Maximum Complete Series Box Set (Single Dad Romance)

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Maximum Complete Series Box Set (Single Dad Romance) Page 64

by Claire Adams

  “I’ll be right there!” I yelled as I hurried to my room. Maddie was standing at the top of the stairs, her eyes locked on my chest. A blush crept up her neck and over her cheeks, but she didn’t tear her eyes away. “I’m running a little late.”

  “I can see that,” she said with a smile and followed me to my room.

  “That wasn’t an invitation,” I said. “We have to get to my mother’s house for dinner.”

  I walked into my closet and began putting on a suit. She waited just outside the door, her voice floating through the wall as she teased me.

  “I don’t know what’s on your mind,” she said. “I just wanted to make sure you were ready.”

  “And are you?” I asked. “Are you wearing the ring?”

  She hesitated a moment before answering.

  “I’m wearing it.”

  “Good,” I said and wrapped Mom’s favorite gray tie around my neck. Maddie met me outside the closet in a white dress covered with flowers.

  “You look good,” I said. She did a small twirl that revealed her defined legs and tanned upper thighs, and I focused my attention elsewhere. We had to get through this dinner, I reminded myself. I had to have a dinner celebrating my engagement with this woman. The woman who had used my mom’s diagnosis for her own payday. I kept reminding myself of it, but I wasn’t sure why.

  “Let’s keep this dinner only about the upcoming wedding, okay?” I said as she followed me down the stairs. “Nothing about the future.”

  “Well, what about the three kids we’re going to have?” she asked innocently. I groaned. “And their names? Little Tiffany, Sweet Sierra, and,” she pressed the tip of her finger to her chin and tilted her head. “Spoiled Catelyn.”

  “Three girls?” I asked and turned toward her. “Wait, it doesn’t matter. Don’t you dare bring anything up about children.”

  “And if she asks?” She poured herself a half serving of wine. It seemed even Maddie was nervous about the dinner. “Shouldn’t we be on the same page about these things?”

  “Fine,” I took a seat beside her and poured myself a shot of whiskey. I was going to need it. “One kid. We want a boy, and we want to name him Ralph.”

  “Ralph?” She sipped on her wine. “Why Ralph? That’s an awful name.”

  “He was my uncle,” I said. “I was close to him.”

  “I would have suggested Charlie,” she said in a soft tone. I glanced at her. She had known my father, and we both knew that the name was for him.

  “Maybe two boys then,” I said.

  “Two boys,” she agreed as we both finished our drinks. “I think we’re ready for this dinner.”

  I pushed myself off the chair and left my house, with Maddie’s clammy hand held in mine as we met my mother for our celebratory dinner.

  As expected, the moment we arrived at Mom’s and she saw the giant, diamond ring on Maddie’s finger, it was nonstop wedding talk. Mom pressed a kiss on both of Maddie’s cheeks before even acknowledging me, and grabbed her hand and ushered her to take a seat at the dining table.

  The food set on the table was a feast for an entire family, plus more, with two plates of grilled salmon on top of roasted vegetables, a bowl full of baked potatoes, and a long loaf of bread that had been pulled out of the oven as we sat. It was flaky and crispy outside and moist inside, and I dipped a piece into a small dish of balsamic vinegar and oil. I hadn’t touched the glass of whiskey set beside my plate until Mom turned toward me and asked about the wedding.

  “Have you thought about your cake?” she asked. I took a sip.

  “Isn’t that usually for the bride to decide?” I asked. Mom smiled and raised an eyebrow toward Maddie. Every other word out of Maddie’s mouth brought an even wider smile to my mom’s, and I tried remembering the last time I’d seen her smile as much. It had been a while, I realized.

  “I’m partial to anything peanut butter,” Maddie said. “Nancie didn’t allow it at the apartment, too high in calories, but I could eat only peanut butter for the rest of my life and be in bliss.”

  “Gavin gave me a peanut butter protein powder once,” Mom said. “I didn’t like it.”

