Promise: The Deception Trilogy, Book 3

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Promise: The Deception Trilogy, Book 3 Page 4

by Fallon Hart

  These days I couldn’t really find much joy in anything.

  Another reason I needed to get the hell out of Boston.

  “You’re on that road though.”

  "Well, maybe it's time I got off it." I pushed my sandwich away and gave my boss a look of regret. "I need to get out of Boston, Angela."

  She leaned against the kitchen counter and crossed her arms over her chest. “Mrs. Donovan and I are worried about you leaving right now when you’re like this. Don’t you think you should stay on here a bit longer, get back to yourself, and then plan a move?”

  "I don't think I can get back to myself here." I looked away from her pitying expression. "It's not about… Mandeville. Not all of it. It's Mel, too. My sister did something, and I can't be in the same city as her, worrying if she's going to suddenly turn up."

  “Can I ask… well… did your guy sleep with your sister or something? Did she trick him?”

  I huffed at the thought. “She couldn’t trick him. He’s too smart for that. And no. There was no cheating involved. She just…” the pain I tried so hard to keep buried crawled up into my chest and wept tears of acid that burned. “I can’t…” I shook my head.

  There was a moment of silence, and then Angela said, "I'll do whatever you need me to do, Girl. If you want I could check in around the country, see what positions are open where?"

  Grateful, I nodded. “I’d really appreciate that.”

  I finished up my lunch and moved out onto the library floor while Angela disappeared into her office. A man was waiting at the main counter, so I slipped behind it and pasted a bright smile on my face. "May I help you?"

  He turned to look at me, and something about the dead in his eyes made me feel uneasy. "You Scarlett Mandeville?"

  My pulse started to race as I took in the stranger. He was dressed in a black T-shirt, expensive black leather jacket and black suit pants. Broad-shouldered, tall, with a flat stomach. And like I said, his eyes were dead.

  His whole face was hard.

  There was just something seriously scary about the guy, and I couldn't put my finger on what it was.

  “Who’s asking?”

  His expression—or lack thereof—didn’t change. “Hale O’Connor.”

  Who? “I’m sorry, Mr. O’Connor, I don’t think we’ve met.”

  “I’m not O’Connor.” He flipped his leather jacket open just long enough to flash the gun tucked into his waistband. “But he would like to speak to you immediately.”

  Disbelief, fear, and confusion all fought for supremacy of my emotions. "I'm sorry… who? What?"

  The door to the library blasted open, swinging hard against the wall and nearly coming back into my sister’s face. What the…? My eyes widened as she led the march of Griffin, Quentin, and two burly serious-looking big guys.

  “What on earth?” I muttered, my heart rate galloping now.

  “What the hell?” Angela came hurrying out into the library, her expression veering between annoyance and wariness.

  “This is an emergency. I tried to tell you that earlier.” My sister glared at the man at the counter. “You can tell O’Connor to leave my sister alone.”

  The man dragged his gaze down her body. “Fine. You can come with me instead.”

  What was going on?

  “I don’t think so,” Griff spoke up, stepping in front of Mel. My gaze, which had thus far been fixed adamantly anywhere but on my husband since his sudden appearance, betrayed me. I was transfixed by his familiar, handsome face. The pain in my chest flared to life, the longing so deep and anguished I actually hated him for it. “You can tell O’Connor that Melanie is leaving the country and that should suffice.”

  "I'm not leaving without one or both of them." The stranger didn't appear to be intimidated by Griff.

  But then Quentin and the two burly guys flanked Griff.

  Griff gave the stranger a sardonic look. "It appears my army is a little larger than yours today. I'd leave if I were you." He reached behind him and then dropped his arm by his side, but this time he was clutching a gun.

  A goddamn gun.

  Oh my God!

  The stranger narrowed his eyes and nodded.

  Griff put the gun away.

  The gun!

  I didn’t even know Griff owned a gun let alone knew how to use one.

  “This isn’t over,” the stranger said.

