Lucky Seven

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Lucky Seven Page 9

by Elle M Thomas

  “Have you experienced anal?” He began to massage her tightly puckered entrance, the shock of that made her briefly forget her own mixed feelings about how his current movements made her feel.

  “No. Have you?” The question was barely out when she felt her ass cheeks sting again meaning her intention for it to not sound sarcastic and sulky, dismissive and accusatory had failed.

  “Never been on the receiving end, not like you mean,” he snapped. “But it can be very pleasurable and I think maybe we should consider it, and I really can be the one to break you in, but not now. Now, I have to go and your ass can’t risk your mouth making it any redder than it already is.” He bent down, kissing each of her cheeks before spreading them to place a delicate kiss on the most intimate of places his fingers had been massaging just moments before.

  He stood up and admired his handy work on her ass. “There is a flight to Vegas today, Tasha.”

  She rolled over, glad of the cold sheets against her warm bottom and smiled up at him. “But I am going to L.A.”

  “Yes, you are, just as I said you would be.” His words, tone and expression were triumphant as he leaned in to deliver another kiss, on her lips this time. A gentle and tender kiss that in no way matched Mr Bossy of a few seconds before.

  Chapter 6

  Jim stood, fully dressed again while Tasha watched him wearing only the transparent robe from the night before and with a smile, listened to the orders he was barking at her.

  “I will see you on the plane. Don’t forget, no sneakers and wear a dress or a skirt. I will get condoms. I’ve arranged for a car to collect you from the hotel this end and from the airport the other end and I’ll see you at my house.”

  With an amused smirk curling her lips she nodded, agreeing to everything he was saying, not that she was under any illusion that this was a debate.

  “I really have to go and sort this major fuck up or I will miss the flight and you will be stranded, lonely and horny at my house without me,” Jim said as if she’d been the one holding him up.

  He leaned in to kiss her gently but before his lips had reached hers she lunged towards him to kiss him first. A deep and passionate kiss.

  “Please don’t miss the flight.” Tasha sounded breathless and desperate as she broke their kiss.

  “Oh, honey, I will try my best.” Despite his insistence that he needed to go Jim pulled Tasha closer with one hand while he manoeuvred the other beneath her robe where he began to gently caress her delicate folds.

  Moving into his touch, she groaned as she pressed against him more firmly, somehow enjoying the discomfort the added pressure brought her.

  “Such a warm welcome, but if you don’t go and shower or at least leave the room neither of us will be going anywhere and I really need to go.” His grin broadened at the knowledge that she wanted this, wanted him.

  With a small pout she adjusted the kiss she was delivering to a gentler one. “I will miss you.” Her words, although honest were unexpected and possibly more shocking to her than him.

  “Good,” he called as he left the suite making them both smile.


  Tasha sat in the car James had sent for her in gridlocked traffic.

  “I will get my flight, won’t I?” she asked the driver with concern.

  “Here’s hoping ma’am, but my hands are tied.”

  She sat back and smiled to herself as she remembered it had been her hand and feet that had been tied that morning. She quickly grabbed her bag to retrieve her phone and looked for the business card with Jim’s number on it. Unable to find it, she began to skim through her phone’s contacts where her eyes were alerted to four new entries:

  J cell

  J home

  J office

  J vineyard

  She laughed out loud as she realised that he really did think of everything and took charge of it too. The driver looked at her, but said nothing.

  She selected J cell and waited.

  He answered quickly. “Honey, you found the number.”

  “Yes I did. Thank you.”

  “As always, you are welcome. What can I do for you?”

  “Oh, I think you already know the answer to that.” Her answer had been instinctive and intended to tease, but the purr that seemed to curl around the words were a surprise to her if not Jim who took it all in his stride.

  “Oh, baby,” he said lowly, arousal evident in his voice. She then heard him speak to someone else. “Sorry, it’s my future wife.” He laughed and said something inaudible before returning his attention to Tasha. “Sorry, honey, I was just paying for my purchases.”

  “What purchases?”

  “Just a few sundries and a shit load of rubbers.”

  She laughed again. She really did like James and Jim in and out of bed. The fact that she was calling him on her way to the airport for a flight to L.A. seemed to confirm that.

  “Where are you?” she asked, ignoring his future wife comment.

  “At the airport waiting for the hottest lady I have ever met to get her sexy, sore ass on the plane.”

  She laughed at his description, but couldn’t deny that she liked him thinking of her in those terms. “Ain’t that the truth? But I have a problem.”

  “What’s up?” His tone turned serious at her concerned tone.

  “I’m in gridlocked traffic and there seems to be no sign of movement.”

  “Shit! How far away are you?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Ask the driver, Natasha.”

  “Excuse me, sorry. I know this isn’t your fault, but how far are we from the airport?” She was desperate for the poor driver not to be held responsible for her delay.

  James was laughing at her now. “You really are so British and polite, aren’t you?”

  “Ssh,” she told him. “Sorry,” she said again to the driver as James laughed again.

