Lucky Seven

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Lucky Seven Page 38

by Elle M Thomas


  She sent the message to Jim before video dialling him. He was right about a bigger place. The three bed flat next door had recently been vacated. She and Lucy had looked at it before they signed the lease on this one, but it was also considerably more in rent, so they’d opted for their place. Her thoughts were broken by the intercom buzzing before Jim had responded to her call.

  “Hello,” she said hoping not to hear her mum, dad or God forbid, Liam.

  “Signed delivery for Miss Winters,” a man’s voice replied.

  She ran downstairs and signed for her delivery with a shake of her head at the envelope emblazoned with AMEX, her new credit card, Jim’s credit card.

  She ran back upstairs and found Jim already on her screen.

  “You okay? You sound out of breath.” He frowned at her.

  “I’ve just run back upstairs after signing for a new credit card,” she explained, waving the envelope at her.

  He grinned. “Sign it and use it if you need to.” His tone was firm, then softened, “You are obviously out of condition. Maybe you need to work out more often and I have a couple of routines to build some stamina.”

  “I don’t doubt it. I miss your routines.”

  “Come closer, let me see your face,” he said and bristled as he saw the marks there.

  “Oh, baby, he is an animal. Is that where he hit you with his hand?”

  Tasha nodded.

  “Did you say he had hit you across the arms and back?”

  She nodded again and without prompting removed her t-shirt then turned to show him the bruises and belt marks on her arms, shoulders and back.

  “Oh, Tasha. I know this doesn’t help, but I would like to kill the fucker for laying a finger on you. What else?”

  She pulled the waist down on her cotton floral skirt and revealed a huge bruise on her hip and a belt mark on her thigh.

  “That’s it.” She tried to sound light-hearted.

  “I still think I should try and come over and see you sooner.”

  She stared down the camera at him and smiled. “Jim, you have things you need to attend to, so do precisely that. I have stuff to do here too, but I’m fine. When you do come out things should be a bit more settled and my grandparents are coming to the meeting later and want to help too so that’s good, isn’t it?”

  “Yeah, it is. I am still seriously pissed that you put yourself in this position,” he said, changing tack a little, his annoyance coming through now, annoyance with her rather than her parents.

  “I know and I thought about what you said, but then I just needed to get Dan and Pippa out.”

  “Then you are in need of self-restraint and discipline more than I realised,” he said quite seriously.

  “Jim, I don’t know how to make you understand, but let me try; Dan and Pippa have felt like my responsibility since they were born, or at least since I can remember, so when they need protecting I step in and if what I need to do is put myself in their place, then I do it, whether it pleases you or not. Like you would for Philip, or Lizzie.”

  Jim’s face softened. “Or you, baby. I would do the same for Philip, Lizzie or you.”

  Tasha could feel tears brimming her eyes. As the first one fell she brushed it away and sniffed the others back as best she could. “I really, really love you.”

  “I know, honey, but that’s not to say you don’t still need to show more self-restraint.”

  “As we are date enabled we could always make full use of it,” she said coyly.

  “Oh no, honey. You are hurt so it would be wrong, and I meant in relation to your own safety, so not now.”

  She pouted at his image on screen.

  “Still so eager, Natasha. Stop pouting or I will add it to my list.”

  “Your list?” she asked intrigued.

  “Oh, yes. I have my own list, baby and we will discuss it next week. I have to go to work, but I look forward to seeing you later.”

  Chapter 30

  Nervousness filled Tasha’s very being as she entered the huge office block that housed Wakeman, Stewart and Styler. She was flanked by Dan and Pippa as the smiling receptionist hung up her phone and directed them to the twelfth floor.

  Stepping out onto their floor, they found another receptionist who phoned through to Mr Stewart who in turn appeared quickly. He looked mid-forties and probably stood a couple of inches short of six feet. He was stocky with greying hair and wore a very expensive looking, well cut, dark grey suit.

  “You must be Miss Winters, and Dan and Pippa?” His greeting was warm yet professional as he extended a hand to each of them in turn.

  “Yes, but Tasha please, Miss Winters is awfully formal.”

  He led them through to the conference room where her grandparents were already seated with six other people, including Angie and a tablet on a stand. Tasha giggled at the tablet, placed in front of a seat, at the head of the table no less. Celia and Paul stood up and hugged each of their grandchildren.

  Everyone took their seats as Jerome Stewart spoke. “We are just waiting on Mr Maybury and then we can begin with introductions.”

  The phone behind him rang. “Thank you. I will do it now.” He moved to the opposite end of the table where the tablet was and suddenly Jim’s face appeared, making her smile.

  “Shall we go around the table and introduce ourselves?”

  Tasha smiled at Dan as they heard their grandfather huff and mutter something about bloody liberals.

  “Or, Mr Stewart, you could earn the huge amount of money your firm are charging me and as you know who we all are and do the introductions for us,” said Jim, obviously agitated already and still only eight in the morning for him.

  Smiling, Tasha thought it could be a long day for Marc and Amanda if Jim was in this mood so early. She felt slightly guilty, as usual she was responsible for his mood, but he was currently running on worry alone.

