His Prize: An Arranged Dark Mafia Romance (Cruel King Book 3)

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His Prize: An Arranged Dark Mafia Romance (Cruel King Book 3) Page 8

by Callie Vincent

  She gazed up at me. “I figured you were going to tell me that you couldn't risk your job and your family’s fortune.”

  “You thought I was going to end things with you because of what my father’s trying to do to us.”

  “And my uncle.”

  I nodded. “And your uncle.”

  She shrugged. “Other men would’ve left for less.”

  “Other men would’ve executed you on the spot over your original plan, but I didn’t do that. Did I?”

  She blinked. “No, you didn’t.”

  “Then, stop assuming I’m one kind of man and start judging me by my actions. Because I swear, Bonnie, every time I make a move? You remind me why I don’t pour my energy into people anymore.”

  “Wait. What?”

  I turned to face the car. “Every time I try to do something for you, the look of shock on your face makes me sick. It’s like you never expected something like that from me, which gives me the assumption that you really do think I’m the kind of man everyone else thinks I am.”

  “Israel, that isn’t—”

  I waved my hand at her. “Get in the car. I’m going to take us to the best hotel this city has to offer. We can set up camp there until we figure out our next move.”

  “Israel, look at me.”

  I peered over my shoulder and stole a glance at the fading bruises on her face. “What?” I asked.

  She limped up to me on her cane. “You could shack us up in the most rundown motel in this entire fucking state, and it would still be the only place I’d want to be. It’s not about the money, Israel. It’s never been about the money, or the power, or what you can buy for me. Got it?”

  Her words made my heart stop in my chest. “Got it.”

  She patted my back. “Good. Now, let’s get a move on. I haven't eaten all day, and I’m starving.”

  I grinned as I watched her lumber around to the other side of the car. Then, the two of us sank inside together. I cranked up the engine and tore out of the driveway, making sure to leave tire marks on the pristine concrete driveway. Fuck my father’s waterfront homes. I could have a much better view of the water in the penthouse of the hotel two miles down the road. Plus, we wouldn't have to put up with my father’s manipulative bullshit—until he came up with his next plan, at least.

  Don't make me kill you, Dad. Don’t force that decision on me.

  But I had a grave feeling that it might come down to that. And as I looked over at Bonnie, watching her watch the world pass by, a voice sounded in my head.

  I’d pick her.

  I’d pick Bonnie over my entire damn family any day of the week.



  “Where are we?” I asked.

  Israel parked the car. “This hotel has the finest penthouse in the state, as far as I’m concerned. We’ll be safe here, and we won’t lose an ounce of the luxury we’re used—”

  A knock came at Israel’s window, and my blood boiled with anger at the sight of who dared to interrupt us. He slowly looked over at me with frustration behind his eyes, and I knew we wouldn't be able to find a way out of this encounter.

  “Might as well roll down the window for him,” I said.

  Israel sighed. “I’ll bet you five hundred he’s here on Dad’s behalf.”

  I pointed at him. “I’ll take you up on that bet.”

  Then, Israel rolled down the window for his brother.

  “What’s shakin’, bacon?” Gio asked.

  Israel sighed. “What do you want, man?”

  I shook my head. “Can’t you just leave us alone?”

  Gio chuckled. “Well, before you shoo me away, you might want to see this.”

  He tossed something into Israel’s lap, and it didn't take me long to figure out what it was.

  “You’re kidding,” I said.

  Israel picked up the keycards. “These are the—”

  Gio nodded. “Yep, yep. They are. Those are the access cards to the penthouse of the hotel. Booked out for the next month, unfortunately.”

  Israel started trembling. “What do you want?”

  I pointed at him. “I won’t let you mess with us like this. There are plenty of other hotels we can go to that have penthouse suites for us to use.”

  Gio grinned. “Are you sure about that?”

