Lucky Seven

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Lucky Seven Page 55

by Elle M Thomas

  “You make me happy too,” said Tasha and laughed.


  “She told me you were making people, men, cry at work courtesy of me putting you in a foul mood the other week.”

  “Damn Marc!” said Jim as Tasha realised he really had.

  “You really want me to live in your house when I make you so mad for so much of the time? When I infuriate you?”

  “Yes. Even when you infuriate me, I can’t wait to see you, to be with you,” he admitted.

  She smiled. “Why is marriage so important to you?”

  “I don’t know. I was brought up to be married and to raise a family and of my six wives I should probably have only married Sara, but I do value and respect marriage.”

  “That is where I struggle with it, Jim. How can you value and respect it when you married five women in error? One in order to screw her and four who were just mistakes. One out of six is pretty short odds for me.”

  “I see now that five out of six were mistakes, but not at the time,” he sounded serious, almost nervous.

  “Last night you said, I really want you to be the only woman I ever fuck for the rest of my life and even when I got married I don’t think I ever thought that, ever, so you are admitting that when you married each of your wives you didn’t imagine really being faithful to them,” she reminded him. “And by divorcing them so easily it makes me think you view your wife as disposable,” Tasha admitted for the first time to herself and to Jim.

  “Look, Tasha, I am what I am, and I have no intention of defending my past. I cheated on four of my six wives and I have been open with you about all of them. I could have lied and told you that they all broke my heart and all I needed was to be loved again, but I didn’t. I believe in being married. I would like to know you’re mine completely. That the whole world knows you belong to me. That you wear my ring and have my name, simple.”

  She thought about the conversation she’d had with Maisie about Jim thinking marriage put him in control but only being in control if you are allowed to be.

  “Do you believe that I love you and I don’t ever want to be with anyone else?”

  “Yes,” she replied honestly, and she did, she really did.

  “Good. Now tell me, I know about Gerry, Jake and Liam, although he doesn’t count, but how many sexual partners have you had?” he asked not moving his gaze from hers.

  With a wide-eyed, startled expression Tasha wondered why he did this, random questions about her sexual past, periods and birth control.

  “I hope the delay is shock and you’re not still totalling them up, honey,” he said impatiently.

  “Including the three you know about, nine,” she replied.

  “Nine? But only three boyfriends?” he said rather judgementally.

  “Two of the other six were boys I kind of dated, for a few weeks. Three were one- night stands and one was a guy I dated for a while and then became more of a friend with benefits.”

  “A booty call?” he asked rhetorically.

  “More of a fuck buddy,” she said, laughing.

  “That one will cost you,” he said darkly. “Any of them likely to cash in and sell a kiss and tell story about you?”

  “I doubt it. I think they would have done it by now if they were going to.” She believed what she was saying to be true.

  “Do you still see your fuck buddy?” He winced as he said the words.

  “Not really. We occasionally meet up with friends, but we haven’t fuc…had sex for about a year,” she explained. “Are you mad with me?”

  “What do you think?”

  She nodded.

  “And do you think I should be?” he asked, moving around the table so he was sat next to her.

  “I don’t know. No. It was all before I knew you, so maybe you have no right to be mad with me,” she said with a slight wobble to her voice now as his hand gripped her thigh tightly.

  “I don’t like the idea of you being with anybody else, so yes I am mad, but I know it was before us. I hate to think of you just giving it up for a one-night stand. You are worth so much more than that,” he said and then stood up. “Come on.”

  “Where?” she asked, confused.

  “I do believe it’s spanking time, honey.”

  “But, James, I don’t know, no.” Fear spiked through her veins at the idea of it. She felt scared, what if it hurt? Surely there was no what if about it. He was going to smack her with his hand and the intention had to be for it to hurt her, didn’t it? What if she didn’t like it?

  “Unless you want me to put you across my knee in here?” His words caused her face to take on an even more fearful expression. “Don’t look so worried, baby, trust me, please,” said Jim gently as he offered her his hand.

  She took his hand and actually did trust him, like she had said earlier. She trusted him not to do anything bad to her and she always liked when he spanked her during sex, but was it different because this was a calculated spanking, a punishment? She was stepping into the lift now and felt a combination of nervousness, butterflies, excitement and anticipation. He was still holding her hand as they left the lift and entered their suite.

  “I won’t do anything you don’t want me to do, Tasha.” He kissed her gently on the lips.

  She nodded. “You really want to do this, don’t you?”

  “Yes. I want you to conform to what I want and when you don’t, I want to be the one to correct you, to punish you. That’s what I do when I stop you coming or I may in the future play it like last night when I made you come, over and over, or when I spank you during sex and you like it, don’t you?” He pulled her against him.

  “Yes, I do,” she admitted. “I find it a real turn on.”

  “Will you try this?”

  She nodded making him smile.

  “I did think about introducing the paddle or maybe the blindfold again, but as you’re a little nervous we’ll take it slowly. Just you and me, okay?”

  She nodded again. “Did you do this with your wives?”

  He looked cross again.

