Chosen by the Riexian Prince

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Chosen by the Riexian Prince Page 11

by Alyx X

  He still stood there, resembling too much like a fish.

  “Drayl?” Concern rose. “Did something happen to Nora?” I glanced around, expecting her to be with him like she should have been, but she wasn’t in sight.

  Drayl composed himself, straightening his posture, before saying, “Is everything all set in your quarters?”

  “Where is she?” I asked again in a colder voice. Inside, my heart hammered against my chest as the rare emotion of fear took hold of me. Did something happen? “Why are you not answering me?”


  Loud pounding grabbed our attention, along with a muffled voice.

  “What in Green Gods is that?” I stalked toward the sound until I came to one of the rooms used for those who were too tired to make it back to their quarters and needed a place to crash. I hit the button but it didn’t open right away. After putting in the code in the little monitor by the door, it slid open and Nora tumbled out. I caught her and frowned.

  “What is going on?”

  “What the fuck?” she asked. “Why was I locked in the room? What is going on?” She spotted Drayl and scowled hard, almost as well as some of my seasoned men readying for battle. “Why did you lock me in there?”

  Drayl frowned. “Locked you in? I didn’t do that. I only wanted to give you a comfortable place to stay while Kyel finished preparing his quarters for you.”

  “The door was locked,” she said.

  “It was.” I gave Drayl my no-bullshit look.

  “It must have went faulty. We had a breach of security, and we are still working through what damage has been done. Others have reported being locked in too now that comms are back up. I would never dare to lock Kyel’s mate in a room. What would that even accomplish?” Drayl shrugged, not seeming to care.

  “That’s bullshit if I have ever heard any before. And trust me, I know plenty of people who lived off of spewing shit.”

  “Is that the way a mate should speak?” Drayl asked.

  “Enough,” I said. “Drayl, thank you for trying to be thoughtful. My quarters are now ready for her. Go to the bridge and find out what the hell is going on with our comms. I found traces of someone sending something out. Unfortunately, all I could find was that it went back home. I have a feeling someone is in touch with my father.”

  Drayl did a salute. “That’s why I was detained in coming back for Nora. I was able to narrow down the message to being sent from one of our instructors. We are currently checking on all their locations.”

  I nodded. “Good. Keep on top of it. Sweat them out if you have too.”

  “It will be done.” Drayl turned on his heels and stomped away.

  “You don’t believe him, do you?” Nora asked, giving Drayl’s back the stink eye. If I stuck the two of them in the room together, I wasn’t sure what would happen. Drayl’s opinion of Nora was low because he knew she put us all at risk. But he gave me his allegiance. He’d never dare to hurt Nora. And Nora was scrappy enough to fight against men twice her size. How would she handle a fight against a Riexian? I hoped I never had to find out.

  “Someone hacked into our system. We’re scrambling to clear everything up and if anyone can do it better than I can, it’s Drayl. I’m sorry it got you locked into a room.”

  Nora crossed her arms over her stomach, causing her breasts to pop out more from her dress.

  “Come. Let me show you were you will be living for remaining time on this ship. I think you will like it.”

  “I’m staying with you?” Nora asked.

  I rested my hand on her lower back and led her back to my quarters. “And never leaving.”



  Never leaving.

  His words were still echoing through my head as he led the way to his sleeping quarters. We hadn’t really talked about it the last few days, preferring to lay in bliss rather than in reality. Reality always sucked so I was happy to follow his lead. But things were changing. I could tell by the tension between Kyel and his best friend, and by the happiness in Kyel, but also the heavy weariness that seemed to drape over his entire body.

  A choice had been made. Hopefully, Kyel clued me in on it soon. Walking into a situation oblivious to what was going on was a good way of getting killed.

  “I made some changes, I hope you like them,” Kyel said, giving me a shy smile. He opened the door and stepped to the side, letting me go through first.