  One by one, Israel’s brother started unloading his pockets. And with every keycard he dropped into Israel’s lap, my face grew pale. Keycard after keycard, from every hotel in the city. No doubt, booking out the penthouse suites this town had to offer.

  “What do you want, Gio?” Israel asked curtly.

  I shook my head. “Doesn’t matter. We’ll just book a standard room. I’m sure we won’t be there long, anyway.”

  Gio’s eyebrows rose. “Without any sort of security? Seems like too great of a risk for me.”

  Israel growled. “You better watch your threats, brother.”

  Gio held up his hands. “Not a threat, just an observation. You two are sinking ships right now, and you know a regular room isn’t going to protect you from what Dad has coming.”

  I hissed at him. “And how would you know anything about that?”

  Gio shook his head. “I didn’t come here to argue with you. What I came to do was offer a peace offering.”

  Israel leaned back. “Oh, this should be good.”

  Gio pointed to the keycards. “Pick whichever penthouse you want to stay in. I’ve booked all of them in the city. The second Dad told me of his plan to lock you guys out of that house, I had a feeling it would come to this.”

  I clicked my tongue. “Spit it out, Giovanni.”

  He sighed. “Very well. I want to cover whatever stay you guys need in one of these places. Think of it as my way of trying to make amends for what I’ve done.”

  Israel blinked. “You’re joking.”

  Gio shook his head. “I’m really not. The first month is on me, no strings attached.”

  Israel slowly looked over at me, and I saw his brother already had him on the hook. I wasn’t so convinced, though. I mean, we were talking about the same man who—not two weeks ago—tried to end our marriage by painting me to be a cheating liar! How in the world did Israel expect me to forgive this man just because he wanted to swindle us into taking his offer by booking every nice room in the city?

  “You’re going to have to do better than that,” I said.

  Then, Gio’s eyes met mine. “I’m sorry, Bonnie. Truly, I am. What I tried to do to you was wrong and conniving, and I should have had the balls to stand up to Dad when he asked me to do it.”

  Israel pierced him with a glare. “That shit you pulled was all Dad’s idea?”

  Gio nodded. “Every bit of it.”

  I needed to accept his apology, but I wasn’t ready to forgive him just yet. We didn’t have any way of proving that he was telling the truth, and it wasn’t as if I trusted the man. My hope was that Israel didn’t fall for it so easily, though.

  I needed him in my corner with this.

  “You know Dad’s wrath is going to fall on your shoulders if he finds out you’re helping us, Gio.”

  I snickered. “Israel, you can’t be serious right now.”

  Gio shrugged. “I suppose worse has happened.”

  Israel looked down at his lap full of keycards. He shuffled through them until he found the one that matched this hotel, then he handed the rest back to Gio. Without a word, he got out of the car. So, I followed his lead. I opened my door and clamored out, quickly walking around to take up my place beside Israel.

  “Fancy a drink at the minibar, Gio?” he asked.

  I rolled my eyes. “Wonderful.”

  Gio smiled. “Don’t mind if I do. I’ll make us all a nice, stiff drink.”

  We headed into the hotel and up to the penthouse without bothering to stop at the front desk. I didn’t know what kind of twilight zone I had stepped into, but I didn’t like this one bit. Something smelled fishy. Something didn’t sit ri
ght with me.

  So, when we stepped into the elevator, the questions started flying. “How did you book every penthouse so quickly?” I asked.

  Gio chuckled. “You give any hotel in this city our last name and they automatically assign those kinds of rooms to us.”

  Israel nodded. “Isn’t that the truth.”

  I snickered. “Uh-huh. And, how did you know we’d be at this exact hotel?”

  Israel furrowed his brow. “That’s a good question, actually.”

  Gio shrugged. “Israel’s easy to predict. It’s one of the things Dad and I can track about him, to a tee. I knew he’d want to come here because it’s the best this area has to offer. And since he’s obviously falling in love with you—”

  “Can it,” Israel said curtly.

