A Rake's Redemption

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A Rake's Redemption Page 16

by G. L. Snodgrass

  The coach rocked to a halt as it drew up to the ducal residence.

  “It is a shame the day must end,” he said with a frown.

  “Yes, Your Grace,” she answered. “It has been a most excellent day. Thank you again.”

  “My pleasure, Miss Jones. Believe me. My pleasure.”

  Lincoln met them at the door, his face creased with worry.

  “You have visitors, Your Grace. They insisted on waiting for you.”

  Devlin cocked an eyebrow in surprise. Who would be visiting him at this hour? It was too early in the afternoon for his friends. They’d barely be out of bed.

  He immediately thought of Warwick. Had the man discovered something?

  “Devlin!” A loud female voice exclaimed from the parlor doorway. “There you are, you beautiful man.”

  His heart fell. Lady Sinclair, the widow of the late Earl of Hereford, was exiting his parlor. Dressed in a lavender day dress, she wore an ostrich feather in her hair. Who wears ostrich feathers during the day? he wondered. The widow Sinclair, obviously.

  His former friend, Benny, stepped out of the parlor. An apologetic smile plastered across his silly face. Devlin shot him a quick frown. They would discuss this later.

  For now, he needed to deal with the woman marching towards him. She appeared as beautiful as ever. Stately, flawless, with a hint of a shark about the eyes.

  “Lady Sinclair,” Devlin said as he bowed slightly. “I am surprised.”

  “Oh Devlin,” she said as she reached out and took his hand. “I am the one surprised. Imagine how I felt, to learn that you had returned to town and hadn’t sent word.”

  “I am only in town for a few days, Amelia. Benny should have told you.”

  “Oh, he did. But really, my dear man. You can’t deny us an opportunity to show you off. You are a Duke now. That makes you rather special.”

  Devlin bit back a nasty response about being thought rather special the last time he had been in her bed. The thought reminded him that Miss Jones was standing next to him.

  Her eyes looked at him with a thousand questions.

  “Excuse me,” Devlin said. “Allow me to introduce Miss Jones, my cousins’ governess. Miss Jones, Lady Sinclair.”

  Miss Jones lowered in to a graceful curtsey. The happy sparkle in her eyes had been replaced with a cautious, hesitant look. She quickly glanced at him, her eyebrow rising in question.

  Another thing he would have to discuss later. For now, he needed to deal with Amelia.

  Amelia barely acknowledged the other woman. The word governess had been enough for her to dismiss Miss Jones as unimportant.

  Devlin felt his shoulders tense at the thought of anyone being unkind to Rebecca.

  He might have said something, but Amelia suddenly looked again. Her eyes widened in surprise. Obviously, Miss Jones’ beauty had registered through her preconceived ideas of what a governess should look like.

  “Your Governess?” Lady Sinclair said with a questioning hitch in her voice as she examined Miss Jones from head to toe. The sharkness of her eyes had only intensified, Devlin thought.

  “Yes, remember Amelia, I told you about Dev’s three new wards,” Benny said.

  She paused for a moment. “Oh yes, I remember now. But, aren’t they in school? That is where children belong after all.”

  Devlin’s world shifted. This was the Ton he thought. The high end of society. Dismissive, focused only on themselves, with no thought of others.

  It would never occur to Lady Sinclair to be concerned with what the girls might prefer. Their happiness wouldn’t even come close to her awareness.

  Shaking his head, he glanced at Benny. “So, to what do I owe this pleasure?” he asked.

  “Lady Cambridge’s ball,” Amelia said. “It is tonight. I will not accept no for an answer, you must come.” Her beseeching eyes and the grip on his arm let him know how important this was to her.

  Devlin’s stomach clenched. The last thing he wanted to do was spend the evening in a London ballroom. But, he well knew that Amelia would not let him rest until he complied with her wishes.

