Lucky Seven

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Lucky Seven Page 21

by Elle M Thomas

  She spoke in an entirely matter of fact way that concerned him as much as the fact she had ever endured that kind of treatment at all, never mind at the hands of the person who should have been her greatest protector. Jim was struggling to know what to say, but it was more. He didn’t know if he trusted his emotions to remain contained if he spoke at all. Plus, what could he say? What was there to say? Maybe that was the key to an acceptable response.

  “Baby, I don’t know what to say.”

  “Then don’t say anything.” With a sideways glance in his direction, Tasha could see there was something he wanted to say. There was something clearly playing on his mind so she waited, silently, allowing him to consider and compose whatever it was he needed to get off his chest.

  “You know with us, when we play, it is play and if you don’t want it you should just say. I have no issue with it and it wouldn’t change things between us, not fundamentally. Please tell me you know that,” he cried, still reeling from her latest revelation.

  “Of course I do.” She was desperate to reassure him, for him not to confuse the abused Tasha with the one he knew. “I like it with you, although I have never tried it with anyone else, but I told you, I like sex, have learnt to love it. I especially like sex with you. Nobody has ever made me feel like you do and what you do is very sexy.” He didn’t look entirely convinced by her claims, so she continued. “It probably sounds weird because I’ve been beaten, but what you do is not aggressive. A bit controlling, but I like when you try to control me. The way you express your desire to make me yours, but not in a fucked-up way. In fact, my ass is beginning to feel neglected.”

  Any lingering doubts in his expression lifted with her final words. “I shall resolve that at the earliest opportunity if you insist on cursing, especially if those are your sexy thigh highs and not pantyhose.”

  “I rarely wear tights.”

  “Do you suppose we can eat and run?”

  “No chance with Lizzie, Marc and number one.”

  “Please don’t call her number one. It might tip Lenny over the edge.”

  “Should I be nervous?” Tasha asked as they stood at the front door of the large detached house in a very exclusive, gated community.

  “No. Lizzie and I will look after you.” He hated that she thought there might be cause for her nervousness. That there was any chance anyone here would say or do anything unpleasant, but knowing she needed reassurance he gave her a single kiss to the top of her head.

  She looked up at his act of tenderness and found his eyes boring into hers for a split second before he leaned down and gently kissed her on the lips as the door flew open. Lizzie hugged them both and practically dragged them through to the main living room of the house where everybody was sitting.

  Sara immediately stood to hug Tasha before kissing Jim on the cheek.

  “Tasha, you look amazing, let me introduce you all. Obviously, everyone knows Jim, so everyone this is Tasha. Tasha, this is my husband, Lenny.” She shook the hand of the balding man in his late forties while he smiled and kissed her on the cheek. She shook hands with them all in turn as Sara completed the introductions. “Lizzie you know, my step- daughter Rosa, my sister Marcia, our son Philip, his friend Juan, and Rosa’s new boyfriend is joining us later—”

  “Are they here yet? I can’t wait to see who has managed to get under Jim’s skin like this. He is totally smitten,” a voice shouted as a man entered the room.

  Everyone turned to look in his direction but it was Sara who spoke, “And then we have Marc, Marcia’s husband.”

  “Yes, Marc, the man I may sack again tomorrow,” said Jim to an obviously embarrassed Marc.

  “Nice to meet you. Sorry I missed your name.” He looked at her as if he was trying to place her face.

  She smiled. He still looked mortified that his comment had been heard and she didn’t doubt he would get grief from both Jim and Marcia.

  “Tasha, Natasha Winters, and I believe you were considering kicking my behind in revenge for my agent waking you,” she said, embarrassing him further as she turned slightly and allowed her behind to protrude.

  “I was, but I may have been a little overwrought at the time.” Marc extended a hand that Tasha accepted as he introduced himself again. “I am, as Sara said, Marcia’s husband, and also the unfortunate soul who works in the next office to the fucking crazy son of a bitch, control freak, bastard.”

