Maximum Complete Series Box Set (Single Dad Romance)

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Maximum Complete Series Box Set (Single Dad Romance) Page 131

by Claire Adams


  As soon as Wade began describing his attacker, my mind flashed right back to an hour before at the mall when I'd seen my ex Tim meeting up with Tammy at the coffee shop. The fact that Tim was sporting a freshly swollen black eye had seemed like a total mystery to me at the time, but after hearing that Wade was attacked by someone who was wearing the exact same outfit that I'd seen Tim in – minus the bandanna, of course – it all made sense.

  I had no doubt, once the shock of my ex dating that skank Tammy wore off, that Tim had mugged Wade for the sole reason of getting his phone so his new girlfriend could have the evidence against her. The pieces just fit together way too perfectly according to the circumstances for it to be a mere coincidence.

  “How on Earth do you know who mugged me?” Wade asked, uncertainty painted over his face.

  “I think it was my ex-boyfriend, a guy named Tim Miller.”

  “Why the hell would your ex attack me?”

  “Did you talk to Kelly and Tammy about the recording on your phone?”

  “Yeah, earlier today. About an hour or so before I was attacked, I think.”

  “And what did you tell them? What did Tammy say?” I asked him.

  “Well, when I expelled them from the team permanently, Kelly just cried, but Tammy got angry. She said her father, the lawyer, was going to make me wish this and that.”

  I nodded. “Yeah, everyone knows that her dad is some big-shot lawyer around here. But with that recording, he wouldn’t have even had a leg to stand on against you, I'm sure. That was hard, irrefutable evidence right there, and I think she knew it.”

  “So how does your ex come into all of this?”

  “I was at the mall having an ice cream earlier, and I saw him meet up with Tammy at a coffee shop. He handed her a package and kissed her. I guess they're dating now or something.

  “But the thing is…he had a black eye and was wearing the exact same outfit your attacker was wearing. He's built, jacked on God knows what, and has short, blond hair that he spends, like, an hour styling every morning. So, he totally fits the description of your attacker.”

  A light of realization began to shine in Wade's eyes.

  “Oh, man. It totally makes sense now. Tammy tried to bluff that her dad would be able to take care of this, but no lawyer in the world would go against a university in a situation with verbal proof of wrongdoing. It makes sense that someone as spiteful as her would try to shut this down by making the evidence disappear before it got into official hands. She got her boyfriend to jump me and steal my phone.” He stared straight ahead in disbelief.

  “I'm so sorry, Wade.”

  He shook his head, anger reddening his face. “No, you don't need to be sorry for anything, Eryn. I just can't believe I was so stupid that I didn't make a backup of that file. Dammit! There has to be something we can do.”

  We both sat in silence for a while, thinking about what options we might have now that the evidence was gone and Tammy held the upper hand. Then an idea dawned on me, and a smile started to spread across my face.

  “You know, Wade, Leena's older brother Pete is an amateur actor. He does a lot of plays, and he's really good.”

  Wade raised an eyebrow, looking somewhat confused. “Um, okay, but I’m not following. What does that have to do with our situation?”

  “We need to find a costume store where we could rent a really authentic-looking police uniform.”

  Wade realized what I was getting at and smiled. “There was a great place downtown where my buddies and I always used to go for Halloween costumes,” he said with a grin. “I think it's still there. You give Leena's brother a call, find out if he's up for this and what size clothes he wears, and I'll drive down there if he is.”

  “Tammy thinks she can bluff us? Well, we're about to bluff her. I can only hope that this works,” I said, and pulled my phone from my pocket to give Pete a call.


  “I always knew this GoPro camera would come in handy one day,” Wade said as he mounted the camera on Pete's shoulder. “Good thing cops are required to wear body cameras these days, too, so Tammy and Tim won't question why this is on you.”

  Pete, who was tall, broad-shouldered, and had a naturally stern-looking face, suited the role of a cop perfectly – even though by nature he was very gentle and reserved. Still, he was one hell of an actor, and he could turn on his bad cop performance in an instant and be absolutely convincing about it. And, the uniform we'd rented was nearly identical to the uniforms the local police department wore. I was a little surprised it was even legal to rent them out.

