Her King's Secret Baby

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Her King's Secret Baby Page 3

by Lynn, Sophia

  “How long has this initiative been in the planning stages, Your Highness? Something this big must have taken years of planning.”

  “I sketched the skeleton of the plan the winter before I became king. Four years from an idea to the announcement you heard last week.”

  “I imagine a broad scope of research went into this. Can you tell me how you educated yourself on the global problem of water pollution, and how it impacted the design of your initiative?”

  William steepled his fingers. Their eyes caught, and a thrill burst through him. The eagerness in her intelligent eyes displayed that she wasn’t just doing her job; she was genuinely interested in his answer.

  “I’ve traveled a great deal and find myself always drawn to coastal areas. Probably my love of swimming and enjoying the water. Beyond the obvious pollution visible along beaches and coastal waterways is the data and imagery collected by experts on the impact of marine life from polluted waters.”

  “I’m a swimmer as well.” She was looking down, scrawling on her notepad as she spoke. “Any time I can get out on the Pacific, I take full advantage.”

  “You have the lines of a swimmer.” He hadn’t meant to be so bold, but too late. Leaning forward with his arms on his desk, he hitched a brow. “Competitive?”

  She looked surprised by his comment, but not offended. He’d never want to offend her. “Yes, actually. Years ago, now I just swim for the pure joy of it.”

  William smiled and leaned back. “Very good.”

  Sarah smiled and settled into her chair. He hadn’t noticed she’d been perched on the edge of her seat. She consulted the back of her notepad and asked another question. Then another. Before he realized it, the sun had grown lower in the sky, casting shadows across the room. His body was relaxed and calm, his mind buzzing with a pleasant hum. Sarah was all smiles, and he couldn’t recall how many times they’d shared a laugh in the past hour. If he wasn’t mistaken, she was enjoying herself as much as he was. How unexpected, to actually enjoy himself during an interview.

  “What are your personal hopes for this program? When you daydream about all you’ve set into place, what’s the perfect outcome?”

  “Perfect or realistic?”

  “It doesn’t hurt to dream a little, does it? In a perfect scenario, what would the impact of this initiative look like?”

  William pondered this. “I’m afraid I can’t give in to the daydream you’re asking for. I’m a realist, Ms. Jones. And the reality of scientific fact shows that at best, we can hope for an eighty-eight percent reduction in waste and pollution being dumped into our oceans in a twenty-year span. As much as I’d like to indulge in fantasy, I simply cannot. I’m not that sort of man.”

  Her face took on a professional mask, the ease and light there being quickly replaced. “Understood. In all honesty, a reduction in pollution of that percentage is a major accomplishment. I’ve no doubt Future Magazine will be following closely every step of the way.”

  “I hope so, Ms. Jones.”

  She gave an easy sigh. “Well, I think that’s all I have for you. I can’t thank you enough for seeing me today.”

  That was it. Over.

  William rose. Sarah did the same. She’d stay the remainder of the week, interviewing his staff involved in getting the initiative in place, probably take pictures, and talk to the locals. But their time together was over.

  “It was my pleasure.” His eyes flicked to hers. She hesitated as if reluctant to leave. “The heat of the day is drawing down, Ms. Jones. The water is spectacularly warm this time of day. Would you be inclined to join me for a swim?”

  Her chest hitched, a darkness clouding her eyes. He knew that look. Desire. His own breath quickened as the mirror of his deepest need reflected in her gaze. She felt it, too.

  “I… I would love to. Yes, of course!”


  He gave her directions to the private beach behind the castle, then rang Florence to escort Sarah to her suite. As she walked away, his gaze fell to her shapely behind and the sway of her hips. The next time he saw her, she’d be in a bathing suit, and God and country help him from taking this too far.

  No matter how much he might want to.

  Chapter Five


  Was she really going to swim with the King of Brixton?

  Oh, hell yes, she was!