  “It’s more about the time it’s going to take with traffic rather than distance. You could go via the subway and walk, but maybe not in those shoes.” He laughed, glancing back, looking down her legs to her feet.

  Tasha laughed too. “Did you get that?”

  “Too fucking right I did. I do hope you and the driver are not flirting because if you are I will fire his ass!” shouted James, his fury and what Tasha suspected was jealousy clear.

  “His fired and mine on fire. You really are on a roll, aren’t you?”

  He laughed again, suddenly calmer. “I really, really, do like you, Miss Winters.”

  “And I you, Mr Maybury.” She couldn’t prevent her smile.

  “Can you walk or do you want me to switch our flights? But I don’t know if there’ll be any availability on the later flight. They’re usually quite busy.”

  “I’ll walk if the driver shows me the way to go.”

  “I hope you are talking directions.”

  “Of course, I’m getting the rules now, your di—”

  “My rules, and don’t forget that’s my pussy too. Just get here, honey. I’ve missed you,” he said, gentler. His words and the meaning behind them sounded completely and utterly genuine.

  “Okay. I’ll call when I get there. Bye.”

  “Bye.” He paused for a second before disconnecting.

  “Can you direct me, please?”

  The driver got out of the car and retrieved her luggage before giving her concise directions of the pedestrian route to a nearby subway station that would get her to the airport.

  She looked down at herself and thought her choice of outfit was probably not the best. She’d opted for a short, dark grey, almost black shift dress that barely covered her thighs and black, five inch heels that were not conducive to walking beyond the fifty feet she’d already travelled. She opened her case on the pavement, the sidewalk, and retrieved her trainers, her sneakers, and decided that although she wasn’t at the gym she sure as hell wasn’t fucking and wouldn’t be if she didn’t get to the airport on time. She zipped her case back up, t
hrew her shoes in her hand luggage and was able to walk quickly and comfortably. Several comments, most of them crude, were made from cars as she wiggled past them dragging her case behind her, but she ignored them and thanked all things holy that James wasn’t there.

  Arriving at the entrance to departures, Tasha changed her shoes back before checking in with only, three minutes to spare as the bitchy woman on the desk who wore a little too much make-up told her before she realised she was in first class and suddenly they were rushing her through.

  She quickly text James.


  He replied immediately.


  She laughed as she was escorted to board the plane.


  She was on the plane when his reply vibrated in her hand.


  She turned it off as a male attendant escorted her to her seat next to a very handsome late twenty something man who looked up and grinned at her as she stretched up and struggled to stow her hand luggage revealing all of her legs and nothing else she hoped.

  The flight attendant stretched up to help her as the ruggedly handsome flight companion stood too. “Please, let me.” Effortlessly he stowed her luggage for her.

  She looked around and about four rows back, in the aisle seat, on the opposite side of the plane next to a very hairy building company CEO was Jim. When she smiled in his direction she decided the stony glare that was returned was indeed from James. The hairy CEO was smiling broadly at her, as were most of the male passengers, which embarrassed her slightly. She took her seat as Justin, the flight attendant offered her some help to settle. She smiled, but declined the offer.

  The plane had just taken off when the flight attendants appeared and the handsome man next to her accepted a beer.

  “I’ll have the same please,” Tasha said, pointing to the beer.

  Her fellow traveller introduced himself as Parker, a doctor who had been home to New York to visit his family and was on his way back to L.A.

  “A doctor, you don’t look old enough.”

  He laughed and stared at her with the bluest of blue eyes. “You need to work on your lines.”

  Blushing a little she tried to clarify her position and meaning. “No, I wasn’t, sorry.”

  He shook his head with a soft laugh that teased. “Please, I’m joking.”

  Tasha laughed again, relief more than amusement the cause but casually glanced back to look at James who appeared to be furious. She was in no doubt that she was the cause of his fury and one way or another she would pay for it.

  “Which field of medicine are you in?” She hoped she could simply chat and neutralise any misunderstanding between them or on Jim’s part.

  “I’m a paediatrician.”

  “And you, Tasha? What do you do?”

  “I’m an actress.” With the words aloud she realised how lame they sounded on a flight to L.A.

  He smiled and confirmed their lameness. “Off to Hollywood to find fame and fortune, eh?”

  She laughed again, but not as loudly. There was no point in pissing James off further for the sake of it and she knew that apparent hilarity at the doctor’s words would do just that.

  “No, I’m visiting a friend. I have mainly done TV and some musical theatre in England,” she explained.

  “Oh, I see, anything on Broadway?”

  “I have a very loose possible Broadway show in the pipeline, but mainly U.K. work.”

  “Very impressive,” he said, revealing a perfect set of straight white teeth.

  “Not as impressive as being a paediatrician,” she replied and meant it. She enjoyed her work but had almost fallen into it and in the grand scheme of things caring for sick children really was far more impressive.

  Smiling, Parker glanced out of the window. Tasha stretched across too, mirroring his movement as he asked, “Would you like to swap seats? I don’t mind if you want the window seat.”