  Tasha laughed loudly as everyone stared at them.

  “Well, you have to have a pet name, don’t you?”

  She felt a little overwhelmed by the surroundings and the people and was glad to be shown into the dining room to eat. Tasha had been placed between Jim and the empty seat reserved for Rosa’s new boyfriend. Opposite was Philip who was flanked by Lizzie and Juan. Marcia and Marc were also on the opposite side to Tasha, with the table ends occupied by Sara and Lenny.

  Sara kept looking at the empty chair next to Tasha and frowning. “Rosa, I don’t want to be rude as it’s the first time we’ve all met him, but we can’t hold dinner any longer.”

  Before Rosa had a chance to reply the door bell sounded and the young woman leapt up and returned a couple of minutes later with her new boyfriend.

  “Come and meet everyone,” she cried, introducing him, as the others turned to look at the late dinner guest. “Everyone, this is...”

  Tasha couldn’t believe her eyes and she wasn’t sure what Jim said, but he definitely said something.

  As they stood before Jim and Tasha, Rosa said “And this is Jim and—”

  “Tasha, nice to see you again,” he interrupted.

  “Howse—sorry, Parker, hello again.”

  This was one hell of a coincidence; Doogie Howser was Rosa’s new boyfriend.

  “You’re the guy from the restaurant,” shouted Lizzie. “The one who flew in with Tasha.”

  Tasha quickly filled in the main gaps of her previous encounters with Parker, minus the fact he’d given her his number and the details of his trip to the bathroom, but was more than relieved when Sara directed everyone to eat.

  Chapter 17

  Tasha tried to avoid all looks and conversation with Parker and as Jim quietly seethed next to her she was glad to have Lizzie, Philip and Juan opposite. They talked about movies, music and mutual interests leaving her feeling more at ease.

  “So, are you working right now?” Philip asked.

  “Not until I get back home. I have a cameo in a comedy sketch show as a character I used to play in a soap, a couple of auditions and some modelling work.”

  “I want to be a model,” said Lizzie, then with what sounded like genuine interest she sought more details. “What do you model?”

  “It’s not like manual labour, but it is harder than you might think, Lizzie, but you probably have a better shape than me for it.” Tasha hoped her response hadn’t come off as dismissive of Lizzie’s dreams but she also knew a lot of people considered modelling to be an easy job. Something that wasn’t taxing or even worthwhile.

  Lenny huffed. “It’s not exactly a real job though, is it?” He huffed again.

  “I dunno, ask Naomi Campbell or Heidi Klum. They may disagree.” Her irritation at his dismissal of modelling clearly amused Jim who let out a short laugh from beside her.

  “I didn’t say you couldn’t be successful or make money, but like singing and acting it’s not a real career,” he said in such a way she knew this was his final comment on the topic.

  “Maybe you could introduce me to some people.” Lizzie’s words were hopeful and also provided a distraction from Lenny’s.

  “Maybe.” Tasha smiled across at her, happy to introduce her to people at the appropriate time, if modelling really was what she wanted to do. Although, she reasoned her position in Jim’s life might afford her far more valuable contacts than she could. The bite of Jim’s fingers in her thigh, suggested her offer might not be so welcome.

  “What about Broadway?” asked Parker, the timing of his interjecti
on unfortunate for Tasha’s thigh as Jim’s grip tightened again. “You told me on the plane Broadway was in the pipeline.”

  “Time will tell on that one. So, Philip,” she said about to change the subject when Lizzie interrupted.

  “You didn’t tell us what you model.”

  “No, you didn’t,” agreed Jim, or possibly James now.

  “Anything I’m asked to really. My friend is a junior designer in a big fashion house and she put on a show where I modelled her stuff and then because I was in a soap opera I was asked to model for a High Street store the fashion house work with. So, whatever they want me to.”

  “What will you model next week?” asked Lizzie, still with genuine interest, but Tasha wished she’d lost interest before this point.

  “Lingerie, it’s an exclusive lingerie shoot next week.”