  The first thing to grab my attention were the colors. There were reds, pinks, blues, and yellows all throughout the room. A sweet fragrance filled the space. It had been very much a man’s room, with bare necessities. I hadn’t minded because I had been too wrapped up with Kyel, both literally and figuratively.

  But now, the place was softer, warmer.

  “What is all this?” I asked, moving closer to the source of the sweet smell and beautiful colors.

  “Flowers.” Kyel stood directly behind me, his hands resting on my waist. “We have a herbalist on board. She likes to travel to different planets to study their plant life. She was able to make them for me.”

  I reached out and touched the flower, feeling the smooth waxiness of the petals. “I’ve never seen flowers like these. I’m used to cactus and sometimes, we find these cute yellow looking flowers. Someone said they were weeds, it was the only reason they were able to survive without a water source. But never these colors, shaped like these.”

  Kyel pointed to one. “Those are roses. Rare. These ones don’t have them, I had them removed, but they normally grow with thorns. Apparently, these were very popular on your planet and showed a man’s love for their woman.”

  “Their woman?” I asked, barely containing my elation.

  Kyel grabbed the flower and held it to my nose so I could take in a deep breath. “Yes. My woman.”

  “Smells like the fruit you have on board here. Do you think they will taste as good?”

  Lifting the flower to his nose, he took in a deep breath, still staring at me. “I’m not sure. Are they edible?”

  I glanced around at all the flowers. “I mean, if they aren’t edible than what is the purpose of them? To look pretty? I say, we try them.”

  Kyel plucked a petal off the rose and held it up to me.

  “I can eat on my own.”

  “Doesn’t mean I can’t feed you.”

  “Fine.” I grabbed one and held it up to Kyel to eat. “Then I get to feed you.”

  His smirk was hot and did funny things to my lower stomach. We never looked away as we took the petals into our mouths and chewed.

  It tasted like dirt. A flavor I was used to, but definitely not a pleasant one. I chewed as best as I could, refusing to give away to the disgust. Kyel looked like he was struggling too, but as a warrior prince, he had better practice at hiding his expression.

  “Enough.” He moved to the table and poured a cup of water, giving it to me. “Wash it down. Why did we think that was good idea? That is not edible. I think your history archives lied.”

  “How so?”

  “It said roses were sweet and added a nice flavor. Your people like to put them in their drinks and even in their bath water.”

  I wrinkled my nose. “They smell good, but not anything I want in my mouth.” I washed down flavor with the drink and then smiled at Kyel. He took my cup and finished off the water.

  “Do you think it’s because it’s synthesized?” Kyel muttered to himself. “So it’s not the real deal?”

  “What are you going on about?” I asked.

  “I wanted you to have a pleasant experience with things from your planet.” He scowled at the roses. “I’ll need to have a talk with the herbalist.”

  “I don’t expect to have yummy edible flowers, Kyel.”

  “But you should.” Kyel pulled me into his arms. Being so close to him that his scent practically consumed me, made my senses go wild. He moved closer so his body was plastered to mine. “You deserve to have the worlds at your feet. You deserve al
l the fine things the galaxy has to offer. You deserve nothing less than the best.” He brushed his lips against mine, a tease of the gentleness the big brute had to offer. Stepping back, he went down on one knee.

  I gasped, only ever hearing about what it meant when a man took a knee. And my lessons told me what it meant for a strong, powerful Riexian to do so. He was giving the person he kneed before power over him. It felt wrong to look down at Kyel.

  “Kyel…” I moved to get him to his feet.

  He shook his head. “Listen to me first, Nora. I know this trip—experience—hasn’t been what you planned it to be. I know it hasn’t been what I wanted either. But I’m here before you now to tell you that it will be okay. You are mine. Since the day I saw a photo of you, I knew you were meant to be my mate. Times will be tough. It’s going to feel impossible, but I will make sure you get through it. I will be there to slay down your enemies, no matter who they may be. I will be there to hold you close. To give you the life that you deserve. If anyone dares to hurt you, I will make them wish they never lived. If anyone dares to make you cry, I will remove them from existence. I will stand by you for the remainder of my life and together, we will create a family together, with little Noras running around.”

