Maximum Complete Series Box Set (Single Dad Romance)

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Maximum Complete Series Box Set (Single Dad Romance) Page 76

by Claire Adams

  It was the best of both worlds.

  I got into the office and had barely gotten settled when my secretary walked in and paused by the door. “Morning, sir.”

  “Sicily.” I gave her a tight smile. “Make sure that the conference room is ready for our executive staff meeting this morning.” I lifted my arm to glance down at my watch. “It starts in—”

  “Ten minutes,” she jumped in as her smile broadened. “I have everything laid out, just as you like it. We’ll have fresh coffee and a kettle of tea as well.”

  “Excellent.” I pulled my laptop from my briefcase and opened it. “Anything else?”

  “Not right now, sir. Let me know if you need me.”

  “I always need you, Sicily,” I mumbled just loud enough for her to hear me as I dove into answering a few e-mails. Her chuckle was my reward, and I’d take it. She was a good woman and a great secretary.

  A few minutes later, she was back with a two-minute warning. I stood, closed the laptop, and walked down the hall. Ten of my top executives sat quietly as I walked into the room.

  “Morning. It’s come to my attention that there was some confusion over the new phone prototype that I designed and presented last week.” I pulled out my chair and lifted an eyebrow as I glanced at the faces staring at me. “Why so gloomy? Someone die?”

  Bill chuckled. “No, sir. We’re just hoping that you’re going to explain the prototype in a different way. We’re trying to grasp it, but it’s like telling us that the U.S. is going to send someone to the moon. Seemed impossible, and yet they did it.”

  “Maybe,” Kent said. “Who knows if it were true?”

  We all gave a soft chuckle and I took my seat. “Well, going to the moon is a discussion for another day.” I leaned down and pulled the prototype from my bag. “This, however, is our main focus right now. You guys are in charge of marketing and sales. Let’s get you caught up on the science and then the benefits our customers will receive because of this newest jewel.”

  I dove into my presentation, having reworked it five times in between all of the activities around Harry’s wedding. After answering a million questions and ensuring beyond the shadow of a doubt that my team knew what the hell they were looking at, I dismissed them.

  We had another meeting coming up later that week where the marketing team would brief me on our new strategy. We needed something different, something wow.

  After everyone had left the conference room, I walked over to the floor to ceiling windows and slipped my hands into my pockets. I had everything a man my age could want. Wealth. Security. Fame. Attention.

  The only thing missing was a woman who loved me.

  I couldn’t help but let my thoughts rush back to my quiet estate and the pretty dark-haired beauty who rested inside its thick walls. I wasn’t sure why I wanted to offer her healing, but it was bothersome. She was off limits.

  At least in my head she was. My body had a completely different understanding of the situation. Sex had healing powers, and I’d experienced it many times before in my life. A part of me wanted to seduce her and dip her into the pool of pleasure. If she liked what I had to offer, maybe she’d slide in deeper…or let me.


  I got home just after eight, which was early for me. The concern over leaving Molly at the house too long by herself was unfounded, but it was a concern nevertheless. After parking the SUV, I walked to the back door and realized that once again, I’d forgotten my damn key.

  I knocked and pursed my lips as my stomach tightened. Molly had her long black hair in a ponytail, and from the looks of it, the house was chilled. Her nipples budded into tight peaks and poked through her white t-shirt. My body ached for something that I was most certainly not going to allow. Not even with me thinking about how good it would feel for both of us.

  Her smile widened as she opened the door. “I need to give you the key to the house back.”

  The smell of tomatoes and cheese filled my nose, and my stomach growled. I hadn’t eaten all day. Dammit. I tried hard not to forget to eat something for the purposes of energy, but it happened. More often than not.

  “I have several extras.” I walked in as she moved back. Inhaling deeply, I glanced around at her. “It smells like heaven in here.”

  Her cheeks burned pink, making her impossibly attractive. The woman had not one clue of her beauty. And why the hell would she? Harry had fucked her over by sleeping with other women. Of all things to tarnish in that situation, her self-worth and appearance would be the first.