  “I’m sure a peanut butter cake would taste much better than a powder,” I said and turned to Maddie. “But really? A peanut butter wedding cake?”

  She shrugged. “You knew this wasn’t going to be the most conventional wedding,” she said.

  I nodded. “I’ll call local bakeries then, and see if any of them can make a peanut butter cake for this weekend.” It still hadn’t dawned on me that our wedding was just a few days away. I supposed with enough money it was useless to worry about anything.

  “That would make me the happiest blushing bride,” Maddie said. She leaned her head toward Mom and whispered a few words that resulted in a soft laugh from them both. I tried imagining Maddie in a wedding dress, a blush over her cheeks, a glass of champagne in her hand. I imagined her with the smile of a woman who was marrying the love of her life, a man who would promise to love her the rest of his, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t imagine her looking at me with such a smile. Was what we were about to do wrong? Was I ruining something for her? Would she still get to experience to joy of marrying the man of her dreams even after a fake wedding?

  Maddie was beautiful beyond words, even as she made conversation with a woman much older than her. They didn’t have much in common, but Maddie still held her own. There was a glow to her skin that I hadn’t noticed before, like the natural shine of someone after a day out in the sun. She drank her wine and twirled a strand of hair in her finger and gestured in my direction after making a joke, most likely at my own expense, and they both broke out in laughter.

  I was being silly. Of course, Maddie would still get the day of her life, and it’ll be even richer and grander than ours because it’d be real. There was no reason to worry about her happiness. She’d be fine.

  But I wasn’t sure if I could say the same thing about me. This wedding, as fake as it would be, would most likely be the only wedding I’d have. And it wasn’t for lack of trying or motivation; the right woman, one who wasn’t interested in publicity or money or fame, was difficult to find.

  “How many guests?” Mom asked. I realized I had finished my drink and stood to get another.

  “Not a lot,” Maddie said, and I was thankful for her answer. “We were thinking under thirty. Close family, obviously, but neither of us have that many friends.”

  “Twenty would be ideal,” I said. “We want to keep it small.”

  “More peanut butter cake for everyone,” Maddie said, and we exchanged a smile as I poured whiskey into my glass. “And Gavin will be reading the first chapter of his story,” she added.

  “I’m what?” I asked and took a seat.

  “Oh, you are?” Mom’s face brightened, and she leaned toward me. “That’s wonderful! I’ve been looking forward to it so much. This night is going to be so wonderful, isn’t it?”

  I chewed on my lip and looked at Maddie. Her smile was tilted to the side; she was clearly happy with herself.

  “Yeah,” I said. “Just wonderful.”

  “I forgot to ask, are you having it at the church at the end of the street? We haven’t gone in so long, I’d be surprised if they let you in,” Mom said.

  “I don’t think they’d turn us away,” I said. “But no, it’s going to be right here, behind the house so that you can go.”

  After realizing that the only venues that were available for the weekend were all at least 30 minutes away, I had decided to have the wedding in my backyard. I mentioned it to Maddie over text not wanting to make it a big deal, but she had been far more excited about it than I had expected.

  “It’s going to be beautiful,” Maddie gushed. “We’re having wildflowers brought in and hanging over a canopy that’ll be on top of us and classic wooden chairs for the guests. A marble dance floor, floating lanterns, and a golden fountain of the god of love with rose vines climbing his body.
I have it all planned.”

  I leaned back in my seat and raised an eyebrow. It seemed Maddie had stayed up late with her own planning as well.

  “Everything sounds amazing,” Mom said. “A beautiful wedding for a beautiful couple to start their life together.”

  “It’ll be something,” I murmured and finished my second glass. The night was coming to a close, and Maddie and I both took turns saying goodnight to Mom.

  “Call me if you need any help planning,” she said as we stood in the doorway. “Your father and I only had a court wedding, but I’ve always wanted to plan a real one.”

  “I’ll call you with any questions I have, which will be a lot,” Maddie said. “I promise.”

