A Rake's Redemption

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A Rake's Redemption Page 10

by G. L. Snodgrass

  His hands wandered lower to rest on her bottom, pulling her in closer. It was as if a burning ember had flashed into a full fire with one simple caress.

  Oh, but this was no simple kiss she realized. Even someone as inexperienced as she, knew when an expert had taken charge.

  They continued to enjoy each other. To taste and probe when at last a distant loon called into the night. The Duke hesitated for a moment, then pulled away from her.

  Rebecca leaned forward, as if trying to maintain contact with his warmth. Realizing what was happening, she opened her eyes and looked up into his. The sense of loss pulled at her soul.

  Her cheeks erupted with embarrassment. What must he think of her? She searched his eyes, trying desperately to see what he was thinking. This was a Duke of the realm, she was nothing more than a mere governess.

  She was but a distraction, she thought to herself. He has been away from London and his many admirers for too long. Of course, he had accepted her kiss. She’d practically thrown herself at him.

  “I am sorry, Your Grace,” she said as she looked down, unable to meet his eyes.

  “I’m not,” the Duke said. “We both needed to do that. We’d have gone insane if we put it off much longer.”

  Her heart soared.

  “But, what must you think of me?” she asked. “I assure you. I don’t normally behave this way. I don’t know what came over me.”

  He laughed lightly. “I think you are a beautiful, strong, and intelligent woman who wanted to experience something. At least once.”

  Her heart melted. He completely understood. She could hear it in his voice. He wasn’t being judgmental, he didn’t despise her for wanting to kiss him.

  “I never …”

  His hand gently lifted her chin so he could look into her eyes. “I assure you Miss Jones, the feeling is very mutual. And while, I am perfectly aware that you have never done anything like this. If you should ever feel that you need to do more. I am always willing. In fact, nothing would please me more.”

  “But …”

  Again he laughed. “No buts. No need to talk yourself out of anything. Think about it. In the meantime, I believe that we should return to the parlor. The girls will be wondering about us. Johanna has already caught me looking at you several times. I do believe she is aware of my desires. No need to confirm her suspicions. At least not now.”

  Rebecca couldn’t believe what she was hearing. He desired her! The thought was empowering and made her feel soft inside. Once again her world had shifted.

  He smiled down at her, then turned to open the garden door for her. His eyes danced with kindness and something deeper. A need.

  The Duke of Hampton wanted her. One of the most powerful men in the country. The most eligible man within a thousand miles wanted her. It was enough to make a woman’s knees go weak.

  Swallowing, she brushed past him. How was she going to continue to live in the same house with him without this happening again? Without once again tasting those lips. Without once again experiencing those strong arms around her.

  She shook her head. Not tonight, not now. Now she would just remember and hold the memory tight.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Devlin stepped into his study for only the second time since the fire. The carpenters were waiting to begin, but he felt that he needed to check one last time to see if there was anything worth salvaging.

  The room stank of smoke and wet wood.

  Weaving around the debris, he surveyed his surroundings. Warwick was right, the far corner had suffered the most damage. It was a miracle that Scruggs and his staff had saved the house.

  His shoulders shuddered with the memory of the book case crashing over him.

  Swallowing the bile that began to rise in his throat, he made his way deeper into the room. Had Warwick been right? Had someone set the fire on purpose? Why? It didn’t make sense.

  He pushed a charred plank aside and examined his desk. A complete loss. The heavy oak was burnt and warped. The contents of the drawers were water logged or a slurry of ash.

  Sighing, he moved on. Almost every book and piece of furniture would need to be replaced. A small section of old leather caught his eye. The previous Duke’s journals. Or, what remained of them. Michaels would blame him, he realized with a pang of guilt.

  He would not be returning them after all.

  Shaking his head, he accepted that everything was lost and would need to be replaced. There was nothing left to salvage.

  “You may begin,” he told the lead carpenter as he exited the room.

