Castle Investigations Box Set

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Castle Investigations Box Set Page 93

by Dee Bridgnorth

  "I might just do that," James said, puffing out his chest just a bit.

  He sighed heavily. "I gotta put you back in there, even though I don't want to."

  "That's ok," Ella said, and stood back while he unlocked the door. When it swung open, he turned to her, and she grabbed him by the ears and pressed her lips to his. His mouth opened into an O, and when she opened her eyes to peek, his eyes were wide. By the way he kissed, he hadn't had a lot of practice.

  "Relax, James," she whispered. "Close your eyes."

  James relaxed into the kiss and closed his eyes. Ella kept hers open, watching as Zach crept toward the door and out to the front desk, where they'd seen the other cop store their possessions. Ella kept kissing James, whose hands, tentative at first, had found their way to her ass.

  Ella rolled her eyes. Just like a man.

  When Zach held up the envelope, Ella backed James up until he was standing just inside the cell door. She moved her hand down his chest, and then around to his backside and squeezed. He groaned, and Ella used the distraction to back him up even more and slam the door shut. Since James had left the keys in the lock, she quickly locked the cell door and met James’s terrified gaze.

  "I'm sorry, James. You're a good kid. I hope you don't get into too much trouble."

  James's mouth hung open in surprise. "Did you plan that?"

  Ella just nodded. "I told you, we're innocent. But no one in this town is going to give us time to prove it. My mother's life is in danger. I didn't have another choice.”

  James dropped his head into his hands. "Sarge is gonna kill me."

  "Tell him whatever story you need to in order to stay out of trouble. And don't forget to look into that guy at Knocker's Place. I wasn't lying about that."

  James smiled sadly. "Thanks. It was worth it," he said softly.

  "What was?"

  "Getting to kiss you. Highlight of my life."

  Ella smiled and crooked her finger at him. James put his face to the bars, and she pressed her lips gently to his. "Take care, James."

  "You too, Quita."

  Zach was motioning for her to hurry up, so she rushed over as quickly as she could in her bare feet. They'd taken her shoes, saying the stiletto heels could be used as a weapon. Idiots.

  Looping his arm around her, Zach pulled her tightly to his side as they rushed out the doors to the parking lot.

  "How are we going to get to our car?" she asked.

  "Walking. It's only a couple of miles in the other direction."

  "My feet are bare."

  "Here, get on my back."

  "I can't do that!"

  "Sure you can. Chandler carried Monica for several blocks on the show Friends, and he was a weakling. Plus, you weigh about as much as my pack did in the Army. I'm used to it."

  Ella laughed. "You watch Friends?"

  "I've seen a few episodes."

  "Ok, fine. But if I get too heavy, just let me know, and I'll walk."

  "You're not walking. Hop on."

  Ella hopped up on his back, aware that her ass was now literally hanging out of the skirt that she'd put on for the performance.

  Zach carried her the couple of miles back to the bar. When they were several hundred feet away, they took cover in the trees that lined the road. Trucks were coming and going from the bar, and they didn't want to be seen.

  "Stay here," Zach said, putting her down.


  He rolled his eyes. "So I can get to the car undetected. I hate to break it to you, sweetheart, but you stand out like a sore thumb right now."

  "Oh, I guess I do."

  "Plus if I need to run, you'll be a sitting duck. I'll get the car and come get you."

  Ella nodded as Zach took off at a jog towards Knocker's Place. She prayed that he wouldn't be noticed by any of the patrons.

  Slinking back into the trees, far enough away that she couldn't be seen from the road, but close enough that she could hear when Zach pulled up, Ella paced back and forth. After suffering a few well-placed pokes and scratches, she finally sat down on some grass, a few feet from the tree line. At least she wouldn't cut her feet open, but she sure hoped she wasn't sitting in an ant bed.

  A few minutes later, she heard the rumble of a car engine. It stopped right where Zach had dropped her off. She heard the car door open and then close.

  "Zach?" she hissed quietly.

  There was no answer.

