Her King's Secret Baby

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Her King's Secret Baby Page 9

by Lynn, Sophia

  “God, Sarah! You’ve made me a very happy man.”

  Chapter Thirteen


  He was going to be a father!

  William didn’t know if he was more shocked or excited. His brain was having a hard time processing, as if he was in a dream and was struggling to wake up. Sarah’s body enveloped in his arms had never felt so good. He never wanted to let her go.

  She was carrying his child. His. Child.

  The sudden realization that she’d been dealing with this alone for weeks hit him hard. He imagined her finding out that she was pregnant, and probably in a panic had reached out to him for support, and he’d never responded. He’d left her in limbo. How could he ever make it up to her?

  She took his hands in hers. “You’re happy about this?”

  He was sure the right words wouldn’t come out of his mouth. He smoothed her hair back from her forehead and searched for the perfect words anyway. “I’m going to have a child with a woman completely perfect to be his or her mother. How could I not be pleased?”

  Her eyes widened, a look of hope and confusion shining there.

  “Sarah, you’re perfect for me. I realized the moment you left Brixton that you’re the woman I’ve been waiting for. I couldn’t be more pleased about our child.”

  “Our child,” she repeated as if she couldn’t quite believe it.

  “Yes,” William laughed. “We’re going to have a baby.”

  A smile curved her lips, and she visibly relaxed. He realized just then how much tension she’d been carrying. He never wanted to make her feel that way again. She rubbed a hand over the back of her neck and started a slow pace toward the living room. He followed, and after they sat on her sofa, he took her hands in his because he needed the connection. He never wanted to let go.

  “How are we going to do this? How will we juggle being an ocean apart?”

  “Come to Brixton, Sarah.”

  She shook her head. “I can’t just drop my life here. I have my work, my career. I can’t do that in Brixton.”

  He knew from their past conversations that her work was important to her. She’d worked extremely hard to climb the journalism ladder, and she wasn’t the kind of woman to sit at home and do nothing. He could see the wheels turning in her mind by the skew of her lips.

  “And what will your family say?” she murmured. “Your entire country? I don’t need negative press interfering with my ability to do my job.”

  He couldn’t blame her for her concerns. This was all happening so fast. He’d had a knee-jerk reaction, asking her to drop everything and come to Brixton. But the thought of going back home without her and their child seemed tragic. “All valid concerns, and all things we’ll tackle one at a time.” He turned to face her, their knees bumping together. “I want you in my life, Sarah. Permanently, and forever.”

  Her breath hitched. “What are you saying?”

  He cupped her face with his hand. “I’m saying that I want you as my wife, as the woman I love who will stand beside me as we raise our little family. I want you to work if that makes you happy, in whatever fashion you see fit. And I hope you’ll accept and consider making a life in my country. My people, and my family, will love you as much as I do.”

  She took a shuddering breath and launched herself into his arms. William caught her, momentum throwing him back against the couch with her on top of him. She found his lips, and he clung to the kiss, taking her face between his hands and kissing her deeply. Life and joy flared inside his chest. This was what he’d been missing. The sweetness of her lips, the perfection of her taste. The way her body fit against his. He smoothed his hands along her curves, loving the feel of her. Wondering what she’d feel like in a few months as their baby grew.

  He kissed her until she was breathless and then pulled back just enough to whisper against her lips. “I love you, Sarah.”

  She threw her arms around his neck. “Oh, William, I love you too!”

  He’d never felt so alive, or so in love. He scooped her up in his arms, cradling her protectively against his chest. “Let’s move to your bed where I can love you properly.”

  She pointed the way, and he took her there and gently lay her down on the bed. She looked so hot, all flushed from his kiss, her eyes glassy with passion. He quickly sent his bodyguard and driver a text, telling them to return in the morning. When she reached her hand out to him, he took it. His body was thrumming with energy, a mixture of emotions coursing through him that elated and frightened him.