  Suddenly he thought of Benny’s mother. In a flash he understood. Amelia was cut from the same cloth. While she might be young and beautiful, in a few years, the beauty would fade, but that manipulative, demanding nature would remain.

  He shuddered at the thought.

  He sighed, then nodded. “Very well, but I have some things to take care of. I will meet you there. Benny can escort you.”

  The Countess shot Miss Jones a quick look. Her lips formed a pretty pout, and her smile didn’t quite reach her eyes.

  Obviously, she was disappointed at not being able to enter Lady Cambridge’s ballroom on his arm. Oh well, she would have to get over it, Devlin thought. He didn’t want people thinking he and Lady Sinclair were attached. The last thing he needed was the ton’s old biddies working together to corner him into a marriage he didn’t want.

  Amelia smiled up at him. “Excellent,” she said. “Do not be late, I will save you a dance. In fact, if you ask nice, I will save you two.”

  He winced inside, two dances? People would think they were a step away from announcing their engagement. It seemed a title was an enticement that some women could not pass up.

  “Of course, I look forward to it,” he said. Best to keep her mollified.

  “Come, Benny, let us depart and let the Duke do the things he needs to do.” She looked at Miss Jones again, then back at Devlin. “Tonight, my good sir, do not be late.”

  Devlin let out a long sigh as the door clicked shut behind them.

  Miss Jones chuckled to herself and shook her head.

  “What is so funny?” he asked.

  “You, Your Grace. You look like a little boy who just postponed a disagreeable chore. Happy that it is gone, but worried about later.”

  “You, Miss Jones, are too observant for your own good.”

  She laughed as she started up the stairs to her room. He watched her hips sway with each step. There was a God, and he was good. To make something so perfect.

  Turning, Miss Jones caught him staring. She stopped, and a purely feminine smile crossed her lips. A smile that reached her eyes, he realized.

  “Thank you, Your Grace,” she said. “It really was a most excellent day.”

  “Thank you, Miss Jones. It was enjoyable.”

  “And just, think, Your Grace, you have an entire evening to look forward to.”

  Her quiet laughter drifted back down to him as she climbed the stairs. Reminding him once again why he liked this woman so much.


  Rereading the same page for the third time, Rebecca sighed and closed the book. It was useless, she couldn’t concentrate.

  The woman was Satan incarnate, Rebecca thought for the thousandth time. Her dismissive glance had cut deep, especially with Devlin standing right there.

  The Duke had left hours ago. What was he doing now? she wondered. Probably waltzing Miss High and Mighty around the dance floor. The one saving grace, she doubted he was enjoying himself. She had seen how he reacted when he had first glimpsed the woman coming out of his parlor.

  His body had stiffened, and his brow had creased in that way of his. The kind of look that anyone with any sense would know meant that he wasn’t happy.

  There was obviously a history between them. The casual way she called him Devlin. How she could so easily take his hand, as if she owned it.

  The thought sent a shudder through her entire body. The angry spite rising inside of her was a bit of a shock. Is this what it meant to be in love with someone? To feel this angry jealousy throughout her entire body? To always feel as if her heart was on the verge of destructions?

  She sniffed and fought back a tear. No! Rebecca, she told herself. You will not cry.

  Sighing again, she placed her book on the table beside her chair. Maybe a different book might help. Something with star-crossed lovers. Only in this story, the ending was happy.
/>   Rising, she quietly left her room and made her way down to the library. Surely, there was something that could take her mind away from him.

  The house was quiet, only a few lamps burning to light her way. She wondered what Lincoln would think if he saw her sneaking downstairs at this hour, dressed in nothing but a shift and a felt robe.

  He’d roll his eyes, and then pretend that he didn’t see her.

  Smiling to herself, she slipped into the library without a sound. The fire was still burning, and a candle was lit on a side table. She frowned. When would people learn? Hadn’t the fire at Pine Crest been enough?

  Setting her jaw, she marched across the room to retrieve the candle. She’d use it to find a new book, then put it out before leaving the room.