  “Yes, Your Grace,” the man said as he turned to his two apprentices.

  Devlin left them to their work as he went in search of Scruggs.

  He found him in the parlor with Mrs. Owens and Miss Jones discussing the week’s menu.

  Since when did a governess become involved with his meal selection he wondered?

  The memory of their kiss in the garden rushed back into his mind. The taste of her soft lips. The way her hips curved under his hand. The fire that had burned inside him.

  Much like the fire that consumed his study. It had burned with an intense heat.

  Even more interesting was the fire that had burned inside Miss Jones, Rebecca, he thought. It had both surprised, and pleased him. To know that such a woman could melt under his hand. Could crave his kiss.

  She was so different than the women of London. More open, intelligent, yet innocent. An entirely different experience. The memory left him with a deep desire that still burned inside of him.

  Yet, somehow he had controlled his baser instincts. It said a lot about his respect for Miss Jones that he had not pursued her more forcefully. The fact that he hadn’t taken her there and then, was to be commended. He truly believed that if he had pursued her, she would have relented.

  She might very well have despised herself after. But, she had been his for the taking. He felt he should be commended for not taking advantage.

  Since that night though, it had taken every bit of his self-control not to seek her out and finish what they had started.

  Sighing, and squaring his shoulders, he walked towards the small group gathered around the parlor table.

  Scruggs saw him enter and immediately halted the conversations. Rising quickly, he dipped his head and said, “Your Grace?”

  Devlin noticed that Miss Jones wouldn’t look at him. Her eyes were downcast. Was that a hint of pink on her cheeks, he wondered? A most becoming look, he thought.

  “I need to go to town …” Devlin began.

  “London?” Miss Jones interrupted. Her eyes growing large and her chest rising with quick breaths.

  “Just for a few days, Miss Jones. I will leave tomorrow,” he said with a reassuring tone. “I need to select a new desk, new furniture for my study. Take care of a few other matters.”

  “Of course, Your Grace,” she said, still refusing to look him in the eye. Why did he have the feeling that she disapproved? What did she think he was going to do in London? He would be away for only a day or so. Did she think he was going to get away from her?

  “I will send word to Mr. Lincoln at your London residence,” Scruggs said, referring to his London butler. It still amazed Devlin that he had two butlers, one here at Pine Crest and another for his London house.

  Nodding his head, he instructed Scruggs to inform Tomas the coachman and Michaels.

  “Will your valet be traveling with you? Your Grace,” the butler asked.

  “No, I don’t think so, it is only for a few days. I have no formal engagements. I do believe I can take care of myself. I haven’t yet become helpless.”

  Miss Jones’ eyes sparkled as if she wanted to make a comment. It was obvious though, that she had decided silence was the wiser tactical move.

  “Please have Lincoln inform Lord Claremont and Lord Sudbury that I will be arriving.”

  “Yes, Your Grace,” the butler said before leaving.

  “Excuse me, Your Grace,”
Mrs. Owens said with a hasty curtsey before she could hurry from the room.

  Devlin watched the cook follow the butler from the room. He turned towards Miss Jones. She continued to look at the floor.

  “I assure you Miss Jones, it is only for a day or so. I will be back within the week.”

  She looked up at him as if trying to gather courage. “Of course, Your Grace,” She said, then paused again before going on. “I do hope, Your Grace, that this sudden desire to visit London isn’t related to the other night. Once again, I am sorry. I would be extremely disturbed to learn that I had caused you to leave the girls.”

  Devlin’s breath caught for a moment as he looked down into her soft brown eyes.

  “I assure you Miss Jones, you need not worry. It is I, who should apologize.”

  Her eyes narrowed as she studied him. Her look letting him know that she did not believe him.

  An awkward silence threatened to invade their conversation. Devlin felt a need to make things as they were. Friendly, comfortable.