  “I don’t like us to talk about other people when we’re together, you know that.” He sighed. “But just this once, Natasha; I have spanked all of my wives in the way of single strokes at some point, some liked it more than others, but nobody liked it like you do and I have never spanked any of them like this, like I want to with you. Partly because they were usually more compliant than you,” he told her with a wink that made her smile.

  “What happens afterwards?” She still felt confused by her conflicting feelings.

  “Well, as I am seriously horny just thinking about it, I would like to think I will fuck you afterwards, if that’s what you want.” He led her towards the bedroom door. “Is that what you want afterwards, Tasha?”

  She nodded, her nerves rising again.

  “Answer me?” he said firmly.


  “Okay then, baby, we’ll take it nice and slowly. Go and get rid of the jeans and sneakers, and your bra,” he ordered and opened the bedroom door for her. “Then wait for me.”

  She stood nervously in her pants and t-shirt and thought this was part of the game he was playing, building the anticipation and she had to admit she was very turned on now and he would be in no doubt about it when he touched her. She breathed deeply as the door opened and she watched him walk past her to sit on the bed.

  When he looked across at her and curled his finger to summon her she was already clenching inside.

  “Now,” he said insistently.

  James was definitely here now, Mr Control Freak himself, of that there was no doubt.

  She stood before him and he immediately buried his face between her thighs and sniffed in her aroma, deep and loud.

  “You smell good, honey. You smell horny.” He sat up again, pulled her pants down and held her hand as she stepped out of them. He smiled at her as she straightened. “I really do love your tits.”

  She looked down and
saw her aching breasts were betraying how she felt as her t-shirt lost the battle to conceal large, hard nipples protruding through the thin fabric and assumed that was why he’d said no bra.

  Grabbing her wrist, Jim pulled her across his lap and cocked one of his legs over one of hers, the one closest to him. He rested one arm on her lower back holding her against the bed and with his free hand he pushed her ‘free’ leg over to force her thighs to spread.

  “Tasha, turn your head so I can see your face,” he told her, and she did so immediately.

  He rubbed his hand across her bottom, both cheeks in turn, gently, then a little firmer before his hand disappeared and sharply returned.

  She was shocked that it had landed with no warning and was more shocked when her skin warmed and stung so soon. Tasha was trying to absorb the feelings this was prompting within her when his hand came back down again, on the other side, before he massaged her again, but allowed his hand to move lower until his fingers found her softening and moistening folds, making her moan.

  “Oh, baby, you are ready so soon. You like this, don’t you?” He rotated his fingers inside her. “Do you want me to stop?”

  “No,” she moaned and then another smack rang out and took her further by surprise causing her to cry out loudly.

  She was beyond hot now; her ass was burning, but she was seriously turned on by this, but why? She understood why he got off on being in control, by the power, but why did she? It was degrading, humiliating, it was so basic and primal. He was using his strength to overpower her, to make her submit to his will, to encourage her to conform to his ideals and this was the consequence to her not doing so and she was loving it. Although, she wasn’t sure she should be. Was it wrong of her to like this so much, especially when she considered that her parents had never shied away from physical retribution?

  Another smack was followed by his fingers burying themselves deep within her and doing the circling thing he did, rotating, massaging. Tasha could feel all of her muscles tensing and contracting, she was so close already. His hand moved away and suddenly it was back, stinging sharply.

  “You were never the girl I was just fucking, Tasha.”

  He rubbed her cheeks, exciting her, but hurting her too. He seemed angry with her about that comment.

  Then he spoke and she realised he was angry about several things. “This is for the nos.”

  His hand struck again, hard. Yes, she’d been right about that bothering him, but this was getting more intense, the physical feelings and her confused emotions.

  “And the sulking.” His hand came down again. He gently parted her cheeks and found her tight anus and rubbed and fingered it gently until the tip of his little finger disappeared. “I am going to fuck you here, Tasha,” he growled, making her moan and buck against his arm and leg. “Keep still, baby,” his voice softened slightly. “Not yet, but I will be the only man to have been here.” He gently pulled his finger tip out and then slipped it back in before removing it to squeeze her cheeks firmly.

  She was so sore now that she seriously questioned whether she would be able to sit down at all after this, but maybe he was done now, with the spanking anyway.

  “And I am going to be the only fuck buddy you ever have,” he said angrily as the next strike, the hardest one landed, but lower so it stung across her behind and also beyond allowing his fingers to claim her again.

  As soon as they entered her, she tightened around them, all of her muscles clenched and immediately she convulsed into an orgasm causing her to cry out and again she realised she really was his and would do exactly what he wanted. Had any other man suggested this, hitting her, spanking her she would have said no and run for the hills. She would have viewed them as a bully, a violent, sadistic woman beater, like her dad and Liam, but this was different. James was different. He made her different.

  He released her from the grip of his arm and leg and helped her to stand before standing up too. He tilted her head with a finger beneath her chin and bent down to kiss her with tiny, gentle, lingering kisses that she responded to immediately, but was in no mood for gentle and tender, something Jim realised as Tasha pulled him to her to unleash her tongue in his mouth.

