.

  “We're going to start up here. Come with me,” she said.

  He followed her up the stairs and into a room.

  “You can start by moving all the furniture in here into the room across the hall.”

  * * *

  Several hours later it had gotten hot in the house, just as Donna had said it would.

  “Sorry we're breaking for lunch so late, but I wanted to finish that section first,” she said.

  Jerry didn't say anything, he just wiped the sweat from his forehead.

  “We'll eat out back,” she continued. “It's nice and secluded there. You go ahead, use the back door in the kitchen. I'll grab the lunch I made for us and bring it out there.”

  He was loathe to leave her since sh
e was sweating just as much as he was and her t-shirt was clinging to her body, showing every curve of her breasts, even if he couldn't see the actual flesh. But he followed her downstairs and then went out the door she indicated. Once out back, he realized that the day itself was hot, the heat wasn't just inside the house. He took a chair in the shade and, when he was still too warm, stripped off his shirt before finally feeling like he was starting to cool off.

  Donna came out with a basket that she unpacked onto the table in front of him. Then she collapsed in a chair, fanning herself.

  “I think you've got the right idea there,” she said.

  He watched in disbelief as she reached for the lower edge of her shirt and pulled it up and over her head, leaving her magnificent breasts hanging in the open air. His eyes locked onto them and he couldn't tear his gaze away.

  After a few moments Donna cleared her throat.

  “As much as I love the effect I'm having on you, we should probably eat our lunch,” she said.

  Jerry tore his gaze off of her chest and discovered that he was having a hard time looking anywhere else.

  Donna chuckled throatily.

  “Eat your lunch. We'll take a break after that. Before we get back to work I'll lay down to sunbathe some and you can stare all you want. Be careful though, you'll be catching flies if you leave your mouth open like that.”

  He snapped his mouth shut. Until that moment he hadn't even realized that it was hanging open. After he took a drink and a sandwich, he closed his eyes so he could focus on eating.

  Because if I leave them open, I know I'm going to keep staring, he thought.

  Donna was done eating long before he was. She moved around behind him to where a lawn chair sat in the sun. He heard her moving around a bit before everything went quiet behind him.

  I'm not going to look until I'm done eating because once I do, I'm not going to want to stop.

  When he finally finished, he turned around. He didn't quite complete the turn, freezing when he caught sight of Donna. She was lying on a lawn chair in dappled sunlight, completely nude. Her clothes lay in a pile on the ground beside her.


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