  "Zach, is that you?" she asked again.

  No answer.

  Fear crawled over her skin, goose bumps popping out all over. Had the police caught up with them somehow and arrested Zach? Had someone seen him drop her off there?

  Frantically, she searched around for a stick or something to defend herself with. Her hand landed on a large, thick piece of wood, and she grabbed it as she slowly got to her feet. Holding the wood like a baseball bat, Ella waited as she heard footsteps tramping through the brush.

  Her breathing came in fast, furious bursts. As the man approached—the footsteps were much too heavy to be a woman—Ella prepared herself to swing. Just as a dark figure emerged from the tree line, Ella swung the wood with all her might, and connected with a sickening thud.

  Chapter 20

  "What the hell, Ella?" Zach cried, his hand stinging from where he'd caught the massive stick she'd swung at his head.

  "Oh my gosh. Did I hurt you?" Ella fussed over him, checking for where she'd hit him.

  "No, I caught it. Thank God."

  Relief flooded her face, then she started smacking his chest with her hands.

  "Why the hell did you scare me like that?"

  "Scare you? Who did you think it was? I looked around for you and thought someone had kidnapped you or something. Why are you all the way out here?"

  "I ducked into the trees to get away from the road. But then the sticks and rocks were hurting my feet. I saw this patch of grass and decided to take a seat and wait for you." She looked around as if seeing the place for the first time. "I guess it is a little farther down the bank than I thought."

  "Let's go. I left the car running. I wasn't expecting to take a hike and get a log to the head tonight."

  "I thought you said I didn't hit you," she said worriedly.

  "You didn't. Come on."

  Zach scooped her up into his arms. Ella yelped, a look of surprise on her face. "What—"

  "No shoes. I don't want you cutting your feet open out here. It's not that far."

  Zach trudged back up the hill to the street, his arms full of Ella Flores. She was beautiful in the moonlight, the silver light caressing the freckles on her face.

  He wanted to kiss her. And throttle her. All at the same time. When she'd kissed that pimply-faced boy earlier, he'd just about come undone. He knew that they hadn't had many options, but the jealousy he felt watching her kiss another guy just about undid him.

  It was at that moment he knew. He could never let her go. She'd become important to him. He wanted her by his side. For always.

  And that scared the hell out of him. He was so messed up in the head. He still harbored guilt and shame over Jake's death. But he was willing to do his best to overcome it in order to be with her. In order to help her, he had to help himself. And that meant dealing with his shit.

  Zach sat Ella in the car and closed her door, walking around to the driver's side. He took off down the road towards their hotel. They wouldn't be able to stay there tonight. The police would come looking for them. They'd have to drive through the night until they came to another town to stay in. But it needed to be far away from this godforsaken place.

  When they reached the hotel room, Zach jumped out of the car. When Ella rounded he car to the front, he took her hand, and they rushed inside.

  "Change your clothes and get your things. We need to be out of here in ten minutes. Can you do that?"

  Ella looked longingly at the shower. He knew she wanted to wash off the night. There was something ceremonial about it. But they didn't have time
for that.

  She nodded. "I'll be ready."

  Ella scooped up her clothes and disappeared into the bathroom while Zach packed their things. She emerged a few minutes later with her hair up in a messy bun and her makeup washed off her face, dressed in sweatpants and an oversized sweatshirt.

  Damn, but she was gorgeous.

  What he wouldn't give to be able to savor her. Kiss her slowly. Watch the slight flush creep up her neck, turning it a delectable shade of pink. Abruptly, he shook off the thoughts. Later. They had to get out of there immediately.

  "I packed your things."

  "Did you check under the bed?" Ella asked, as she bent over to check under the beds.

  "Why would I check under the beds?"

  "Because things can get kicked under there. My mother always made me check." She shrugged and checked the other bed. "All clear," she said, beaming at him. The smile was like a kick to his gut.

  "Let's go, then."