  “You really are a constant source of amazement, Tasha.” He pulled away from her slightly. “Are you okay, baby?”

  “Yes.” She was okay and yet now, afterwards, in the aftermath she felt slightly uncomfortable, embarrassed almost.

  “Have you had enough?” asked Jim sounding slightly concerned. “You’re in control here, honey. You want to stop, we stop.”

  Tasha smiled. She believed every word of what he said. Knew that if she said she wanted to stop, to carry on, to go out, stay in, anything, he would be fine with that and respect her decision. More than that, he would take care of her and make her feel safe.

  “No! Yes!”

  He laughed at her conflicting responses. “Which is it baby, no or yes?”

  “No, I haven’t had enough of you, but yes I have had enough spanking, or at least my ass has.” She turned with a slight grimace at the red glow she currently wore.

  He winced as he looked at it and for a second looked guilty. Tasha took Jim’s hand and placed it on her hot, sore behind.

  “I liked it far more than I thought I would. I like you to touch me. I like the way you make me feel when you touch me, inside and out,” she said as she ran her fingers through his hair. “I like the way you control me because I am yours, all of me,” she whispered, making him moan as she heard the familiar sound of fabric ripping, her t-shirt this time that looked like an old rag as it hit the floor making her smile. “I wish I had never been with anybody else, but I am glad you’ll be the only fuck buddy I’ll ever have now, James,” she said seductively as she undid his jeans.

  He pulled his t-shirt off and looked down at her as he let his jeans drop to the floor with his boxers and stepped out of them. “What now then, Tasha?” He stared at her, eyeing her whole body, devouring her, making her squirm inside and out. “Do you want me to make love to you?”

  “No. I want you to fuck me,” she said bluntly, already stepping back towards the bed where she lay down quickly causing her to wince and jump as the firm bed made contact with her sore bottom.

  He smiled at her and let out a single laugh. “Maybe not like that though? Roll over, show me your ass.”

  She rolled over and drew her knees up until she was on all fours, responding to the commanding tone of his voice, inviting him to take her, begging him, in what must have been the most lewd of ways.

  He was instantly there, behind her, driving himself into her in a single thrust as he stroked her hot cheeks.

  “Oh, baby,” he crooned. “I love your ass.” His hands gently kneaded it.

  “Your ass,” she moaned.

  “Yes, honey, mine. What else is mine, Tasha?” His speed and rhythm increased and his arms reached around her body to tease her nipples.

  “My tits, they’re yours too, and my pussy is yours, all of me, James.”

  “That’s right. You are mine and when you live in my house I can do this to you every day, everywhere. Would you like that?”

  “Yes,” she moaned and knew she was close to finding her release again.

  “When you move in with me I think I will take you into my office and spank you again and then fuck you hard, baby,” he tormented.

  “Oh God,” she cried as she began to buck her hips and met him thrust for thrust.

  “Not yet, Tasha, don’t come yet,” he ordered.

  She really did need to have a conversation with him about giving her a sign or some warning when he was going to do this, the whole, ‘don’t’ thing because she was so close now and hadn’t realised she’d be expected to wait.

  “You want me to take you into my office, honey?”

  “Yes,” she replied hoarsely.

  “When Tasha?”

  “Soon,” she replied but was focused on trying to stop her body from betraying her.
/>   “When Tasha?” he asked again, impatient now as he firmly squeezed her buttocks. “Tell me when,” he demanded.

  “Next week…I promise, next week.” She gasped, but he said nothing, just picked up more speed.

  “Not yet, Tasha,” he told her once more.

  She couldn’t hang on much longer and his talking made her hornier. The more she thought about not coming, the closer she came to doing the opposite. She could feel tears at the back of her eyes. She really had to stop crying when she had sex. She wasn’t entirely sure why she had taken to doing that; frustration was one thing and last night she had been completely burnt out, but why now? Although she was incredibly sore, courtesy of the spanking. She wouldn’t cry, not this time.

  “Natasha, marry me,” he said.

  This was his proposal! She looked up at the mirror at the bottom of the bed and as she watched their reflections she had to admit that this was not like any proposal she had ever imagined receiving. They were shagging doggy style after he had spanked her arse red raw and now he was proposing.

  “Answer me, Natasha,” he almost snarled at her as he battled with his own orgasm as it barrelled towards him.

  This was beyond surreal, most unconventional, but nothing about them had ever been conventional so why should this be any different? She realised the threat of tears were no longer present, so that was one thing at least.

  “Yes, James. I’ll marry you.” She surprised herself and possibly him too, but she realised at the very second he’d asked, she really did want to marry him.

  Her acceptance only seemed to prompt him to increase his movements to a merciless speed and within seconds she was falling apart in front of him crying out his name and after he called out to her he stilled before they collapsed on the bed together, still joined, and now engaged.

  Chapter 45

  “We need to find a date then, baby,” Jim said. He pulled Tasha closer and buried his face in her hair.

  “Not yet, though. There’s no hurry is there?” She leaned back against him.


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