  Jerome smiled at Jim’s image as Paul chuckled to himself.

  “Right then, I am Jerome Stewart one of the senior partners in this firm and a specialist in family law. I’ll be heading up the team representing Miss Winters, Tasha,” he corrected and smiled at her broadly.

  A smile she reciprocated until Jim interrupted, “I like professionalism, so that would be Miss Winters, Mr Stewart.”

  Her grandfather smiled again and mouthed, I like him. His words made her laugh. Jim, unaware of the cause of her amusement frowned but said nothing.

  Mr Stewart continued his introductions. “My team, Sasha Reid, John Porter and Adrian Prosser.” They all smiled as he moved on, “P.R. team of Lily Garcia from L.A. and her London counterpart, Bradley Myers.”

  No wonder Lily looked knackered, the poor woman had been flown in from L.A.

  “Miss Winters’ agent, Angie Carter, her brother Daniel Bailey, her sister Philippa Bailey, her grandparents Mr and Mrs Winters. Of course, we have Miss Winters herself and from L.A. Miss Winter’s partner, Mr James Maybury.”

  Jim frowned again as Jerome called him James.

  “If I bring you up to speed with where we are legally; I have now obtained restraining orders against Liam Pickering and Samuel Bailey. The order prevents either of these people from contacting Miss Winters, Miss Bailey or Mr Bailey via any means, including: phone, writing, text, email, in person or via a third party. The minimum distance that should be between the subjects of the order is five hundred metres. I was advised about an hour ago that Samuel Bailey has been freed on police bail pending further enquiries, including your statements,” he said, waving a finger across the space where Dan, Pippa and Tasha sat. “My feeling is that with previous arrests for affray and public order offences he is probably looking
at a police caution—”

  “A police caution? You are joking?” shouted Jim.

  “Jim, please,” said Tasha, staring at his enraged features.

  “Carry on,” he said with a petulant wave of his hand then asked, “Mr Stewart, in the event that either party make further attempts to make contact, what is the protocol?”

  “Contact the police as they would be in breach of the order and then notify me and I will pursue it legally,” he said and then returned to the police caution. “The police caution could actually be to our advantage with regards to the residency order because by accepting the caution Mr Bailey would have to accept he is guilty of the assault charge. We could then go to the courts tomorrow for an emergency residency order based on the fact that Miss Bailey’s father, a man who has admitted assaulting one daughter should not be allowed to be responsible for his other daughter. So, we need to finalise the details of where Miss Bailey is to reside. Miss Bailey, where would you like to live?” he asked Pippa.

  Before she could reply, Celia spoke. “Could I say something before Pippa decides?” Everyone nodded and Celia continued, “My husband and I have discussed this and we have decided we would actually like Dan and Pippa to stay with us.”

  Tasha went to speak, but her grandmother put her hand up to silence her.

  “Natasha is a young lady with a bright future and a busy lifestyle,” she said gesturing towards Jim’s face. “So in order to take some pressure off Tasha and to give Dan and Pippa some long term security we would like to offer them all an alternative to living with Tasha.”

  “What about financially, Mrs Winters?” asked Mr Stewart.

  Tasha looked on as her grandfather spoke now. “We are already financially responsible for Philippa’s education as we were for Daniel and Natasha before her. We may not be millionaires, but we are more than capable of supporting our grandchildren and my accountants will be able to vouch for that if necessary.”

  “Well if money is—” started Jim before Tasha interrupted knowing her grandfather would be offended if Jim was about to offer cash.

  “Yes, if money is an issue I have some savings put to one side for Dan and Pippa’s future,” she bluffed, her and Jim fully aware of her almost non-existent savings.

  “Nat, please. We don’t want or need your money. You’ve done enough,” admonished her grandfather gently.

  “So, Pippa, whose address are we putting on this residency order?” asked Tasha, unsure whether she managed to utter the words without any hurt or sadness that her sibling might not choose her.

  Pippa looked at Tasha with a loving and grateful smile. “I love you, Tash. You are the best big sister in the world and you have already sacrificed so much for me. I know you have saved me from Dad so many times, although I may not be entirely sure from what, but I can’t let you give up any more for me. You would stay here and look after me, but that’s not fair because you have opportunities and the rich, old guy who you love.”

  Tasha laughed at her sister’s description of Jim.

  “Does she mean me? The rich, old guy?” asked Jim, mildly amused. “Smart mouths must be a genetic feature in your family,” he said, making Tasha smile directly at him.

  “So,” continued Pippa, “I’d like to live with Grandma and Grandpa. They live close to my friends and school and as long as I can still see Tasha and stay with her sometimes that would be perfect.”

  “Are we all agreed?” asked Mr Stewart.

  They all nodded, but Tasha felt a little upset, offended, but this was Pippa’s choice, not hers.

  Mr Stewart made some more notes. “I shall present this to the courts tomorrow. I just need a few more details from Mr and Mrs Winters so if we leave the P.R. people with Mr Maybury, Miss Winters and Miss Carter in here we can move to my office and when the police arrive we will sit in as adviser for each of you,” he gestured towards Pippa and Dan. “And then when you are done, Miss Winters, I will represent you whilst your statement is taken.”

