“Fuck you,” Johnnie growled, balling his fists.
“Digger, I’m all out my cigarettes,” Mortician said, staring at Johnnie in warning. “Give me one of yours.”
Knox snorted. “Rude as ever.”
Snatching the cigarette Digger held out to him, Mortician threw a foul look to Knox, then returned to staring at Johnnie.
“Back the fuck up off each other,” Christopher ordered. “Leave Digger the fuck alone, Johnnie. Mort, Johnnie ain’t gonna do Digger nothin’.” He was out of patience because they’d strayed so far off the bombshell Johnnie and Knox had dropped before Val, Mort, and Digger walked up. “I wanna know what the fuck gave Knox the fuckin’ impression we fuckin’ run guns, Johnnie?”
“We were having a conversation about the guns we lost to our brothers,” Johnnie answered in exasperation. “Remember them?”
Christopher stared at Johnnie as if the motherfucker had grown two heads. He couldn’t fucking believe he’d heard that shit right. He couldn’t forget those fucking guns or their assfuck half-brothers. He’d been kidnapped because of them. Them—and Kendall.
Those guns had been a problem from the moment the club purchased them. Christopher had run guns before and was successful, but these motherfuckers had seemed cursed. Just in the purchase, they’d lost fucking money. Since the fucked-up mission where a motherfucker named McCallister had supposedly wanted to buy them—in fucking truth, he’d been a lure to get Christopher in his half-brothers’ clutches—Christopher had stayed far the fuck away from running arms.
Fuck him but he was going fucking soft. He was having nightmares like a girl. He was allowing a potentially lucrative deal to slip away like a dickhead…Fuck!
He scrubbed a hand over his face, tired from his lack of sleep. “Who the fuck the seller and how much he askin’?” Christopher demanded.
“Joyner Amfinger.”
“Never fuckin’ heard of him.”
“Does that admit you make illicit deals?” Knox pressed.
Yeah, in-fuckin-deed, Christopher was getting soft. Johnnie needed to be fucked up for discussing club business with a non-member. And Knox needed to be fucking grounded for knowing the shit.
Christopher sidled a glance at Johnnie. “Johnnie, you can’t keep your fuckin’ mouth shut.”
“Do you want the details or not?” Knox asked before Johnnie answered.
“Not,” Christopher snarled. “Not from you, motherfucker. We go to make the fuckin’ deal and you gonna have badges swarmin’ my fuckin’ ass.”
“I would never do that!” Knox protested. “I love Roxanne. If the club goes down, she’ll be affected, too.”
“Your savin’ grace is Roxanne love your fuckin’ ass,” Christopher pointed out.
“Yeah, bruh,” Digger added. “The moment we discover you fucked up is the moment we kill you.”
“Luckily, that hasn’t happened. We don’t have to kill you,” Johnnie said.
Knox glanced at Johnnie and widened his eyes. “What do you mean we? I thought you were on my side.”
“He on the side of the club, son,” Mortician said. “That mean we might’ve been shooting the shit with you last night but then you fuck up today and we got to fuck you up I don’t fucking believe Roxanne a fucking but when she say she decided marriage wasn’t for her.”
“Even though you have tattoos and smoke weed and wear a cut, I thought you were more like me, Johnnie.”
Ignoring Mortician and staying focused on Johnnie, Knox sounded devastated.
Digger and Mortician looked at each other, then roared with laughter.
“Johnnie a stone fucking killer, Knox,” Val said, smiling.
While his boys laughed at Knox’s expense, Christopher lit a smoke. “Forget about the fuckin’ guns we lost, Knox,” he said. “It’s in your best fuckin’ interest. Don’t stick your fuckin’ nose in club business when you ain’t a member and never will be.”
“Suppose I want to become a member?” Knox asked.
Christopher lifted a brow, momentarily stunned at Knox’s answer, then he looked at Johnnie, Mort, Val, and Digger. Together, they guffawed.
“That’s not that fucking funny,” Knox spat after several minutes went by and they were all still laughing.
“Yeah, the fuck it is,” Christopher said, wiping tears from his eyes. “You sayin’ you wanna be a Dweller like me sayin’ I wanna be a badge.” He howled again. “That shit just ain’t ever fuckin’ happenin’.”