  “Stop,” I said in a thick voice, the tears right there, ready to spill. “Stop.” I yanked him to his feet. Well, more like he let me pull him to his feet.

  “You do not want it?” Kyel looked ready to be shot in the face.

  “I want it. I want it more than everything. I can’t help but think of everything you are sacrificing. I know how scary this is for you, even if you try to hide it. I know what you’re risking. I’m not stupid. It shouldn’t only be you on your knees making promises, not if we are to work well together. You have to know by now that I’m not the type to sit back and let people pamper me. I’m used to the front lines and I won’t step back. And that means I will be there to slay down your enemies too, no matter who they may be. Even if it’s your father. We face him together and we will come out victorious.” I grinned at him, making sure he saw my fighter’s soul. I had a warrior in me too. It wasn’t as prevalent as Kyel’s but she was within me, and she was ready to protect Kyel.

  Kyel laughed, grinning big. “You’re such a little girl. What can you do?” He moved one of my unruly strands of hair out of my sight and behind my ear, his touch painfully gentle, like I was glass to him.

  “Is that a challenge?” I narrowed my eyes.

  “It’s a fact, little one.”

  I smirked, stepping closer to him. He leaned in, thinking we were going to do something more intimate. Before he could realize my plan, I grabbed his arm, yanked him as I twisted my body and then used all my strength to flip him. He landed on the floor with an oomph, but I wasn’t slowing down to make sure he was alright. The man was a Riexian. He’d live.

  Before he had a chance to recover, I had his head locked in my arms, my legs wrapped around his chest, ankles crossed. A move I learned from a woman who made money fighting. She always had more warrior spirit than anyone I knew, man or woman.

  “Am I still only a little girl?” I whispered into his ear.

  Chuckling, he rolled us so he was on top, pressing his lower end into me, letting me know how much he really was excited. “Little but not weak.”

  We wrestled with each other, trying to get the upper hand. I had a point to prove and I was determined to do it. I pinned him down and sat on his chest, smiling brightly at him.

  His hands squeezed my waist, letting me know he was conceding to me and it was something he wouldn’t do often.

  “What are you going to do to me?” he asked, voice rumbling. His gaze was enough to devour me, but this time, it was my turn to have a little fun.

  “A punishment,” I replied.

  He raised an eyebrow. “Oh?”

  Smirking, I moved further down so that I rested on his thighs. His robes were already removed from our wrestling, so he was in a simple shirt and loose pants. I traced the band of his pants, noting the way Kyel stilled underneath me, his muscles flexing. The bulge he was sporting became more prominent as he became harder, two cocks pushing against the fabric, ready for escape.

  Not willing to drag this part out, I pulled his pants, easier to do when he lifted his hips for me. Both of his cocks sprang free, bouncing from the movement before they settled in their upright position, tips glistening with something silvery. I grasped one of them, pumping him, feeling the way he pulsed from my touch.

  “What are you planning?” Kyel growled out.

  “My turn to taste you.” Leaning forward, I took the bottom cock into my mouth. Kyel’s hips surged forward before he forced himself still, eyes lowered as he stared at me through his eyelashes.

  The tip of his cock had an interesting texture, hard but soft, a little more bulbous compared to a human male’s cock. The veins all ran to the very tip and I could feel it pulsing in my mouth as I wrapped my tongue around him, determined to explore how his body worked. He tasted almost like the fresh water we’d been drinking, but a little more sweeter.

  I sucked, bobbing my head. He was large and I knew I couldn’t take more of him in, so I wrapped my hand around the base of his cock and pumped him to the same rhythm that I sucked him. The cillia at the bottom of his cock brushed against my hand, feeling a little ticklish. They were definitely thicker than a human’s hair and seemed to move on their own, undulating as they reached for me. I brushed against them and Kyel moaned.

  Interesting. They gave him pleasure too, not just his partner.