  “So, you know exactly what to say?” Wade asked Pete.

  “I've got this, man; don't you guys worry. Those two troublemakers won't know what hit 'em. I'll make sure their confession is recorded perfectly. And, you two can watch the live feed from the car across the road if you have it set up.”

  “All right; well, this is Tammy's address according to university records,” Wade said, looking at the large sorority house across the road from us.

  “And, that's Tim's car parked out front,” I said, pointing at a red Mustang.

  “One more thing, Pete. Just make sure you never introduce yourself as a police officer. We don’t want you getting in trouble for impersonating one. I called and asked a friend of mine to make sure we weren’t putting you in a situation you might get in trouble for. Understand?” Wade said to Pete.

  “Got it,” he replied.

  “Okay then. Go break a leg, Pete,” Wade said, patting him encouragingly on the shoulder.

  Pete breathed in deeply, and after he had exhaled, it was almost as if his face itself had changed; he was now in character. He put on his reflective aviator shades and looked the part.

  “Let me out of the damn car!” he barked in a booming, authoritative voice.

  He got out and strode over to the front door of the sorority house. We watched the events unfold via the live feed from the GoPro. He knocked on the door, and one of the new sorority pledges opened it.

  “Oh um, hi, Officer,” she said. “What can I do for you?”

  “I'm looking for Tammy McRae and Tim Miller. Are they here?”

  “Yeah, hang on, I'll get them,” the girl said.

  Wade and I slid down in the back seat of the car so that we weren't visible. After a minute or so, Tim and Tammy came down the stairs, both wearing worried expressions on their faces. I couldn't help but snicker.

  “Uh, good evening, Officer; is there a problem?” Tim asked.

  “You bet there is, son,” Peter stated. “I’m going to need you and Miss McRae here to answer some questions regarding an assault and robbery.”

  “I, uh, I don't know what the hell you're talking about, man!” Tim snapped, but there was fear written all over his face.

  “I believe you do, son. Security cameras on the university campus captured everything. Using advanced bio-recognition technology, our digital imaging experts managed to zoom in and a witness positively identified you as the man who assaulted and robbed Wade Vinson earlier today. Remember those digital photos that were taken when you were a student at Florida State? Well, they keep those biometric records forever, son. You're screwed.

  “And you, missy, the same technology was used to identify you from mall security cameras, where you were seen taking possession of the stolen goods from Mr. Carson here. You're both in some very big trouble.”

  “I, uh, it can't be, no… This can't be happening, this can't be happening,” Tammy mumbled, in a state of shock.

  Tim's face was also white with shock.

  “You're looking at a minimum of four years in the slammer for assault and robbery, son, and you, missy, you're looking at two. However, if you cooperate and hand over the evidence now, things will be a lot easier.

  “Give me the stolen wallet and phone, and I’ll personally testify that you cooperated and returned the stolen property. That should get you both leniency and possibly be let off with fines and community service.”

  “We didn't do anything,” Tammy stated. “We didn't-”

  “I don’t want to go to jail!” Tim snapped. “They've got biometric evidence! Just go get the damn phone and the wallet and give it to them! Hell, I’m getting it.” He hurried away before Tammy could stop him. She looked like a deer in headlights. She wasn’t sure what to say or do. She turned to Pete with tears welling up in her mascara-laden eyes.

  “Listen, Officer, I'm so, so sorry. I don't know what came over us. Please, please, isn't there some way we could make this go away? I...I've always had a thing for a man in uniform, you know. God, you're looking really hot in that uniform. It really turns me on.”

  I grimaced with disgust. “Jeez, she really will do just about anyone, won't she?” I murmured.

  “Ma’am, now you’re just adding bribery to your list,” Pete stated. He was playing his part perfectly and hadn’t once slipped up and identified himself as any type of law enforcement.

