Lucky Seven

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Lucky Seven Page 49

by Elle M Thomas

  “I’ll buy another gallery and Gerry can exhibit there if it means you’ll stay in with me looking like that,” he said quite seriously.

  “We are expected at this one and it’s not a showcase for Gerry, it’s more to give some young, promising, unknown, starving artists a chance to get some publicity on the back of Gerry bringing in the crowds, so I think it’s our moral duty to the art world to attend.”

  Tasha stood perfectly still as Jim traced his finger from her jaw down the neckline of her dress and stopped at the small diamanté clip that held the dress closed.

  “Then we will have to attend, Natasha. I can’t have starving, tortured artists on my conscience,” he mocked as he continued to finger the clip. “Is this for show or is it really the only thing holding this very beautiful dress closed?”

  “It is the only thing holding this very beautiful dress that you paid for closed.” Her words were rewarded with a huge smile.

  “I told you your clothes and shoes were for my benefit,” he reminded her, arching a brow as he unfastened the clip revealing her new underwear as the dress gaped open.

  “Oh, baby.” He hissed his appreciation of what he saw through gritted teeth. “You know what? I can live with starving artists on my conscience if I get you like this.” He was already pulling her against him.

  “We need to go,” she said, a little breathless.

  “You can’t leave me like this, Tasha,” he complained, moving her hand to rest on his bulging erection.

  She laughed and pulled away to refasten her dress. “I can and I will leave you like this. Maybe that makes for an interesting night, us both feeling frustrated.” Tasha turned, picked up the invitation and placed it in her clutch.

  “It will be very interesting, not to mention, hot as hell and satisfying for us both,” he whispered in her ear as he wrapped an arm around waist and walked her to the door.

  “Without you flipping out on me, can I ask, should I take some cash or my credit card?”

  “If you want to, but you won’t need it,” he said looking every inch the gentleman by holding the door open for her.

  As they made their way through the lobby, past reception the snooty bitch receptionist looked up and grinned broadly at Jim before looking amazed at Tasha’s transformation from the jeans and t-shirt clad commoner from earlier to the sophisticated young lady of now.

  “Good Evening, Mr Maybury,” she trilled at him. “Miss,” she added begrudgingly.

  He smiled at her curtly and gripped Tasha’s hand tighter.

  “Bitch,” muttered Tasha.

  “Who?” Jim seemed confused about exactly who the bitch was.

  “Little Miss Snooty on reception.” Tasha felt new agitation at her earlier experience at reception.

  Jim laughed as they left the hotel. “Which way for dinner, honey?”

  “There’s fast food if we go right and there’s a steakhouse around the corner with a left, but beyond that I am as clueless as you.”

  He led her left meaning they were having steak for dinner.

  “What’s the problem with the receptionist?” he asked now.

  “She is a stuck up snotty cow with ideas above her station.”

  He looked across at her and laughed at her expression of outrage as much as anything. “Would you care to expand on that, honey?”

  “When I checked in, in jeans and trainers, she questioned whether I had actually got the right hotel and she and the other guests at the desk all looked down their noses at me, as if I was unworthy of being there. Strangely though, when she found the reservation she was all smiles, presumably realising that the very expensive suite must somehow make me more worthy. Then!” she shouted now. “Then, she said she needed a credit card for security and asked if I wanted to wait for you. So obviously I’m not creditworthy either.”

  Jim laughed loudly at Tasha, then annoyed her further when he spoke, “She was perfectly charming when I checked in.”

  “I bet she fucking was. But she would be, wouldn’t she? You being rich and gorgeous.” Tasha spat the final word at him.

  He stopped walking, bent down and kissed her. “Calm down and that mouth. You should have stayed in with me tonight. You are really cranky, honey, and I think we both know why.”

  She frowned in response and then smiled a very small smile. “Possibly, but she still pissed me off.”

  “Natasha!” he admonished. “Such language. I can let that one go as she has obviously offended your working class roots, but no more. I could get her fired if you’d like me to. I play golf on occasion with the CEO of the chain,” he said seriously.

  Tasha thought for a moment making and wondered if he’d really do that for her.

  Jim laugh, “She offended you that much? One word is all it would take, baby.”

  Clearly, his offer was a genuine one. She shook her head, not wanting to lose anyone their job and realised they’d arrived at the steakhouse.

  Chapter 40

  They were seated in the middle of the restaurant. It was as they waited for their food, and with a slug of wine Tasha bravely asked, “Can I say something without you going ballistic?”

  He frowned at her, unsure what she might ask that could make him go ballistic. “Yes, of course, but please think about what you’re going to say before you say it because I don’t want to fight with you, not tonight.”

  “It was never my intention to taunt you earlier. I was just trying to make a point that most men,” she said, making inverted commas with her fingers, “judge their sexual prowess by their ability to make a woman achieve an orgasm, not the opposite, like you.”

  He stared at her blankly, but now knew exactly what could make him go ballistic, but for now he was keeping a lid on it, so she continued.