  “Wow,” squealed Lizzie. “I wish I could come with you and see you work because you have an amazing body.”

  “Hmmm,” whispered Parker from beside her.

  “Maybe one day, Lizzie.”

  She hoped that might be the end of it. Lizzie had other ideas as she spoke again.

  “Send me some pictures. I would love to see them.”

  “We’ll see.” With a tight smile she risked a sideways glance at Jim who was now talking to Sara, but she knew he’d missed nothing of her conversation.

  “Are you busy tomorrow night?” asked Philip.

  Tasha looked back at Jim who shook his head.

  “Cool. Come out with me and Juan, to a club. I can guarantee a good night.” He grinned broadly.

  Tasha smiled as she realised he had his father’s smile. She looked at his father for a signal. He shrugged.

  “Oh God! No, not you too, Dad,” cried a horrified looking Philip. “It won’t be your thing at all, just Tasha.”

  “Charming.” Jim muttered, but he didn’t seem unduly surprised or bothered by his son’s reaction.

  “Did Amanda sort your schedule?” asked Marc, changing topic again.

  Jim nodded. “She moved my meeting to Thursday so I won’t be in the office properly until Friday afternoon.

  “Can I go to the club?” asked Lizzie to a chorus of no from her parents and brother.

  “That’s not fair. I bet your parents would let you go, wouldn’t they, Tasha?”

  Tasha shook her head, mainly because she didn’t want to get drawn into this. “Not at your age they wouldn’t. My dad was very strict.”

  Jim stroked her leg gently beneath the table to comfort her, having some knowledge of how strict he’d been.

  “What do you mean, you won’t be in the office until Friday?” Sara’s question was filled with curiosity but did move conversation away from Tasha’s upbringing.

  “I won’t be in my office properly until Friday. I’ll be elsewhere. It’s quite clear, Sara” Then realising his words had come across as terse, Jim expanded. “I thought I’d spend some time with Tasha before she flies home on Friday.”

  “Wonders will never cease.” His ex-wife sounded less than impressed and was staring at him now as if she barely recognised the man before her. “You almost missed Philip’s birth because you were in a meeting.”

  “But I didn’t. I was there, wasn’t I?”

  “Gay or straight?” asked Philip, suddenly causing Tasha to choke on her wine.

  Parker took the opportunity to spring into action by gently patting her back and managed to make everyone laugh at his words, everyone except Jim. “Doctor in the house.”

  Once she’d stopped coughing, Philip clarified his statement. “Club. Gay or straight?”

  “Oh really.” Lenny’s muttered words were heavy with disapproval.

  Tasha simply laughed. “Either. I’m comfortable in both, but I do like to dance.”

  Juan nodded as he joined in with conversation. “Cool. Phil’s not much of a dancer so just takes photos and videos of my drunk dancing to torture me with the following day.”

  “Then he can torture us both the next day because I will dance just about anywhere; podiums, cages, tables, anywhere.”

  She could feel Jim was staring at her but focused on Juan. “Then I know just the place, Tasha.”

  “Should I be worried?” Jim asked Philip.

  “Dad, trust me. I’ll look after Tasha.”

  Jim looked slightly more concerned rather than less so. “Hmmm. You struggle to look after yourself never mind Tasha.”

  Parker decided this was the moment for him to join the discussion when he turned to Rosa. “Do you fancy it?”

  Tasha could feel Jim bristling next to her as her own stomach churned. If Parker was going out, she knew she wouldn’t be, and she was looking forward to a night of dancing and getting to know Philip and Juan a little better.

  “Not really,” replied Rosa. “Philip and I have different ideas of a night out.”

  Relief washed over Tasha as she sensed Jim relaxing a little.

  Nobody even considered contradicting the fact there might be different ideas of a good night, especially not Philip who was already launching into a new conversation with Tasha. “Have you met the oldies?”

  A confused expression spread across Tasha’s face as she tried to decipher who or what the oldies were.

  “My son is referring to my parents,” explained Jim with a wry smile at the fondness in Philip’s tone when making reference to his grandparents.

