Lucky Seven

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Lucky Seven Page 7

by Elle M Thomas

  Tasha laughed back at him. “No, James, I haven’t come at all. That is why I am on fire.”

  He laughed a loud, hearty laugh now. “I like you, Tasha, and I really like your ass, spanked or not.”

  “Do you want your wine?” She reached out towards her own glass.

  “No. I’ve had enough and so have you.” He was already putting her glass back on the table.

  Sighing inwardly, Tasha thought again how domineering he would be long term.

  “So, are you coming to L.A. with me tomorrow?”

  “I don’t know. I’m still thinking about it.”

  “What’s to think about?”

  “You could stay in New York,” she suggested, ignoring his question that she had no real answer for.

  “I can’t, unfortunately. I have work. So, you’ll have to come with me.” His words were spoken with resolve and confidence and were followed by a series of tiny, delicate kisses to her neck.

  “I promise to think about it.”

  He said no more about L.A. and quickly changed topic. “So what about being lucky seven? You said we could talk about it later.”

  Why had she said that? She’d thought it was stupid at the time and was more convinced of that now. There had never really been any doubt that he wouldn’t pursue it, not after her offer to talk about it later and that was exactly where they were now. Later.

  “I know what I said, but I can’t marry you, James. I don’t know you, not really. I don’t love you and I’m not ready for marriage.”

  There was a pause. Concern washed over Tasha as she wondered if things between them were going to take a sudden and unexpected turn. An unpleasant one. She hoped not, but her words hadn’t been intended to be anything other than firm and honest.

  “You can’t blame a guy for trying. I would take real good care of you, baby. You would want for nothing. I’d even consider working regular hours if I knew you were waiting at home for me.”

  She laughed gently, relieved that there was no unease settling between them. Squeezing his legs she was lying between she disputed his final comment. “But I wouldn’t be there waiting. I’d be off on set, being a Hollywood superstar,” she joked.

  “Or not,” he said, serious again.

  She turned her head to look at him and smiled a broad and full smile. “Which is why I would be a very bad wife for you, Jim, because I would be away on set, working. There could be young, attractive co-stars and nude scenes, sex scenes...”

  “Jeez, stop! Okay, no lucky seven right now, but you’ll come to L.A. with me.” He sounded slightly fraught and antsy. “Shall we go to bed?”

  “I’m not tired.”

  “I didn’t ask if you were tired, baby.” He let out a small growl that was accompanied by a nip to her ear.

  “We could stay here.” She turned on her side to look up at him.

  “Or we could go to bed,” he said with a cocky grin that said he knew they were going to bed. Tasha got to her feet, confirming that.

  “You go first. I put your new lingerie in the top drawer and I bought some suitable nightwear for you,” he said, leaving Tasha wondering what suitable nightwear might look like.

  Opening the drawer she’d been directed to, Tasha found four more sets of underwear, as brief as the one she’d worn that day. There were also four nighties; sheer, satin, full length chemises with matching robes. She pulled out the top set in white. She took it into the bathroom with her and after washing, brushing her teeth and hair she dressed. Tasha looked at her reflection and was shocked to find the fabric she wore was so sheer it was transparent. She could see everything beneath it. Her breasts were clearly visible, as was the small triangle of dark hair between her legs. She bit her lip nervously as she considered changing into a darker coloured one.

  “Tasha, are you done in the bathroom?”

  “Yeah, I’ll be out in a second.” Her chance to change had passed so she quickly put on the robe and tied it around herself, tightly, hoping to conceal the amount of flesh on show.

  Opening the bathroom door to find Jim leaning against the door frame made her smile.

  “I’m glad you went with the white one. I like white, it’s pure.” He paused to land a single, gentle kiss to her lips. “Don’t get into bed until I come back out, okay?”

  She nodded, despite the fact that she really would have preferred to crawl into bed and hide some of her modesty. The fact that she was actually dressed but could be seen bare made her feel even more vulnerable and under scrutiny than if she’d been completely naked. Once Jim was in the bathroom Tasha stood for a second and wondered what to do now. She couldn’t get into bed and there wasn’t much else she could do whilst waiting for him to return. Looking out of the large floor to ceiling bedroom window she heard the bathroom door open behind her. Standing still she waited and was rewarded when Jim wrapped his arms around her waist and his lips grazed her neck and shoulders.

  “You like a picture window, don’t you?”

  “As do you.”

  “Yeah. My personal favourite was the one in the meeting room yesterday. When I walked in and was faced with the full length of your legs and this sexy ass.” He moved his hands to caress her bottom. “Still warm, honey.”

  “Hmmm. Could you actually see my arse when I bent down yesterday?” She was curious, wondering if her clothes selection had been totally inappropriate.

  Tasha shook her head slightly that her thoughts were preoccupied by her outfit from the previous day and whether it had given off some kind of green light for Jim to see her as available and willing for a weekend of no strings sex. A sense of unease washed over her then, partly because she didn’t want to be viewed in that way, as cheap and easy, but also because the idea of a weekend of no strings sex, as amazing as it had been so far, was beginning to lose its attraction.