  “Perhaps, Miss Jones, we can return the clock to before the kiss. While I will never be able to forget it of course. I do believe we can return to a life of mutual respect and friendship. Would that be possible?”

  Her shoulders slumped in relief as she vigorously nodded her head. “Yes, Your Grace, I would prefer that. Best that we forget it. Pretend it never happened.”

  He laughed, “Well, that is a first. Women rarely forget my kisses so quickly.”

  Miss Jones’ cheeks turned crimson at his remark.

  His stomach clenched at the idea he had upset her.

  “I jest, Miss Jones, I am sorry for teasing you. Yes, best that the incident is forgotten. We will speak of it no more.”

  The Governess nodded, then seeming to find a way to change the subject asked, “If you are to London, perhaps you could retrieve some items for the girls.”

  Devlin felt a slight loss of pleasure seeing how quickly she had put their kiss behind her. If he had not remembered the fire that burnt within her, he would have assumed he meant nothing to her. But, he had felt the racing heart beneath her chest. Had heard that soft moan in the back of her throat. Her body had reacted to him as much as his to hers.

  No, she might pretend as if the kiss were nothing. But, he knew better.

  Shrugging off the thoughts racing through his mind, he tried to focus on the woman before him.

  “… and Elizabeth needs supplies, both chalk, and paper. Besides the books I mentioned, Johanna could use a new bonnet. And Isobel, well she could use so much.”

  “Just prepare a list, Miss Jones, give it to my secretary. He has been instructed to provide you whatever you and the girls need.”

  “Oh, but Your Grace. It would mean so much more if these items were from you. The girls would treasure them.”

  Devlin’s brow narrowed in confusion. “But, I will be paying for them, isn’t that the same.”

  Miss Jones smiled. “No, Your Grace, not really.”

  Devlin shook his head. The idea of shopping for the girls was enough to make him want to change his mind about going to London. He would be sure to get the wrong thing. What did he know about what children wanted?

  If they had been older, jewelry and dresses would have been the easy answer. But, at their age, they wanted practical things. The thought sent a chill down his spine.

  Suddenly, without thinking he said, “I have a better idea. Why don’t you come to London with me? You can get what the girls need.”

  Her face blanched as her eyes narrowed on him. “Take the girls to London?” she asked.

  “No, not now, London is not a good place for children during the summer. It is hot and dirty. Disease everywhere. No. I was thinking, though, that I would need to be returning to London later, during the season …”

  “You plan to take your seat in Parliament?” she asked as if he had announced a plan to go to the moon.

  “Of course,” he said with affront. “It is expected of me. At least at first. Once I have put in enough appearances. I can think of returning to Pine Crest. I thought it would do the girls good to see a bit of London this fall.”

  “I understand, Your Grace,” Miss Jones said as her eyes looked off into the distance. Probably already planning trips to museums, galleries, and book shops.

  “Well,” Devlin continued, “maybe you should come with me to ensure everything is ready for the girls. I have no idea what they will need in London. Will their rooms be suitable? A classroom. Supplies, etc.”

  She looked at him for a long moment, her eyes searching his for information. He noticed a little fear and a little excitement in them. Was she worried about being alone with him? Or, worried about him being alone with her?

  Suddenly, her eyes narrowed in disapproval. “The girls, in London, with you this fall?”

  He knew immediately of her concerns. A man with his reputation.

  While he’d been on his best behavior here at Pine Crest. - Heaven knew he had been living a monk’s life. - She still believed him incapable of living a scandal-free life. She probably had visions of him returning home every night with a different harlot on his arm. Spending his nights in wild abandon. His drunken friends cavorting about the ducal residence like a bacchanalia.

  He wanted to laugh. Maybe once, but she had to know that he wouldn’t do anything to embarrass the girls. That didn’t mean he couldn’t carouse and enjoy life away from the house.

  “I assure you Miss Jones, it will be all right.”

  She continued to hesitate.