  “I made lasagna from scratch. My grandmother was Italian, so she taught me when I was a little girl.” She followed beside me into the kitchen.

  I leaned over and sat my bag down as I breathed in deeply again. Garlic. Butter. My stomach screamed in protest. “Well, you didn’t have to do this. You should have taken a day to yourself to rest.”

  “It’s the least I could do, Alfie.” She walked around me, and damn if I didn’t let my eyes run down her back to the thick swell of her ass in her leggings. My body hardened again, leaving me needy for something more than a good meal and a glass of wine.

  Stop it. Shit. She’s your best friend’s fiancée. They were getting married yesterday. Asshole.

  I needed to get laid. Soon, lest I fuck things up with Molly. She needed a safe place to find herself and begin her healing, not a horny bastard who pretended to have good intentions but didn’t. I did. I knew I did. I just had to remind my dick of that.

  “Well, thank you. It means a lot to me.” I walked to the pantry and opened the wine cellar door. “Red wine, right?”

  “It goes best with pasta for sure,” she called over her shoulder.

  I swallowed my need and jogged down into the cellar. The cold air swelled around me, helping to take a little bit of the heat out of my veins. I could behave and help her out. Karma was a responsible bitch and would return the grace to me that I gave to Molly.

  And besides that…I liked her. As a person.

  Dinner and wine, good conversation, and then I was off to bed.


  Chapter Eight


  I knew Alfie was already gone when I woke to sunlight leaking in through the curtains of the guest room. The sound of his staff throughout the house kept me in bed while I snuggled deeper into the blankets. If I had two weeks left before having to go back to the States to face the damage, I planned on taking every opportunity to catch up on sleep while I could. I still struggled with the time change, even days later, and I needed to think straight when it came to what I was going to do next.

  And what that was, I had no fucking clue.

  A headache pounded in my temples just thinking about it. I needed to call Peyton to make sure that she got back to New York just fine. I should have already done it. Maybe I could rent out a room with her for a few weeks while I looked for a new apartment in the city. She wouldn’t mind at all, and maybe having some time around her would help me with the healing process.

  I had no intention of staying in London in the flat that Harry was still using. He could have it. He could pay for it. My life would be better lived back in the United States where I could soon turn his sorry ass into a distant memory.

  Besides, I wanted my old life back in the city—the one that I had dropped for him because he didn’t want me split between the United States and England.

  Why hadn’t I seen any of this shit before? He was such a selfish bastard, and I fell for it without asking a question. Is security that important?

  It seemed so clear now that Harry and I were complete strangers. I had forced myself to look away from those warning signs that were there from the very beginning. I was twenty-eight and about to start all over again. I felt exhausted at the thought of going back into the dating scene after being tied to Harry for so many years.

  Gary was going to have a blast rubbing all of it in my face. I knew he would the second he found out that the wedding was off. I could just hear his gravelly
voice saying, “I told you, Molly. I told you not to hand in your resignation.”

  I waited until I heard the last of the staff leave the house before taking a quick shower. I found my laundry sitting neatly in a laundry basket outside of the guest bedroom door that the maid had left there for me. Grateful, I slipped into a pair of leggings and a long-sleeve shirt to combat the chilly spring day. That was one thing that I did not enjoy about England—the very cold and rainy spring days.

  My phone battery was in the red when I found it at the bottom of my purse in the living room. Plugging it in to charge, I reluctantly picked up the landline to dial Peyton’s number. Alfie had made it clear that I could use the phone to avoid international charges on my own phone plan.

  “Hello?” she answered after the first ring. The sound of her voice caused relief to flood me. I’d just seen her the day before, but she was a comfort to me. She had been for a long time.

  “It’s me,” I said, sitting down on the edge of a chair. “I just wanted to make sure that you made it back to the city okay.”

  “Yeah. It was a long flight, but I’m home. Safe and sound.” She let out a sigh, and I could almost see her sitting on her flamboyant red couch in the middle of her modernized living room. Part of me yearned to be there with her.