  “No, just your beautiful legs, but your ass was still covered by your dress, just.” He laughed, still rubbing her bottom.

  Turning to face him she found him standing completely naked and totally at ease with that. She smiled. He really was a very attractive man. She liked him, a lot, but they were too different and although she loved his bossy ways, she knew herself well enough to know that eventually—probably sooner rather than later—she’d kick back against it, but for now she was happy.

  “You like?” Jim asked as Tasha’s hands began to roam his chest and shoulders.

  “Very much.”

  “Good.” His single word response was accompanied by a dark gaze that had fixed on her eyes and was now boring through to her very soul, or at least that’s how it felt to her.

  She stepped closer, burying her face in his chest, removing the intensity of being under his gaze and began to trace kisses across his chest and torso, but as she attempted to travel lower he pulled her back to her feet.

  “No, not now. Take off the robe.” He was already moving to sit on the bed before his command had been finished.

  With the belt untied and a loosening of the arms, the robe fell to the floor.

  “I can see all of you, Tasha,” he purred as he moved back towards her. They were almost toe to toe when he traced his fingers down her throat and across her breasts, gently, fleetingly. “I can see these.” He continued down her body, settling at the dark triangle of hair that barely covered her sex and stroked it, his touch still gentle. “And this,” he growled as he tugged the hair lightly through the sheer fabric that covered it. He then rounded his hands across her bottom. “And still warm, baby, such sensitive skin. Turn around,” he ordered. “Bend over.”

  She did as he told her and smiled with something akin to pride as he growled again at what he saw once the nightie had been lifted.

  “I really do love your ass, pink and warm.” He stepped closer still. She could feel and sense his increasingly close proximity before he grabbed her hips to rub his groin against her bottom.

  “I can’t wait to get you to L.A.” he said as if it was a foregone conclusion.

bsp; “I haven’t decided yet.” Her protest was weak, they both knew that, but it was still a protest, although she didn’t imagine not going with him if that’s what he wanted.

  “I have. You’ll be coming to L.A. I think we both know that.”

  He was right, she’d acknowledged that, if only to herself and yet she wasn’t ready to concede it.

  “But—” One word was as much as she managed to say before she felt the increasingly familiar burn of her skin heating beneath Jim’s hand. It was slightly harder than the others she’d had and stung immediately, but still a serious turn on. She groaned loudly and pushed back against him, somehow asking for more.

  Jim held her hips firmly, pulling them so that his erection was obvious as it pressed and pulsed against her. “Do you actually want to be able to sit down on the plane tomorrow?”

  “Yes,” she replied.

  Apparently she was ready to concede a little.

  Moving back to the bed he called to her, patting his lap. “Come here. Wrap your legs around me and maybe take some control of the mouth, baby.”

  She did exactly as he told her to and allowed him to hold her tightly around the waist.

  “You are a very beautiful, but rather defiant.” He now wore a very serious expression as he seemed to consider his next move. “Now, you need to remember that I am not your Daddy wrapped around your finger, nor a love sick teenager who is just grateful to have this.” He tugged at the triangle of hair through her nightie a little more firmly than before. “I was very impressed with you tonight. You didn’t allow yourself to come and you wanted to, didn’t you?”

  Tasha nodded, confused by this new, darker, maybe even dangerous turn of events.

  “Answer me.”

  “Yes.” She was unable to break away from his gaze.

  “Yes what?” He tugged her delicate hair again.

  “Yes, James.”

  “Good girl. Now I have a problem because I had decided that I was going to make love to you tonight, over and over, gentle and sensual, but that smart mouth makes me want to torment you all night. What do you think I should do with you?” A small smile lit up his face.

  She knew he wanted her to answer and if he had to prompt her to do it would be a sore behind and a night of torment, of that she was sure.

  “I know what I want you to do,” she said meekly.

  “What, honey?” He almost gently encouraged.

  “I want you to make love to me. I want you. I need you, James, really I do,” she pleaded, feeling incredibly turned on again by this mature, fit, dominant man.

  Maybe she could forget a career and shop all day and screw all night as lucky number seven. Nobody had made her feel like he did; vulnerable and yet empowered.

  He frowned. “But if we make love you won’t ever learn to control that mouth. I think some more restraint is required.”

  The temptation was to plead and beg, yet Tasha knew that would be futile and she really, really wanted to explore whatever this was that she was doing with James, all of it, but was unsure just how long she could carry on without some kind of gratification.

  Seeming to sense her need for reassurance, Jim brushed the hair off her face and gently nuzzled her neck then her ear where he spoke to her in a series of soft whispered words. “I promise you that when you come, baby, it will blow your mind. Trust me?” He seemed to ask and implore and she did, totally, which scared and surprised her in equal parts.

  Chapter 5

  Tasha was woken several times in the night by James’ hands, tongue, everything really, but he had still insisted on leaving her frustrated and hungrier than ever for him and he knew it. As her eyes flicked open, she decided she needed James or Jim, whoever he was and rolled over towards him. In there lay her first problem. She couldn’t roll over. It took a few seconds to realise she was immobile, not that she understood why. Lifting her head, Tasha looked around; no James, but more than that he had tied her to the bed. Both legs were fixed in place, but only one arm.