  Sarah stood in front of a full-length oval mirror and scrutinized her appearance. She’d grabbed a bathing suit on a whim, hadn’t even given it a second thought until now. She’d packed her sky blue, tiny bikini by accident. The bottoms whisked over the bones of her hips and sat in the space beneath the flat plane of her abdomen and the top of her pubic bone. The top covered her nipples and not much else, the strings around her chest and neck barely thick enough to tie properly. This was her sunbathing number, not her sturdy swimming suit. Was this scrap of fabric going to alter his opinion of her as a reporter? Her boss had even warned her not to wear anything slutty or misleading…and here she was in a hooker suit the same color as the king’s eyes.

  Determined, she slipped into a pair of shorts and a V-neck shirt. She couldn’t be seen traipsing through the castle in her bikini. She could clearly imagine Florence’s look of horror and disapproval and picture herself being escorted hastily from the palace and onto the next flight home.

  Though, the king himself had invited her. He was waiting for her at the beach…waiting to see her in her teeny bikini.

  “Stop it, Sarah. Geeze,” she chastised herself as she ran her fingers through her hair and let it fall around her shoulders. Grabbing a beach wrap, she stuffed it into her canvas bag, along with a bottle of water from the silver tray on the nightstand by the massive bed. Making a slow circle around the room, she took it all in again. The hues of turquoise and gold made it look like something out of a historical French royalty documentary. The double king-sized bed could easily sleep six people, towering posts on the mahogany frame holding up a delicate canopy strung with decorative gold rope with tear drop crystals adorned along the sides. She had no idea how she’d ever fall asleep in this bed that was more art piece than functional furniture.

  Hopefully William would wear her out and she’d sleep like a baby.

  Her cheeks heated. Not like that! Swimming. He’d wear her out with swimming. Or something. Rolling her eyes at herself, Sarah slipped into a pair of athletic sandals and left the room. The palace was remarkably quiet as she went downstairs, took a couple of wrong turns before she found the back entrance, and let herself out. She’d imagined there’d be more staff milling about, or an escort to see her through the building. Apparently, all the background checks they’d done on her had been enough clearance to give her free rein through the king’s home.

  And free rein to the king himself.

  Giddiness raced through her as she walked outside and into the late afternoon sun. She’d interviewed the king for nearly two hours, and now she’d get free time with him off the record. Following a cobblestone path, Sarah heard the lap of ocean waves before she saw them. A thick grove of beautifully manicured trees created a perfect line as far as she could see in both directions. A large sign warned of private property and the consequences for making entry. Feeling almost guilty and sneaky, she slipped through the trees and followed the path to where it ended atop a large sand dune. Below, a white sand beach stretched lazily around blue-green water. Her breath caught as she spied William sitting with his back to her, his legs outstretched so the ocean lapped at his feet.

  Gulping down her nerves, she tightened her grip on the strap of her bag and headed his way. He turned easily just as she approached, his smile going wide and stealing her breath. Designer sunglasses hid his eyes, and she wished she could see what they held.


  The smooth heat of the greeting made her shiver. “Hello.”

  Before she can talk herself out of it, Sarah set down her bag and quickly whisked off her shirt. Her body trembled with the fo
rce of nerves as she slid her shorts off and moved to sit beside him. William grabbed her hand, stopping her. Sliding his sunglasses down with the hook of one finger, he slowly looked her up and down, his lips parting as if he was going to speak, but words wouldn’t come out. Her body flushed under his appraisal and the appreciation on his face.

  “You’re stunning.”

  “Oh.” She waved him off. “Well, thank you.”

  She sat beside him on the warm sand with a quick sideways glance. His naked torso was all hard, sculpted lines of beautiful muscle and supple, tanned skin. He drew his knees up and lazily rested his forearms on them.

  “You’re not worried about trespassers or paparazzi out here?” She pulled her hair into a loose ponytail and pulled it over one shoulder.

