Lucky Seven

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Lucky Seven Page 17

by Elle M Thomas

  “I told you it was Jon who first mentioned your name to me. Me, Trisha and Marc. Well, in his attempts to recast for the knocked up leading lady Marc and Trish drew up a short list and he has called your agent today to discuss availability and interest.”

  She scowled at him. “I told you I can’t do it. I’ve got work arranged and I don’t want work from you.”

  “Which is what I am telling you. It has nothing to do with me, but I didn’t want you to get a call from your agent and think I was plotting behind your back.”

  She was about to speak when her phone rang. She glanced at it on the top of her bag. “Your timing is unbelievable. It’s Angie, my agent.”

  “Answer it, dinner is over,” he said with a cheeky half-smile.

  She snatched her phone up. “Angie, how are you?”

  “Knackered Tash, knackered. Some arsehole from L.A. disturbed my sleep.”

  “Tell me about it,” she replied sarcastically.

  “What? You’re not making sense. Look, he is one of the head casting guys from the studio you met with last week and they want you to audition for a movie shooting in three weeks, some problem with the leading lady.”

  “I have work booked in, Angie. I can’t do three weeks, so you can tell them no?”

  “We could try and move things or release you,” suggested Angie thinking Tasha was being given what might be the offer of a lifetime.

  “No. Angie, please. I know you think I am barking mad here and it is a fantastic opportunity, but please just tell them I’m unavailable.” She was almost pleading, she could hear it so she knew Angie would.

  “If it’s what you want. Are you okay? Is it family stuff? You sound weird, Tash.”

  Tasha shook her head. She wanted this opportunity more than anything professionally and if she and Jim hadn’t hooked up she would have jumped at the chance she was being offered, but they had. She had slept with him on the first night and had been doing it almost non-stop since meaning she couldn’t work for him too. Thoughts of Sandra, and thousands of people like her filled her mind with all the slurs, comments and suggestions that working for Jim would bring so no was the right answer for now.

  “I’m fine, really, but yes family stuff is kicking off again. Sorry. I didn’t mean to get weird with you.”

  “Okay, I’ll phone them back. Call me when you get home and we can talk.”

  “Yeah, sounds good, thanks. Why don’t you call him back when you get up in the morning and disturb his beauty sleep?” Tasha suggested, knowing nobody who knew Angie would ever come between her and her sleep.

  Angie cackled loudly. “Good plan, night Tash.”

  Tasha hung up and looked back at Jim. “That would be a no, but thank you.”

  “Okay, honey. Did Marc wake her when he called her?”

  “Yes, with no thought for the time difference. Angie is a one woman agency so puts the office phone on divert to her mobile out of hours.”

  Jim smirked. “So payback for Marc?”

  “Oh, yes.”

  Jim laughed briefly and then adopted a more serious expression. “I don’t know why I’m laughing, Marc is a pain in the ass when he is tired.”

  “So is Angie, so maybe it’s payback for you both then.”

  They were heading back towards the house when Jim broached the subject of her return home. “Have you booked your flight back to London yet?”

  “No. I keep saying I am going back Friday and I haven’t even booked the bloody ticket.” A sudden sense of panic began to descend in case she’d left it too late. More concerning was the sensation of relief replacing the panic that if she had left it too late she’d be forced to stay longer, to remain with Jim.

  “Book it online when we get back if you really have to.” There was sadness infiltrating Jim’s voice making Tasha briefly wonder if he was offering her the chance to stay, with him. It sounded like the best idea in the world, but she knew it wasn’t an option, not really. She had commitments and responsibilities waiting for her.

  “Thank you. I really do have to go.” She reached across to touch his arm, hoping he believed that she didn’t want to leave, even if she had to. “Nice new shirt by the way.”

  “Thank you. I’m hoping it will serve me as well as its predecessor,” he said with a wolfish grin at the memory of the shirt he wore was a replacement for.

  As soon as they got inside the house Jim went into his office and Tasha followed. He turned on the computer and summoned her to his lap where she saw the booking screen on the computer. Jim was selecting the options while still keeping his arms around her.

  He selected LAX as departure and skimmed through the destination option. “Should I check flights to Vegas?”

  She laughed at his persistence, but smacked his hand. “No, just Heathrow, please.”

  “Okay, nearly done. First class, obviously.”

  “No. Economy will be fine.”

  “You are not flying economy, baby, you’ll be cramped.”

  “Jim, I always fly economy.” She protested, hoping against all hopes that he’d hear and respect her choice in this because she didn’t want to argue, not about a flight, not about money.

  “Not any more you don’t.”

  She sighed. “Please, just book economy. Without going into detail I need to show some restraint where my finances are concerned at the moment, so economy is fine.”

  “Then let me pay. I don’t need to show restraint in anything.” His offer was genuine. He didn’t need to show restraint and he didn’t want anything other than the best for her. He assumed the fuck up father was the reason for her financial restraint and her dwindling savings account he’d been looking into and one way or another he’d need to get to the bottom of it all.

  “Jim, please just book economy. I don’t want to fight with you and certainly not about money. Please,” she pleaded.