  I cocked my head. “He’s what?”

  Israel pinned me with a glare. “I said, new topic.”

  I looked over at Gio, and he gave me a knowing grin. But, I didn’t get to revel in the moment for very long. The second the elevator doors opened, it poured us into the living room of the penthouse suite. And even I had to take a moment to ogle at its beauty.

  “Wow,” I whispered.

  Gio nodded. “And I have to admit, my brother’s always had good taste.”

  Israel hung up his coat. “Damn right, I do. Now, get to making those drinks. I’ll order us something for dinner from the kitchen.”

  I scoffed. “We’re feeding the stray, too?”

  Gio barked with laughter. “Oh, Bonnie. You never cease to make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.”

  I didn’t like how Israel chuckled at his comment. Hell, I didn’t like how this man had navigated his way up to this penthouse with us in the first damn place. But apparently, how I felt didn’t matter in this situation.

  “So! Israel.”


  “When are you going to marry that diamond woman or whatever?”

  The entire room fell silent as I slowly looked over at Israel. “What?” I asked.

  Gio finished pouring his drink. “I mean, Bonnie here could be your mistress, and no one would be any the wiser. You’d make Dad happy, and you’d continue to have what makes you happy. Win-win, all around.”

  I snickered. “All around? And what about me?”

  Gio threw back his drink. “Hey, you’d still get Israel out of the deal.”

  Israel’s hardened voice rose from the kitchen. “If you utter one more word about that disgusting woman, I’ll throw you out the window myself.”

  Gio paused. “Wait, so you don’t want to marry Alice?”

  Israel’s voice boomed from the kitchen. “I’ve been working hard to keep that bitch from sinking her talons into me and my life. I’d appreciate it if you didn’t try to help with the situation.”

  I nodded. “I would, too.”

  Gio snickered. “My apologies, then. I didn’t realize my brother had planned on openly defying Dad on this one.”

  Israel stormed into the room. “You can either shut your fucking mouth on the topic or get the hell out of here.”

  Gio turned to face him. “Are you really willing to give up everything to be with Bonnie, though?”

  I blinked. “Give up everything?”

  When the room fell silent again, the pieces fell into place. That’s what this was all about. This crap with this woman who was his ex. His father was pressuring him into this and holding his future over his head as manipulative collateral. The thought made me sick. The idea of the man I loved losing everything because of me made my heart break. And for the first time since openly defying my uncle, I didn’t know where to step next.

  I wanted what was best for Israel. But, I also wanted him in my life. I needed to do what was best for the man I loved, but what if that meant losing him? What if that meant walking away from him for good? Could I really do that?

  I mean, I’d be happy as a poor no one, so long as I had Israel at my side. But, was he the same way? Could he be happy with a life full of nothing?

  Is anything in my life ever going to play in my favor?



  I buried myself in work at my uncle’s office as I scribbled across open documents and took notes in the margins.

  I had so much catching up to do that it was sickening. But, more than that, it was nice to be out of that penthouse for once. I needed to get this office moved, though. Every time I stepped foot onto my uncle’s estate, I risked bodily harm. Or worse. However, with things in such upheaval right now, I had nowhere to set up shop. Israel and I had been bouncing around so much and tiptoeing around one another so often that we hadn’t even thought about what comes after the hotel suite, much less where I was going to move my office.

  But a knock at the study door pulled me from my thoughts. “Come in,” I called out.

  I didn’t look up when the door opened, but the smell of Chanel No. 5 raised my head. And when my eyes locked with Alice’s, I set down my pen.

  “Ah. Miss Esposito. Take a seat,” I said.

  I held out my arm for her, and she sat in the chair in front of my desk. I didn’t like the look behind her eyes, though. I didn’t like the way she sauntered in and swayed those hips of hers before taking a seat on the very edge of the seat. As if the leather lounger was too grimy for her precious little ass to sit against.