  “No. Occasionally, there will be one persistent chap or two that slips through, but it’s rare considering this beach is directly connected to the palace grounds. There was the bloke who flew a drone over once, though, hoping to catch me in my birthday suit.”

  Sarah laughed. “Did he?”

  He gave her an amused wink. “Yes, but prompt litigation kept the tabloids from running a photo of my naked ass on the front page. Don’t worry, there’s no danger of further drone invasion.”

  “Good because I’d have a hard time explaining this bikini to my boss.”

  The moment the words were out of her mouth, she knew his eyes would be drawn to her body again, and sure enough, his gaze slipped over her like warm oil, lazy and hot and all-consuming.

  “I’ll simply tell him I made it a requirement for the interview.”

  “Oh, really? That might tarnish your stellar reputation, letting people think you require female reporters to prance around in skimpy underthings.”

  He brushed sand off his leg with a soft laugh. “Point well taken.”

  Surprised at how relaxed she felt around William, she leaned back on her arms and wiggled her toes into the sand. Closing her eyes, she opened them after a few seconds just to be sure—and the stunning view was still there, thrilling her.

  “It’s like a fairy tale here. This is my first international trip aside from visiting Canada when I was twelve.”

  “Well, Sarah Jones, I hope your trip here helps launch your career so abundant travel is in your future.”

  “That would be lovely.” She paused, thinking about what he’d just said. “How do you know my career needs launching?”

  He turned on the sand to face her, a guilty smile pulling at his perfect lips. “I may have seen your photo on the Future Magazine website, listed under ‘Junior Reporters.’ I deduced that you’re here for the experience in hope of growing within the company.”

  So, she wasn’t the only one who had done a little internet stalking. She might have been creeped out a tad if she hadn’t been guilty of the same exact thing. Thank goodness pictures of her and her past dates weren’t readily available online like his were. No way did he need access to her past bad choices. Yikes.

  “In fact, I was surprised Future didn’t send a more seasoned reporter, not that I’m not thrilled with your company and professionalism. You conducted an impressive interview.”

  Her heart soared at the praise. She scrunched her face playfully. “Shall I tell you the real reason my boss sent me, or make up something a little more interesting?”

  “Always the truth.”

  “I work with old people.” She snickered. “Seriously, they’re all at least ten years my senior if not more. My boss thought that since you and I are about the same age, I might be able to relate to you more.”

  He rose and shook the sand off himself. “Ahhhh, well, considering most reporters come to me wearing orthopedic shoes, I appreciate your boss’s sentiment.” He extended a beautifully masculine hand to her. Licking her lips, Sarah took it. Little electric shocks raced through her palm and down her forearm at the contact, her knees going weak as he pulled her to her feet. She stumbled a bit, then caught herself, gripping his hand more tightly.

  And he gripped her right back.

  “Let’s swim.”

  She let him lead her to the water’s edge, and then into the warm depths. She let him pull her out until the waves lapped around her thighs and hips. And then she let him playfully lift her and toss her backwards into the ocean, his own body cutting smoothly into the wave beside her. They bobbed to the surface, laughing and splashing. Before she knew it, they’d swum an impressive distance from shore and back, his pace matching hers until they were both panting. When their feet touched the smooth bottom once again, William tossed her up onto his shoulders as she kicked and splashed and laughed. And he did a free-fall backwards, landing them both into the water. He came up with a shell in his palm and a piece of seaweed in his slicked back hair.

  Breathless, exhilarated, Sarah hadn’t had a moment to fully realize that she was carousing around with the King of Brixton like a couple of ten-year-olds. She turned into him, her breasts brushing against his solid chest as he held the pink and gold shell up for her. She plucked the seaweed from his hair with a giggle, taking the shell and curling it in her fingers. Their eyes caught, held, and her breath stalled in her chest. William bent down to her, hesitated, then his arms came around her and pulled her tightly against his body. His eyes asked for her permission. A small nod and shuddering breath were all she could manage, but it was enough. William’s lips claimed hers, hot and demanding. Her lips parted, drawing him in deeper, their bodies pressing together at every available inch.

