The Heartbeat of Wounded Knee

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The Heartbeat of Wounded Knee Page 55

by David Treuer

  “use the best available talents”: The Indian Education Act of 1972—A Brief History, Analysis, Issues and Outlook (Washington, DC: Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education, 1973), 14–15,

  For the first time, school districts: Ibid., 18.

  In 1999, Montana passed the Indian Education for All Act: “Indian Education for All, MCA 20-1-501,” MontanaTribes, [inactive].

  “I have signed into law S.J. Res. 102”: Jimmy Carter, American Indian Religious Freedom Statement on Signing S.J. Res. 102 Into Law, August 12, 1978, retrieved from Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project,

  The remains of the Anglo Christians: Thomaira Babbit, “NAGPRA as a Paradigm: The Historical Context and Meaning of the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act in 2011,” Proceedings of the Native American Symposium, November 2011, 61–70,

  “give me back my people’s bones”: David M. Gradwohl, Joe B. Thomson, and Michael J. Perry, “Still Running: A Tribute to Maria Pearson, Yankton Sioux,” Journal of the Iowa Archeological Society 52 (2005).

  To date, the remains of more than 57,847: National NAGPRA [Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act], Frequently Asked Questions, National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior,

  Between 1973 and 1976: Timothy Williams, “Tribe Seeks Reopening of Inquiries in ’70s Deaths,” The New York Times, June 15, 2012,

  The FBI found shell casings nearby: Scott Anderson, “The Martyrdom of Leonard Peltier,” Outside, July 2, 1995,

  Those who see him as a hero: “Post-Trial Actions, Criminal,” International Leonard Peltier Defense Committee website,

  On June 26, Agents Coler and Williams: Douglas O. Linder, “Testimony of FBI Special Agent Gary Adams in the Leonard Peltier Trial” (March 17–18, 1977), Famous Trials,

  “These white people think this country”: Quoted in Konigsberg, “Who Killed Anna Mae?”

  “I came here to fight”: Ibid.

  “loud-mouth city women”: Mary Crow Dog, Lakota Woman (New York: Grove Press, 2011), 138.

  They felt that Aquash’s romance: Konigsberg, “Who Killed Anna Mae?”

  In early June 1975: “Anna Mae [Aquash] Timeline I—Wounded Knee,” News from Indian Country, January 1997 and ongoing,; and Chris Summers, “Native American Prisoner to Fight On,” BBC News, April 24, 2004,

  Both Aquash and Darlene Nichols: Konigsberg, “Who Killed Anna Mae?”

  “When I told Marlon”: Dennis Banks, Ojibwa Warrior: Dennis Banks and the Rise of the American Indian Movement (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2004), 301–2.

  he lent them the RV and gave them $10,000 in cash: Konigsberg, “Who Killed Anna Mae?”

  “begging for his life, but I shot him anyway”: Ibid.

  “I don’t know if I would participate”: Ibid.

  “If there’s a burning house”: Ibid.

  “You won’t get past these guys”: Treuer, Warrior Nation, 296.

  Part 6. Boom City—Tribal Capitalism in the Twenty-first Century

  We have a relationship with pot: All previously unpublished quotations from Gabriel Galanda were recorded in June–July 2015.

  For instance, in 2002, 12 percent: “National Indian Gaming Commission Tribal Gaming Revenues [1998–2002],” National Indian Gaming Commission,

  By comparison, the Pechanga Band: Vince Beiser, “A Paper Trail of Tears: How Casino-Rich Tribes Are Dealing Members Out,” Harper’s Magazine, August 2006,, retrieved at

  And the gaming compacts signed between tribes and states: “California Tribal Casinos: Questions and Answers,” California Legislative Analyst’s Office, February 2007,

  “He wasn’t mad like I was”: Quoted in David Treuer, Rez Life (New York: Grove Press, 2012), 228–29.

  Helen called them up: Ibid.

  “Each of the States listed . . . shall have jurisdiction”: 28 U.S. Title Code, Section 1360, “State Civil Jurisdiction in Actions to Which Indians Are Parties,” Legal Information Institute, Cornell Law School,

  “would have ‘slipped one by the Indians’”: Treuer, Rez Life, 234.

  “The same Congress that enacted Pub.L. 280” . . . “remotely resembling”: Bryan v. Itasca County, 426 U.S. 373 (1976), Justia, US Supreme Court,

  “That was $147 off my mind”: Treuer, Rez Life, 236.

  “I never got nothing from nobody”: Ibid., 237.

  Again, Butterworth threatened the tribe: Matthew L. M. Fletcher, “The Seminole Tribe and the Origins of Indian Gaming,” FIU Law Review 9 (2014), 255–75, esp. 265, retrieved at

  The day they opened for business, Sheriff Butterworth was waiting: “Native American Casino,” World Heritage Encyclopedia, WHEBN0015712084,

  Within a year of the Cabazon win: Charles Wilkinson, Blood Struggle: The Rise of Modern Indian Nations (New York: W. W. Norton, 2005), 335–36.