“You people are so juvenile,” Knox complained.
“And you got a fuckin’ stick up your fuckin’ cock,” Christopher fired back, his humor leaving him. “As well as your fuckin’ ass.”
“At least let me bring an offer to him,” Knox said, not responding to Christopher’s words.
“No.” Christopher spoke the word with a fucking finality Knox should’ve picked up on.
“No? Just like that? No?”
“Be happy Outlaw said no, Knox,” Mortician said. “If, somehow, she telling the truth about her leaving you and you get her to take you back, you still not marrying my momma-in-law if you making shady fucking deals.”
Knox’s mouth dropped open. “You can’t be fucking serious.”
“The fuck I can’t be. Roxanne met you being a straight-laced motherfucker. She not expecting you to roll to our side. Don’t want her in no danger because you get in over your fucking head.”
“As her son-in-law, you don’t put her in danger?” Knox sneered.
“Sure the fuck don’t,” Mort answered with confidence. “I know what the fuck I’m doing. You don’t. Sometimes, it’s all about plain fucking luck. Motherfuckers still get the drop on you no matter how fucking skilled you are.”
Knox stiffened. “I was a cop, trained to shoot and take down bad guys.”
“Bruh, Knox,” Digger said woefully. “You not helping your cause.”
“So you’re admitting you’re bad guys?” Knox asked, scowling between them.
“How about you answer that fucking question strapped to the table in the meatshack?” Mortician snapped.
“You’re getting a little big for your britches, Mortician,” Knox said. “You demanded you and Bailey share a wedding with me and Roxanne. You told me I couldn’t live in her house. Now, you’re threatening my life. Again.”
“Knox doesn’t mean any of this,” Johnnie inserted, looking at each of them. “In his line of work, he meets a lot of people. One was this man in question.”
“Motherfucker might be a fuckin’ cop or any-fuckin-thing,” Christopher snarled.
“He’s not,” Knox said stiffly. “I swear I only want to help.”
Christopher didn’t trust Knox one fucking bit. “Why?”
“I want to prove to Mortician that I’d never duck out on Roxanne. I want to show all of you that I’m willing to put my freedom on the line to be with her.”
“Roxanne ain’t gonna want you to do that shit,” Christopher pointed out.
Knox nodded. “All of you are very important to her. Let me do this, Outlaw. And when the deal is made, you’ll see I’m trustworthy. Then, she’ll see it, too, and take me back. I can move back in with her before our wedding. See? I take care of you all and, in return, you get the hell off my back.”
“Your fuckin’ ass ain’t gettin’ to set fuckin’ terms,” Christopher said.
“Besides, you don’t make these types of deals overnight,” Val said. “There must be something more than that involved.”
Knox looked from Val to Christopher. “Joyner needs to get rid of the guns. AKs will be a loss leader. The Death Dwellers and Amfinger will do good together.
“You fuckin’ talkin’ what might be club fuckin’ business without fuckin’ permission?” Christopher asked. “With-fuckin-out bein’ patched the fuck in?”
Johnnie winced. It was quick but Christopher still saw it. Fuck, Kendall was a fucking busybody but she got that shit from Johnnie’s dumb ass. He opened his fucking mouth too fucking much.
Worse, it was to motherfuckers who couldn’t shut the fuck up and keep the shit they discovered to themselves. No, Kendall and Knox used the information Johnnie provided to try to manipulate the club into doing what the fuck they wanted done.
Christopher tossed his cigarette away, grabbed Johnnie by the collar and dragged him closer to Knox. “Text me this motherfucker number, Knox. Ima talk to him my-fuckin-self.”
“You got—”
Christopher grabbed Knox and banged his head against Johnnie’s, stepping back when they fell to the ground, knocked the fuck out, side-by-side like the stupid motherfuckers they were.
He looked at Val, who stuffed his hands in his pockets and began whistling some off-fucking-key tune. His gaze roamed to Digger, who raised his hands, as if he was in a fucking holdup. Mort merely sighed, not saying a word as Christopher stormed the fuck away.