  “You tell O’Connor he doesn’t want to start a war with me and that’s exactly what he’ll do if he comes after my family.”

  My head bobbed between the two, and my confusion and fear mounted. The stranger sneered and then strode out of the library like we hadn't just had our own little version of the stand-off at the O.K. Corral.

  “What the hell is going on?” Angela practically yelled. “Did I see what I think I saw?”

  “Woman, be quiet,” Quentin said.

  To my shock, my boss's mouth slammed shut.

  “Scar, I tried to warn you.” Mel pushed past Griff, looking put out.

  Put out.

  She was put out.

  “What the hell is going on?” I repeated Angela’s question.

  A library patron came in before anyone could answer me.

  “Perhaps we could talk in private,” Griff said, drawing my gaze.

  Our eyes locked.

  He was so beautiful.

  Memories of loving him flooded me.

  “Look at you,” he whispered. “Look at you take me.” Our eyes connected. “You feel fucking amazing.” He wrapped my legs around his waist and fell over me, kissing me with gentle hunger as he glided slowly in and out of me.

  Tears burned in the back of my eyes as I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and my ankles locked tight across his back. He kissed me, my lips, my cheeks, my nose, my neck, my breasts. He kissed me everywhere with reverence and tenderness I'd never experienced before.

  “Scarlett.” He crossed the room toward the counter, shattering the memories and I stepped back. I didn’t want him to touch me.

  His jaw clenched in anger at my action. "We need to talk. In private."

  I looked from him to Mel and then Quentin. I ignored the burly guys who were obviously security because I was trying not to freak out. My eyes returned to Griff’s friend since he was the only one among them I trusted.

  "Quentin, what are you doing here?" Movement behind them caught my attention, and I realized the two burly guys had moved to the entrance to stand guard.

  Quentin gave me a reassuring nod. “Scarlett, we really do need to talk with you urgently.”

  I didn't want to talk to any of them, but a strange man had just come into the library with I think the intention of kidnapping me so... "Okay. I'll talk to you. But only you."

  Griff cursed under his breath, but Quentin stepped up to him and placed a quelling hand on his shoulder. Something passed between them, and a muscle in Griff's cheek flexed. He nodded and stepped back.

  Quentin gestured to my boss. “Is there somewhere we can speak in private?”

  I looked at Angela.

  She gave me silent permission even though she looked pissed as all hell at the drama unfolding in her library. I did not blame her.

  “Come with me.” I felt him falling into step beside me as I led him to Angela’s office. I turned to face him as soon as he closed the door behind us. “What’s going on? Who was that man?”

  And that’s when Quentin explained how my sister had royally fucked my life. Again! “You have got to be kidding me?”

  “I’m afraid not.” Quentin looked concerned. That was concerning. “Unfortunately, it’s not just your connection that puts you at risk. I believe if it were just about your sister then as soon as she and Rock disappear, O’Connor would let it go. Forcing someone like Rock to flee the country would keep his reputation intact.” Quentin gave me a look of commiseration that I thought boded not well. “We believe it’s your marriage to Griff that’s the problem. He’s going to use what your sister has done
to fuck with Griff if he can.”

  I scowled. “Why would he do that?”

  “Because he tried many years ago to strongarm Griff into giving him a share of ownership in The Patrician. Once he realized Griff had more money and connections than he ever would, he backed down. And until now he hasn’t been able to find Griff’s weakness.”

  The idea that I was Griffin’s weakness made me give a huff of bitter laughter. “Then he’s barking up the wrong tree.”

  Quentin's expression was one of disappointment. Apparently in me. I bristled. "Do you really think if he didn't care he would be here. Melanie showed at the club less than forty minutes ago, Scarlett. He armed me, himself and those men out there and broke every speed limit in the city to get here to make sure you were safe. And by the looks of it, we got here just in time."

  I made a face, my heart racing at the thought of Griffin charging to my rescue. But no. His actions weren't about romantic feelings. It was guilt. And responsibility and honor. Nothing else. "I was fine. It's not like that guy could have done anything to me in broad daylight."