  The first provision was that whatever forms of gaming: Indian Gaming Regulatory Act, National Indian Gaming Commission,

  But in California, despite the rapid growth: “Socio-Economic Inequities Suffered by California Indians,” UCLA American Indian Studies Center,

  In areas without Indian gaming: “Casinos Not Paying Off for Indians,” ABC News, August 31 (no year noted; after 1997),

  “There are a lot of people”: “Unemployment on Indian Reservations at 50 Percent: The Urgent Need to Create Jobs in Indian Country,” 111th Congress, 2nd session, January 28, 2010, 1,

  The unemployment rate for Native American communities: Ibid.

  “The unemployment rate on the reservation exceeds 73 percent”: Ibid., 59–60.

  Meanwhile, the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community: Timothy Williams, “$1 Million Each Year for All, As Long As Tribe’s Luck Holds,” The New York Times, August 9, 2012,

  One of the poorest tribes in the country: “Pine Ridge Indian Reservation—Demographics & Population,” Black Hills Knowledge Network,

  The percentage of people in Pine Ridge: Ronald L. Trosper, “American Indian Poverty on Reservations, 1969–1989,” in Changing Numbers, Changing Needs: American Indian Demography and Public Health (Washington, DC: National Academies Press [US], 1996),

  The median household income at Tulalip: Tulalip Reservation, Washington Economy Data, TownC

  Blood Quantum and Disenrollment: This section on disenrollment includes the majority of my op-ed “How Do You Prove You’re an Indian?,” published in The New York Times on December 20, 2011,

  As of 2017, more than fifty tribes: David E. Wilkins and Shelly Hulse Wilkins, Dismembered: Native Disenrollment and the Battle for Human Rights (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2017), 67.

  Many different rationales have been used to justify it: Ibid., 67–78.

  According to Gabe Galanda: Gabriel S. Galanda and Ryan D. Dreveskracht, “Curing the Tribal Disenrollment Epidemic: In Search of a Remedy,” Arizona Law Review 57, no. 2 (Summer 2015), 383–474,

  The Picayune Rancheria: James Dao, “In California, Indian Tribes with Casino Money Cast Off Members,” The New York Times, December 12, 2011,

  In short order, the number of registered full-bloods: Melissa L. Meyer, The White Earth Tragedy: Ethnicity and Dispossession at a Minnesota Anishinaabe Reservation (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1994), 170.

  disenrollment often occurs: Dao, “In California, Indian Tribes with Casino Money Cast Off Members.”

  All in all, Bob Kelly determined that 306: Brooke Jarvis, “Who Decides Who Counts as Native American?” The New York Times Magazine, January 18, 2017,

  “I’m in a war”: Quoted ibid.

  Gabe Galanda, the lawyer who represents: Gabriel S. Galanda, “Attack on the Tribal Middle Class, Part II,” Indian Country Today, November 3, 2011,

  As Charles Wilkinson points out: Wilkinson, Blood Struggle, 242.

  As the Indian legal and professional class grew: Ibid., 241.

  “breathed life into a basic principle of American law”: Ibid., 249.

  “there are three branches of sovereignty”: Ibid.

  “authority to pass ordinances” . . . “any oil and natural gas”: 18 Land & Water L. Rev. 539 (1983), Indian Law—Tribal Authority to Levy a Mineral Severance Tax on Non-Indian Lessees—Merrion v. Jicarilla Apache Tribe, HeinOnline,

  “avail themselves of the ‘substantial privilege’”: Merrion v. Jicarilla Apache Tribe, 455 U.S. 130ff (1982), Merrion v. Jicarilla Apache Tribe, No. 80-11, Argued March 30, 1981, Reargued November 4, 1981, Decided January 25, 1982, Justia, US Supreme Court,

  “In the early morning we’d head out in the hills”: Author interview with Bobby Matthews, March 2014.

  Then we zig and zag past more recognizable: Kari Bray, “‘Worth the Wait’: Lake Stevens Skate Park Could Open by August,” Everett, Washington, HeraldNet, December 9, 2016,

  Fifteen percent of American Indians have diabetes: “National Diabetes Statistics Report, 2017: Estimates of Diabetes and Its Burden in the United States” National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Division of Diabetes Translation, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,

  For some reason we don’t get it as often: Steven Parker, “Native Americans: The Facts,” HealthGuidance for Better Health,

  All of this was overseen by the Bureau of Indian Affairs: Arizona Republic staff, “BIA Cannot Account for $2.4 Billion Audit Documents Tribes’ Fears That Bureau Severely Mismanaged Trust Funds from 1973–1992,” Spokane, Washington, Spokesman-Review, April 14, 1996,

  In 2008 a family who had fractional interest: Manuel Valdes, “Family, Tulalip Tribe Feuding over Lucrative Land,” KOMO News (Seattle), February 12, 2012,

  The tribe is currently negotiating: “Recent Transportation Revenue Packages,” Transportation Resource Manual, Washington State Legislature, 2017, 27,

  “They’re having booms in other places”: Author interview with Terri Goban, May 2015.

