The Eternal Purpose

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The Eternal Purpose Page 5

by Burak Koç

  Alfonso sat on the ground to rest a bit and I took a deep breath to get enough oxygen into my lungs. We both started being fine as long as we rest. During this time Alfonso's body had produced enough blood. When he felt fine he stood up and approached the portraits on the wall. I think he knew most people in these portraits because their last name was “Williams”. As he continued to examine the portraits, that creepy violin sound started coming from the room behind the door. That sound attracted his attention so he went in front of the door. He didn’t do anything but listen to the sound for a while. Then he couldn’t wait anymore and pushed forward the door. When the door opened, the thing that stood out was the carpet on the floor. This carpet with old fashion patterns covered the entire floor. The walls of the room were completely covered with pictures. It was like if Michelangelo came here and drew these pictures. In the middle of the room, there was a table and the young man who Lena brought here was lying on that table. A violin sound that wasn't clear where it came from was echoing inside the room. A large chandelier hanging from the ceiling was brightening the room. At the end of the room, there was a huge throne that was brightening like a sun. It was obvious this throne is made of gold. Over the throne, there was a huge portrait that belongs to a man. The man was brunette and staring with creepy facial expression. There was a man that was sitting on the throne. There was no doubt this man was the same man that was sitting on the throne. There were completely black clothes that covered his whole skin on him also a hoodie that prevented her face from looking clear. I could only see his white teeth and his eyes. My process of looking around the room was over when Alfonso started approaching the young man who was lying on the table. At that time a thick voice came from the man who was sitting on the throne.

  “ Welcome back, I’ve been waiting for you.”

  Alfonso focused the man with all his attention.

  “ I don’t remember when I came here. What happened to me? Why I was here?”

  “ You are a very important detail that I missed, son. You are the goal of all my efforts so far.”

  Alfonso tried to make a sense of what the man told to him.

  “ What are you talking about? How could I be a goal for you? ”

  “ You're the reason I created this organization, boy. If I knew you are alive, this organization would never exist. Many children would not be missed and they would live a normal life. “

  Alfonso turned to crazy after hearing he told to him. He started walking towards the man with anger.

  “ You will suffer for what you made to those innocent children!”

  Alfonso was going to kill him, but I knew they wouldn’t let him do that. When he approached the man enough, Lena appeared behind the throne. Her clothes were the same as he wore at Alfonso’s house, but she had no mask on her face. Her face looked more brunette than before. The drug must have caused this in her blood. She walked towards Alfonso with small steps then stood between Alfonso and the man. She was staring at Alfonso without any move. It seemed she was totally under the control of the man. Alfonso desperately tried to talk to her and convince her.

  “ Lena, don’t let him control you. Resist him!”

  At that moment the man’s laughter echoed in the room. It was exactly the same as the laughter of the evil man in the movies.

  “ You never changed, son. You always used basic, useless methods. You can’t help your friend with these silly words. She totally obeys me because of you. You sacrificed her to me with your own hands.”

  Alfonso’s facial expression explained his despair.

  “ Who are you? “

  “ I am your uncle Alfonso. You and I are a member of the Williams lineage, where generations of wise scientists have been raised. We have the same blood, son.“

  Alfonso didn't seem to want to believe what he heard.

  “ No, I can't be part of a community of people who can kill innocent people for the sake of purposes. I can’t be the nephew of someone like you.”

  “ No, you are not, son. It was a long time ago, not anymore. I no longer consider you as my nephew. That’s why you and your parents weren’t here with me. “

  Alfonso attempted to attack him again with anger but he stopped when he saw Lena was holding a knife towards him.

  “ What happened to my parents? “

  “ Your father and I were working as a team. We believed we should have done something never done yet to be worth our lineage. But your father’s vision was not enough to see the thing hidden in the depths of my purpose. When I told him my purpose he accused me of being stupid. He stopped his communication with me and didn’t let me see you. He thought my purpose was dangerous and impossible. While I wanted to be a secular person, I became a disgraced one because of your father. I stayed alone and lonely. The only way to prove that I was right was to do my purpose. “

  “ What purpose? “

  The man’s made his voice louder while he was talking about his purpose.

  “ Being like an eternal flame, son. Living forever. To live without feeling the fear of uncertainty coming from death forever. “

  “ What does this have to do with us? You succeeded it. Why you kill innocent people?“

  “ No son, I failed. I thought I found the drug. I tested it on animals. It worked on them and I decided to inject it myself. Yeah, I was immortal but a side effect of the drug appeared. My physical ability was decreasing over time. So I should have found new drugs to get my ability back. I found many new drugs but I didn’t trust testing on the animals. I should have tested it on someones who have the same blood type as me.

  “ And you started with us, right? Douchebag. “

  “ Yes, I did. I injected them into all our lineage. Their bodies couldn’t resist the drugs so they died. I thought you were also dead so I buried you and all of them. I knew it would take many years to find the right drug. So I found this organization and kidnapped the many children to test the drugs. We were only able to find the drug that prevented my physical ability from falling, and this drug is now in the blood of the young man lying on the table. I wanted to get back my physical ability so we had to find the right one then you came here. When you got the secret door at the entrance, I realized you are alive. You are immortal and have the physical ability. You are the answer to all my struggles. Now it's time to get my reward.”

