Oath Bound

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Oath Bound Page 10

by T. G. Ayer

  I sighed slowly, then took a slow breath. A breath I found to be somewhat painful, more internal pain than external. “I know. I really do.”

  “You’re just overwhelmed right now.” I only nodded in response but Logan continued, “You’re barely out of the shadowmen debacle, still recovering from shocks to the brain, then Grams hits you with an Odel fae genealogy lesson, she and your Mom both with a revelation of their involvement with the Ni’amh. As if that’s not enough, we have Darcy now learning that she may face her nemesis in Mithras, a man who abused her, who she believed she killed to save herself.

  “Add to that the reality Sienna and I have to face, both in that Darcy’s nemesis is the person who messed with my sister’s memories, and that after just having gotten our kingdom back, our rightful places as rulers are now in jeopardy with rebellion from within. And now, we get to add to the mix the reality that the ancient fae want the Ni’amh power for themselves thereby endangering the lives of not only Grams and the Odel family but all five of the Ni’amh as well. This is a shitload to have to think about, Kai. So, don’t stress about being stressed. Just let’s deal with things one at a time.”

  I forced a smile and nodded, trying hard to keep the tears at bay. Logan voicing everything so eloquently had helped ease a little of my stress. “You have a way with words, Your Highness.”

  Logan’s lips twisted into a smirk. “If only my power was stronger.” He waggled his eyebrows then cocked his head toward the back of the building. “We could break out the blankets and try to get rid of some of that excess energy you’ve been hoarding.” His smile was playful yet held a deeper need.

  A need which only reflected my own.

  “The blankets it is, dragon king.”

  Logan smirked and began to walk off. I heard his words as he entered the hallway and burst out laughing as I got to my feet to follow him.

  “I’m pretty sure being a dragon gives new meaning to ‘Giving a girl the ride of her life.’ ”

  Cheeky bastard.


  Logan had left me to sleep in the bedroom-turned office and the shop was silent, nothing stirring around me. I figured I’d better get moving before Lily and Baz arrived or else I’d never live down being caught lying half-naked on the floor under a couple of hastily thrown blankets.

  I took a quick shower and was dressed, pulling on my boots when I remembered that I’d planned on contacting Horner. I also had to speak to Ash about that MRI I’d rerouted. Before I’d left for Drakys to attempt to convince Logan to join our mission to Mithras, I’d waylaid the results for the MRI that Dad had insisted I have done.

  He’d been concerned about the effects of the electrocutions I’d received at the hands of the shadowmen. I’d been worried too, considering I knew all too well how badly they’d affected my brain.

  But I hadn’t wanted him to ground me should he see the results before I left to fetch Logan. Now I was stuck with the guilt, and also the fear that he’d want to send me for a second round of tests. The man was persistent when he needed to be.

  How would I admit that I’d stolen the results, that I’d gotten someone to interfere with the flow of information he’d requested? Information that he’d deem crucial considering what he’d see when he finally did lay eyes on them.

  I would have to tell him soon.

  Another person who needed an explanation was Ash. I could imagine what she must have been thinking when she’s delivered the results into my mailbox at the Elite HQ. She’d have seen the results clearly enough, would know what I was dealing with, and would have a ton of questions. And, as far as I could see, she wouldn’t leave me be for too long if the condition was as bad as I thought.

  And, since I was making a list of people that I needed to come clean with, I’d have to speak to Logan very, very soon. I didn’t trust Sienna to keep my secret from her brother for too long. The girl had a heart of gold but she and Logan had a mind-reading thing going on, and he’d likely read her thoughts at the worst moment. And then I’d be in deep trouble with him.

  Sienna had used her dragonfire to help heal me a little after my jump to Drakys, and she’d wanted me to speak to Logan, knowing he’d also be able to give me a little fire healing to keep me going. She was right of course, but I guess I’d need to actually tell Logan the truth first.

  I sucked at secrets but what made it worse was the more time that passed, the more lies and evasions occurred for the secret to be maintained. So, when it came time to confess, you weren’t only admitting the original secret, you were also going to have to be brave enough to come clean on all the lies you told to keep that secret.

  I took a slow breath to release some tension. Better now than having to wait until after Mithras. Besides, Logan still had to explain what changed his mind after he’d first refused to join the mission to save Saleem. I’d left him in Sienna’s office in the palace, furious that he was being so stubborn about leaving Drakys.

  I understood that of course he had his obligations to his people and his land, but he’d given his word to help, not to mention the fact that Saleem was his closest friend. Logan didn’t trust easy; though he wasn’t antisocial, he’d never been able to trust too many people

  But Saleem was one of those people who’d gained Logan’s confidence, one hundred percent. Which was reason enough for me to be pissed off when he’d basically refused to join the mission.

  So, when the dragon king appeared at our meeting at Natasha’s place, to say I was surprised was an understatement. Sadly, we’d not had much time to discuss anything since then, which meant that talk was likely going to happen today.

  I needed an explanation, and I had to admit I was worried that perhaps Sienna had spilled the beans on my condition—I’d be super pissed with her but I’d understand—and I don’t think I’d be all that happy if Logan had made the decision to come based on my health issues.