  “Good.” I reached up and tucked a stray hair behind my ear as one of the maids walked by and gave me a warm smile. I waved not knowing what else to do.

  “Yeah, so what’s going on? Are you still at Alfie’s place in Devon?” her voice tightened a little. Great.

  “Yep. I decided to stay here for the next two weeks, and then after that…well, I’m not entirely sure.” I stood and started to pace the floor.

  “Okay.” She chuckled. “I like the idea of you having a mini-vacation, but I’m not so sure I like the idea of who you’re staying with, Mol. He’s Harry’s best friend.”

  “No, not really.” I shook my head as if she could see me.

  “Right, but they were close enough that he had Alfie as his best man.”

  “I know.” I dropped back down on the couch. “But it’s just a friendship, and honestly, it’s going to be nice to have him show me the city. He’s a real gentleman.”

  “Harry was too when you first met.”

  I felt like I was on the phone with my mother. No, my mom would have been less evasive. I couldn’t get onto Peyton. She loved me and was simply concerned. I’d have done the same thing.

  “You’re right, but I’m staying. I feel like a few weeks out here touring the city is just what I need.” I pursed my lips, waiting in silence for her to come back with a million reasons why it was a horrible idea. I was strong-willed, but she was a notch up from me.

  “All right, do what you think is best. I don’t agree, but you know what you need right now, so go for it.” She paused briefly, and I thought I was off the hook. “But, make sure you remember one thing.”

  “What’s that?” I held my breath.

  “Alfie should remain a tour guide and a friend, and that’s all. You’re in a vulnerable position right now after everything that happened. Don’t let yourself get involved with him. It’s too soon, and you’re not ready. And besides that—and forgive me in advance for saying it—but people are good friends with others because they share similar characteristics. Which ones does Alfie share with Harry?”

  “I don’t know yet, but you’re right. I’ll be on guard, and I promise you, I’m not falling for this guy. My heart is too weary to feel anything.”

  “Says the girl who can’t say no to a proper Englishman.” She laughed. “Just promise you’ll be careful. You know I don’t want you to get hurt again. I’ll have to go on a rampage and burn down the whole fucking country.”

  “See? There’s the characteristic that we share. We’re both passionate about the people we love.” I steered the conversation away from Alfie. She had valid concerns, but me falling in love with Harry’s old friend wasn’t going to happen. I wasn’t needy, and I wasn’t desperate.

  I was tired and rejected.

  “Molly?” Alfie’s voice surprised me.

  “I need to go.” I dropped the call with Peyton and got up to walk down the hall. We bumped into each other as I walked out of the living room door. “Oh! I’m so sorry.”

  He grabbed my arms and chuckled. “Damn, woman. You almost gave me a heart attack.”

  I smiled, glad to see him. Shit. Maybe Peyton’s concerns were valid. “You’re home early.”

  “I am.” His eyes moved across my face as if he were searching out a hidden truth. “Go get dressed in some comfortable walking shoes. I want to take you down some of the small streets in town. You need to get out and have some fun, and I need a break from technology and marketing gurus.”

  “I like the sound of that.” I walked around him into the hall before bounding up the stairs. I called back over my shoulder, “I made cookies. They’re in the kitchen.”

  He mumbled something about me trying to make him fat. I laughed and changed into a pair of capris, tennis shoes, and a comfortable shirt that made my boobs look good. After running my fingers through my hair, I pulled it up and put on a little bit of lipstick. There was no reason to get all dolled up. We were just friends, after all.

  “Make sure your shoes are comfortable.” His voice rose up the stairs.

  “You’re not my boss, Mister Technology.” I walked down to find him watching me. I smiled. “You have plenty of people to boss around. I’m not one of them.”

  “And somehow that makes me want to boss you around all the more.” He laughed and opened the door behind me. “Come on. Let’s go look in some of the small shops. I know some places around Devon that you might not have seen before.”