  “Please tell me you want to make a life with me,” he said.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck. “Of course I do. More than you’ll ever know.”

  William shrugged out of his suit coat and loosened his tie. He took his time undressing her, sliding off her slouchy, oversized top. Pulling the waist of her yoga pants with slow precision down her hips and legs. He kissed her while hooking his fingers into the sides of her panties and easing them from her body. Her breathing was hard and fast, her golden skin taking on a pink flush everywhere he touched. He worked one strap of her bra down, then the other. Urging her forward, he reached around her to unclasp her bra, his lips finding her collarbone and placing little kisses there. His breath caught as she lay naked before him, her sleek body like a golden-hued gift.

  Almost afraid to touch her, he placed a palm over her lower abdomen. His child grew there, and he was sure he’d never lose the awe of it. Softly, he placed a kiss there. Her fingers worked into his hair as his lips traveled up and nibbled at the fullness of her breasts. He wanted her so much that his body demanded he ravish her and give them both shattering release. But she was more delicate now, at least in his mind, and he wanted to take care. He wanted to go slow and show her just how much he loved her.

  Palming her breasts, he savored the feel of her round, firm flesh. Her breasts were fuller than he remembered, her nipples darker. Leaning low over her body, he took a nipple into his mouth and gently sucked. Sarah jerked with a sigh, her fingers digging into his shoulders. Taking his time, he grazed a hand over her body to the apex of her thighs. Fingering her soft curls there, he gently parted her intimate lips and found the spot that made her tremble. He teased her breasts and between her legs until she was panting, her body arched off the bed.

  His erection pressed hard against his trousers. He shivered as her hands found the waist of his pants and managed to work the button free. She had to reach to try and free him.

  “Please, William, I want to feel you inside me right now.”

  A pleased rumble worked from his throat. “I’m trying to be gentle.”

  “I won’t break. Please.”

  Her pleading opened the demanding part of him that didn’t want to take this slow. Together, they hastily unbuttoned his dress shirt, and he shrugged it off. His pants soon followed.

  “Oh, yes,” Sarah breathed as she cupped his cock through his underwear. The warmth of her hand was exquisite. Pressing his hips into her touch, he took a sharp breath as she reached inside and took him in her hand. In two seconds, he was completely nude and perched between her spread thighs. He took her lips with his as he slowly thrust inside, inch by inch. Her hips rose to meet him, her body clenching around him as he fully seated inside her. They let out a tandem breath as his forehead dropped to hers.

  “I’ve missed this,” he groaned. “I missed you so much.”

  And then he was moving, pleasure pouring over him as she arched to meet each thrust, her soft cries fueling his lust. This was perfection, heaven. And he was never letting go. Sliding a hand between their bodies, he found her swollen clit and rubbed just the way he knew drove her crazy. It wouldn’t be long, and he’d be flying over the edge. He didn’t want to be done just yet.

  Gripping her hips, William rolled onto his back, taking her with so she ended up straddling him. Her eyes went wide, her hair flying around her shoulders like a sex goddess. His chest clenched at the sight of her. She braced her hands on his shoulders,
her body moving up and down as he resumed touching her where she loved the best. He couldn’t look away at this beautiful queen taking her pleasure from his body. And when she threw her head back as her orgasm took her over, he knew he was a complete goner. He followed her release, thrusting up into her tightness as her muscles milked him over and over.

  Exhausted, he collapsed next to her, gently holding her in his arms as they pressed together. She stroked his hair and ran her fingers along his jaw. An amused smile turned up her lips. He couldn’t resist smiling back.

  “What?” he asked.

  “The King of Brixton is in my bed, in my studio apartment across from a Walmart.”

  He smoothed her hair away from her forehead. “Well, there’s an entire palace waiting for you to come call it home.”

  Sarah snuggled into him, her cheek pressed against his chest. William held her tighter, already dreaming of what their future might look like.

  “Anywhere you are is home,” she breathed.