Chapter Thirty-Six
The banging on her door doubled the pressure in Roxy’s head, and she forced herself into a sitting position. It seems as if she’d been living in a never-ending nightmare for the last week. After putting out the fire in Outlaw’s bathroom, she’d made it to her house, shut the door, and began sobbing all over again. The ending of her relationship with Knox devastated her. His words replayed in her head, over and over again, seeming to confirm the horribleness of Duke’s opinion of her.
She tried to act normal by smiling and joking, as if her heart hadn’t been torn out. It was so hard, especially during her times at the clubhouse. Knox seemed to be in the main room for dinner more than he’d had in all the months they’d been together.
Standing, Roxy rubbed her eyes. Alone at night, she cried so much her lids were painful to the touch.
“Roxanne, open this fucking door,” Mortician yelled, pounding on her door again.
Her quarters were her private sanctuary, the perfect place to hide until the time came for her to get back to the clubhouse to start dinner. She was uninterested in seeing anybody, especially her overprotective son-in-law. She just wanted silence. Maybe, a day or two on her own, where she didn’t have to go to the clubhouse, would help her. Yet, she didn’t have that luxury. Not if she wanted Knox to live.
In all honesty, she shouldn’t have been looking as if she had a broken heart. If Mortician saw her now…Before she decided on the story she’d give to him for why she looked such a hot mess—she didn’t need a mirror; a woman just felt her own wrecked appearance—the door opened.
She hadn’t heard any wood splintering, so she knew he’d used the spare key. Sauntering into view, Mortician spied her and halted, narrowing his eyes. He gave her the once over, then folded his arms and glared at her.
“What the fuck wrong with your ass?”
Sliding her gaze away, Roxy shrugged. “I was really tired, so after I finished breakfast, I came home for a nap,” she told him. The words sounded truthful but, to her, felt wooden. Fake. Just as her engagement to Knox had been. He hadn’t wanted to marry her in the first place. He’d been backed into a corner by the boys.
“You sure you broke it off with Knox?” Mortician asked with skepticism.
Roxy nodded and turned away, heading to her kitchen. She started clearing away the dishes she’d used for herself this morning, setting them in the sink to rinse them out and place them in the dishwasher.
She did neither. Only stared at the dishes, unable to gather the motivation for such a simple task.
A hand touched her shoulder. She didn’t jump, though. She knew Mortician was there.
“Why you broke it off? The real reason.”
She’d been avoiding all the boys, the women too, to evade a detailed explanation. After her simple, ‘I decided it wouldn’t work’, they hadn’t pressed her. They’d left her alone.
Unfortunately, her time was up.
She shrugged, determined to keep her cool, her pain deep. She didn’t want to have this conversation, now or ever. Yet, she couldn’t keep avoiding it, so she settled on a partial truth. “He wanted me to sign a prenup.” She made herself laugh. “That shit isn’t my style, so I told him to go fuck himself.”
“He finally fucking told you about that dumb shit,” Mortician grumbled.
“Yep, sugar. He finally told me.” It didn’t surprise Roxy that Mortician knew. She’d known he’d had his reasons for his actions.
Guiding her by the shoulder, he turned her to face him, backed up, and slouched, all the better to study her.
“You sure that’s all that happened, Momma-in-law? I knew you were going to be fucking furious. But you broke it off, so shit shouldn’t make you look so devastated or walk around like a fucking zombie.”
“It was that prenuptial agreement and his admission that he didn’t want to marry me in the first place. It doesn’t mean I stopped loving him. I just don’t want any motherfucker who has to be threatened into proposing to me.”
So true. Had that been the end of it, she would’ve been one mad bitch. His words, though… His view of her…
Mortician dropped his hands and went to the coffeemaker. The pot was empty. “Sit down,” he instructed. “Let me make you some coffee.”
“I don’t want anything, except time to myself.”
Pausing, Mortician kept his back to her before heaving and turning around. “What the motherfucker did to you?”
“Nothing, baby,” she lied, lowering her lashes and moving to the stool at the counter.
As she sat, he stalked over, halting across from her, on the other side of the counter. “Knox was a frustrated motherfucker, wanting to have my rules lifted. I know that contributed to the argument. My boys told me they heard y’all shouting after you fucking sneaked to catch up to Knox.”
