Oath Bound

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Oath Bound Page 19

by T. G. Ayer

  “And you have some reason why?” I asked shifting to face Mel head on.

  “I think so, but man I feel bad even entertaining the possibility.”

  Darcy gave a wave of her hand at Mel’s avoidance of an answer. “Ok, so out with it. And let us decide how bad it is.”

  “The thing is...I have to wonder if perhaps Sentinel was suspicious of whether Aisha was in captivity out of choice. The fact that she could have left at any point in time must have raised questions for them.”

  Rubbing his forehead, Logan said, “And for us too.”

  “I guess it is. I had to question her actions in the beginning but then I put it aside accepting that she made those decisions because she was afraid.”

  I agreed, tapping a finger on my thigh. “Omega threatens the lives of her sons—’cause let’s not forget that Saleem was working for them and Rizwan was at their beck-and-call in Mithras.”

  “But nothing she’s told us felt true for me,” Mel said. “She is holding back—remember the conversation with her military that we had seconds ago? What if Sentinel knew more than mere suspicions?”

  With a huff, Darcy said, “I can’t blame you for being suspicious. But suppose it’s not a case of distrust really. I don’t think you should be feeling guilty.”

  “Yeah,” said Logan. “It’s clear to everyone that she hasn’t been 100% open and truthful. So, you need to stop feeling guilty and analyze those thoughts. Let’s see if we can figure out the real reason, or maybe even try to understand her perspective.”

  “Maybe I should have said something earlier.” Mel’s jaw went hard. “We were busy putting this entire team together and we knew everyone’s lives would be on the line. And all the while, one of the main people in the team was holding out on us.”

  “How do we know that what she is holding back is even relevant to the mission?” Logan said.

  “Okay, I see your point. But whatever it is, Sentinel suspects. If it’s related to the physical they put her through. And just for the record I’m not trying to say that she somehow conspired with Omega to give her realm away.”

  Everyone was nodding, including me.

  Darcy’s sigh though, was contagious as she assed, “She said she was afraid for her people and maybe it didn’t ring true at the time simply because it wasn’t the whole truth.”

  “Yeah,” Mel said, almost below her breath. “I have gotten to know her a little too well. And there was something in her eyes when she gave us her reasons. Something that made me wonder if she were hoping I wouldn’t read her thoughts...”

  “So...why didn’t you?” Darcy’s eyebrow arched.

  “Pfft. The woman has been inside my mind from the start. She’d have caught me on the first try. I didn’t even know djinn could do that until I ran into Aisha’s mind.”

  “Doesn’t bode well for you if Saleem can read your thoughts,” I added

  Mel said, “Her husband was killed and then she was abducted by Omega and Division 7 because they had a hard-on for the djinn’s ability to create natural energy. Then, Saleem makes things worse by entering our world in search of his mother and ends up entangled in Omega’s web himself.”

  “And little bro is left by himself, unable to defend against anyone determined to take over the realm.”

  “And don’t forget you’re dealing with a very strong and very powerful woman,” I said|. “Definitely more than your average badass bad. She could have flattened the entire estate and returned home to save her kingdom herself.”

  “Don’t forget the wards. She was actively trying to help us get here. I have to admit that I am stumped.”

  With a nod, Mel leaded closer to me. “Maybe it has something to do with her husband?”

  “We already know Divison 7 killed the king,” Drake hadn’t spoken in a while. “He certainly was devoted to his people. In which case, he could have put his family in danger.”

  “It’s possible Division 7 is using his death as a trump card. “We killed your husband and we can do the same to your sons?” Logan suggested.

  “That may work if Rizwan is threatened. Not so sure about Saleem,” I said, my doubt clear.

  “Well, she is still a mother. Omega could use her children to ensure she behaves herself,” Darcy glanced at Logan, looking guilty.

  “And don’t forget, she kinda likes Mel.” I couldn't help but smirk. “And me. I’m almost positive she likes me too.”

