Chosen by the Riexian Prince

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Chosen by the Riexian Prince Page 14

by Alyx X

  He still had the Riexian features. Long limbs, grey skin, red eyes. But he was an old man, a mess of Riexian power and cruelty with the disgustingness of men who practically bathed in wealth. While Kyel and his men were tall and big from muscles, Ambassador Kryn had weight to him brought to him by people unable to refuse his request. The Riexian enjoyed his food. It showed in the way his stomach pouched out. No doubt there’d still be muscles underneath that, but he had been softened by the spoils of his leadership.

  The man needed grooming, his nose hair long enough to poof out of his nose. It looked more like a mustache. There were others with similar styles going, so I had to wonder if that was a popular style for Riexians. Those on the ship didn’t have them. It was gross and if Kyel dared to grow one like that, I was going to pluck them out one by one while he slept as punishment.

  Ambassador Kryn’s eyes had been a reoccurring nightmare of mine since seeing his photo, and it still held true. They were hard, cold, and something in them was demented as they stared at me. He licked his lips, his grey tongue licking at his thin lips, causing my stomach to roll with disgust. I shouldn’t have eaten anything when I had gotten up that morning. It all came up now, and I doubted throwing up would work to endear anyone to me taking on any role within their society.

  “Ambassador Kryn,” Kyel said. He gave a salute, the others around me following suite. I was too busy trying to hide my emotions that I didn’t follow along. No one seemed to care so I didn’t take it to heart.

  “At ease.” The man’s voice was as oily as his dark persona. “I can assume the journey was simple?”

  “Yes, sir. Drayl will provide a full report shortly,” Kyel responded.

  They continued to talk, their conversation stiff and tense as it went back and forth with all the formalities. I stayed at Kyel’s side, not willing to release his arm. It was the only thing keeping me standing and from trying to sprint away. I eyed the huge men around the ambassador. I doubted I’d get very far with them. They looked more than capable of tearing me apart, limb by limb, if I did anything that they perceived as a threat.

  Warrior queen. I need to be a warrior queen. I continued to repeat that to myself. If I can face off with a jagions, then I could face a man with too much power. There were more than enough men like that in the Dranks.

  So I observe, searching for anything I could make use later. That was when I noticed it. The side glances going Drayl’s way. There was a scripted feel to the way the ambassador and Drayl spoke, like it was something they had practiced.

  I stiffen, my muscles tensing, ready for battle. I had to work to relax myself again. Kyel’s muscles had stiffened when I did, as if he was prepared for something too.

  “Good. Good. That is all good.” Ambassador Kryn looked at me with a cruel smile. He held his hand out to me. “Now, I would like to take a look at my beautiful bride.”

  Before anyone could move, Kyel grabbed me, and twisted his body so that he was between me and the ambassador. “Forgive me, Father, but I cannot give you Nora.”

  “Is that so?” The cruelty in the Riexian ambassador’s expression intensified. “And why is that, Prince Kyel?”

  “I have claimed her already.”

  Nothing in the old man’s face changed except for the twitch of his lip. “Have you now? I remind you to think very carefully about your next response. I am not in the mood for leniency. Are you to tell me you have already claimed my human bride?”


  “Are you unwilling to hand her over to me?” Satisfaction slipped into Ambassador Kryn’s voice as his eyelids lowered. The men around him stiffened, hands going to their weapons. I gripped the back of Kyel’s robes, wondering what the crazy man had been thinking. Now that we were facing it, this was definitely a bad idea. I couldn’t see us coming out of this alive. The ambassador had dozens of men at his back while we only had about a dozen at our back.

  “Nora has been mine since the beginning. I have already mated her. She cannot be your bride and per our ancient scriptures. She is under my protection and anyone who harms her has me to answer to.”

  Ambassador Kryn never looked away from Kyel, grinning wide, his predatory look making me think that jumping into the water and swimming away was a better option than standing here. “You were right, Drayl. Nora was the best option in getting him to play into my hands.”