  A sudden movement to her right made her shriek. The sound escaping before she could stop it.

  Devlin sat in a large stuffed chair, a book open on his lap. He’d removed his jacket and cravat. The brief glimpse of chest hair made her remember the farmhouse and what it had felt like to run her fingers over him.

  He’d obviously never heard her enter. Probably staring into the fire, contemplating the meaning of life and where to make his next conquests.

  “Your Grace,” she exclaimed as she stepped back, her hand going to her throat. “I’m sorry sir, I didn’t know you were here.”

  He smiled back and gently shook his head. “No bother, Miss Jones.”

  The sparkle had left his eyes, she thought. Something is bothering him. Her heart went out to him. She wondered if there was something she could do to help.

  No Rebecca, do not be silly. The man was probably thinking of Lady Sinclair. Or had they already had their liaison? The thought sent a cold chill to her very center.

  “I will leave you, Your Grace. I am sorry.”

  “No Rebecca, please stay,” he said as he stood up. Reaching out he took her hand in his.

  Rebecca’s heart came to a sudden stop. The way her name sounded when coming from his lips was enough to melt her knees. Her body leaned forward, as if in need of sustenance.

  Their eyes locked onto each other. A dozen emotions flowed through her. Pure joy at the simple fact that he existed. Sadness at the thought of going without him. Loneliness and hunger. Fear and anticipation. Everything all jumbled up in a knot lodged at the bottom of her stomach.

  “Oh my Rebecca,” he said. “I don’t want to settle on ‘only once.' I can’t.”

  She remained frozen. Afraid to move, afraid to commit to his need for her. Terrified of him seeing her need for him.

  He watched the emotions dance across her face and she knew that he was reading everything about her. She had no secrets from this man.

  That silly smirk of his appeared, and she finished falling apart. All it took was a little tug of his hand, and she was in his arms.

  Their lips met in a carnal need to devour the other. His arms wrapped around her and pulled her in tight. Into a world of safety and comfort. The one place in the world that felt right.

  Rebecca couldn’t get enough. This was the man she loved. The man she would always love. She needed him as much as she needed air. More. Without him, there was no life.

  “Oh Rebecca, you taste of heaven,” he whispered as his lips traveled down her neck to that special spot. “Tell me once was not enough.”

  His hand drifted to her bottom. Pulling her in close. Caressing, kneading, driving her insane with want.

  “Tell me,” he repeated.

  She sighed as she collapsed into him. “Once was not enough,” she heard herself say. It was impossible to say otherwise. She needed this. Tomorrow would be tomorrow. But tonight, there was only Devlin and now.

  Without warning, he scooped her up into his arms. Her arms instinctively wrapped themselves around his broad shoulders.

  “Not here,” he said. “I want you in my bed.”

  She gasped. What if someone saw them?

  “Don’t worry,” he said as if he had read her mind. “They are all asleep. No one will know. I promise.”

  What could she say? She could no more have said no than she could have stopped breathing.

  Not waiting for an answer, he effortlessly exited the library and began the long walk up the stairs with her firmly cradled in his arms.

  She held her breath with each step, fearing a creak or groan. Rebecca’s heart threatened to explode. Fear and excitement mixed to bring her even higher. Her ears strained to hear any sound that might indicate an approaching servant.

  Her fear was quickly replaced by sexual excitement when his hands began to caress her side. He smiled down at her, his eyes twinkling with laughter.

  She was lost, she realized. With no control. She was his to do with as he pleased.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Rebecca heard him kick the door closed as they entered his bedroom. Her heart raced, her body vibrated with anticipation. The large master bed centered on the far wall seemed to command the entire room. A single lamp bathed the room in a soft glow.

  Her eyes locked onto his. His stared deeply into hers. They were alone in this world. Lost in each other.

  He slowly carried her across the room, then slowly set her down to stand next to the bed. Her feet had barely touched the floor when his lips found hers. It was as if he could deny himself no more. He needed her. He desperately wanted her.