  “As soon as I heard the words aloud and I saw the expression on your face, I knew you hadn’t taken them how I intended. I also knew there was no point in trying to explain at the time, but I want you to know that I wasn’t taunting you. I wouldn’t do that anymore than I would want you to taunt me with details of your past relationships, but I am sorry that you got that impression.”

  He was still staring at her. “I can see your point, but I meant what I said, I don’t want you to ever discuss the details of your past sexual experiences in any detail like that. Now, whilst I may share a witty story or retell something I remember from a previous relationship over dinner or in passing, I would never, ever mention any of my exes literally whilst we were in bed, together, intimate and I expect the same from you. I’d assumed that was already understood.”

  “That seems more than reasonable, and I am sorry,” she said sincerely.

  “Speaking of that incident, how is your ass?” He smirked.

  “Very hot and rather red,” she replied smirking back, not regretting the heat and throb in her behind. “Although, having established the sentiment of my comment, it was totally unwarranted.”

  He shook his head. “I disagree. Your sentiment was unclear, but the inference was crystal clear and I was mad as fuck,” he whispered across the table.

  “Yeah, me and my ass got that message loud and clear.”

  “Are you sore?” he asked.

  “Very,” she said and then looked confused. “Oh, you’re still talking about my ass, sorry, yes that’s very sore too.”

  He laughed loudly, causing people around them to look across. “I like you, Tasha. You make me laugh,” he said as the waiter returned with Tasha’s medium ribeye and Jim’s rare T-bone.

  As they were left alone Tasha asked, “Why Vegas?”

  Jim almost choked on the piece of steak he had just put in his mouth.

  He chewed and swallowed before answering, “To get married?”

  She nodded.

  “I dunno. It started off as a joke really; I told you. I’ve been married in a church, a hotel, by the J.P. on an exotic beach, on a yacht and on a cliff, so after I separated from Esther, number six, Marc and I got drunk one night and discussed all of
my wives, the pros and cons and joked that if I ever found one with all of the pros and none of the cons I should marry her immediately. Make her lucky seven, by whisking her off to Vegas, before she had time to change her mind, according to Marc, but the idea of it just kind of stuck in my head and then when I met you, well...” He continued to eat.

  “So, you think I have the pros of all of your ex-wives? That’s hardly complimentary. I am sure someone as infuriating as me must share some of the cons too.” She bristled slightly.

  He smiled and explained, “That does sound pretty offensive when you say it back like that, sorry. There are certain qualities we look for in a mate, and I suppose that’s what I mean by the pros, the qualities I like, and the cons would be the less desirable qualities. You have all of the qualities I have always sought, and then some.”

  “And the less desirable ones?”

  “Hmmm; the mouth, the profanities, your insistence on calling me James, your inability to follow through with agreed instructions, knowingly putting yourself in danger, but I also kind of like those too, to some extent, even the more infuriating ones, because they make you who you are and maybe if those were taken away you would be too perfect. Perfect would be no good, I need some reason to take you task,” he grinned as he continued eating.

  She stared at him and nodded. “I suppose that makes sense.”

  “We don’t have to get married in Vegas, Tasha. Wherever you want is fine by me,” he said far too seriously.

  “I told you before, you’ve never asked me to marry you.”

  “I suppose I haven’t asked, but that would give you the option of saying no, and you will be marrying me. It’s a done deal, baby,” he said. “Look, we obviously need to talk about this properly, but until you acknowledge that it’s going to happen, we can’t discuss details.”

  She looked at him with a feeling of shock, not because of what he’d said, but the fact that he was spot on. It was a done deal, she would marry him, but she wasn’t ready to admit that to him, not yet.

  “We’ll talk about the name change then too,” he added as he put the last of his dinner in his mouth.

  “Gerry said that Lenny has been emailing him on a daily basis about the items he wants to buy,” said Tasha, changing the subject to something more neutral.

  “Yes, he called me before I flew out here to ask me to make sure that Gerry didn’t sell it to someone else before he has completed the purchase.”

  “Gerry wouldn’t do that, he is very honest,” said Tasha with total belief in her defence of her ex-boyfriend.

  “Is that why he slept with your best friend? Because he is honest,” said Jim seriously, proving that the topic of Gerry was anything but neutral for Jim.

  “Fair point. But he was stupid, rather than dishonest I think. Should we change the subject?”

  “Good idea. What happened with your dad last week?” he asked more gently.

  “I did tell you the main points.”

  “I think you told me bare facts with a few of the main points relating to you, so now tell me what happened.”

  She pushed her plate away and accepted another glass of wine.

  “Dan called me to say Dad was losing it completely with Mum and he was scared for himself and Pippa. Lucy insisted on driving so we both went. You could hear them all the way down the street and some of the neighbours were out, including Gerry’s parents who had called him and the police, which I didn’t know at the time. I went in and he was going berserk at my mum and Pippa and Dan were huddled together on the opposite side of the room. They looked so little and scared so I knew I had to do something to get them out. I intervened with my mouth amongst other things. He lost it with me too, but that created enough of a diversion that I could safely send Pippa and Dan out with Lucy and told her to call the police.”

  The waiter returned and cleared their plates.

  “What did you say to him?” Jim asked.