  She called to him several times using a variety of James and Jims, but received no reply or acknowledgement.

  With a loud sigh she slumped back into the bed and began to question just what was going on. Where was he? What was he doing? She giggled out loud now and tried to order her thoughts. She was seriously frustrated, desperate, and now she was tied up and turned on further. Ah, maybe that was it. That’s why he’d left one hand free, to allow her to alleviate her frustration, except he wouldn’t want her to, would he? She had no idea what he wanted. He hadn’t told her yet and she couldn’t bear the thought of him dragging this out much longer. Briefly, she questioned whether she should be more concerned to be in this position, essentially tied up and held captive by a virtual stranger.

  When he’d talked about making love to her the previous night she’d been truly sorry she’d prevented it. He’d sat her astride him and she had thought he was going to let her take charge and she had really wanted that, but again her own actions had prevented it.

  He’d stood up with her still wrapped around him then thrown her onto the bed where he’d stretched over to the bed side cabinet and tore open a condom. She’d actually felt herself moisten as he’d stretched it over himself and knelt on the edge of the bed.

  “Now, open your legs.”


  “You’re really going to make this suffering last, aren’t you, honey?” he’d asked rhetorically, grabbed her hips and somehow flipped her over so she’d ended up face down on the bed. “Kneel up and open your legs.” He’d spoken with a slow determination.

  She’d done it immediately.

  “Good girl. This is just for me, not you, understand?” he’d asked, and this time she’d understood perfectly, although her response seemed to contradict that.

  “No” she’d cried, her desperation echoed around the room.

  “Tasha.” The singular use of her name was a warning.

  “Please,” she’d whispered only to find his next response was another single spank that rang out around the room as did her moan.

  “You really are going to do this the hard way, aren’t you? For me, not you. My dick my rules,” he’d said through what sounded like gritted teeth. She heard her own sob catch in her throat. James leaned forward, lying across her back, whispering words of encouragement and praise. “You change your mind about any of this, you say so and I’ll stop whatever I’m doing, okay?”

  Tasha had nodded in order to convey her understanding and agreement, but clearly he’d wanted words from her, his pause confirmed that. She gave him her consent in the form of a single, “Yes.”

  His next words confirmed he’d needed to hear her voice. “Oh, honey, the reason you are on your front right now is so that I have ready access to your ass, so you be sure to remember when to speak and when to keep that smart mouth in check.”

  Tasha, tied to the bed, smiled now as she recalled the way she’d gasped and grabbed the sheet around her as she felt him enter her forcefully and then move quickly. She clenched everything below the waist and really doubted if she’d be able to stop herself from coming for more than a couple of minutes.

  She’d already thought she was still sore, maybe she was too sore for what he’d planned and the chafing of her delicate and tender folds as he’d moved inside her had actually made her fairly certain that she might never recover from this latest round. Tasha shuddered as she’d imagined how sore she might feel tomorrow, which was actually today now and she was very bruised and swollen but the truth was that she couldn’t get enough of Jim.

  As she had the previous night Tasha questioned if he was like a drug to her. Perhaps that was why junkies and alcoholics fought so hard with their demons and battled for years to get clean, not always succeeding. She then wondered whether this kind of hyper-dependency was what had driven number six to suicide, the inability to control her smart mouth and her orgasms.

  Tasha allowed herself a very short smile now as she remembered just how gla
d she was that he hadn’t been able to see her face when her thoughts began to race so randomly because he hadn’t intended for her to enjoy his treatment of her. Her mind running off on a course of its own had only served to distract her from her body’s reactions and it was only when her breathing had suddenly changed that she realised she was ready to come. She’d known she couldn’t, she’d even wondered if she could do it without him noticing, but she knew that would be impossible. She really couldn’t afford to come. Her behind wouldn’t have been able to bear her to do that. It had been stinging and she’d been convinced it was glowing and although she was desperate to come and to find some release, she hadn’t wanted to do it unless he wanted her to. What the hell was that about? How had he done that to her, made his opinion mean so much in such a short time?

  Her thoughts had been interrupted by James. “I can feel it Tasha, you’re almost there, but I swear to god if you come, there will be serious consequences,” he’d said as he rubbed his hands over each cheek. “This is for me,” he’d growled, not that she needed reminding of that.

  God, he really hadn’t been helping her. When domineering James barked his threats at her she became even more aroused. Just then his pace had quickened and he’d gripped her hips tightly, dug his fingers into her flesh then stilled. His breathing had been fast and loud and as her body had reacted again, tensing around him she was sure it had all been over, but then he was gone.

  She’d let out a huge sigh of relief.

  “Well done.” He’d bent down and kissed each cheek in turn. “So beautiful.” His warm breath danced across her bottom and beyond.

  She’d collapsed face down onto the bed and hoped he’d give her a minute or two to calm down and not force her body to conspire against her any more than it already had.

  Jim had quickly disappeared into the bathroom as she’d considered taking care of herself but she knew he’d know and he’d undoubtedly make her suffering last longer. He’d quickly returned and studied her lying on the bed still.


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