  “Hey, I’m pretty sure she has a soft spot for me as well,” Logan argued.

  Mel let out a conspiratorial chuckle. “A few more things that she can be blackmailed with.”

  Sighing, Darcy said, “I suspect she’d do just as much to avoid getting any of us killed.”

  Mel was stretching her neck from side to side. “This is giving me a headache. I feel like I’m going around and around in circles.”

  Drake grunted, then said, “What I wouldn’t give to know what Sentinel knows. What is it that they are looking for that they’d find in her body?”

  “So?” I asked. “What do we do now?”

  “Make our plans on our own, no sharing details with Sentinel or anyone else,” Darcy asked.

  “Keep our suspicions to ourselves,” Logan said, voice lowered. “And just hope to Hel that keeps us all safe.”

  “And keep those same cards away from the djinn queen?” Mel said, her tone spilling over with guilt.

  “Hey, you can’t feel bad. This is for her safety too, Mel,” I admonished her. “We need to do everything we can to protect her even if it means keeping her in the dark.”

  “Yeah.” Mel replied. “She may be a danger to us too, so we need to be wary and careful, but none of this means we can’t trust her. I know that’s confusing…”

  “Yeah. No. I mean, it’s not confusing,” I rolled my eyes. “We can trust her but we can’t trust Omega.”

  “And if they have something on her then we need to proceed with caution. For her sake as well as ours.” Mel nodded then glared at me and then the rest of the guys. “I think that’s about all we can rehash regarding my issue.”


  Though Fathima had warned us that the jump to Kenitra would be taxing, I only really believed when I’d experienced it myself. Logan appeared to have no issues whatsoever with his jumps, and I had to wonder what had happened to his nausea issues. A question for another time.

  We transitioned through the Veil to a portal in a little city, where our small team was struck by the pure horror of what we witnessed. Rows of enormous cylinders which from afar appeared to be wine casks patterned with lines, lines which turned out to be the unthinkable.

  A cry of sorrow wanted out, but I was stricken, the warmth fading from my body as my panther clawed for release as though her instinct urged her to avenge.

  Logan remained deadly silent and Mel’s began to cry, eyes filling with tears.

  Fathima’s face was hard and expressionless.

  The cylinders stored power produced by the hundreds of people currently attached to their outer shells, the wiring helping to conduct and store the energy.

  Fathima was saying, “And no, what you see here is not the method our scientists came up with. This is all EarthWorld government. The lives of the djinn people mean less to them than that of a cockroach.”

  “So the secret of your clean energy production is the use of a djinn’s essential power?” murmured Mel.

  “Yes. And that production was always on a volunteer basis. We tended to ask the military and the more adept and powerful djinn to assist in our energy production. And you can rest assured our process looked nothing at all like this atrocity.”

  Mel took a harsh breath before she replied, “I believe you. I’m sorry...this is just horrible. I want to go in there and save each and every one of them.”

  The warrior simply shook her head. “Their lives are not truly in danger. Division 7 has killed hundreds of our people, but that was before they understood the value of the lives of their living battery c
hargers. Children are not strong enough to supply this type of energy, and the elderly fade away fast if they are attached too long. Our old people are not different from vanilla humans. Division 7 had to adjust their methods to ensure the longevity of their batteries, and this was the result,” she said, waving a hadn’t at the warehouse in its entirety.

  “I just don’t understand how this could have even reached such proportions. I’m assuming they had a lot of help from the djinn people?” Mel asked.

  “Sadly, yes. For various reasons, Blake and his goons have the assistance of some of our committee. As my commander said, they prey on your insecurities and promise the safety of your children, they promise food and clothing, rations, and education. Everything that is their basic right is now traded for energy production.”

  “This is monstrous. I want to kill the bastard right now.”

  “There’s already a pretty long line,” muttered Fathima.

  “I’d like to know how he ended up here in such a position of power on Division 7’s behalf?”