  She took a deep breath. ”For some reason my dad had made a deal with Liam to settle some debt by offering my mum’s services, shall we say.”

  Jim stared at her, wildly shaking his head.

  “It gets better, or worse. It appears that my mum, who is not always a faithful wife had picked up some, erm, disease and passed it on to Liam, although that could have come from my dad.” She laughed, a little embarrassed and continued. “Liam reinstated the debt and charged interest. Dad was saying things about me and my mum being whores, and that kind of thing, but then he said that at least I hadn’t given Liam anything as I had been a virgin. I decided to tell him quite bluntly that I had slept with Gerry before Liam and then he hit me. He told me I had to give him twenty-thousand for Liam or pay off the debt with my body, so I told him to go and screw himself and that was it then; he hit me a couple of times and then off came the belt. I think I only felt the first couple because the next thing I knew Lucy was on the floor with me and the police were there and Gerry. He took Dan and Pippa back to mine and Lucy followed the ambulance to the hospital, but my mum just kept saying that he didn’t mean it and that I push his buttons.”

  “Shit, Tasha, had I known the whole story I would have come straight over even with your objections. He is a complete bastard. Why would you want anybody to be with your wife or child like that? To pay off his debts!”

  She shrugged. “I didn’t want you to change your plans, you are very busy and have far more important things to do than rush to my rescue.”

  “No, I don’t, Tasha. There is nothing more important to me than you. When will you realise that?”

  She shrugged again and said positively, “But it’s sorted now, over.”

  “But he came back, that night outside of your apartment. You said you’d tell me what happened, face to face,” Jim said, still sounding remarkably calm.

  “Now?” she asked, checking the time on the restaurant clock.

  Jim checked his watch. “We’ll get the bill and you can tell me on the way to the gallery.”

  Once outside Tasha said, “We can get a cab to the gallery, or take the underground?”

  “Cab,” replied Jim as he hailed one to a standstill.

  After telling the cabbie their destination, Tasha settled back in the seat and Jim’s open arm and began.

  “You really won’t like this. I got out of my car and was heading towards the front door when he called behind me. I told him that he shouldn’t be there and he apologised and was very meek, so I gave him five minutes. He wanted to come in, but I said no. He then explained that he had another debt, probably combined with the old one or some scheme to pay the first one with Liam off and asked for money. I thought about it for a minute then he started shouting that I had the money and was just being a bitch, and maybe it could be a final payment for Pippa.”

  “I see.” Jim looked slightly irritated now.

  “Now, this is where you really won’t like it. He said I was a bitch and that I wanted him to beg and plead. He swore at me and said he wouldn’t beg. He even asked why I’d become such a hard faced bitch. He suggested I should have some lessons in manners and sharing, and thought Liam would be happy to help. Apparently, he misses me.” She shuddered at the notion of it and the memory of her father’s words. “He made unpleasant references to me having been one hell of a fuck and went on to suggest that maybe he should sample some too.”

  She could barely look across at Jim who was obviously seething.

  “I thought I was going to be sick. He came towards me and ran his hand down my body,” she demonstrated the movement from her neck to her abdomen. She could feel that she was shaking again, like she had when it had happened.

  Jim pulled her closer and thumbed her cheek as she continued.

  “I really thought I had made a huge mistake and knew I’d be in big trouble with you for not following the rules. I began hitting the intercom buttons to the flats in the block and people answered then he ran off, shouting at me. He called me names and told me to take good care of Pippa for him. I l
et myself in and was a bit shaken because I just felt that it was too close for comfort and proved that you were right about not trusting me to do as I should.”

  She looked up at Jim now and cringed at the expression of absolute fury on his face.

  He bent down and kissed her gently. “It wasn’t your fault, even though you didn’t follow the rules, but it’s still not your fault that your dad is such a vile excuse for a human being. He will never do that again, Tasha. I won’t let him come anywhere near you again, not ever. I will look after you and keep you safe. I know I sometimes make you a little crazy with my control freak tendencies, but it’s what I do, take care of the things and people who matter to me and you are top of that list, honey.” He took her hand and squeezed it tightly.

  “Thank you for caring,” she said with a wobble to her voice as the cab came to a stop.

  Jim stretched forward and paid the fare with a hefty tip then got out first, holding the door open before offering her his hand which she happily accepted and held it tightly as they entered the gallery.


  “Tasha,” called Simone, Gerry’s agent and the one who had first launched his artistic career.

  She propelled herself towards Tasha and Jim. She was a vision in green velvet. Was it a suit? No. A cat suit with white leather thigh high boots. Maybe that’s why Tasha didn’t get art, she didn’t have the vision to combine white boots with green velvet, but then very few people did. Looking beyond Simone, Tasha also took in some of the other outfits on show and decided that she was definitely not of an artistic mind set.

  Simone hugged her tightly. “Gez is exhibiting out the back so we get everyone to see the work of my babies.” She signalled to all of the exhibiting areas for her unknown artists.

  “And you must be the American that has swept our Tasha off her feet. Angie has told me all about you. She’ll be here later so if you’re here that late you’ll see her.” Simone thrust her hand into Jim’s.


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