  Quentin sighed. “Don’t be deliberately naïve. We’re talking about the Irish mob. He would have walked you out of there with a fucking gun to your head.”

  I shuddered at the thought. Maybe it was a close call after all.

  “You need to come back to the club. It’s the only place you’ll be safe until Griff can fix this.”

  I couldn’t even think about that. There was no way I was setting foot inside that place ever again. “What about my sister?”

  “As soon as she knows you’re safe she’s leaving the country with Rock.”

  I frowned. "Why did Mel stick around?"

  Quentin squeezed my shoulder. “I guess underneath her utter stupidity and selfishness, she cares about you after all.”

  "Stupidity and selfishness," I repeated. "Yeah, that's Mel alright. She's managed to screw up my life twice in one year."

  “If you say so,” Quentin smirked. “Now come, let’s go. I’m sure Griff will send someone to pick up your things from Mrs. Donovan’s. Despite the circumstances, Amelia is going to be happy she gets to see you again. Next time you see her, try to be nicer, Scarlett. My wife cares about you.”

  I flinched, remembering how cold I’d been toward Amelia just a few days ago when she’d stopped by the library. “I’m sorry.”

  “Not me you need to apologize to.” He opened the office door. “Now let’s go.”

  Suddenly realizing that he actually thought I would go back to the Patrician, I scoffed, "There's no way I'm leaving here with Griffin."

  “Don’t be stubborn, Scarlett. You aren’t safe here.”

  "No, I get that." I crossed my arms over my chest and planted my feet. "But I'm not going with you. I'll leave the city. I was planning to anyway."

  "Are you insane?" Griffin suddenly stepped into view, and I almost jumped a foot.

  “Jesus, Griff,” Quentin scowled. “You been eavesdropping?”

  He ignored his friend and scalded me with his glower. I could see my sister waiting impatiently behind him. I returned Griffin’s glare. “I’ll be safe in another state.”

  “Wrong.” He pushed past Quentin and towered over me in intimidation.

  His proximity made me want to back away, but I refused to do that again. I stood my ground, ignoring the smell of his cologne, the heat of his body, the memories of being wrapped up in his strong arms. Feeling safe. Feeling loved.

  It had all been an illusion.

  I jutted out my chin and hoped he’d melt with the force of my hatred.

  Instead, he scowled back down at me like he hated me too. "Get yourself in my bloody car, right now."

  "When Hell freezes over."

  “Oh don’t be such a fucking cliché, Scarlett.”

  “Griff,” Quentin warned.

  Griffin threw his friend a look. “She’s being ridiculous.”

  “And you’re being a shithead!” Mel called out. “No way is she going to come with you when you’re acting like a giant prick!” she ducked her head to meet my gaze. “No wonder you dumped him.”

  Well, actually he dumped me.

  Griffin at least had the good manners not to point that out.

  “Watch your mouth, young lady, before I throw your ass out of my library,” I heard Angela warn.

  My boss was so going to kill me.

  “You all need to leave.” I looked at Quentin.

  There was only so much staring at my soon-to-be ex-husband that I could do.

  Except Griffin leaned into me, and I had no choice but to look at him or appear weak. “I’m trying to protect you. Put all that other shit to the side and be reasonable. A high-ranking member of the Irish mob just sent a man to kidnap you.”

  Seriously, fuck my life.

  “If I had to be born a twin why couldn’t God have given me a brother?” I asked the ceiling. “Huh? Scarlett Johansson got her brother Hunter. I got the devil. How’s that fair?”

  “I heard that,” Mel grunted.

  I rolled my eyes and brought my gaze reluctantly back to Griff. To my shock, I saw something almost tender in his expression.

  Oh no.

  Hell no!

  He did not get to make tender eyes at me.

  My hands flew to my hips. “You can leave now.”

  Just like that, the tenderness fled. "I'm not leaving without you."

  “Quentin,” I huffed. “Do something about this.”

  He shook his head. “You need to be kept safe until we know what we’re dealing with.”