  Drayl chuckled as he moved to the ambassadors side with a cruel smile on his face. “Of course. I know Kyel best.”

  “What are you doing?” Kyel seethed, his body hard as stone as he glared at his best friend. Different emotions ran over him: shock, anger, betrayal.

  “My son has committed the ultimate crime,” Ambassador Kryn boomed, his voice projected all around, gaining everyone’s attention. “He has claimed my bride without my permission, breaking our traditions. I declare that he shall be detained until execution. Seize him!”

  There was a moment of complete shock and silence before Ambassador Kryn’s men surged forward. The ones on our side did the same, clashing with them, but it was useless. Kyel shoved me back in an attempt to protect me, but nothing could be done when facing elite guards.

  “Enough,” Kyel barked out. “Lay down your weapons, men. No deaths will occur on this day.”

  They stopped, listening to their prince, guns and hand weapons falling to the ground with a clatter. I tried to move to Kyel, but the ambassador’s guards surrounded him. Drayl grabbed me, his grip painfully tight as he tugged me away from my mate.

  “Kyel!” I yelled for him as he disappeared into the circle of guards. His expression turned to one of panic as our eyes briefly met.

  “Nora,” he called back, but then he was lost in the bodies of the guards who tackled him to the ground.

  I kicked back, trying to get out of Drayl’s grip.

  “Stop fighting me,” he snarled.

  “No. Let me go. How can you do this? He’s your best friend.”

  “Kyel has only cared about himself. I refuse to get killed for him. Now stop fighting me or I will make you hurt.”

  I rammed my elbow back, meeting something hard and painful.

  Drayl smacked me hard, my face stinging from his hit. There was a pinch in my neck and then I saw the needle in Drayl’s hand.

  “What?” My body went numb, my muscles relaxing, my legs unwilling to listen to me. Drayl led me over to the ambassador, who smiled triumphantly at me. Kyel wasn’t in sight, too many guards around me.

  “I have brough you your new bride, as request, father.”

  “Father?” I mumbled, my mouth not working right.

  What? Father?

  Ambassador Kryn chuckled, the sound evil as he cruelly smiled down at me. He cupped my face, squeezing my jaw hard enough to bring tears to my eyes.

  “Good. We will take care of this quickly. Lock her up. I have business to settle with Kyel.” He turned, his robes flaring before settling around me. If a villain had one kind of look to them, it’d be Ambassador Kryn.



  The dripping water was a constant staccato in the dark room. All I could see were shadows. The cold chains were around my ankles, keeping me from reaching the barred doors. Three walls and bars. As a prince, I thought I’d never ever seen the inside of a jail.

  I drew in a breath, the dank air coating the inside of my lungs, making it difficult to breath. A lake was right up against the castle, so I wasn’t surprised that there was a leak. The room smelled of rot and musk, revealing how unused these rooms were. Newer ones had been made separate from the castle, that way if anyone managed to escape, they wouldn’t have easier access to my father.

  When was the last time these cells had been used? I flipped through my memories until one particular one came to mind. I went stiff, remember my little hands wrapped around bars, crying, as guards forced me away.

  My mother. These cells had been used when my mother had been tossed in here. That had been the last time.

  Anger swe
lled up and I yanked on the chain, hoping to break it off. But it was sturdy, which was surprising considering this place was decrepit and needed. I yanked again, releasing a growl. I needed out of here, not just for my own sanity, but also because I had no clue what they had done with Nora.

  The last time I saw her, she was dazed, and that bastard traitor was handing her over to my father like she was the grand prize. As long as I lived, no one else could mate with her, but it didn’t mean they couldn’t make her suffer.

  “Fuck.” I yanked on the chain again, but it was sturdy against my strength, attached firmly to the wall. I knelt by the wall where it was attached and felt around. Someone had taken the time to reinforce the cell. Just enough to keep me trapped.

  Light filled the space as someone banged against the metal bars, getting my attention. I growled at the older guard, and he only grinned. Once I got out, I was punching that gleeful smile on his fucking face down his damn throat.

