Words Well Put

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Words Well Put Page 15

by Graham Sanders
















  Prince You’s “Captivity Song” seems to be a true outburst song,

  performed on the verge of death and in isolation, without any ex-

  pectation of an audience, save for that of “gray heaven.” And yet the

  words of the song somehow managed to be preserved in the Han

  History. This passage more than any other strains the claim of veracity implied in official histories. Prince You was kept under close

  guard and forbidden any visitors; so there should not have been

  anyone present to hear this song. Certainly no one in the Lü faction

  would want to see this song preserved or transmitted, so how did it


  26. I have followed Yang Shuda ( juan 2, p. 303), who suspects kuai 快 to be a scribal error for jue 絕, which is the variant found in Shi ji.

  27. Ban, Han shu, juan 38, p. 1989.

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  Baring the Soul

  end up here? The song itself provides an answer. While it may be

  read as an expression of the prince’s immediate feelings, it can also be read as a bald piece of propaganda directed against the Lü clan.

  History—written and transmitted by men loyal to the Liu clan—was

  not kind to Empress Lü, who is invariably portrayed as a grasping,

  unprincipled woman rising above her station by ruthlessly usurping

  power from young, weak emperors. The historian cannot deny the

  basic facts: Empress Lü did manage to wrest power away from weak

  Liu princes and rule in their stead. The “good guys” lost in the world

  of cold, hard externals. The only recourse the historian has to recu-

  perate the reputation of the losers is to make them victors in the

  more pliable (and enduring) world of the represented interior. The

  text of a song may be preserved and transmitted in the crucible of

  historical narrative, persisting for centuries after the disintegration

  of Empress Lü’s bones. She may have briefly enjoyed her absolute

  power, but song gives her victims the last word. Thus, the per-

  formance of an outburst song acts as a release valve for two parties:

  the frustrated historical figure who needs to get something off of his

  or her chest at the time, and the frustrated historian who may not

  rewrite the main plot of his narrative, but who may use songs to

  show the “goodness” of his characters even if they were powerless to

  act on their intentions. The historian takes the place of the “gray

  heaven” upon whom Prince You called, endowing the memories of

  those who have been wronged with a measure of justice and revenge.

  Empress Lü, as the Han History tells it, was unrelenting in her

  persecution of the Liu princes. Prince You’s successor in Zhao,

  Prince Hui 恢, was the next in line to suffer at her hands, in 181


  When the “Captive” Prince of Zhao died, Empress Lü transferred Prince

  Hui to rule over the kingdom of Zhao and he grew despondent in his heart.

  The empress dowager sent a daughter of Lü Chan to be his wife. 28 All of her attendant officials were also members of the Lü clan; they appropriated power within the palace and spied on the prince until he no longer had a life of his own. The prince had a concubine whom he doted upon, but his


  28. Lü Chan 呂產, a relative of Empress Lü, was enfeoffed as the Prince of Liang and served as prime minister.

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  Baring the Soul


  wife sent someone to assassinate her with poison. The prince then com-

  posed four stanzas of song verse and bid the musicians sing them. He was grieved with longing and took his own life in the sixth month [of 181 b.c.e.].

  When the Empress Dowager heard of this, she disposed of his heirs, be-

  cause the prince had killed himself on account of this woman without re-

  gard for the proper rites of the royal ancestral shrine. 29





  This passage is notable for its depiction of song composition prior to

  performance. In every other case of an outburst song, the compo-

  sition or production of the song is portrayed as simultaneous with

  its initial performance, even if that performance has a contrived

  quality to it. Here, the narrator explicitly states, “The prince then

  composed four stanzas of song verse and bid the musicians sing

  them.” An interval between composition and performance has been

  introduced, and one might suspect that the song verses were first

  written down by the prince, then forwarded to the court musicians to be set to music and performed. 30 The lack of an initial composition/performance outburst may help to explain why the narrator

  does not choose to quote the text of the song at the time of its

  composition. Prince Hui seems to be imitating the example of Liu

  Bang and “The Great Wind” in casting himself as the audience for

  his own song. The sequence of events in the narrative suggests that

  listening to the song contributed to the prince’s grief and eventual

  suicide, through a sort of “feedback loop” in which both the sym-

  pathetic audience and the creative source of the expressed sorrow

  were one and the same person.

  The disjunction introduced here between composition and per-

  formance is significant. Liu Bang may have opened the door with


  29. Ban, Han shu, j. 38, p. 1990.

  30. A similar case is found in the famous “Biography of Lady Li” 李夫人傳, in which Emperor Wu 武帝 is so moved by a ghostly vision of his deceased lover that he pens a poem about her, then bids the court musicians to set it to music (Ban, Han shu, j. 67a, p. 3952).

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  Baring the Soul

  “The Great Wind,” but his composition of the song is still depicted

  as being simultaneous with its initial performance; only after his own performance does he bid the choir sing it back to him. In this

  passage, P
rince Hui seems to compose his song specifically for an

  initial performance by others at a later time. There are really two

  types of disjunction at play here, both of which violate the canonical

  unities of an outburst song: the first separates the time of composi-

  tion from the time of performance, the second divides the person

  who produces the song from the person who performs it. These

  discrepancies in time and person open up intervals that accommo-

  date the possibility of strategy in performance, although Prince Hui

  does not seem interested in exploiting them, preferring to wallow in

  self-pity instead.