  The thought sent a thrill through her as she returned his demanding need. Her arms circled his neck as she pulled herself closer.

  After a long, soulful kiss, he stepped back and looked down at her. His eyes searching hers. At last, he smiled, then slowly undid the belt holding her robe closed. His hands brushed it off her shoulders to let it fall away.

  She swallowed hard as she stood there, her body thrumming with anticipation. It was different this time. She knew what to expect. Knew what she wanted.



  But still, he held back. Slowly that smirk returned as he undid the bow at her throat and pushed her shift off of her to let it join the robe.

  A sense of vulnerability washed over her. She stood before him fully naked while he remained fully clothed. She watched as his eyes traveled down her body. Devouring her. Lingering on her breasts, then sinking to her hips.

  Her skin tingled with each glance, as if it were a soft caress.

  A woman could fall in love with the look in his eyes. It was enough to fill her dreams for the next thousand years.

  At last, stepping back, he pulled his shirt up over his head. His strong muscles rippling with pure energy. His broad shoulders blocking out the world.

  His hands slipped into the waist of his pants, and he pushed them free. Stepping forward. As naked as her.

  Large and powerful. She subconsciously licked her lips and stared wantonly at him. He was pure male. Everything about him called to the female in her.

  Hesitantly she reached out to touch him, curious, excited.

  He closed his eyes at her touch as a soft moan rumbled in his chest. The sense of power and wonder it gave her was thrilling. This strong, powerful man was made weak simply by her touch.

  Opening his eyes, he smiled down at her, then bent and took a nipple in his mouth. Now it was Rebecca’s turn to moan. She felt her knees grow soft and would have collapsed onto the floor, but his arm encircled her, catching her and lowering her gently to the bed.

  Rebecca became lost in the feel of his kiss, and the caresses of his hand. He nipped, and suckled, driving her wild with need as she felt herself grow swollen and ready. Oh, so ready.

  She reached to try and pull him to her, but he resisted.

  “Not yet, my dear. We have all night.”

  She swallowed hard. An entire night with this man. Had anything ever sounded so wonderful?

  His fingers found her core, and she became lost again as she sunk back onto the bed, arching into his hand.

  Her heart was racing, her mind spun in a dozen different directions. Her body felt everything. It
was as if every fiber of her body had come alive.

  As his finger entered her, his kisses traveled downward across her tummy. Igniting new fires, new desires.

  He traveled lower, and lower, until she realized what he meant to do.

  “No, What…” she exclaimed, then suppressed a scream as his tongue found her very center.

  “Shush,” he whispered. “Relax Rebecca, I’ve got you.”

  She had trouble breathing, her lungs couldn’t seem to catch her racing heart. Oh, that was … OHHHH. He had found a new secret spot.

  She thrashed slightly as he kissed and touched. Her world had changed once again. This man was unbelievable. The way he made her feel alive, cherished, wanted, all at the same time.

  He continued to bring her higher. Pushing her upwards until she could resist no longer. Instinctively she grabbed to hold him in place as she arched into him with every ounce of her energy.

  “Yes!” she yelled. “YES, YES.”

  Her world exploded, her muscles danced to their own tune and her mind reeled with the sensations flowing through her.

  “Yes,” she said softly as she came back down.

  He looked up at her and smiled. The smile of a man pleased with himself at making her world so special.

  “Please Devlin,” she said, “I need you, now. Please.”

  He smiled again and slowly crawled up the bed to cover her.

  “Guide me,” he said as he positioned himself.

  She bit her lip and took him in her hand, placing him at the center of her core. He was so large, so strong. At least this time, she thought, there was no barrier to be breached.

  He slowly entered her. Just a little bit at a time. Driving her crazy with need. She wanted him, wanted all of him, now.

  But still, he took his time, filling her, expanding into her.

  She felt as if she might split in two he was so large, but still she wanted more.

  He continued on until he was inside of her as far as possible. Filling her fully.


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