A Rake's Redemption

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A Rake's Redemption Page 39

by G. L. Snodgrass

  Amanda shook her head, “No. He has stopped to talk to Lady Chadwick. She seems quite enamored with Lord Bradford. But then, I can’t really blame her, the man is rather handsome. And rich, I might add. The perfect target for an English Lady.”

  Olivia sighed, good let that harridan deal with him. The young widow would be the perfect match for him. All bluster and fluster with no substance, exactly what he needed.

  “I really don’t know why we come to these things?” Olivia asked as she frantically waved her fan to try and cool herself. The room had already grown warm and the evening had hardly begun.

  Amanda snorted as she quickly held a hand to her mouth. “We are here because you insisted. If you remember, I was perfectly fine with staying at home. There is a new book I wanted to read, A biography of Christopher Wren. But no, we had to come tonight. Something about a young Lord by the name of Hartfield. Who hasn’t even arrived, I might add.”

  “Bradford probably scared him away,” Olivia said and realized it might actually be true. The man was rather intimidating after all. Large, rich, politically connected, with a fierce stare that could make most men shake in their boots.

  Amanda slowly shook her head. “If he did, then your Lord Hartfield was not worth the bother.”

  Olivia sighed, once again, her friend Amanda was right. For a woman who disdained the ton and all of its trappings, Amanda often saw things most clearly. It had taken Olivia over a year to convince her friend to join her this season. Amanda had repeatedly balked at what she called the marriage meat market. But the effort had been well rewarded. Amanda was the one calm in this storm.

  “Yes, well,” Olivia began, “there will be other perfectly acceptable men here tonight. If things do not improve I will be put on the shelf with all the other old maids.”

  Amanda rolled her eyes. “Olivia, your brother is one of the richest men in Britain. You are beautiful, intelligent, kind. You have had over a dozen proposals …”

  “Fourteen actually,” Olivia said as she gave a quick look over her shoulder to see if Lord Bradford was still watching her. He wasn’t, his attention was completely focused on Lady Chadwick.

  “… Fourteen. I stand corrected,” Amanda continued. “The only reason you are not married is because you insist on a love match. And as I have repeatedly told you, such things are a myth. A story mothers tell their little girls to get them out of the house.”

  Olivia laughed, her friend was not really so cynical, no one could be that unromantic.

  “Regardless,” Olivia said, “I will never meet a man and fall in love if Lord Bradford is constantly hovering over me like a hawk ready to pounce if a man shows any interest.”

  “And again, I say, if a man is frightened away, you would never have fallen for him anyway. So, no loss.”

  Olivia sighed as she fluttered her fan again while she desperately tried to think of some way out of this conundrum. Her brother Nathanial and his wife Alice had left for the country estate only last month. Alice was increasing and Nathanial refused to let her remain in the hot, cramped, sickly city of London.

  They had agreed to let Olivia and Amanda finish out the season here in London with the understanding that either Lord Bradford or Nathanial’s other friend, Lord Warwick, would keep an active eye on them. Between two British Lords and Nathanial’s man, Jocko, they had felt relatively sure the girls would be looked after.

  “It could be worse,” Amanda said. “At least Lord Warwick is not here.”

  Olivia frowned. “I like Lord Warwick. At least he doesn’t look at me like I’m a blithering idiot.”

  “The man is all form without function,” Amanda said. “I still don’t know what value he adds to this world.”

  Olivia bit her tongue, there were things about Lord Warwick she could tell Amanda that would shock her to her very core, but she had promised Nathanial that she would guard her brother’s friend’s secrets, even from Amanda.

  Giving her friend a small smile, Olivia glanced out over the crowd. The band was beginning to warm up. The dancing would start soon. A feeling of quick regret flashed through her. She had purposely turned away several men who had requested to dance with her in the hope that Lord Hartfield would ask her. And yet the man didn’t even have the common decency to be there.

  As she studied several of the women’s gowns, a small tingle began to form between her shoulder blades.

  “He’s coming, isn’t he?” she asked Amanda.