  Karen closed the door behind Maddie and us, and I walked back to my house in silence. She walked several feet in front of me, and I was finding it difficult to divert my attention away from her backside. She swayed slightly, but her hips still moved in a seductive way that made my mouth dry and hands twitch.

  “The first chapter isn’t ready to read aloud,” I said as I closed the door. She opened the storage container on the side of the couch and pulled out a blanket and pillow.

  “It’ll never be ready with that attitude,” she said and made her makeshift bed. “You and I both know that reading your story’s the only thing that could make the night even more special for her.”

  “Yeah,” I agreed and walked across the living room. She stopped abruptly as I stood in between her and the couch, and a moan escaped her lips as my hands trailed down her back and cupped her ass. My other hand pressed on her neck, ever so small, but it was enough to rouse my cock, and I slid a hand down her collarbone, across her chest, and dipped beneath her dress.

  “I need to wash those sheets,” I murmured as I pulled her close. “We might as well sleep in the same bed until I do.”

  One of her hands gripped my shirt with a weak fist as I pushed her sleeve off of her shoulder. Her skin was warm beneath my touch, and her hands trembled, but she didn’t move. She wanted it as much as I did.

  “Okay,” she said.

  I tore the rest of the dress off her, leaving only her bra and panties, picked her up from below her knees, and carried her upstairs to my bed.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  I didn’t deserve the passion I felt with him pressed against me. Being a taker of sorts, I ignored my guilt and dove head first into lust. It was the only thing that could burn away my thoughts.

  “You smell so good,” Gavin murmured, his handsome face pressed to the side of my neck. “Like vanilla and roses.”

  “So poetic.” I smiled and ran my fingers through his hair as a moan escaped me. The tight grip he had on my ass felt so good, so right.

  “Hush. Pain my ass.” I could feel him smiling, and it warmed me. He laid me down on the bed and reached up, running his strong hands up my sides before cupping my breasts over my bra and squeezing. “You look so good. Like a princess.”

  I snorted and arched my back, reaching back to undo my bra as he leaned over and kissed up my stomach. “I’m thinking more the evil queen.” I ignored the nerves bubbling up inside of me. I should have denied him access to my body, but I was falling in love. If I wasn’t already there.

  “Thank you for helping me with my mother.” He brushed his thumbs over my pert nipples before pressing himself to the front of me and sucking one deep into his mouth.

  “Promise me you won’t thank me again? Please?” I whispered and gripped the back of his head, holding him in place as he worshiped my breast.

  His strong fingers slid in between us, the back of them rubbing across my pussy, playing with me as I twitched beneath him. “Not happening.” He pressed against the wet center of me, playing with me in a way that had me itching for penetration. Some part of me wanted to beg, but I remembered he hated beggars.

  “Get a condom. I want you inside of me.” I leaned down a little and kissed him as I stroked the side of his face. He tasted like mint and lust. I opened my mouth and invited him in, sucking on his tongue and emulating the sex I wanted so fucking bad.

  He pressed up and flattened me to the bed, his body so big and heavy. Strong chest muscles flattened my breasts and made it almost hard to breathe. If I had to be suffocated, he was the best way to go out. I loved it.

  “You’re so bossy even though I’ve warned you to stop it. You don’t listen well. You know that?” His eyebrow lifted, and I could almost see the faint hint of a smirk lifting the side of his perfect mouth.

  I bit my lip and nodded, my eyes widening and he moved back to his knees and tugged me down toward him. “What are you doing?”

  “Whatever I want to do.” Lust burned through his gaze as he reached down and slipped his fingers into the side of my panties, turning his hand to rub the pad of his fingers along my entrance. He tapped my center, popping his finger in and out no more than an inch. The pressure felt so good, but I wanted more. I was a greedy bitch. Surely he remembered.

  I moved to my elbows and cried out as he finally pressed a thick finger inside of me. “Another one,” I cried out. “I want another one.”