  But I suppose Saleem wouldn’t care why Logan came if the dragon’s presence meant we’d succeed in getting the djinn out alive and saving the realm from Division 7 and their goons.

  The gate at the back door of the workshop clanged hard which meant Logan was back from wherever he’d gone. I met him in the hallway and smiled at him while at the same time fishing my phone out of my jeans pocket, Horner and the SHC on my mind.

  After planting a loud smacking kiss on my lips, Logan shimmied past me and said, “Brunch is up so come and get it before it gets cold.”

  I frowned. “Brunch? It’s almost lunch you know?”

  Logan chuckled as he entered the kitchen and began to lay out the spread. “It must be brunch somewhere in the world, so it’s brunch.”

  I smiled and removed the extra-large cups of coffee and of fresh-squeezed orange juice, setting them beside the plates Logan retrieved from the bag. It turned out he’d gone over to the other side of town to grab an order of brunch pizza from Aphrodite’s Bistro, a small establishment that was currently making a name for themselves.

  I inhaled the aroma of fresh yeasty dough, fried eggs, bacon and sausage. “Oh, yum,” I said with a deep sigh. “This smells amazing.”

  Logan grinned as he grabbed forks and knives from the drawers behind him and set them in place. Then he sank into his seat and groaned. “You have no idea how hard it was to come straight here while having to smell this deliciousness all the way.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Stop complaining. You could have just flown.”

  Logan smirked and cocked on eyebrow. “What do you think I did?”

  Laughing, I sat and tackled the perfect eggs, garlic potatoes and baked beans all slathered over a garlic-and-thyme pizza dough. The pizzas were individual, thank goodness, and I was determined to eat every bite myself, even though Logan was already eyeing my bacon and sausage.

  I curled my free hand around my plate. “Don’t you dare. Touch my food and you will meet a terrible end. I don’t care if Saleem needs you alive.”

  “That’s not very nice of you,” Logan muttered ar
ound his mouthful.

  “I don’t care. Just don’t touch my food,” I replied with a serene smile.

  Then he shrugged. “That’s fine. I bought a third just in case. Kinda knew you wouldn’t have the heart to share with me.”

  Chuckling, I said, “Good to see you know me well.” No sooner were the words out of my mouth when I was hit with a blasting of guilt. I focused on the food and when my meal was done, I sat back, drank all my juice, then said, “There’s something we need to talk about.”

  Logan looked up as he placed the second Brunch Pizza on his plate. “This sounds serious. Should I save my pizza for later?” he asked, expression worried that I was about to spoil his meal.

  I shrugged. “That’s fine. You eat and I’ll send off a couple messages.”

  Logan’s face was almost comical with relief. The guy certainly did love his food.

  While he ate, I drafted a message to Horner, requesting a meeting with the Supreme High Council, mentioning the issue with the ancient fae and dropping a hint that I had just obtained information that has changed things. And that the SHC has to see me, and soon because it was more than just Grams’ life on the line.

  Then, for added effect, I suggested he have the ancients, Darius and Darian present at the meeting as there was information they needed as well.

  The names of the two ancients would be enough of a hint that the meeting with the SHC would also involve information important to the Ni’amh.

  After hitting send I paused, thinking that I ought to speak to the other members of the Ni’amh as well. But again, I decided it was best to wait until we returned from Mithras.

  With Horner’s message sent, I texted Ash, asking her to meet me for coffee or something later as I had something important to discuss. She responded almost instantly, saying anytime later in the day worked for her and all I needed to do was to the message and she’ll meet me.

  Relieved to have both tasks off my list, I focused on my dragon, a part of me wanting to avoid this conversation, to say it’s nothing serious and go back to pretending nothing was wrong.

  I was a wuss, that much was clear.


  Logan, who’d wiped out the second pizza and had sat back, his expression replete, now let out a satisfied sigh. “Man, that was amazing. Sienna is going to be super jealous when I tell her.”

  I shrugged. “Easy solution is to take her one when you go back home,” I said, smiling as he agreed, his expression somewhat relieved.

  “So, what’s this serious issue you wanted to discuss?” he asked, his tone now wary.

  “Well, you must realize that you and I haven’t talked about much since you got back. We’ve been all go with Mel, and with being blasted in various definitions of the word, so I’m not being picky about it. It’s just…I feel it’s time we had a chat about some things.”

  Logan’s expression remained neutral but he did nod slowly, something probably telling him that this was somewhat serious. “Okay. What are we talking about?”

  I took a breath. “When I left you in Sienna’s office in the palace you were determined that your presence wasn’t needed here. I honestly believed you were not going to join us. But you changed your mind. Why?”

  Logan blinked as I watched his face and waited for him to answer. He took his time, his expression showing clearly the conflict he’d experienced, but I didn’t want to pre-empt his response. Instead I sipped my coffee and waited patiently for him to formulate his answer.

  He cleared his throat. “I know I said I had responsibilities in Drakys, and I still do. The situation there isn’t something I could leave without really considering all my options.”

  “So what changed your mind?” I asked, suspecting that Sienna may have had a hand in changing Logan’s initial decision.