  There is one unity left to be violated in the canonical model, and

  that is the unity of voice, which holds that the voice that speaks in a

  song is the voice of the person who produced that song. If one were

  to compose a song to express the sorrow of another person and then

  have that very person perform the song, a bizarre ventriloquism

  would violate all three unities of the canonical model. The Han

  History contains just such a bizarre case: the story, set in 144 b.c.e., of Prince Qu 去王 of Guangchuan, his jealous wife Zhaoxin 昭信, and

  his unfortunate concubines:

  Later, Prince Qu established Zhaoxin as his principal wife and appointed his favored concubine, Tao Wangqing, as Lady Xiumi in charge of textiles, and appointed his favored concubine, Cui Xiucheng, as Lady Mingzhen in

  charge of the palace discipline service. Zhaoxin repeatedly slandered

  Wangqing, saying, “She is very discourteous to me, her clothes are always flashier than mine, and she hoards all of the best silks to make the palace women beg for them.” Qu replied, “You may malign Wangqing repeatedly, but you cannot diminish my love for her. Now, if I were to hear that she had been wanton, then I would boil her alive.”

  After that Zhaoxin told Qu, “Earlier, when the painters were painting

  Wangqing’s quarters, she bared her back and shoulders and powdered her-

  self right beside them. She also went in and out of the south gate several times to sneak glances at the attendants and clerks, and I suspect there may have been some illicit affairs.” Qu replied, “Keep a close eye on her.” Because of this, he grew to love Wangqing less and less.

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  Baring the Soul


  Later, when he was drinking with Zhaoxin and the others, and all the

  concubines were in attendance, he composed a song for Wangqing:

  You have turned your back on your parents-in-law,

  have been careless in your wantonness.

  You have plotted perversities,

  given rise to your own end.

  You have gadded about,

  produced your own woes.

  There is no hope for trust,

  now, who shall you blame?

  He had his beauties sing it in concert. Qu said: “One of you should rec-

  ognize yourself in this.”

  Zhaoxin knew that Qu was already angry and accused Wangqing of

  repeatedly pointing out the sleeping quarters of the attendants and clerks and knowing all those in charge. She also said that one attendant had ordered a brocade quilt from Wangqing and that she suspected there had been an illicit affair. Qu then went with Zhaoxin and the other concubines to Wangqing’s rooms, where they stripped her naked and took turns beating

  her. Then he ordered the concubines to each take a branding iron and

  brand Wangqing together. Wangqing ran away and threw herself into a

  well where she died. Zhaoxin took her body out, pounded a wooden stake

  into her vagina, sliced off her nose and lips, and cut out her tongue. Then she told Qu, “Earlier, when I killed Zhaoping, 31 she came back to haunt me, so now I want to pulverize Wangqing, making it impossible for her to turn into a spirit.” She and Qu dismembered the body, placed it in a huge cauldron, stewed it with peach lime and poison, and called all the concubines to watch over it day and night until it had completely dissolved.

  They also killed Wangqing’s younger sister, Du.

  Afterwards, Qu called for concubine Rong Ai several times and drank

  with her, so Zhaoxin slandered her, saying: “Concubine Rong looks smug

  and has a base manner; I suspect she may be having a secret affair.” Qu took a shirt, the collar of which Ai had been embroidering at the time, and

  burned it. Ai was terrified and threw herself into a well. When they pulled her out she was still alive, so they whipped her and interrogated her until she admitted falsely that she had had an illicit affair with the physician. Qu bound her up and tied her to a pillar, burned her eyes out with a hot knife,


  31. Zhaoping was another one of Zhaoxin’s unfortunate victims, who appeared to Zhaoxin in her dreams after she had been murdered.

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  Baring the Soul

  cut her legs off at the thigh while she was still alive, and poured molten lead into her mouth. Ai died and they dismembered her, burying her under a

  pile of thorny brambles. Of all the concubines who were in Qu’s favor,

  Zhaoxin managed to kill every one of them with her slander. A total of

  fourteen people were buried under Longevity Palace, the dwelling of the

  prince’s mother. The palace women dreaded Zhaoxin and none dared to

  cross her.

  Zhaoxin wanted to monopolize favor for herself, and said: “Your maj-

  esty put Lady Mingzhen in charge of the concubines, but she was unable to check the unruly lewdness. I ask that you lock up the doors to all the

  concubines’ quarters and not let them out to take their leisure.” She made her senior maidservant the acting supervisor in charge of the palace discipline service, who then locked up all their quarters and gave the key to Zhaoxin. Except for when they were summoned to large banquets, the

  concubines were not to be seen. Qu pitied them and composed a song

  which said,

  No sorrow is more sorrowful,

  than to live in such despair.

  My heart is in knots,

  my feelings strangled.

  Inside I am choking,

  my grief and sadness pile up.

  I cannot see the sky above,

  what good is living anymore?

  The day is lost,

  the time will not come again.

  I long to cast off my body,

  and to die without regret.

  He ordered Zhaoxin to sound the drums for the rhythm and instructed all

  of the concubines in singing it. When the song was over, each one of them returned forthwith to the long halls and sealed their doors. Only Zhaoxin’s niece, Chu, Lady Chenghua, was permitted an audience day or night.

  Zhaoxin gave over ten slaves to Qu to accompany him in playing games,

  drinking, and relaxing. 32





  32. Ban, Han shu, juan 53, pp. 2429–31.

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  Baring the Soul









































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  Baring the Soul

  Zhaoxin seems to have taken a page from Empress Lü’s book in her


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