  Her friend gave a quick glance then nodded slightly.

  Her stomach dropped. What if he asked her to dance? If she told him no, Alice would hear of it and frown at her rudeness. If she accepted, it meant ten minutes of frustrating anxiety for nothing.

  “Miss Amanda, Miss Olivia, how nice to see you again,” Lord Bradford said as he bowed at the waist. Both young women instantly dropped into curtseys.

  Amanda smiled up at him. “Lord Bradford, this is a surprise, imagine running into you here.”

  He laughed and gave her a quick smirk. “Yes, well, I was told the prettiest women would be in attendance. Imagine how pleased I am to find that the rumors were correct.”

  Olivia grit her teeth as she rose from her curtsey. Amanda actually found the man charming. Ridiculous.

  She glanced at him and had to stop herself from shaking her head. The man had been an Earl since he was four-years-old. Had been around the world before his sixteenth birthday. Devastatingly handsome, a fact that irritated her to no end. The man was the perfect British Lord.

  And yet, the man still went out of his way to charm two young women, both commoners, both so far beneath him on the social ladder that he couldn’t have seen them with a spyglass.

  Every time she looked at him, she didn’t see the perfect British Lord though. All she could see was the seventeen-year-old boy who had laughed at her when, at twelve, she fell out of an apple tree. Landing at his feet with a loud squeal. How was she to know Nathanial was returning with a new friend.

  He and Nathanial had come home from India shortly after her parent's death. Just in time for her to make a complete fool of herself in front of him. He’d been so impressed, he’d actually compared her to a monkey.

  Since then, things had progressively gotten worse between them. Everything about him annoyed her. The way he would frown when she did something that he found to be less than ladylike. The way women laughed at his stories.

  How he had tried to talk Nathanial out of letting her have a season. Telling any and every one that she was too young to marry. And probably secretly thinking that only a fool would marry her.

  Everything about the man bothered her.

  Even the way she would sometimes catch him looking at her as if he were trying to figure out a complex puzzle box. It was a look that always touched something deep inside of her.

  The man was insufferable. Why couldn’t anyone else see it?

  Nathanial thought he was the greatest of friends. Strong, brave, willing to take on any challenge. Her sister-in-law looked at him as the brother she never had. A scamp at heart. Even Jocko liked the man and Jocko didn’t like anyone.

  Now, here was Amanda falling for his charm. The girl didn’t have the brain God gave her. Which was of course incorrect. Amanda was one of the most intelligent people she knew. But if she couldn’t see Bradford’s faults then it only went to prove his duplicity.

  Lord Bradford smiled at Olivia hesitantly, A smile that didn’t reach all the way to his eyes. He wasn’t really nervous, just more warry, she realized. The two of them had sparred many times over the years and he had learned to keep his guard up.

  Before she could say anything, he turned to Amanda and smiled. A smile warmer than the one he had given her, she noticed.

  “Would you care to dance, Miss Amanda?” he asked her friend.

  Amanda blushed, then shot Olivia a quick look. As if to ask permission. Olivia shrugged her shoulders. Her friend could dance with whomever she wished. Olivia wasn’t in charge of Lord Bradford. If s
he had been, the man would be sitting in a stable talking to his dog. As far from this party as it was possible to be.

  As she watched Amanda take his hand and let the Earl guide her out onto the floor, Olivia quickly shifted to scan the crowd. Desperate to find anyone suitable she could dance with.

  It was at that moment when she was rescued by Lord Hartfield. A small burst of pleasure passed over her as she watched him weave his way through the crowd to reach her. A quick easy smile dancing behind his eyes. The young Lord looked as if he didn’t have a care in the world. As if God’s creation and all its people had been put here just for him.

  Bradford would never look like that, she realized. He worried too much about things to ever be that carefree.

  Granted, young Hartfield wasn’t as tall, nor as well formed as Lord Bradford. And of course, not as rich, few men in England were. But he had other extremely redeeming qualities, her brother didn’t like him. And he wasn’t the Earl of Bradford. In Olivia’s eyes, that made the man almost perfect.