  “Well, perhaps we’ll get our moment to understand him better, but right now, for all intents and purposes, he is the mastermind. Whoever he is playing puppet to, they aren’t here, and on the pecking order in Mithras, he’s the highest-ranking pecker.”

  I couldn’t help the growl that escaped my throat as my skin began to shift and change, my panther desperate now for release. I was almost on the brink of losing control when a warm hand rested on my back, exuding strength and comfort, and I let out a raw breath. I straighten then, my panther sinking back down, though my pain and anger hadn’t left at all. “This asshole’s time is up,” I said, voice raw. “He’s put me—us— through enough personally, and then Logan as well for years. I’ve had as much of his shit that I can take.”

  Fathima’s brow creased. “What had this Agent Blake done to you?”

  I grunted the words out, “He tried to frame me for murder and almost killed me and Mel in the process. He was also involved in a string of killings targeting children with paranormal powers. He seems to be cropping up everywhere and just leaves behind mayhem and destruction in his wake.”

  “I see. This man has much to answer for.” Fathima replied, tone dead and dark. “We’d best be getting back. There is little point in watching and wishing we can save them. We have everything planned and ready for a simultaneous attack at every single one of these power plants. A synchronized takedown will work better as they’d have little chance to regroup and begin a search for their captives. Before they know it, their living batteries would have scattered and gone into hiding. So, for the time being, they will endure. Should we attempt to free them now, we run the risk of jeopardizing our entire operation.”

  I wasn’t sure what Mel was feeling, but something deep inside me wanted to rip the people response apart, limb from limb. Probably not the most diplomatic of actions but staring out at the warehouse of horror, I didn’t particularly care.


  Later that night, after being shown the warehouse in Kenitra, the team had begun preparing for the rebels first attack. With the kelans online, we were ready to go even before Fathima said, “Let’s move out. According to the guard’s schedule, Ward is moving Saleem into the basement two hours later than usual. He and Blake have a meeting with the witch, so we’d best move out now.”

  Aisha wasn’t all too happy though, eyes wide and angry. “I honestly do not understand why I’m to be left behind.”

  Mel replied quickly, “We don’t know what the outcome of this mission will be. You’re the only royal left who knows what’s going on. If Division 7 does end up killing both your sons and you, where will Mithras be?”

  As we left the room, Mel said, “Maybe you could help us with managing the kelan power-fluctuations for the team. Just don’t drain any innocents of their blood while we’re gone.”

  Though we’d chuckled at the queen’s expense, I did understand how she was feeling.

  * * *

  We entered the Caves of Zemamra that snaked beneath the palace and would take us right into the royal quarters.

  “We’re all ready to perform the simultaneous attack,” Fathima called out. “The charges here are set and tested. So are the ones at each of the factories around the realm. And we’re mere minutes from the deadline.”

  Mel looked over at me, then the rest of the team before giving a nod. Akbar’s voice reached us, and suddenly, the countdown was over.

  But nothing happened other than a low pop and then a thunk.

  Then Fathima was racing to the front of the cave with Mel close on her heels.

  I followed too but found it a little harder to keep up with the crush of bodies around us. I had to squeeze through, and when I finally got there, my jaw dropped.

  Beyond Mel, Akbar was impaled but a long narrow blade, but he didn’t stay there for long. A woman, shrouded in a dark cloak lifted his body and threw him aside, sending wave after wave of power from her bloody hands. A blasts d power hit us, and Mel ducked, hands in the air, the action of instinct. An instinct that had somehow created a dome of energy which currently protected us all from the mages energy wave, and was also holding the ceiling up above our heads.

  “Damn, that’s frickin’ insane, Mel,” I said. “When were you going to tell us you were a mage?”

  I snorted. “Maybe never? This is the first time I’ve done anything even remotely like this. And can we maybe keep the admissions of shock for later? We need to get our asses out of here because A, this is beginning to get rather heavy, and two, I don’t know how I generated this thing. If it shatters, we’re all dead.”

  Beside me, Darcy laughed. “A, two.” Which made me chuckle. Then we both hurried away, out of the danger zone so Mel can focus, leaving Logan behind to help her.