  “This is ridiculous! How can this be real life?”

  Griffin suddenly shoved his face in mine. “Because your sister is a mess. Now stop acting like a fool, grab your shit and get moving.”

  I heard Quentin mutter under his breath as raged churned in my gut. “What did you say to me?”

  “No.” Griffin shook his head. “I’m not doing this. O’Connor could return any minute with more men.”

  “Then we definitely can’t leave. I’m not leaving Angela alone.”

  “Jesus Christ,” He bit out before he suddenly bent and threw me over his shoulder.

  Yeah, you heard me!

  Threw me over his shoulder.

  I squealed in shock and then slapped his back as I dangled over his back. The floor bobbed below me as I cried out, “Put me down!”

  “Not a chance.”

  “You had to do it the hard way huh,” Mel said falling into step beside us.

  I wriggled, trying to break free. “Don’t even think about finding this funny!”

  “What the hell is going on?” Angela’s appeared, rushing behind us. “You can’t take her this like. I’m calling the cops!”

  "Do that." Griff threw back at her. "Tell them Hale O'Connor had one of his men in your library this morning and he was armed. You're concerned about your patrons. They'll send a unit and O'Connor will think twice about sending anyone in again. He'll know soon enough I have Scarlett anyway."

  “What about Scarlett?” she huffed.

  To my horror and increasing rage, Griffin slapped my ass and replied, "She's in good hands. I'm her husband after all."

  “Yeah, a good-for-nothing one. Scar, don’t you worry, girl. I’ll let the cops know you were taken against your will!”

  The door slammed between us before I could say anything and suddenly I was outside. "Put me down!" I screamed as Griffin hurried down the steps. His shoulder was sticking into my gut, and it hurt.

  "You have lost weight," Griffin commented casually like he wasn't in the middle of kidnapping me. "Chef Depardieu can fix that."

  “Fuck you!”

  Quentin spotted two pedestrians across the street just as I did and yelled over before I could, “They’re getting married!”

  "Oh, congratulations!" they grinned.

  "No!" I yelled "Pl—" Quite abruptly I was thrown into the back of a Range Rover, and Mel climbed in beside me, foiling my escape. I lunged f
or the other door, but it wouldn't budge. I watched in frustration and powerlessness as Griffin and Quentin got in front. I didn't know where the security guys were.

  “You can’t do this.” I hit the back of Griffin’s seat. “Let me go!”

  Griffin turned in his seat and tried to melt me to the chair with the ferocity of his gaze. “I’ve never known you to be a moron, Scarlett. You need protection. You’re getting it.”

  Oh, I wanted to claw his face off! "But I get to choose who protects me!"

  There was silence for a moment as Griffin and Quentin exchanged looks I didn't quite understand. And then to my shock, Griffin turned back around to me. "Fine," he said quietly. "Who would you choose to protect you?"

  It took me a minute to answer because I was surprised he was giving me an option after manhandling me out of the library. “Well if this man is as dangerous as you all say then I think the police should handle it.”

  He gritted his teeth in seeming frustration. "Don't be naïve, Scarlett. We're talking about the Irish mob. The police aren't going to do anything. Between the policemen on O'Connor's payroll and the multiple investigative units more than likely working undercover to bring his operation down, the police won't touch this. It won't be important enough to them."

  “Not to mention you get the cops involved and I’m up shit creek,” Mel unwisely reminded me.

  Griff continued as if she hadn’t spoken. “Your safety is important to every person in this car, whether some act like it or not, or whether you believe it or not. Now unless you have a connection more powerful than Hale O’Connor other than me, I suggest you sit back, put on your seatbelt and make peace with the fact that you’re under house arrest until I can fix this.”

  Trembling I slumped back against my seat. “Why does it have to be the club? Can’t you put me in that heinous apartment you tried to give me?”

  The tension in the car thickened and Griffin’s words were hoarse when he replied, “The Club is packed full of security because of the hazard bank. There’s no safer place in Boston.”


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