by Tim Clayton
4 Glover, Waterloo Archive, III, 222.
5 Burney, Diary and Letters, VI, 240.
6 Blackadder in Glover, Waterloo Archive, IV, 239.
7 Hennen, Principles of Military Surgery, 236n.
8 Larrey, Memoir, 229–32.
9 Bell, Letters, 227; Blackadder in Glover, Waterloo Archive, IV, 239–40. The case is also described in Hennen, Principles of Military Surgery, 289–92.
10 Hennen, Principles of Military Surgery, 236–7 n.
11 Crumplin, Guthrie’s War. Cp Gibney, Eighty Years Ago, 209.
Epilogue: The Hardest Battle that Ever Was Fought
1 Gibney, Eighty Years Ago, 223–4.
2 Hibbert, letter of 26 July to his father in, CARDG:1985.1199.
3 Wheeler, Letters, 176–7.
4 Wheeler, Letters, 177.
5 James Hamilton in NAM 2002-02-1352.
6 William Nicolay in NAM 1989-03-48.
7 Morris, Memoir, 93–4, 97.
8 Fremantle, Wellington’s Voice, 215.
9 Smith, Autobiography, 276.
10 Finlayson in Glover, Waterloo Archive, III, 216; Arthur Shakespeare, letter of 23 June 1815 in NAM 1977-06-17; Tennant in Glover, Waterloo Archive, III, 94.
11 Lean, Napoleonists, 106–11; Duncan Wu, William Hazlitt, the first modern man, Oxford: OUP, 2008, 180; cp. Ian Bruce, Lavallette Bruce, London: Hamish Hamilton, 1953, 117–19 and 124–5.
12 Logie, Waterloo, 186.
13 Newman Smith, Flying Sketches, 34–6.
14 Glover, Waterloo Archive, III, 15–16.
15 Waldie, Residence in Belgium, 256. This was 15 July.
16 Waldie, Residence in Belgium, 270–1.
17 Waldie, Residence in Belgium, 296–7.
18 Simon Bainbridge, Napoleon and English Romanticism, Cambridge: CUP, 1995, 153.
19 Journal of a Tour to the Netherlands, quoted in Bainbridge, Napoleon and English Romanticism, 156; Scott, Paris Revisited, 39–40.
20 Byron’s Letters and Journals, V, 76.
21 Gore, Historical Account, 89. This is a different Arthur Gore from the lieutenant of the 33rd, killed at Quatre Bras.
22 See Ian Bruce, Lavallette Bruce, London: Hamish Hamilton, 1953, 144–245. Bruce obtained the aid of Sir Robert Wilson and Captain John Hely-Hutchinson and they got Lavallette out of Paris disguised as an English officer.
23 Wood family documents, East Sussex Record Office AMS 6297. Wood, a fluent French speaker, made a fortune in the service of Sir Charles Stuart, but it is more likely that his wealth derived from smuggling items across the Channel in the diplomatic bag, for which he became notorious, than delivering a bribe to Grouchy.
24 BM 1989,1104.38 by Louis Charon, announced in the Bibliographie de France on 2 September 1815.
25 Heuillet in d’Avout, ‘Documents’, 121–2.
26 Houssaye, 1815: Waterloo, 418.
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