  As exhausted as I was, I didn’t feel all that bad at having left the scene and returned to the headquarters. Only thing was we didn’t really get that far. Rockfalls dogged our every step, and one rather large chunk hit Darcy on the way down, ripping her arm open.

  Just as she fell, a pair of warriors raced down the tunnels straight at us, yelling at the top of their voices. Neither of the men was familiar and appeared to be sporting uniforms quite unlike those worn by the rebel army. I wasn’t able to move fast enough to avoid the spear coming at me. Thrown by the first warrior, it’s aim wasn’t all that accurate. With my arms around Darcy couldn’t move out of the way. All I could do was watch as the dart closed in on me, then plunge into my shoulder.

  I passed out with my arms still around Darcy.

  I came to for a short while, during which I’d heard Fathima’s voice as she asked me how I felt, and how I was reacting to the effects of the poison. Apparently, the dart had been filled with poison. And happily, Fathima had come bearing the antidote.

  And then I passed out again. For hours, from what I could tell.

  When I did finally regain consciousness, I felt fine. Amira was in the infirmary when I opened my eyes, and she came rushing to my side. For a stern and somewhat cantankerous of military woman, she was decidedly gentle as she probed the wound in my shoulder and checked my vitals.

  Moments later, she was happy to pronounce me full recovered. “You can leave the infirmary. You’re recovered enough to pretty much do anything other than climb Mt Everest.” The woman smirked then patted me on the shoulder, her version of saying, “Get lost, I need the bed for an actual sick patient.”

  I obeyed, threw on my clothes, and was about to head to our room when Logan walked into the infirmary and approached my bed. “You look recovered,” he said uncertainly.

  I nodded. “Yep, good as new from what I’m told.”

  Logan hesitated. “They said you had an antidote?”

  “Yeah, and it worked almost immediately. And as you can see, I’m fine.”

  Logan nodded slowly then came to my side to curl and arm around my waist. In silence we walked to our allocated room to find Mel in a cotbed, looking like Death partially
warmed over.

  Darcy was glaring at Mel, fury in her eyes, though all the tracker did was press her head then sit up from her pillow.

  “Watch yourself,” Darcy snapped at the injured tracker. “You’re not to be moving around yet.”

  “Yeah, I’m not about to go dancing or anything just yet,” Mel replied, though she looked like she was still in a lot of pain.

  “Maybe you should lie down again,” I said, closing in on the two of them. Logan lurked near the door, giving us some space.

  Mel stared at me, her eyes wide with relief. The same relief was reflected in the happy smile she gave me. Still, she obeyed my instruction and lay back down though she still grumbled, “You people are far too bossy.”

  “Bossy gets shit done,” Darcy’s reply was cold as she glared at Mel some more. “You were out cold, Mel. I had to enter your mind to check if all your parts were still intact or if your reckless behavior resulted in everything being fried to a crisp.”

  “Dramatic much,” Mel grumbled, and I hid a smile. Poor tracker had no idea what she was dealing with Darcy in her face.

  Darcy ignored Mel. “Well, if you want to know, your brain is still intact. Mostly.”

  “Mostly?” Mel scowled. “Okay fine, I get it.”

  After a moment of silence, Mel shifted to her elbows.

  “Just one question...if anyone is up to hazarding a guess. Ward’s supposed to be a MindMelder, a telepath, not a mage who travels the ether and harnesses its powers. How come he managed to do this to me?”

  “You sure it wasn’t the witch?” asked Darcy.

  “Yes. Well, not unless she happens to laugh like a man. I can still hear him guffawing inside my head.” As Mel spoke, Aisha entered the room, then came to rest her hand on my shoulder. She gave me an encouraging and much-relieved smile, then made her way to the door to Mel’s bed in silence.

  “So? What does that also tell you?” Darcy replied sharply.

  Mel sighed. “Ward knows what’s in my head? Well, he does to a certain extent.”


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