  “I’ll cut to the chase so we can both save ourselves some time today, Miss Moretti.”

  I nodded. “Go right ahead.”

  Alice smiled. “I want to strike a deal.”

  I shrugged. “And what is this deal?”

  “My family would like to issue you a loan. From the Espositos to the Morettis. It will allow you to purchase all of your uncle’s businesses and claim them as your own, which will further cement the position you’ve taken with your family.”

  “Uh-huh. And what do you want in return?” I already knew the answer before it flew out of her mouth, though.

  “Israel,” she said plainly.

  I jammed my tongue into my cheek. “Well, that’s quite a proposal in order to get your hands on one man.”

  “What can I say? I’m in love.”

  “Uh-huh. Like you were in love the first time around when you didn’t give him your real name?”

  “I’m sure you don’t really have room to speak on the matter.”

  I nodded. “Actually, I do. Because I told him who I was. I didn’t walk away from him or abandon him in his time of need. You know, like you did.”

  Her back stiffened. “You have my offer. Now, what is your answer?”

  I smiled. “My answer is for you to leave Israel alone from here on out because if you so much as try to come in between the man I love again and me, I’ll have you slaughtered.”

  “Strong words coming from a woman he doesn’t love.”

  “And what makes you think that?”

  Her eyes narrowed. “My sources tell me that.”

  I shrugged. “Get better sources.”

  She stood to her feet. “That man will never marry you. He’ll never love a woman like you.”

  “And yet, he’ll still marry me. I’ll make sure to send you an invitation to the wedding, all right?”

  “I’ll give you one last chance to reconsider my proposal.”

  “Don’t worry. I have no intention of taking you up on it. You can see yourself out the way you came, thank you.”

  I picked up my pen and let my eyes fall back to the paperwork in front of me. I couldn't force Israel to love me, or even marry me, but I didn’t care at that moment. The only thing I cared about was making sure I laid down the ground rules for what might happen to this woman if she continued to pursue this line of flirtatious advances with my Israel.

  “You leave me no choice, then. I’ll just have to pull out the big guns,” Alice said.

  I didn’t bother looking at her. “Do you really think Israel will choose you when all is said and done? When he realizes you’ve bet against him and manipulated h
im into a situation he doesn’t want to be in?”

  When she didn’t respond to my question, I slowly looked up at her.

  “I mean, think about it. Be rational for a second. Israel is a powerful man, and he answers to no one but himself. You’re his ex. A woman who broke his heart. A woman who turned your back on him when he proposed and never once told him who you really were. Do you really think Israel is going to compromise everything he prides in himself just to marry someone like you?”

  Alice blinked at me as I drew in a silent breath.

  “After all of this manipulation and after playing behind his back and after orchestrating all of this, do you really think Israel would actually choose you once he figured out the lengths you’ve gone to in order to buy him? Like he’s for sale?”

  Her eyes darkened. “I think a man will do anything he can when faced with having it all or losing it.” Then, she ripped open the study door and marched out into the foyer.

  Her words hung in my mind, though. Just like they haunted me yesterday in the penthouse with Israel and Gio, they haunted me now. In the end, I couldn't force Israel to love me, or marry me, or do anything with me. Eventually, though, he’d have to make a choice: marry Alice and keep his station in life, or not marry Alice and lose everything. And I wasn’t sure I wanted to force that decision on him. I wasn’t sure I wanted to have any part in influencing a wonderful man’s life in that manner.

  Maybe Israel and I were destined to be rivals for the rest of our days. Maybe Israel and I were simply a means to a different ending than we each saw for ourselves.

  Whatever the purpose for all of this, I knew one thing for certain. One thing that would stick with me no matter who Israel chose. If he went with Alice, I’d be alone for the rest of my life. For there would be no other man I’d love the way I loved Israel. I just didn’t know if he felt the same way about me. Or, if he ever could.

  And that was the real kicker that kept my mind wandering for the rest of my workday.




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