  “The U.S. government spent two hundred years trying to kill us”: Author interview with Anton Treuer, 2015.

  Part 7. Digital Indians: 1990–2018

  “We can sometimes get so caught up”: “In 1992, America Discovers Columbus,” The New York Times, June 28, 1992,

  In the 1990 census: Edna L. Paisano et al., “We the . . . First Americans,” U.S. Department of Commerce, Economics and Statistics Administration, Bureau of the Census, September 1993,

  In 1958, more than 75 percent of Americans: “Public Trust in Government: 1958–2017,” Pew Research Center, U.S. Politics & Policy,

  “consider that we shall be as a city upon a hill”: John Winthrop, “A Model of Christian Charity” (1630), “John Winthrop Dreams of City on a Hill, 1630,” The American Yawp Reader,

  Manuelito Wheeler, a Diné language activist: Matt Hansen, “The Future of America’s Endangered Languages,” The Week, June 29, 2015,

  In 2013, the Violence Against Women Act: Jennifer Bendery, “At Last, Violence Against Women Act Lets Tribes Prosecute Non-Native Domestic Abusers,” The Huffington Post, March 6, 2015,

  Rather than a full-throated apology: Rob Capriccioso, “A Sorry Saga: Obama Signs Native American Apology Resolution; Fails to Draw Attention to It,” Indian Country Today, January 13, 2010,

  So it was an apology made on behalf: Ibid.

  over 1,172 miles, across four states, and under the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers: Gregor Aisch and K. K. Rebecca Lai, “The Conflicts Along 1,172 Miles of the Dakota Access Pipeline,” The New York Times, last updated March 20, 2017,

  “Where this surveying revealed previously unidentified historic”: United States District Court, District of Columbia, Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, et al., Plaintiffs, v. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, et al., Defendants, Civil Action No. 16-1534 (JEB), signed, September 9, 2016, retrieved from National Indian Law Library,

  “On October 2, other Corps personnel also sought”: Ibid.

  “their limited scope”: Ibid.

  In 1891 the superintendent of the centennial census: Steven Otfinoski, A Primary Source History of Westward Expansion (Mankato, MN: Capstone Press, 2015), 29.

  Thirty-one women campaigned: Julie Turkewitz, “Native American Women Running for Office, Including a Seat in Congress” (from The New York Times), The Seattle Times, March 19, 2018,

  The numbers tell part of the story: “About Tribes: Demographics
,” National Congress of American Indians,; and “U.S. Census Marks Increase in Urban American Indian and Alaska Natives,” Urban Indian Health Institute, February 28, 2013,


  “I am a Lakota of the Oglala band”: [Nicholas Black Elk], Black Elk Speaks: Being the Life Story of a Holy Man of the Oglala Sioux, ed. John G. Neihardt (Albany: State University of New York Press, 2008), 7–8.

  it seems likely that he was laid low: Joe Jackson, Black Elk: The Life of an American Visionary (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2016), 57.

  “And as I stood there I saw more than I can tell”: Black Elk, Black Elk Speaks, 33.

  “When the singing stopped”: Ibid., 36–37.

  “Black Elk picked his way farther”: Jackson, Black Elk, 119–20.

  “Men and women and children were heaped”: Nicholas Black Elk, Black Elk Speaks: The Complete Edition (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2014), 163.

  “one last obligation”: Jackson, Black Elk, 332.

  “All this time the bullets were buzzing around me”: Black Elk, Back Elk Speaks: The Complete Edition, 167.

  “To articulate the past historically”: Walter Benjamin, “Theses on the Philosophy of History” (VI), in Illuminations, ed. Hannah Arendt, trans. Harry Zohn (New York: Schocken Books, 1968), 255 (emphasis in original).

  “lovely, trustful, dreamy, enormous country”: Vladimir Nabokov, Lolita (New York: Knopf Everyman’s Library, 1992), 186.

  “in which people can still get rich”: Ronald Reagan, Remarks at the Republican Congressional “Salute to President Ronald Reagan Dinner,” May 4, 1982, retrieved from Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project,

  “Power always thinks it has a great Soul”: John Adams to Thomas Jefferson, February 2, 1816, Founders Online, National Archives,


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