  “Realize what is going on?” The cocky guard laughed. “I remember a scene very similar to this, but it had been with your mother. Your father wants you to feel at home here. This is the same exact cell your mother stayed in before she was executed.”

  “Enough of that,” Drayl said in a hard voice.

  “Sir.” The guard straightened and saluted the Riexian bastard.

  “You are dismissed. Report back to your commanding officer.”

  The guard released the salute and then scurried away. A rat. Like the rest of them.

  “Where are my men?” I asked.

  “You mean my men?” Drayl leaned against the bars of the empty cell across from him. I hoped the slick moss coating the bars seeped into his robes and ruined them. “They will be quaranteed until they pledge their loyalty.”

  I snorted. That shit was going to happen any time soon. They were my men through and through. They weren’t blind either, they knew me enough to know I was the winning bet. I grinned at the asshole. That pissed Drayl off.

  “Don’t look so cocky. You are not coming out of this alive, Kyel.”

  “We will see.”

  Drayl pushed off the bars and stalked toward me, expression dark with fury. “I am going to make sure you never see light again. I warned you that you were on a dangerous path. You should have listened.”

  “What, you didn’t like my decisions so you went crying to my father? Were you the one who breached my security?”

  “I never went crying to my father, brother. I only had to update him that our plan was successful. It was oddly easy to make you believe it was one of the instructors on board.”

  I blinked as his words slowly processed. Father. Brother.

  “You’re the bastard son,” I whispered.

  Drayl laughed. “I am. Why do you think you hadn’t been able to find me all these years? I had always known I was that old man’s son. He knew too, which was why he placed me as your guard. It was the best position he could give me, but our father has always known that I wanted more. And he’s more than willing to help me with it too.”

  I had always thought of Drayl as a brother, but I never thought it was true. He had been there since we were young, always supporting me, always acting as my conscious.

  “I have to say,” Drayl said. “It has been a long road to reach this point. To think it’s all finally paying off.”

  “What do you mean?” I asked.

  “Who do you think set up your mother walking in on our father with my mother? It didn’t take much to convince Ambassador Kryn to kill his wife, especially if she planned to smear his name across Ariex and making him out to be a fool.”

  “So what’s the end game here? You can’t take his position. No elder or citizen will allow it.”

  Drayl’s expression darkened. “I am more than aware of the position that I am currently in. That doesn’t matter. You claiming Nora has done me a favor. As of now, she can only have your offspring since you guys mated, and even after your death, it will take time before she can be claimed again. She will not be having kids any time soon. With your death, father will need to name a new heir and I have the perfect suggestion. Don’t you think cousin Lyer will make a good puppet.” Drayl wiggled his fingers, acting as a puppeteer. “Once he’s named heir, father will pass, and I will be able to act as king through Lyer.”

  “Your plan isn’t going to work. Father may be old, but he has never been an idiot.”

  Drayl waved his hand dismissively. “It’s all already in place. You’ll die. Lyer will become heir, and father will die, leaving me with all the power.”

  “Why?” I tried to reach him, but the chains tripped me up. “Why are you a lying bastard? I had put all my trust in you. I took good care of you.”

  “I’m not someone who needs taking care of. I can do that myself. I refuse to live my entire life in your shadow.”

  “You think it’s better to let Lyer pretend to rule while you’re stuck in the background. How is that any different? You’re still a bastard child, that doesn’t change anything. You can set yourself up anyway that you want, but you will never get power. And if you really think Lyer let you pull the strings, then you haven’t been paying attention. You’re the one getting played, not him.”

  Drayl growled. “You know what, maybe once Nora is ready to take on a mate again, I’ll claim her. Make her feel real good. Show her how a real Riexian pleasures a woman.” His mouth turned up into a slimy smile. “Once this is over, it’ll be my name she’s scream with her pussy wrapped around my cocks.”

  That brought me to laughter.

  “What’s so funny?” Drayl asked.