  “Miss Olivia,” he said as he bent over her hand, “you look as lovely as ever tonight.”

  She curtsied and smiled up at him. “I kept my card open in the hope that you would arrive in time, Lord Hartfield.”

  He smiled then turned to scan the room. “Your brother is not here tonight?”

  Olivia said, “No,” as she caught sight of Amanda and Bradford pairing off in the line. “No, not tonight.”

  Hartfield frowned slightly. “A shame, I had hoped to talk to him. I do feel it is time I approached him and discussed certain matters.

  Olivia’s heart fell. The man was going to propose and wanted Nathanial’s permission first. He hadn’t even given her the courtesy of discussing it with her first. No, he had just assumed she would be overjoyed at the opportunity.

  Any other woman would have been thrilled. The man was handsome, a British Lord, from a long, distinguished family. So why was she not enamored with the idea.

  It was because of his lack of wealth, she realized. Not that he was poor by any means. And not that great wealth was important to her. No, what bothered her deep in her soul was the fact that she knew his interest in her was driven by Nathanial’s money.

  It was so obvious. The man had a small holding in York. It provided enough, but not a lot. He would expect Nathanial to provide for him. She could even imagine him using her dowry to enhance his holdings. Money that should normally be put aside for her in case anything happened to him. But no, he would spend it, all the while justifying that she could always rely on Nathan if the need arose.

  Everything became clear to her at that moment. Lord Hartfield was so typical of his class. Handsome, a fine conversationalist. Even kind in his own way. But at his core, he viewed marriage as an opportunity to increase his wealth. Nothing more.

  A sadness washed over her as the music started. Would it always be this way? Men only interested in her for her brother’s treasure?

  Sighing, she allowed him to lead her to the dance floor where the two of them slipped into the line, joining the others.

  Perhaps Lord Hartfield was not as perfect as she had hoped.

  Chapter Two

  Olivia curtsied and said her goodbyes to Her Grace, Lady Cheshire. Thanking her once again for the invitation. Lady Cheshire smiled back with a hint of condescension that meant she was proud of herself for inviting commoners like Olivia and Amanda.

  Of course, the truth was that His Grace, Lord Cheshire, owed Nathanial, a great deal of money. Of course, they had been invited

  Olivia and Amanda stepped through the front door with Lord Bradford close behind. Raising his hand, he signaled Nathanial’s coach.

  “Thank you again for the dance,” Amanda said to Lord Bradford.

  “Of course, Miss Amanda,” he replied, “it made the evening most enjoyable.”

  Olivia turned so that she didn’t have to acknowledge the fact that he had not asked her to dance. Instead, she watched their carriage arrive. John the coachman was dressed in the red and gold livery of course. Jocko, who sat up on the box next to the driver was not. He wore his normal sailor clothes with a thick wool jacket. The same type of clothes the Breton had worn her entire life.

  The fact that he refused to change or adjust to anyone’s expectations was one of the many reasons she loved him.

  Jocko shot her a quick smile, then nodded to Lord Bradford. Olivia twisted in time to see Lord Bradford nod back and give Jocko a knowing look. A hidden message had been sent, Olivia realized. A secret male message that was just between them.

  Either she was too young or too female to be allowed to know what was going on.

  Her anger flared inside her. She and Amanda were being passed along like a sack of mail. Jocko had just officially relieved Lord Bradford of all responsibility for their care.

  What was going on? she wondered as she shifted her attention back and forth between them. Why all the worry about their safety? Suddenly, several other memories fell into place.

  Lord Warwick canceling a trip to the park with them. Forcing them to remain at home on a beautiful afternoon. She had also noticed that there were additional footmen and gardeners at the London house. And most of all. Lord Bradford had stood within close distance to them all night. Normally, he watched them from across the room. But tonight, he had been close. As if needing to be in position to stop an attack.

  Forcing herself to not stomp her foot, she glared at Lord Bradford. He raised an eyebrow in return as if he was trying to tempt her into saying something she would regret.