  “No, I’m fine, really. Thanks though.” She knew her and Parker having to brush against each other to swap seats would undoubtedly constitute James’ sharing and that was a big no-no.

  Suddenly, Justin was back with more refreshments.

  Tasha declined another alcoholic drink, just in case she’d exceeded her limit without knowing it. Parker took another beer, but excused himself before drinking any. Tasha stood up to allow him past and felt uncomfortable as there was more than enough room. Her standing had been unnecessary, has had all of the stretching she’d done imagining it to be a tight squeeze like she was on the District Line in rush hour. You can take the girl out of the east end but you can’t take the east end out of the girl she thought as she made a slight backwards glance to Jim and immediately regretted it. His demonic expression looked like the girl from The Exorcist just before her head spun. Quickly, sitting back down, Tasha winced as her still sore ass rubbed against her dress and she suddenly thought this might be as comfortable as she was going to be for a while judging by Jim’s face.

  Unexpectedly, Justin was at her side again, with a glass of mineral water and piece of paper. He handed them to her nervously. “The gentleman was most insistent—”

  Tasha cut him off and smiled, “It’s fine, thank you.”

  She put her drink down and slowly opened the note.

  What the fuck are you playing at?

  Do you really want to get into this?

  I swear to God you will not sit down for a month

  and we will be heading to Vegas!

  When lover boy comes back from jacking off

  in the bathroom whilst thinking about

  your legs, your ass, your tits and

  your pussy you get in there and wait for me

  and that was not a question or a suggestion J

  The first thing Tasha noticed was the omission of his kiss after the J, presumably indicating just how annoyed he was, and the second thing was his suggestion as to what Parker was doing in the bathroom. Strangely, the reference to Vegas didn’t even register. Sitting nervously, she sipped her water whilst waiting for Parker to return. When he eventually did she stood up again to let him take his seat but said nothing, she merely headed to the bathroom and waited for what seemed like an eternity.

  Tasha’s breathing was laboured due to the rising nerves she felt whilst the long, tense minutes passed slowly until she began to wonder if Jim was actually testing her obedience in some way by sending her to wait.

  The sound of a surprisingly gentle tap at the door was followed by Jim whispering, “Let me in.”

  Opening the door, Tasha stepped back to accommodate the charge of a very angry looking Jim. He closed the door and locked it before turning to face her. Him pinning her against the wall was probably inevitable in such a confined space leaving nothing between them.

  “I can’t even begin to tell you how pissed I am right now, and you smell of beer.”

  “James, Jim, I am so sorry, it isn’t—”

  “No! You do not speak. I do not want to hear you until we get home. Not a single word, understand?” he growled, her face a mere hairs breadth from his.

  Tasha simply nodded.

  “Now, I made an error in my note because lover boy was actually jacking off whilst thinking about my legs.” He rubbed his hands roughly up her legs. “And my ass.” He squeezed her firmly through the fabric of her dress. “And my tits.” He squeezed her already erect nipples. “And most definitely my pussy.” He roughly allowed a hand to disappear beneath her dress and seemed shocked to find her pantiless welcome. “Now I am familiar with your warm welcome, but who is it actually for? Me, or fucking lover boy?”

  She went to speak, but stopped immediately as he glowered at her.

  “Turn around,” he barked, and as she did so he pulled her dress up around her waist. “Bend over,” he ordered th
en put his leg between hers to force them to spread a little more. “I am going to fuck you and you will not speak or make a sound or so help me I will spank you hard, understand?”

  She nodded as the sound of the condom opening broke the silence then the feel of a finger running along her length to spread the arousal she was sure was inappropriate under current circumstances.

  “No talking, unless you don’t want this, Tasha.”

  “I want it,” she replied with a smile that even in a haze of annoyance he gave her the option to say no. He had handed her the power to end it, but with her refusal to do so he entered her in one movement that was aided greatly by her arousal easing his path.

  “No sound, but I want you to come. This is for both of us; for you to remember that you and all that you have is mine and for me to take back what someone else thought they could play with, understand?”

  She nodded again, already close to coming. She was so excited and aroused, although if she was honest she had been on an almost constant simmer, just shy of boiling over since she’d met him. A quiet, low moan escaped from her and immediately her behind stung like she couldn’t believe as James followed through with the threatened consequence of a hard spank.

  He pushed his fingers through her hair and pulled her head back slightly to remind her in a whisper, “Not a sound.”

  With the realisation that his fingers were beginning to dig into her hips and ass she knew he was close and knowing that pushed her ever closer to her own release. It was only another two or three thrusts before one of Jim’s hands was snaking around her body and finally settling between her thighs where he found her clit swollen and slick.

  “Come on, baby,” he whispered against her neck and that was enough for her to get there first, somehow in silence as her body twisted and contorted with every nerve ending firing off signals and messages that were literally rocking her off her feet with pleasure, pain and an intensity she couldn’t quite believe. He followed closely behind and almost immediately stood upright to redress and right his clothing while Tasha still clung to the wall that was holding her upright with only a little help from her legs.


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