  And he knew to the deepest reaches of his heart that she was right. Right here in her bed in this tiny apartment with the traffic going on below was perfect. He didn’t need luxury to be at peace.

  He only needed Sarah, and their baby, and he had everything.


  Nine months later


  Sarah's heart was full.

  She propped herself up on one elbow in bed to get a better look at the man who was going to be her husband. William stood near the arched windows in their master suite, cradling their one-month-old daughter in his arms. They'd had another sleepless night. The sun was just beginning to peek along the horizon, casting glitter into the room, yet his expression was vibrant and full of love.

  It was surreal that their baby was here. Twenty hours of labor and unmedicated childbirth had been the hardest thing she’d ever done. She’d had her own room in a private wing of the hospital, and Betty and William at her side to coach her through. Sometime during her labor, Betty had faded into the shadows while William had stood by Sarah’s side, holding her hand, helping her through the pain. Suddenly, amid the encouragement from everyone in the room, baby Annabelle had slipped into the world and into her father’s hands, and William had barely set her down for a moment since.

  The way he looked at their child squeezed Sarah's heart and made tears prick her eyes. How had life taken such a curve? This moment, and the promise of the life ahead of her, were something she'd never imagined. The man before her was kind, thoughtful, sexy, and powerful. He had barely stopped smiling since little Anna's birth. His enthusiasm for being a father hadn't died down a moment since finding out she was expecting. Just thinking of it now made a sob form in her throat.

  William had been with her every step of the way, and his promise of love and commitment had been unbreakable. She couldn't possibly love him more.

  As if sensing her watchful eye, he turned and gave her a wink. Anna was cradled against his bare chest, the edge of her fuzzy pink blanket lying over his arm. His arms rocked gently back and forth. So far, this was Anna's favorite thing, to be held against her father's warm body, rocking in his arms while he hummed off-tune.

  Sarah didn't blame her. She loved to be pressed against that chest and held in those arms, too.

  "Go back to sleep, love." William's voice was soft and soothing.

  "Are you talking to me or the baby?"

  "Both. I have nothing on my schedule today, so I can do this all day long while you both get some needed rest."

  Sarah couldn't take her eyes off of him. How had she gotten so lucky?

  “You cleared your schedule again today? Isn’t that against the rules or something?” Sarah pushed herself into a sitting position, wincing as a bit of pain darted through her abdomen. She hadn’t expected bouncing back from childbirth to be so unpredictable. One moment, she felt like she could swim fifty laps, the next, her breasts were overly full, and she wanted to sit in a corner and cry. Betty had flown home three days ago, filling Sarah with a touch of melancholy. She was blissfully happy, but adjusting to living in Brixton had been challenging. Having Betty here for the birth—even if she’d chosen to stay on the sidelines and let William stand in—had been exactly what Sarah had needed for comfort. Besides, her friend had brought gifts from all her former coworkers at Future, giving her another taste of her old life that she’d savored.

  She’d been in Brixton since her fourth month of pregnancy, and while adjusting to her new life was taking time, settling in as William’s soon-to-be wife was anything but hard. It was as if they were made for each other, perfectly.

  He kissed the top of Anna’s soft head. “The good thing about being king is that I can do what I want. Like spend another day with my girls.”

  He came to sit beside her on the bed. Anna fussed, reminding Sarah that she was overdue for a feeding, but she didn’t want to ask William to give her up just yet. He was enjoying himself too much, and it was glorious to see.

  “I’ll be working from my office today. I’ve asked Florence to get a bassinet set up in the corner so you and Anna can join me anytime you like.” He gave the baby one more kiss before handing her to Sarah. “And I’ve a surprise for you.”

  Sarah settled the baby into the crook of her arm. “You do?”

  “I’m having a desk installed in the left wing of my office for you. So when you’re ready to get back to work, you’ll have everything you need right there.”

  “You’re serious?” She touched his arm.