  “What is going on?” Olivia demanded of Lord Bradford. “And don’t tell me nothing or I will become very unpleasant.”

  He stared back at her, his brow narrowing as he said, “And that would be different how?”

  She continued to stare at him as she put her hands on her hips and silently let him know just how miserable she could make his world. She held his look, daring him to ignore her.

  Amanda stood there to the side. A small smile on her face. She had always loved refereeing their arguments. Sometimes, Olivia thought Amanda secretly wanted Lord Bradford to win.

  The Earl gave Jocko a quick look. The man gave a Gallic shrug in return. This was between Lord Bradford and Miss Olivia. No way was he getting involved.

  Lord Bradford’s shoulders slumped in defeat as he waved for his own carriage to follow. Indicating that he would ride with the two young ladies. Dipping his head, he pointed to the inside of the coach, and said, “Get in, I will explain on the way home.”

  Olivia studied him for a moment, making sure it was not some kind of trick then allowed Henderson, the footman, to help her up into the carriage.

  Only after Amanda and herself had arranged their dresses out of the way did Lord Bradford slip into the seat across from them and tap the top of the carriage to let the driver know they were ready.

  The coach rocked as the horse began to pull away from Lord Cheshire’s house.

  “So?” Olivia asked.

  Lord Bradford sighed heavily, obviously unhappy about having to explain himself. Olivia didn’t care whether he was happy about it or not. He was going to explain.

  “It might be nothing. In fact, it is probably nothing. We are almost positive it is nothing,” he said.

  Olivia rolled her eyes and said, “If it was nothing then neither you or Jocko would be acting like the King’s guard. And who is this ‘We’ you mentioned?”

  “Warwick and myself,” he answered as he pulled the curtain back to examine the street. “One of Lord Warwick’s contacts heard a rumor. Someone was or is attempting to hire someone to kidnap a young woman.”

  “And?” Olivia demanded.

  “And, that is all.”

  Amanda leaned forward with a deep frown. “Lord Warwick knows people who would do such a thing?”

  Lord Bradford ignored her as he continued to stare at Olivia.

  Olivia returned his steady glare. “There are a thousand young women who might be kidnap
ped. In fact, I believe any young woman might be kidnapped. Why me? Why now?”

  Bradford dipped his head in acknowledgment. “Again, one of the reasons the rumor probably does not apply to you. But, as Nathanial has such a deep purse. Of course, you become a possible target. That. And a feeling Lord Warwick had.”

  Olivia cringed as her stomach tightened into a ball, Lord Warwick had his hands touching a dozen different strings. Nathanial had once said, nothing important happened in England or France without Warwick knowing.

  Taking a deep breath, Olivia leaned back in her seat. “Have you sent word to Nathanial?”

  Bradford swallowed and shook his head. “Not yet. There is so little information and we didn’t want to tear him away when Lady Alice is so close to delivery.”

  “Good,” Olivia said, pleased that they had at least made one correct decision. Alice was at least a month away. But Lord Bradford had been correct. There was not enough to worry Nathanial over.

  Still, that did not make things completely right. “But it is not acceptable that I am kept in the dark.”

  Bradford leaned forward, his eyes narrowing to stare at her. “Do not forget, Miss Olivia, I am not one of your servants to be ordered about. Nathanial asked me to keep an eye on you. For some reason, your brother cares about your wellbeing. He would kill me if anything happened to you.”

  Olivia studied him for a long moment and realized that in Lord Bradford’s view, this was a mistake on her brother’s part. If he had his way, she would be left to fend for herself. The anger inside of her continued to build. Others were in control of her life. To make it worse, these people included Lord Bradford. The thought that she was indebted to him only fueled the fire growing inside of her.

  “Really, Lord Bradford, I must be informed of these things. I am not a child."

  The man across from her opened his mouth to respond, and she knew he was going to tell her to stop acting like a child and he’d stop treating her as one. But he closed his mouth and turned to look out the window, ignoring her, neither agreeing that she should be informed or disputing her claim to not being a child.


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