  He nodded and smiled. “I’m aware of what you like, Maddie. Relax and let me have you.” He pressed another inside of me, fucking me so slow it hurt. The soft bump of his fist against the soft skin just beneath my pussy as he pressed his fingers deep inside of me left my heart racing, my nerves on edge.

  I tried to catch my breath as he watched me watching him. He reached back and pulled his shirt off with his free hand before hovering back over the top of me for a long kiss. The firm press of his tongue inside of my mouth combined with his fingers drilling into me, opening me up, owning me was more than I could handle.

  “I’m going to come,” I moaned against his lips.

  “Such a good girl.” He smiled and licked at my mouth as he picked up the pace on his fingers. “I can hear how wet you are. Feel it. Smell it.” He breathed in deeply as his eyes darkened.

  “Shit,” I cried out as my stomach contracted. The world exploded, pleasure consuming me as I dropped to my back and gripped the sheets. I lifted my hips, milking his offering for all it was worth as my orgasm continued to blow me apart.

  “Wow. That was fucking hot.” He leaned down and kissed me as he petted my pussy for a few more seconds. “Get on your hands and knees for me. I like to grab your hair.”

  I mumbled my response and rolled onto my side as waves of pleasure raced through my core. So far beyond good. The man knew exactly how to beckon me to yearn after him. He would be the center of my fantasies for a long time to come.

  “Hands and knees, Maddie,” he barked out.

  I rolled over and moaned softly as I forced myself to the position he wanted. I shuffled back until my feet dropped off the side of the bed, and within seconds, he had the thick head of his cock pressed against my opening.

  A whimper left me as one of his hands raced up my back into my hair, the pressure of his fingers against my skin leaving chill bumps in their wake.

  “Someone needs a good, long fuck.” He pressed in a little and paused as his breathing got off.

  “Me,” I whined and pushed back, sliding down the full length of his cock. He stretched me open, which pulled at my clit and sent my head spinning again. “Fuck.”

  “Exactly,” he whispered and slid out of me before setting a pace that had my ass bouncing against his stomach and the bed shaking from the strength of his thrusts. I reached between my legs and fingered my clit as he pulled hard on my hair and rode me until the room exploded in bright lights.

  I heard him urging me on somewhere in the distance, but the haze around me was too thick. I was so close to approaching my third orgasm when he stopped, stiffened behind me. His grip turned rough, biting into my skin.

  “Don’t stop. I’m so close.” I glanced back to find him locked in his own orgasm. So hot.

  Not one to give up an opportunity, I undulated my hips forward and moved dow
n to my elbows on the bed, stroking his thick cock until my own orgasm him. I rode him through it as he groaned and grunted behind me.

  The minute I stopped, I collapsed on my stomach on the bed, and he pulled out, running his hand down the back of my leg. “I’ll be right back. You want water?”

  “Please?” I crawled up into the bed and slipped under the sheets, turning and pressing my face against his pillow before breathing in deeply. The scent of him buried in my lungs was almost as good as him buried inside of my body.

  “Here.” He paused beside the bed and handed me a towel. “Clean up.”

  I took it and cleaned up the evidence of our sex before accepting the bottle of water he’d been drinking. I finished it and pulled the covers up toward my neck as he watched me.

  “What? You want me to go to the couch?” I sat up. “I can.”

  “No. Not at all.” He set the bottle down and walked around the bed, his body bare and so far, beyond sexy. How he didn’t have a woman in his bed already was a huge surprise to me. He was the full package deal, the kind of man I could only dream about being with.

  I rolled onto my side and curled up, facing him. A million conversation starters ran through my mind, but the minute he laid down, he turned his back to me, and that was it. No goodnight, no snuggles or one last kiss. He gave me just what I deserved.


  Chapter Twenty-Five


  It was the day before my wedding, and while any normal groom would have been either freaking out at an unnecessary bachelor party or enjoying their last night of freedom, I was at Ron’s house with a glass of whiskey in one hand, and a necktie in the other.

  “Doesn’t your tuxedo come with a tie already?” Ron asked. I shrugged and sat the tie on his kitchen counter.


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