  Tim came back and handed Wade's wallet and phone to Pete. Pete held out a large ziploc bag for them. “Evidence goes in here,” he instructed.

  Tim dropped the phone and wallet into the bag. “Good. I appreciate your cooperation. I’m sure someone from the police station will be in touch with you both soon. Keep a look out for it.”

  Tammy just stared at him, still shocked. Tim was still trying to throw Tammy under the bus to save his own ass.

  “It wasn’t my idea, sir. I’m truly sorry. I… I just got caught up in-”

  “Just a little advice for you, son. The wrong woman can ruin your life. Keep that in mind,” he said as he glanced down at Tammy. “You two have a good evening.”

  Wade and I high-fived each other as Peter turned and walked away. He got back into the car and drove away, Wade and me still crouched down in the back seat.

  “Oh my God! That was awesome. Well done, Pete!” I said from the back. “You're such a great actor!”

  Once we were a few blocks away, he pulled over. “Here you go,” he said, handing Wade the “evidence” bag. “I enjoyed that!” he remarked. “I'll have to try to look for more police officer parts in the future.”

  “Thanks so much, man,” Wade said, shaking his hand. “You've saved our asses right here.”

  “It was a pleasure to help. I've known Eryn here since she and Leena were little girls, and what that nasty bitch Tammy did to her just makes my blood boil. I'm happy I got to help you guys sort it out,” Pete added.

  “All right, so now we just need to get this to Jack,” Wade stated. He turned to Pete. “Thanks again, man. Can you drop Eryn and me at Toucan Café? My car is parked there, and I think coffee is in order to celebrate this little victory.”

  “Sure thing, guys,” Pete replied. “Do I get donuts, too?”


  I was feeling ever so slightly buzzed – it turned out that Toucan Café didn't only have regular coffee on offer, but also Irish coffee. I was 21 and not driving, so I figured why not. After all, we were there to celebrate. I had a double shot of whiskey in my Irish coffee, and now I was really beginning to feel it. I wasn’t one to drink much and had never been much of a fan of partying, so my tolerance for alcohol was practically nonexistent.

  But I was celebrating and feeling so relaxed and happy about how well our plan had gone that I had totally forgotten about my agreement with Wade. It was pretty obvious he had, too. After all the stress and pressure and everything that had gone wrong, we were feeling the high of something finally going right.

  And, of course, with a little bit of alcohol relaxing us, both of our guards were down, and I'd caught Wade staring intently at me on more than a few occasions. When our eyes had met, we had smiled and laughed, for we both knew what the other was feeling. I couldn't deny the raw, almost hungry attraction I felt for him any longer, and from the way he was looking at me, I don't think he could either.

  When Pete cut out early, that left the two of us alone with no buffer to help us ignore what was silently brewing between us.

  “Maybe we should go out and get some fresh air,” I suggested.

  “Yeah,” he agreed. “Come on. I'll take care of the bill.”

  I got my crutches and limped outside while Wade paid the tab. It was a beautiful evening; the moon was full and bright as it rose from the horizon. Soon, Wade was outside, and we headed over to his car.

  “Where should we go?” I asked.

  “How about the park on the hill?” he asked. “There's a great spot where we can watch the moon rise over the city.”

  “That sounds great,” I agreed. He helped me into his car and we headed over to the park. When we got there, the small parking lot was deserted, so we pulled into a secluded spot that looked over the city.

  “Let's sit in the backseat so I can prop my foot up,” I suggested. “It’s feeling a little sore.”

  “All right,” he said with a smile.

  I think we both knew why we'd come here and what was about to happen. We knew it shouldn’t happen, but neither of us wanted to stop it, not now that we were caught up in the moment. We cuddled up next to each other in the back seat.

  “It's beautiful, isn't it?” I said, looking at the rising moon.

  “That it is,” he commented. But he wasn’t looking at the moon – he was looking at me.

  That was all it took. His lips were on mine, and mine on his. Soon, we were hungrily exploring each other's mouths. It was just as intense as the first kiss we'd shared – perhaps even more so, with all the frustration of having to hold it in being released.