  “Of course. I want you close to me while we save the world.”

  She slipped one arm around him and gave him a sideways hug. They’d talked about having a joint office just so they could spend a few hours together here and there while they were working. William’s time outside of the palace had increased exponentially in the past months, and she’d often gone two days without seeing him for more than a few hours at night. She was worried it would be viewed as improper to have a joint office, but William had waved off her concern. They were already improper, he’d said, living in the palace together with a child while unmarried.

  Screw tradition, they were going to do it their way.

  “I love that. Thank you, Will.”

  “Do you think you’re up to reviewing an article the outlet sent over?”

  “I think so. It will do me some good to get out of this bed and be productive.”

  His eyes crinkled at the sides, and he smoothed hair away from her forehead. Their eyes caught, and her heart swelled even more. Three months ago, she’d been offered a lead journalist position for Brixton’s leading news channel. In the weeks leading up to giving birth, she’d been working remotely, reviewing other journalists’ work and editing. She’d been originally concerned that she’d landed the job because she was the king’s consort and mother of his child, but in her heart, she realized it was her own merit that had gotten her the gig.

  The job interview offer had come long before the world had learned of her relationship with the king. They’d been impressed with her coverage of Brixton’s clean water initiative, and thanks to the free rein they’d given her, she was going to make further coverage a monthly thing. As soon as she was ready to get back to work, she’d have a worldwide audience for an important topic that touched every single country.

  William ran a hand lightly over Anna’s head. “I do have a meeting to attend this morning. I’ll be back soon, I promise.”

  She pulled him in for a kiss. “Take your time, love. We’ll be just fine.”

  She fed Anna as William dressed and left their suite. Then after a nap with the baby, she got both of them dressed and pulled her hair into a ponytail. Skipping makeup or proper clothes, she slipped into comfortable yoga pants and a blouson top. Putting Anna in a sling across her chest, she grabbed her laptop bag and made her way downstairs. She was almost to the office when she caught a shadow heading her way in the hall.


  Her brow knitted as he approached.
He gave her a fleeting look before looking away with a resigned sigh. She’d said very little to him since coming to the palace. He simply wasn’t around as much now that William had relieved him from his official duties. Asher still hadn’t been reinstated into his old role as secretary, but was running errands for the palace staff and handling minor duties.

  Mundane, probably, but well deserved considering he couldn’t be trusted, she thought. He’d only briefly acknowledged Anna and had been mysteriously absent at family meals. She was sure he resented her intrusion into the palace, the dirty American that she was. So she’d kept her distance from him too. William had mentioned that Asher had been honestly apologetic for what he’d done.

  He seemed to think his nephew was redeemable. Sarah didn’t know him well enough to be convinced.

  Asher slowed a little. “Good morning, Ms. Jones.”

  She gave a curt nod, intending to keep going. “Good morning.”

  Asher stopped and crossed his hands in front of him. He worked his fingers as if he were nervous. She paused, sensing that he had something else to say. His smile was tight, but his eyes were warm as he looked at the sling.

  “Is the little princess cozy in there?”

  Sarah’s hands went around the sling. “She loves it in here.”

  A melancholy expression pulled at Asher’s features. He suddenly looked lost and uncertain. Flicking his gaze to Sarah’s, he lightly cleared his throat. “May I…may I see her?”

  “Um… I…”

  “Look, Sarah, I feel as if I should explain myself. If only for my peace of mind, if nothing else.”

  She pondered hearing him out, then gave an encouraging nod. “Okay.”

  Asher smoothed his hands together. His impeccable suit and styled hair were a polar opposite to the unease of emotions rolling off him. “I was in love once, with an American actress. We were perfect for each other; at least I thought we were. It ended badly, and I was angry at giving so much of myself to a foreigner. To someone who couldn’t appreciate Brixton or how hard I do my part to make this a wonderful country. I felt…betrayed, unappreciated. And sadly, I let those feelings rule my behavior.”


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