  Tasha shook her head before Lizzie chipped in. “They are dying to meet you. I have told them all about you.”

  “Loose Lipped Lizzie,” muttered Jim in Tasha’s ear before his phone’s ringing caused everyone to glance in his direction.

  He retrieved it from his pocket and immediately turned it off before returning it to his pocket, much to everyone’s amazement.

  “Did I just see correctly? Jim Maybury actually turned his phone off.” Marcia’s tone conveyed amazement and a little amusement, too.

  “Tasha doesn’t like phones at the table, it’s rude.” Everyone turned to Lizzie now who clearly thought her words had offered a sufficient explanation for her father’s actions.

  With a flush of embarrassment creeping up her face, Tasha suddenly felt self-conscious to be under the scrutiny of others, people she didn’t know and there was no mistaking the questioning glances being exchanged between her fellow diners.

  As they dispersed from the table, Lenny took the opportunity to show them all a new addition to his art collection that hung in pride of place in the centre of a large wall.

  It was an obscured image of the naked female form lying stretched out on a bed with knees bent and back arched, but faceless. Reds, oranges, creams with a white hue where the face should be and a fading black aura framed the piece.

  “Very nice.” Parker didn’t sound convinced but was obviously trying to impress. “What do you think, Tasha?”

  “Not to my personal taste, but art needs variety and should be open to the individual’s interpretation.”

  Tasha’s response was flat. She believed what she was saying but had no desire to allow the man beside her to engage her in conversation, especially not about a naked painting. She was happier when Lenny interjected his agreement.

  “Quite right.”

  Jim’s arm wrapped tightly around her middle in an obvious but welcome display of possession. “I’m not a big fan of art, as you know, Lenny, but there is something very beguiling about that piece.”

  Lenny nodded but then addressed Tasha. “It’s by one of your countrymen actually. He’s really on the up and I have my eye on another couple of pieces. His name is Gerard Solomon. Are you familiar with him?”

  She wasn’t sure whether he was trying to make her feel stupid and assumed she’d be clueless about art or maybe he was just making conversation.

  “Yes, I am, very.”

  “You surprise me. I didn’t think he was well known outside of art circles.”

  Tasha smiled as she realised Lenny was obviously impressed she knew him and was cu
rrently going up in his estimation. However, she knew her next comment would shatter his illusions that she was an anyway an art aficionado.

  “I remember that particular painting being done.” All eyes turned to look at her as she continued. “Gerry and I lived together at his studio for two years when he was first starting out.”

  She felt Jim’s fingers digging into her hip and realised this was more to show his possession to her than anyone else now and she understood as she considered she’d just blurted out a connection to Gerry which was unknown to everyone present other than him, not that he really knew the details.

  “No way,” cried Lizzie. “How old were you when you lived with your boyfriend?”


  “First love, eh? Doesn’t always last, does it?” Marcia smiled as she seemed to be considering her own first love.

  “No, especially not when he sleeps with your best friend and knocks her up,” Tasha replied without any thought. The words simply left her mouth then the feeling of discomfort was back as sets of shocked eyes descended on her. “Would you mind if I took a picture of it in situ, as it were? I’m sure Gerry would love to see it in its new home.” She meant it. Gerry really would like to see where his work was currently hanging.

  “No, of course not, please do. I just wish it was named, it was sold unnamed,” said Lenny excitedly.

  She took out her phone and snapped several pictures whilst talking to Lenny. “It’s called ‘Escape’, or at least it was, but maybe Gerry decided it should be interpreted and named by the individual,” she suggested now as she thought Gerry might actually like that idea, of it having a dozen different names depending on who was viewing it.

  “Mmm.” Lenny seemed to be pondering something. “You are most insightful, Tasha. Could you pass my details on and ask him to contact me if he has any similar works he’s selling?”

  Tasha nodded.

  “You and he are still in touch then?” Rosa was clearly startled at the notion of them still being involved in any way.


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