  Soon his hands were all over me, and mine all over him. I don't think that either of us had imagined we’d be making out in the back of his car in a parking lot like a couple of teenagers. At least it was a high-tier BMW model, which meant the back seat was comfy and roomy. Also, the tinted windows provided some privacy from anyone outside who might happen to peer in.

  I put my hands on his chest as he ran his fingers enticingly down my back. His muscles were hard and chiseled, and I wanted to see what my hands were exploring. I began unbuttoning his shirt as my hunger grew and our kisses became more passionate.

  He began to run his fingers through my hair and detached from the kiss so that his lips could make their way down my neck then back up to nibble on my earlobes, sending shivers of delightful pleasure rippling through me. His shirt was fully unbuttoned now, and I began to trace my fingertips over his smooth, tanned skin, marveling at his perfectly defined six pack as he continued to nip and bite at my earlobes and the side of my neck.

  His hands moved along the sides of my waist, caressing lightly and playfully as he slipped them down onto my hips. Then, with a smooth touch, he hooked his fingers under my T-shirt and lifted it up and over my head.

  We looked into each other's eyes again, sharing an intense gaze before he moved his head down to my chest, softly kissing the exposed area of my breasts as he reached behind me to undo my bra, which he did with expert precision.

  My breasts burst free as the bra came off. My nipples were already standing at attention, fully aroused and stiff. He cupped my left breast with his hand and started massaging my erect nipple with his forefinger and thumb; on my right breast, he started gently kissing and sucking briefly on my right nipple, which sent wave after wave of pleasure rippling through my body.

  As he continued, I moved my hand down over his hard, washboard stomach to his crotch, where I felt his manhood pressing with an almost painful urgency against the inside of his pants. I ran my fingers gently over it, silently marveling at its length and substantial girth.

  I started moaning and gasping, and my body began to buck and shudder from the bliss coursing through me. I was getting intensely wet while he continued to amaze me with his mouth. He slipped one hand slowly over my stomach, lingering for a moment to playfully caress my belly button, before sliding it down into my jeans, seeking the center of the intense heat and wetness down there.

  With eager hands, I unbuttoned my jeans and u
nzipped them to give him easier access. He slipped his finger down between my legs, and as soon as his fingertips found the hot, wet opening of my slit, a jolt of intense pleasure rippled through me.

  He gently started moving his fingertips around, probing inside and caressing outside, spreading the warmth and intensifying my arousal. I felt the pleasure from this exploration combining with the pleasure from the stimulation of his mouth on my breasts, and together, they were unleashing the first waves of an orgasm.

  He began rubbing with soft, rhythmic pressure on my clit, which got me shuddering and gasping. I began to breathe faster and harder, and soon I was bucking and grinding myself against the motion of his fingers, losing control as the orgasm built its force inside me.

  Then, finally, it was loosed, and pulses of bliss tore through my body as I came. I gasped and cried out, gripping a fistful of his hair in one hand and digging the nails of my other into his back. Eventually, after the explosive joy of it had passed, I relaxed, panting on the seat. I moved to open his zipper, but just as I did, a police car rolled into the parking lot.

  “I think you’d better get dressed,” Wade murmured with a grin, even though from his heavy breathing and the very visible bulge pressing against his pants, I could tell stopping was the absolute last thing he wanted to do.

  “Yeah...might be a good idea,” I managed to gasp.

  I pulled my jeans back up and slipped my top back on, shoving my bra behind my back. I’d managed to get myself dressed just as a police officer came and tapped on the window.

  Wade rolled the window down. “Yes, Officer?” he said.

  “What's going on here?” asked the cop.

  “We just came out here to watch the moon rise,” Wade informed him.

  “I see. Well, I wouldn't advise hanging around here. There have been a number of robberies in this park recently, all at night. Just letting you know.”

  “Thank you, Officer. We won't hang around too much longer,” Wade assured him.

  “All right. Have yourselves a good evening, then,” the policeman said.


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