She scowled at him. “I’m a grown woman, Mortician. If I wanted to talk to Knox, that’s my business.”
Tapping his fingers on the counter, he studied her. “If you broke up with that motherfucker only because of the shit you said, you’d be cross with my fucking ass for interfering. The fact you not, proof that more shit than what you admitting to happened.”
Frustration filled Roxy and she glared at Mortician. “I’m not one of your fucking marks that you interrogate before you decide on my fate.”
He smiled at her, but it wasn’t nice. She’d heard rumors about the club enforcer—Mortician, her son-in-law, Bailey’s husband, her grandchildren’s father—but she’d never witnessed his chilling countenance firsthand.
“You fucking crushed, Roxanne. It’s written all over your goddamn face. You not a mark, but that motherfucker is. I warned him not to fuck with you. Fucking with you, fuck with Bailey, and not a motherfucker in this world fuck with my woman.”
“What do you want me to say?” she shouted. “I’m not giving you the go ahead to fuck Knox up.”
“I’m not asking you for permission,” he shot back. “I don’t like seeing you like this. Eyes all red and swollen, like you have a fucking industrial-grade pink eye that’s so contagious your fucking eyes popping out of your goddamn head any second. Even your nose and lips look fucking swollen. You well fucking past a hot mess. You more like a blistering cauldron of fuckedupness.”
“Boy, fuck you,” Roxy growled. “In a minute, my foot is going to be a blistering cauldron straight the fuck up your goddamn ass.” She jumped to her feet. “What the fuck do you want me to say? Knox and me are over. That doesn’t mean I don’t love the motherfucker. We just don’t fucking belong together.”
The earsplitting call boomed into the house. Lawd, Jesus! Was Knox fucking insane?
“ROXANNE!” he cried again.
Mortician rolled his eyes. “Some motherfucker been watching too much of A Street Car Named Desire.”
Amusement lit Mortician’s eyes.
“Not a fucking word,” Roxy ordered over her shoulder, hurrying to the door. She needed to stop this disaster-in-the-gruesome-making. Before Knox said something he shouldn’t, she needed
to get matters in hand.
Outside, she found Knox sitting in a chair on her porch. It was the one he always sat in whenever they enjoyed fresh air in the mornings or evenings.
His amber gaze fell on her and he drew in a shuddering breath. “Roxanne,” he breathed.
“Hey, sugar.”
He swigged from a bottle of scotch. His eyes lit up and he tried to stand, but dropped back into his seat.
“I’ll do anything,” he slurred, staring at her as Johnnie, Outlaw, Val, and Digger arrived.
Val’s eyes widened as he stared at her. “Fuck, babe, what the fuck happened to you?”
“That’s not how you talk to a woman, asshole,” Johnnie chastised.
“What you mean, John Boy?” Digger countered. “She not a woman. She Roxanne.”
“She got a pussy, motherfucker,” Knox snarled, drunk off his ass. He almost sounded like one of the guys. As if he belonged in the club with the rest of them. “That makes her all woman.” He slammed a fist against his chest, his attitude quite a distance from his usual walk on the uppity side of life. “My woman.”
He looked at her again. Regret and pain shone in his eyes.
“Knox,” Roxy blurted, “come inside so we can talk in private.”
He shook his head and swayed where he sat.
Digger laughed. “Motherfucker full.”
Outlaw and the others snickered. By now, Mortician had joined them on the porch, the only one who didn’t look amused.
“You’re not ignorant, Roxanne,” Knox started. “Or classless. Or a gold digger.”
Her insides quaking at his words, she laughed, high-pitched and loud, then rushed to him, snatching the bottle from him mid-drink. Liquor sloshed all over. “Shut the fuck up, Knox,” she whispered. “If you want to walk away alive.”
“No!” he yelled, blowing fumes of alcohol in her face. “I don’t want to live if I don’t have you.” He pounded his chest again. “You’re not a gold digger, my love. I’ve been such a stupid motherfucker.”
“In a minute, you’re going to be a dead motherfucker,” she snapped under her breath, so he alone could hear her.
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