  “Okay, baby, if that’s what you want.” He knew she was right, it really wasn’t worth fighting about.

  She pulled out her card and entered the details on the screen and as the payment was authorised she felt a little sad because in a matter of days she would be alone again. Her thoughts were broken by Jim’s lips caressing her neck that was exposed by her hair being up. She leaned into him and moaned as his kisses intensified and moved across her back and shoulders.

  “You really are very beautiful, Tasha.” His whispers sent shivers down her spine. “Turn around.”

  She turned immediately, placing a knee each side of his thighs and smiled as she sat down. He moved in to kiss her gently.

  “This really is like my headmaster’s office.”

  “I bet you saw a lot of it with your smart mouth.”

  “Enough,” she replied with a wink that made him laugh.

  “And I bet you looked mighty fine in your uniform, too.” His hands were already skimming her hips, dancing around her body until her bottom filled his hands so he could hold her still.

  “Maybe. It was a cross between St Trinian’s and a really bad fancy dress outfit.”

  “Really?” he asked seriously, but was clearly picturing the uniform she’d described.

  “Yes.” She laughed, slightly outraged as she recalled it. “I think the people who design uniforms for private girl’s schools are all perverts. The boy’s school was on the same campus and theirs was far more conservative.”

  “Do you still have your uniform?” He really was only half-joking.

  “At home somewhere, and if not, my sister goes to the same school, so...”

  “Why do you live so far away? I would love to have you in my office in your uniform right now to resolve all of your unpunished misdemeanours.” He moved restlessly beneath her, his arousal clear to them both.

  She smiled but was unaware of any unresolved misdemeanours.

  “I could pack it next time I come out here because I’m sure to fuck up again before then.” She hissed and moaned at the sensation of the sting she was desperately craving from him.

  “Oh, baby, that mouth.” He stood up, taking her with him. “It’s a date; you, me, my office and your school uniform, but for tonight we may have to compromise on the uniform. Take your dress off.”

  Once placed on her feet she unfastened the zip and let it fall to the floor and stood waiting for his next instruction.

  He stared at her standing in black lace underwear, similar to the white set he’d bought her in New York. This set was better, the strapless bra was more briefly cut and plunged with breath-taking effects and the briefest of panties were obviously already wet from her arousal and then the lace topped stockings. How could she not see she was beautiful, really beautiful? She could and probably did stop traffic. When she walked into a room it stopped and all eyes were on her, especially the male ones and their jaws normally dropped too, but she was here with him and he had no intention of ever allowing anyone else to ever see her like this again.

  He pulled his shirt off and pulled her to him, pressing himself into her as he smiled down at her.

  “Wrap your legs round me, honey.”

  She did so without hesitation. He sat her on the edge of the desk and with his arm brushed everything off the end of it sending it crashing onto the floor.

  She smiled and grazed her fingers across his cheeks. “I really do like you.”

  “Right back at ya, baby.” He pulled her hips towards him before pushing her back onto the desk to remove her wet pants.

  “Oh, baby, such a welcome.” He stroked along her length and slid first one and then a second finger inside her causing her muscles to contract around him, pulling him in and asking for more.

  She looked up at the ceiling then around at the surroundings and had to stifle a giggle as she thought no matter how many trips she made to the headmaster’s office. Mr Mason had never administered this kind of punishment. She relived the visits she’d made to his office and as Jim had said it usually was courtesy of her smart mouth, often standing up for someone else, the underdog, because she totally understood how that felt.

  Her thoughts had distracted her from his movements and the fact that his fingers had been removed. Her awareness only returned when he slammed into her, making her scream out. God, he felt good. She couldn’t remember anything or anyone ever feeling as good as this. With his movements getting faster and harder she could feel her belly beginning to burn, preparing for release. She matched him thrust for thrust, eager and impatient for the goal they were both chasing. She could feel the electricity and intensity building and increasing, spreading through her whole body causing her to writhe beneath him.

  “I like to watch you like this. It makes me horny that I can do this to you,” he told her, his eyes fixed on hers.

  Tasha said nothing, she didn’t need to. He was seriously hot and right now she was more turned on than she’d ever been in her life. It didn’t matter what he said, just hearing his voice was a turn on for her. With her breathing quickening, he pulled her hips so the whole of her behind was off the desk and was totally supported by his hands.

  “Baby?” he whispered.


  “Look at me.” She immediately focused on him. “This is for me, not you, do you understand?”

  Staring into those dark eyes burning into her very soul she considered arguing because she had no clue why it was only for him, but she didn’t. “Yes.”

  “Yes what?” He gently spanked her ass.

  Oh God, he wasn’t going to make this easy for her with his talking and spanking?

  “Yes, James.”

  “Tell me why.”

  He obviously expected an answer from her. She considered saying not a fucking clue but he would be relentless then, so she thought of all the things she’d got wrong and it was quite a list. Before she could reply the sting was there, sharper this time.

  “Tell me.”

  She needed to think quickly because she wasn’t sure how much more she could take without coming. “The plane,” she said breathlessly.

  “What about it?”

  “My clothes.” She tried to think of anything other than what was happening, how she felt and how turned on she was because if she thought about what was really happening she was done for.