  Logan smiled and shook his head. “You want me to say it, don’t you?”

  I feigned ignorance, shaking my head. “Not sure what you mean.”

  He snorted. “I know full well that you already think Sienna changed my mind. But she didn’t.”

  I raised an eyebrow in question and didn’t even need to say a word.

  Laughing now, Logan said, “Okay, fine. She had a hand in it. We spoke after you left when I updated her on why you’d come. Sienna did not take my decision well.”

  “Oh?” I asked, curious now what Logan’s firebrand sister had said to him.

  “Yeah. The little brat kinda yelled at me. She was pretty angry that I’d made such a sudden decision but I think it was more because I didn’t speak to her first to go over that decision before telling you. I have a feeling she was more angry that I’d hurt you than because I’d chosen not to help a friend.”

  I pursed my lips but said nothing.

  Logan let out a slow sigh. “She reminded me of how important this choice was in the bigger scheme of things. She asked if I’d be happy with Saleem’s blood on my hands while I walk around happily in my new kingdom. And of course, she knew that was the last thing I’d ever want.”

  I nodded, sipped some more, then asked, “So what was the deciding factor?”

  “Nothing specific. Just that Sienna offered a plan, a way we could keep the rebels and potential overthrowers at bay for a little while. They don’t know that we’ve already completed the rituals that initiated us as the ruling pair. Which means we’re safe for a while. Sienna announced that I would be touring the Northern Reaches of the continent which suffered devastating flooding, all as part of a military assessment. She assured me that such a tour would be considered off limits.”

  “Yeah, I suppose even the people who want to stage a coup would want to ensure the protection of the realm continued smoothly or they’d be endangering their newly obtained positions of power and control.”

  Logan nodded. “She assured me I’d have a week, a little more if nothing else goes wrong that she can’t fix. But I can’t say that I’m not worried about her handling everything herself.”

  “She’s pretty savvy, from what I saw. She knows her way around Drakys, so it sounds like she’s come up with a good enough plan.” I spoke evenly, though I wriggled in my seat, a little uncomfortable now that the time had come for me to come clean.

  Logan was watching me, brow furrowed. “Something wrong, Kai? You look uncomfortable. The pizza giving you troubles?” he asked, smirking.

  I clicked my tongue. “No, Logan. It’s not the pizza.” Then I sighed and sat back, deciding it was best to just say it. “There’s something I haven’t told you. Something that you need to know because it could be important if something happened while we’re on the mission.”

  Logan shifted forward, settled his elbows on the table and studied my face. His scrutiny only made me more uncomfortable but I deserved it.

  I cleared my throat then set my coffee back on the table. “When I got back home after the shadowmen took me, something happened that has me worried. Well…not only me. Dad too, though when he finds out what I did, my ass is toast.”

  Logan grunted. “Kai?

  I waved a hand at him. “Okay, okay, I know.” I sucked in a breath. “So, you know how Mel and I kept getting zapped and how her electrocution sent her into the ether to a visit with Saleem? Well, my zaps were more frequent and I think maybe more intense. And it’s kinda had an effect on my brain.”

  Logan blinked, but though he didn’t say anything, I felt the tension in the room rise. He stared at my face, eyes flaring with dragonfire, muscles tense in his neck and shoulders. Still, he made a concerted effort to keep his worry tamped and to allow me to speak.

  I cleared my throat again, grabbed the coffee, took a couple sips then set the cup back on the table. “So…when I got back home…I had an episode.”

  “An episode? What kind of episode?”

  I shrugged. “I think the best description would be the stroke kind. I wasn’t sure at first what had happened, but the symptoms were pretty clear. I passed out, suffered terrible headaches. Patchy memory for a while....”

>   Logan took a slow breath. “And what does Corin think of these episodes?”

  I made a face. “That’s the other thing. He doesn’t know.”

  “How exactly is it that your doctor, who is meant to be taking care of you, doesn’t know that you’ve had a stroke?”

  Biting my lip, I avoided Logan’s eyes. “Well, maybe because I didn’t tell him.”

  Logan’s eyes narrowed. “And you’re telling me that Corin Odel didn’t give you every test under the sun? Surely by now he’d have been able to figure out what the damned shocks have done to you?”

  “Well, he ordered an MRI which I went for but he never got the results because I stole them.” The words rushed out of my mouth and I knew all too well that Logan wasn’t happy.

  “Kai?! How could you be so irresponsible?” Logan was a storm brewing, eye dark and dangerous.

  I swallowed hard. “Well, if he’d known, he’d have grounded me. And I wouldn’t have been able to come to Drakys and tell you what was happening. Which meant you wouldn’t have been here preparing for the Mithras mission. And you wouldn’t have been here to get the twins out of the house and to safety. Let’s not forget saving Aisha before she blew up with Omega’s warehouse.”

  Logan’s face was a study in darkest granite as he glared at me. Still, he was torn, probably wanting to yell at me very loudly. Which he didn’t, thankfully. I was too wound up to be yelled at. I’d have either yelled back and caused a scene, or I would have burst into tears.

  Logan was silent for a long moment before he took a deep slow breath, trying to maintain some form of calm. “So, what’s the prognosis?”


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