  We walked around the various streets, Alfie seeming to know everyone. There weren’t more than a small handful of people that didn’t greet him by name.

  “Small town.” I smiled over at him.

  “Yep. I enjoy it quite a bit. We all watch out for each other.” He reached out and grabbed my hand, pulling me back as a bus moved through the street in front of us. “That’s Henry Dilmont. He’s a bit of a drinker.” He rolled his eyes.

  I snorted. “And he’s the bus driver?”

  “Stranger things have happened.” He released my hand, and a part of me lamented over losing the warmth of his touch. I knew then that I somehow was saved from making a huge mistake with Harry. If I were capable of having even the slightest warmth toward another man after leaving Harry at the altar, the wedding was a joke.

  Hell, my life was a joke.

  “Speaking of drunks… I could certainly use a drink.” I shifted my bags from one hand to the next, having picked up a few cute outfits as we walked around the city.

  “What the lady wants, the lady gets.” He reached out and took the bags before offering me his arm. “Join me for a proper pre-dinner drink?”

  “Proper pre-dinner drink?” I laughed and slipped my hand around his arm.

  He shrugged and walked us to the nearest pub. “It sounded a little more cheeky in my head.”

  He was far too cute for his own good. “Trying to liquor me up, Alfie?”

  “I’m a young, hot-blooded Englishman. It’s cold at night, lass. Of course I’m trying to liquor you up.”

  “Such a scoundrel.” I reached and opened the door for us.

  He shook his head and gave me a toothy grin. “You misunderstand, my lady. It’s not to take advantage of you, but to steal your blankets for my own bed.”

  “Oh. I thought you wanted to seduce me.” I pretended to pout before walking into the pub. “Never mind then. Perhaps someone in here will.”

  “Now, just a minute…” His voice was filled with mirth. It was going to be a fun night. Intentions be damned.

  Chapter Nine


  Albert’s Pub was busy even on a Tuesday night. It was the one pub in Devon that had frequent customers at all times. There was never an off day for the pub because of th
e excellent drinks and food mixed with the cozy atmosphere. The sultry jazz music in the background didn’t hurt anything either.

  It was Albert who greeted Molly and I the second I led her inside. The floorboards trembled slightly as the older, jovial man approached to grasp my hand in a friendly shake.

  “Good to see you, Alfie,” he said, grinning. “I was beginning to wonder if you were ever going to leave that gated house of yours.”

  “It’s work that’s been trapping me behind closed doors,” I replied, returning the friendly grin. “Someone has to deliver those phone plans and working phones to you here.”

  “That you do! And mine works perfectly.” He beamed happily before his gaze landed on Molly, who was standing a bit timidly behind us, watching our exchange curiously. “Who is this pretty little lady here? Are you just going to let her stand her and steal our hearts without telling us her name?”

  I ignored the knowing twinkle in Albert’s sage-colored eyes. “This is Molly. She’s—” I stopped for a second to catch Molly’s eyes, “—a friend of mine from the States. She’s here visiting Devon.”

  “I hope you like it here,” Albert said, catching Molly’s hand in a quick grasp. “Excuse me, you two. I have some business to attend to behind the bar. Drinks are on me, Alfie. No arguments about that.”

  “If you insist,” I said before rolling my eyes over to Molly. “He’s too good to me. He always has been.”

  We found a small table that overlooked the streets. I pulled out Molly’s chair to help her sit down before taking a seat across from her. While Molly took in her surroundings with earnest curiosity, I caught sight of a busty blonde sitting at the bar. The pit of my stomach churned when I recognized Priscilla as she regarded Molly with a mixture curiosity and contempt.

  Of all the nights I come into town, she has to be here.

  Thankfully, a gentleman beside her laid a hand on her arm, regaining her attention. I focused back on Molly as she glanced down at the menu of drinks. If Harry’s ex-girlfriend wanted to blab back to him about seeing me and Molly, there was nothing that I could do to stop it. I had no problems facing Harry after spending the past few days in Molly’s company. He was a damn fool for letting a woman like this step out of his life.


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