  “Yes, your clothes. The very short, tight dress.” His fingers dug into the soft flesh of her behind before being followed up with a sting to the other side. “And the high shoes that made your legs look so good. I just wanted to pull them apart and fuck you right there.”

  She could feel herself quickening again as he spoke to her and when she looked up he smiled, relentlessly increasing the pace of his rhythm. This man knew exactly what he was doing.

  A slight sting followed. “Don’t do it, Tasha. Don’t come, baby.”

  Then stop talking about it she screamed in her head if not aloud.

  “What else, baby?”

  “No pants,” she said and braced herself, and wisely too. That had obviously really pissed him off judging by the sting in her right cheek.

  She could feel he was close and hoped he wouldn’t hold back much longer or she wouldn’t be able to stop herself

  “I could do this all night.”

  She was unsure if the words were intended as a threat or not, but they certainly felt it because she knew she would be lucky to do this beyond the next two minutes, especially with Mr Talkative at the helm.

  “What else, Tasha? Why am I pissed at you?”

  “Because of all things Howser.” For the first time she fully appreciated just how pissed he still was as her left cheek now radiated enough heat to warm the whole house. She cried out at the unexpected sting that remained and heightened her arousal leaving her in no doubt that she couldn’t take much more as his pace quickened further still.


  She couldn’t think of anything else. Was it because Lizzie had been there with Howser? She couldn’t bring his daughter into this, not right now, it would be so wrong. She had nothing else and then he brought his face down towards her, close enough she felt his breath warm her lips then cool.

  “When I say to charge something, charge it, the bikini and my shirt.” He dug his fingers into her very hot and sore ass once more and was then still. He pulled out of her immediately for which she was grateful because another second would have been her downfall. He removed the condom and put on his boxers. “I still hate rubbers, please think about birth control.” He took her hand and pulled her to a sitting position.

  “I will.”

  He was already passing Tasha her dress and pants. “I like your new underwear and stockings, baby.” He kissed her nose. “Now, I seem to have made a bit of a mess on my office floor, so I’ll tidy up my papers while you go and shower and wait for me in bed, okay?”

  She nodded which prompted a frown.

  “Yes, James,” she said realising this wasn’t over yet.

  As she reached the door he called to her, “You were amazing, Natasha.”

  “As were you,” she replied and meant every word.

  She’d showered and was still wrapped in a towel when Jim appeared behind her in the mirror.

  “How are you feeling?”

  She cut her eyes at him in the mirror. “Horny.”

  He laughed at her words and expression. “No change there, then.”

  She cut her eyes at his reflection making him smile. The curl of his lips made him look younger and even more handsome, if that was even possible.

  “If you do that again it could be really bad news for you.” He still smiled as he continued, “Or really good news. Are you feeling lucky punk?”

  She laughed at possibly the worst Clint Eastwood voice she’d ever heard.

  They studied each other’s expressions in the huge mirror where she smiled a small and innocent smile before squinting her eyes tightly.

  “Oh, my baby is gambling. You really would like it in Vegas you know.” He pulled the towel from around her, rendering her naked before throwing her onto the bed.

  “I could lock you in here forever.”

  “I think that’s illegal.”

  “You see, now that could be a problem, because not only am I too pretty for jail, but you are too horny for me to leave you, so I’ll just have to think of something else.”

  Chapter 14

  Tasha woke up to the sound of a vacuum cleaner somewhere in the house and wondered why anyone would want to vacuum before eight a.m. However, when she rolled over to tell Jim Sandra was obviously insane he wasn’t there and the clock said nine forty-five a.m. She’d slept through the alarm and presumably Jim leaving for work. She felt saddened that she’d missed an opportunity to see him. She smiled at the thought of the previous night and was very pleased she had chosen to gamble with a last cut of the eyes. She jumped as her phone rang to the sound of Elvis singing Viva Las Vegas. She laughed when she saw it was Jim.

  “I am not going to Vegas with you, ever.”

  “And good morning to you, too. But we both know you are,” he replied, obviously amused.

  “Where are you?”

  “At work, earning an honest day’s pay.”

  “Honest? In Hollywood? That’s got to be a joke. Why didn’t you wake me before you left? I missed seeing you and kissing you goodbye.” She stretched out. The big bed was far too roomy to be in alone.

  “Because you looked very peaceful lying in my bed and your idea of kissing me goodbye is to get me back into bed and I had a breakfast meeting.”

  “Spoil sport.” A pout formed on her lips. “Why is my ring tone now Elvis?” She found his sense of humour in choosing this genuinely funny.

  “Well, you had a couple of messages on your phone so I hit the button so they didn’t wake you, but then I thought it might be fun. Do you mind?”

  “I’ll check my messages later. Why would I mind?” She could see no reason for any objections to him allocating himself a ring tone.

  “Because I touched your phone. I didn’t read your messages though.” He sounded nervous, but was totally honest in his claim, even if he’d been tempted.

  “It’s fine. There’s nothing on there you couldn’t see anyway.” She was equally as honest as him. She didn’t even have a code on it, never had.


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