  “Actually,” interrupted Jim. “Could I speak with Miss Winters alone for a moment?”

  The room quickly dispersed leaving her and Jim alone. She giggled as she looked at the screen and wondered if she should put a hat on it and dress Jim up.

  “Something funny, Miss Winters?”

  “Your arsy mood, for one thing.” She laughed.

  “I am not arsy, and I have now added that to my list. I am worried about you and I want you to be happy with everything, and that fucking smarmy ass fancies you.” He frowned.

  Tasha laughed again, countering, “But I fancy you. You look very handsome today.”

  “Good. Now what do you think about your grandparents having responsibility for Pippa?”

  “I should look after them.”

  “At what cost?”

  She frowned in confusion, thinking he couldn’t mean financially.

  “Tasha, they all want you to be able to start living your own life and they have made their choices. It doesn’t mean you won’t still be their big sister and they can still stay with you at yours or they could visit L.A. Nothing will change you being their sister and Pippa knows some of what you’ve done for her, the sacrifices you’ve made. Thankfully, not all of them and Dan looks as though he knows precisely what you’ve done for them. Baby, for once put yourself first.”

  Tasha nodded. “I suppose so.”

  “So, are you clear on what to do in the event that your dad or Liam attempt to make contact?” he asked with a very serious tone.


  “Not good enough, tell me.”

  “I have to call the police and then Jerome, Mr Stewart,” she corrected.

  “Yes, at the first sign, do not engage them in any way. And you call me after the police and Mr Stewart, okay?”

  She nodded.

  “Answer me, Natasha.”

  “Yes, James, do not engage, contact police, Jerome and then you.” She cut her eyes at him on the screen.

  “Don’t cut your eyes or James me. This is serious. Oh, and Mr Stewart, not Jerome. He will think you want to be his friend and then he may want to play with you and that is my privilege alone. Now, let’s get Angie and P.R. in and we can all get on.”

  Tasha made no reply beyond waving to those gathered on the other side of the glass wall and watched as they all filed back in.

  Together they agreed a plan; if the story broke P.R. Bradley would deal with the flack and issue a statement confirming a domestic dispute that had all been dealt with and so long as her father accepted the caution they could prove his guilt by him accepting what he’d done. Jim also insisted that in the event of Tasha’s dad or both parents trying to cash in and make money from being victims in this the details of the restraining order and a plea for privacy should be made on Tasha’s behalf citing her need to come to terms with years of systematic abuse at her parents hands, but without giving specific details and ensuring any donations for stories shared went to charities for victims of domestic violence.

  “I’m not sure about this, Jim,” she said, concerned.

  “Trust me on this, Tasha. You need to plan for every eventuality and if we need to go on the offensive and play the media we will, but I will be with you and you will be safely protected over here if it turns messy, okay?”

  “I suppose.”

  “Then I think we are done for now. Angie, are you happy with things?” he asked.

  “Yeah, great,” replied Angie, grinning at him. “Although we may need to have a contingency plan for that fucker Liam.”

  “Agreed. Angie, leave it with me. So, Lily, keep me posted on further developments as Mr Stewart will. Tasha text me or call me if you need anything.”

  She nodded.

  “Thanks, everyone. Speak to you later, baby. I love you,” he said, oblivious to the others staring at his open show of affection.

  She smirked at him. “Sext you later.”

  He grinned broadly at her sudden openness.

  “Right, I am he
ading home,” announced Angie. “But I bloody love that man of yours, Tash.”

  Jerome came back for Tasha to give the police her statement. He briefed her on keeping the details of her relationship with Liam under wraps for now and to stick to the facts of her father’s attack, which she did. The police officer confirmed they were looking at a caution rather than a court case.

  When she had finished with the police she sat in Jerome’s office and asked, “Did Jim send you the messages I received from Liam Pickering?”

  He smiled wryly. “Yes, Mr Maybury did.”

  She laughed. “Sorry. He is very particular about business relationships and I should probably have pre-empted it.”

  “I know. I had a call from a very prominent attorney in L.A. at midnight to discuss this case and I know Mr Maybury is a very well respected businessman out there. He is obviously and understandably concerned for you.” He smiled at her kindly and then went back to Liam’s message. “Your relationship with Mr Pickering, how old were you when it started?”

  “Fifteen, almost,” she replied uncomfortably.

  “And he would have been late twenties?”

  She nodded.

  “Then he was committing sexual offences at the very least.” Jerome Stewart wore a very concerned frown.

  “At the very least,” Tasha replied to confirm the suspicion her lawyer seemed to hold.

  “As I thought. So, if he tries to go public we will point that out to him. Sex with a minor not to mention the rape and/or sexual assault charges. If he continues in spite of the restraining order being issued I will write to him, advising him of our intention to look at criminal charges relating to his relationship with you. We’ll do that before we involve the police for breach of the order, but the order was only issued today so it may not have been served on him yet. I will chase it up.”

  “Thank you,” she said sincerely.

  “I will advise Mr Maybury of any progress and I will call you when I come out of court tomorrow, but I don’t anticipate any problems,” he assured her.


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