  After listening to the man’s speech, I realized he wanted to kill Alfonso and get his blood also Alfonso realized that too. He clenched his fist and said:

  “ The only thing that you can get from me is death. I will take all innocent people’s revenge from you.”

  The man laughed sarcastically: “ No son, you will give me my freedom.”

  At that moment Lena hit the floor with her leg and the violin sound stopped. Suddenly, many doors appeared on the room’s walls. All of them opened at the same time and all masked members showed up. They surrounded Alfonso to don’t let him run. Then the second command came from Lena and they attacked Alfonso.

  Alfonso killed the members one by one who attacked him with his punches. He was too strong to surrender easily. But there were too many of them so he exhausted in a couple of minutes. They held his hand, legs tight. Alfonso could not move anymore, he gave up then they tied his hands and feet. A couple of them took Alfonso to the table in the middle of the room. One of them took the young man that was lying on the table and throw him to the ground like trash and put the Alfonso on the table. I approached the young man, he seemed as dead. I approached him a bit more to see him clearly. His body type was familiar, I was thinking who could be this guy. Then I noticed something. My toes could touch his body, so this meant I was visible again. I was cool because nobody of them didn’t look at my side. First, I wanted to know who was that guy then I was going to find a way to help Alfonso. I took off his mask quickly. The face that I saw took my breath away for a while. For a while, I forgot what was going on around me and focused only on what I saw. That guy was me. My body was lying on the ground as
dead. Seeing my dead body personally affected me so badly. For a while, I couldn’t think logically. Then I remember that was a dream so I decided to focus to save Alfonso.

  Lena was approaching to Alfonso by holding a white knife. This knife was bigger than any of the knives we saw earlier. Probably it was going to absorb all blood Alfonso had. The drug in Alfonso’s blood kept Alfonso alive so if he lost it, he would die. At that moment, I was not a logical person because of what I saw so far. With mad courage, I ran to Lena by clenching my fist. When I approached her enough I gave a punch on her face but the result wasn’t what I expected. I was invisible, I thought this story started being so stupid. But then I realized that the story wouldn’t let me do something stupid. It wanted me to be logical. Meanwhile, Lena cut Alfonso’s arm skin with a knife then stuck the knife in it. Alfonso screamed in big pain and didn’t stop for a long time. The knife started absorbing his blood and as long as it kept absorbing Alfonso’s pain was getting bigger. The members and Lena approached the throne to listen to the man’s speech. The man got prepared to give a victory speech.

  “ My dear children, our sacred purpose, which has been going on for centuries, will be successful today. This drug carrier lying on the table is proof of our victory. It's time to get the reward for our efforts. Infinity is now with us. “

  After this disgusting speech, Lena started to approach Alfonso to take the knife from him. She was walking backward and looking at the man by holding his hands towards him like she was praying. Meanwhile, the other members were singing something strange just like a song. The knife nearly absorbed Alfonso’s blood and he was about to die. He was almost unconscious and muttering something to himself. I approached him to hear clearly but his voice was so deep and low I had trouble understanding.

  “ Chec….”

  “ Check the …”

  “ Check the po..”

  And his conscious went off. I didn’t understand what he said, maybe at the normal time I could but that was an extraordinary time. When Lena took Alfonso on his lap, his skin was completely white. Alfonso was dead and I didn’t expect that when we came here. you know I believed the good in stories always wins. But this one was a big lie for that story.

  After she took his body in her lap, a syringe fell down on the ground. It contained a blue liquid. And that I wanted to kill myself because he was trying to say to me that.

  “ Check the pocket.”

  He wanted me to check his pocket because the syringe contained “FB - M: 44” which was the drug that purifies drugs in the blood. He could see me, I was visible. The story gave me a chance to change the story but I didn’t notice that. I was a fool, I should have injected this drug to Lena so then we could save Alfonso. This was a great fault that affected the whole story. While Lena was carrying Alfonso towards the man sitting on the throne, the man started laughing like a villain who had reached his goal. The laughter voice increased over time and became more disturbing.

  “ Ha, ha, haha… Ha, haha … “ It seemed like it never ends.

  And it started echoing in my ears then my surroundings started being dark. As my surroundings darkened, the alarm sound began to replace the laughter sound.

  Suddenly I opened my eyes, the alarm was ringing. I ended this disgusting sound. I tried to remember my most recent dream by looking at my around with meaningless looks. The story, which started boringly, continued interestingly. But it ended badly because of my stupidity. I could change the end of the story. This thought didn’t leave my mind. Also, I was thinking of Lena, Alfonso, Tina. The story didn’t end up well for them. This story impressed me a lot because I felt something unfinished inside me. But that was in my mind, good in stories doesn’t win always. In this story, I witnessed that the quote was proven. Yeah, the story was over but the real-life responsibilities were waiting for me. So I got up from my bed and got ready for my job.

  Before I leave the door of the house, I comforted myself with this thought:

  “ I will not repeat the mistakes I made in this story and I will be more careful. ”

  This thought helped me to forget the fault that I made in the recent story. So I left the house by hoping to see more good stories. You know my brain loves to make surprises to me, maybe it will let me continue the same story. Who knows :)




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