  She melted into him, her head whirling from the force of pleasure and desire. He lifted her, her legs wrapping around his lean hips as he slowly walked from the water, never breaking the kiss. Her heart beat staccato. She’d never felt like this before. So wanting and reckless and comfortable all rolled into one.

  When William lay her down on a huge beach blanket, she reached for him, her arms looping around his neck and drawing him down to her. His hands skimmed along her sides, leaving a hot shiver in their wake. His tongue found hers as he angled his head to take her lips deeply, his fingers brushing along the sides of her breasts, the curve of her waist, and over her hips. She arched up to meet his touch as he traced her bikini bottom, the pulse of need between her legs shocking her in its demand. She ran her hands over the hard muscles of his back and shoulders, down his tight biceps.

  “Sarah,” he groaned. Pulling away, he looked into her eyes. She saw the question there.

  “Please, William. Yes, yes.” Desperate and feeling outside her own body, she pulled him back to her. Suddenly, he was untying her bikini, and the top fell away. His quick intake of breath at the sight of her breasts thrilled her. Cupping them, he stroked and kneaded the soft mounds before pulling a nipple into his warm, wet mouth. She moaned and arched up, her fingers digging into his hair. His skin was damp and slick beneath her hands as she caressed him, feeling like she couldn’t get enough of him. He moved to her other breast, loving it with kisses as he hooked fingers on the strings of her bikini bottoms and slowly pulled them down her thighs. She could barely breathe as his fingers whisked between her legs. She parted for him, quivering as he stroked her there and found the sweet spot. She cried out as he carefully, slowly caressed between her legs, her thighs shaking at the pleasure he drummed up with each touch.

  Consumed by lust and the building spiral of an orgasm that demanded to be set free, Sarah pulled at his swim trunks until he kicked them off. She palmed his thighs, ran her hands up, and gripped the hard length of him. Thick and long, he pulsed in her hand as she gently pumped the fat head and veined length of his cock. Nearly on the edge of release, she spread her legs wider and gave a little pout.

  “Please, I want you in me when I come.”

  “God, yes.” William settled between her legs, his glorious fingers expertly stroking her clit to keep her on the edge. With a firm push, he filled her inch by inch, the stretch and heat his cock caused sending her orgasm racing to its peak. She cried out, her nails digging into his back. He th
rust hard, steady, filling her again and again as the pleasure held on, built again, and sent her over a second, hard wave of release.

  Barely aware of anything but the feel of him inside her, Sarah moaned as he swelled, growing shockingly hard. With one last thrust, he pulled out of her and spilled his orgasm on her belly.

  Panting, nearly delirious, she went limp against the blanket as William’s arms went around her and pulled her close to lay next to him. They both struggled to right their breathing. Her eyes opened to the almost dark sky, the last rays of sun streaking amazing colors across the backdrop.

  And it hit her all at once. Holy shit, what had she just done?

  Chapter Six


  He’d never done that before.

  William picked up the blanket and shook it out before tossing it over his arm. Sarah wouldn’t look at him as she tied the strings to her bikini bottom. They washed up in the ocean and dressed just as the last bit of light faded from the sky. A half moon cast dim light on the beach. He didn’t need it to see his way back, but damn if he didn’t want to keep staring at the woman who had just rocked his entire world.

  He’d never been one for quick affairs or one-night stands. No, he respected women more than that. But this lust he had for Sarah had knocked him completely off his game. They’d both given in to it, and he wasn’t a bit sorry. But was she?

  She dressed in her shorts and t-shirt, then finally turned to face him. He extended a hand to her; she took it, and he curled his fingers around hers. His body was still thrumming with slowly fading pleasure, his libido already working up for another round. She was so small and soft beside him, her movements relaxed and easy as if he’d put a cloud under her feet. Good. There was nothing more that he loved than giving a woman pleasure.


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