  “Or, Miss Jones,” he said with a twinkle in his eye. “are you more worried about being alone with me? I know we agreed to put our kiss behind us. But, perhaps you are unable to leave it. Unable to forget the way it made you feel. As a result, you are afraid of what you might do if you are alone with me in a carriage.”

  The fire jumped into her eyes at the challenge. As if saying, ‘How dare he think she could not control herself around him?’

  “I promise you, Your Grace,” she said with set lips. “While it may have been enjoyable, it was not enough to justify concerning myself with. I assure you, the girls’ well-being and reputation are my only concerns.”

  He tried not to show the sting her barb inflicted. Instead, he crossed his arms over his chest and said, “In that case, Miss Jones. I will expect we depart in the morning.”

  Her eyes grew as she realized she had been maneuvered into accepting his invitation. He couldn’t help but smile at the thought of spending the day with this woman.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Rebecca smoothed her skirt and turned to give Johanna more instructions.

  Before she could begin, the young girl started to roll her eyes.

  “We will be perfectly all right,” Johanna said reassuringly.

  Rebecca’s stomach churned. While she knew the girls were excited at the prospect of being out from under her constant attention. She had hoped they might miss her a little. She knew that she would miss them terribly.

  “Yes, I know you will do well,” Rebecca said to them as she looked each of them in the eye. “It is only for a few days.”

  At that moment, the Duke stepped out the front door. James hurried past him to hold the carriage door.

  “Are you ready Miss Jones?” the Duke asked as he pulled on his gloves. He then turned, and smiled to the girls. “Johanna, you are in charge. Elizabeth, Isobel, you will listen to your sister.”

  “Yes Your Grace,” the three girls said in unison.

  The Duke smiled, then looked over their heads at Scruggs, the butler. His stern nod informed the butler to keep an eye on things and make sure the girls stayed out of too much trouble.

  “Come, Miss Jones, we have a long road before us,” the Duke said as he turned and stepped up into the carriage.

  Rebecca’s heart fell to her stomach, the thought of spending the entire day alone with the Duke was disconcerting, to say the least. What would they talk about? What did he think
of her? There were a dozen questions she wished she could ask him, but each of them were questions a mere governess could never broach with a Duke of the realm.

  She hugged each of the girls, then took James’ hand to step up into the coach. She had no sooner settled into the opposite corner from the Duke when Tomas cracked his whip and yelled at the horses. The carriage swayed, and they were off.

  She grasped her hands and kept them in her lap. She watched the house and the girls slowly grow smaller as the distance grew. Her heart cramped at the thought of leaving them.

  Once they had turned the corner onto the main road, she lost sight of them entirely. Sighing, she settled into the plush leather seats. She snuck a quick look out of the corner of her eye. The Duke had brought a paper and was reading an article.

  His brow was creased with concentration. He was such a handsome man, she thought. Her eyes were drawn to his lips. Lips that had caressed hers.

  Fighting the thoughts that threatened to make her blush, she quickly turned to watch the countryside pass them by. The coach bounced and swayed with each bump. The Duke had obviously told Tomas to hurry. He was probably worried about being with her.

  I wonder if he is bored? she asked herself.

  She heard him fold the paper and set it aside, but she refused to look at him. Better to pass the day in silence looking out the window.

  “So tell me, Miss Jones,” the Duke said. “Why has a beautiful woman such as yourself never married?”

  Rebecca’s heart jumped at such a personal question. Why was he asking? Did he really think she was beautiful? His eyes twinkled at her discomfort. The man was insufferable.

  “You adore children,” he continued as if he were quoting a shopping list. “You are intelligent, a hard worker, well versed in societal expectations. No scandal, or you would never have been hired as a governess for a Duke’s children. So why?”

  Rebecca held her breath. What to say? Was he really interested or was this a way to tease her? It wasn’t fair. He was so much better at banter and innuendo. He could say something and hide three different meanings in a simple sentence.


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