  I sucked hard, drawing more of him deeper into my as I got used to it. I pumped both his cocks, trying to give him as much pleasure as possible.

  Kyel seemed to eat it up, trying to remain still underneath me, but failing as his hips moved, seeking more of the pleasure that I was giving him.

  “Fuck, Nora.” Kyel wrapped his hand in my hair, tightening his grip. It should have been painful and uncomfortable, but instead, I found it hot. This time it was me giving him pleasure, me torture him. I lapped that up the same way I did with the stuff coming out of the tip of his cock. My tongue tingled from tasting him, my taste buds coming alive.

  Wanting to bring him over, I brushed against his cillia again as I sucked hard, scraping my teeth gently along one of the veins.

  “Fuck!” Kyel jerked underneath me before cum squirted out of both his cocks. One filled my mouth. The other cum from his second cock was more blue and thicker. That sprayed onto my face.

  I sat up and wiped some of it off, playing with it between my fingers. This one was thicker and stickier. I licked it off, noting how it felt hotter too.

  “Fuck, looking at you like that is so fucking hot. Seeing my cum all over you, marking you as mine.”

  “Is that how it works?” I asked.

  He smirked. “Yes and no. Other male Riexians will know I laid with you, but it will eventually fade if we do not continue to do so.”

  “Is there a way to make it permanent?” I asked.

  Kyel smiled big. “Would you like to do so? It is not something that one can come back from.”

  I glanced down at his dicks. They weren’t as hard, but they were still ready to go another round. I thought about the last couple of weeks. The expectations that were forced on me.

  The same ones that Kyel helped me fight against. The training, becoming Ambassador Kryn’s, being seen as a breeder only.

  All the changes against that were because Kyel was adamant to keep me safe. It was weird, but I did trust him. And he was obviously very educated with the galaxy and what it had to offer. Did I want to spend the rest of my life with him?

  The answer was easier to find than I expected. I had expected to never have anyone to share my miserable life with. I had expected to die in the Dranks, most likely through a heat flare. But now here was Kyel, calling me his mate and more than willing to claim me despite the danger he’d put himself in.

  “Yes,” I finally answered.
r />   Kyel’s smile slipped into a serious tone. “Are you sure? If we do this, there is no going back. You are mine.”

  I crawled up his body and leaned down, resting on his chest as I kissed him. “I am sure.”

  Kyel rolled us so he was on top. “To claim you, I need both of me inside of you.”

  “You mean both of your cocks in me? Like my pussy and my ass.”

  “No. Both of me in your pussy.”

  My mouth dropped as I stared at him. “You’re not kidding, are you?”

  He shook his head and smirked. “No, I am not.”

  “Have you seen you. You’re huge! You’ll destroy me.”

  Chuckling, he said, “Thank you.”

  “That wasn’t a compliment,” I mumbled.

  “It sounded like one.” He leaned down and kissed me again, tenderly. “I will do my best not to hurt you. I’ve been built to make sure I don’t.”

  “I don’t see how you won’t.”

  “The thick blue cum that you tried. That is the key. Doing this though, it’s a risk. You have a chance of getting pregnant.”

  I bit my lip, not sure how I felt about pregnancy and children yet. It all felt too soon for sure. “Can that be prevented?” I asked.

  “I don’t know. We are not sure yet if your body is compatible enough with ours. The percentages from our scientists are at about seventy percent sure that you would be viable in carrying our offspring. Connecting with TerraLink and bringing you to my planet is acting as our first test.”

  “Bonding with you, what are the advantages.”

  Kyel smirked and kissed me again, long and deep before moving down my neck. He pulled away, smirking, no doubt enjoying the way he left me flushed and squirming. “It means that no one can touch you without my permission, whether to punish you or anything else. It means that you are absolutely mine. I guess it is the equivalent of your marriage, except we do not divorce. It is for eternity.”

  I hooked my arms around his neck. “Frankly, that sounds wonderful.”

  “You want it?”

  I nodded. In for a penny, in for a pound. “Yes, I want it.”


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