  I laughed harder, tears forming in my eyes as my stomach ached. The jail cell door creaked open and Drayl stalked in. He grabbed my face and slammed me against the wall.

  “Are you mocking me?” Spittle flew from his mouth, his red eyes practically glowing with his fury.

  “You take Nora?” I forced out. “She’s strong. Nora is a warrior queen. I am not worried about her.”

  “Maybe I should make you watch as I force her. How about that?”

  “Try it. She’ll give me a good show. The moment she bites off your cocks and shoves them up your ass will be the best part.”

  Drayl slammed me against the wall, the rough stones biting into my back. “Not all the guards are completely loyal to you. Maybe I should ask those who have switched over already if they’d like help in pleasing Nora. Give you a good show that way.”

  Rage bubbled up and took over, my sight went hazy with it as I fought back. I shoved Drayl back, and as he stumbled, took him down to the ground, wrapping my body around him. There was enough slack in the chain to use as a weapon and I wrapped it around his neck, choking him out. He gasped, fighting for air, but I didn’t let out. If this bastard got free, he’d go after Nora, and I couldn’t let that happen.

  People called out. Men tried to pull me away from my prey. I clamped on harder, refusing to give it up. Pain flared through my skull as someone hit me hard with something. Blood dripped down in my eyes, and more pain as I was hit again. My grip unbiddenly loosened. Drayl was gone.

  “Beat him till he can’t move,” Drayl gasped out.

  Before I could reply, someone kicked out, catching me at the temple. Others joined in, kicking and punching, refusing to give me an opportunity to fight back. Someone yanked on the chain, dragging me against the rough ground. It forced me out of the curled position that I had managed to put myself into they.

  That was when they resorted to stomping on me. My hand went numb, my sight blurry from pain and blood. All of me felt broken and on fire.

  “That’s enough.” Drayl’s voice sounded distant.

  My eyes refused to open properly. All I could see was a blury haze of shapes. Someone grabbed my head and lifted it up in a biting grip. A warm breath washed over me as he chuckled.

  Drayl. That bastard.

  “You truly are an idiot, Kyel. The day the world sees you executed as a traitor is going to be one of bliss.�
�� He let me go and my head banged against the floor.

  I moaned as the jail cell door clanged shut, Drayl laughing as he walked away.

  Drayl was right of course—he was always right. I was an idiot. A complete idiot for being so blind when it came to Drayl. I really did see him as my brother, treated him as such, or at least I thought I had.

  Apparently, I had been the only one to think like that and now I was truly going to lose everything.



  The last time I had felt like this, someone had wacked me over the head with a bat, and I had a concussion. No, I lied. This was worst, way worst. The drugs made me aware, but completely useless. None of my limbs wanted to work right, the world kept spinning, and it felt like someone shoved cotton into my ears, while drenching my tongue with something thick and sticky.

  Didn’t keep me from being aware of every single thing happening to me.

  How Drayl presented me to Ambassador Kryn.

  How they tossed me into a car.

  Carried me into a massive building, bigger than I’d ever seen in my life, with white looking stone, water fountains, and flowers all over.

  Then left me alone in a massive bedroom, tying me to a bed big enough to fit ten people—ten humans at least.

  My arms were tied above my head, the binding tight enough to make my hand tingle as my fingers slowly grew numb. No amount of tugging worked to loosen them.

  A door clicked open and while my vision wasn’t at it’s best, I saw enough to know the ambassador approached me. Kyel’s father. He stopped at the side of the bed, too close to me for comfort. I didn’t move, watching him through my eyelashes, hoping he thought I was asleep from the drugs.

  His cruel eyes traveled up and down my body. While my dress was still on, I never felt so nacked before. My skin itched with complete disgust. I couldn’t let this man touch me. I needed to find a way to get free, kill this bastard, and get to Kyel. That was the simple plan I formed while Ambassador Kryn gazed at me like I was his next luxurious meal. Kyel and I had talked about it being bad, but I never really thought it’d be this bad.


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