  Zach held up his hand, taking the gun from his waistband. He was so glad the officer had been negligent and had kept his gun with his other belongings. He was sure they hadn't even run the permit yet. He'd have Sully clear everything up tomorrow. Peeking around the door, he checked to make sure that no one was lurking about. When he felt it was all clear, he stepped out into the night, pulling Ella along with him.

  Throwing their things in the back seat, they slipped into the car and took off towards the Texas border.

  * * * *

  The sun rose as they rolled into view of Roswell, New Mexico. They'd veered off the path of 40 west in case the cops were looking for them, although they'd be hard pressed to figure out which way they were going. Still, Zach had decided, in the wee hours of the morning, to veer off the path a bit. His GPS was saying that there was only a five-minute difference, and that five minutes might just save their hides.

  There was the added bonus that he had a friend here in Roswell who had agreed to take them in for the night. It would be a safe, clean place to stay, without constantly having to look over their shoulders. He'd texted Marcus Jackson this morning before the sun came up, knowing the man would be awake. Sure enough, within seconds, Marcus had responded and told him to come on over.

  The sun cast a warm pink glow across the landscape. Zach looked over at Ella, who was curled up on her side asleep, the sun brushing her skin with its rays. She took his breath away.

  He glanced down at his GPS to see where the next turn was. Marcus lived just outside of Roswell, in a tidy, middle-class neighborhood, with his wife and daughter. The houses were cookie-cutter, all looking similar in style and color. It was the kind of place where kids could run free and play in the streets.

  Zach turned down Fairy Lane, noting that even the street names were happy and pleasant here. Ella stretched, yawning, as she took in their surroundings.

  "Where are we?" she asked, curling her legs up underneath her.

  "We're going to spend the night at my friend Marcus's house."

  "Oh. But like, where are we?" She grinned at him, and he realized that she'd been asleep the whole night and had no clue what state they were in, or where they were on the map.

  "Roswell, New Mexico."

  "How far is that from Phoenix?"

  "A little under nine hours. We can head out around five a.m. and still get there in time to set up, check on your mother, and get back for the exchange."

  Ella nodded. "Sounds good. Do we have a plan yet?"

  "I've been thinking through some options. Let's get to Marcus and Vivienne's house and get some rest, and we can chat about it over lunch."

  "As long as there's a soft bed available, I’m game for anything."

  Zach parked on the street, and he and Ella walked up the driveway. Before he could ring the bell, the door swung open. A woman stood there with long brown hair and the biggest blue eyes Zach had ever seen.

  "Baby's sleepin'," she said in her Southern accent. Then she reached up on her tiptoes and wrapped her arms around Zach's neck. "Good Lord, it's good to see you, Zach." She pulled him inside and hung on for dear life.

  Vivienne Jackson was a tiny little woman who barely hit the five-foot mark. She might be short in stature, but her attitude was ten feet tall and bulletproof.

  Marcus Jackson was her exact opposite. He ambled towards them, with a height and width few could rival. Marcus stood at around six and a half feet tall. Where Vivienne was light, Marcus was all dark. His shiny black bald head reflected the light of the hallway, and his wide smile threw Zach back several years to their time in the service together.

  Vivienne released him just as Marcus reached them. He stuck his hand out for a shake and then pulled him close for a hug. They did the whole man-hugging, back-slapping thing for a few seconds, and then Zach pulled back and motioned to Ella.

  "This is—" He stopped and raised an eyebrow. He wasn't sure which name she'd want to go by, which probably made him look like an ass.

  "Ella," she supplied, and gave Marcus a big smile.

  Marcus gave him a funny look, but Zach waved him off. "Yes, I know her name. Long story. Thanks for letting us crash with you guys for a few hours."

  "You know you're always welcome, man," Marcus said with a slap on the back.

  "We wish you'd come around here more often," Vivienne said. "I'm making pancakes, bacon, and eggs. That ok with ya'll?"

  "Absolutely," Ella said. "What can I help with?"

  "Not a thing. Why don't you get settled in your room while the guys bring the bags in? I only have the one room and bed. Is that a problem?"

  "Oh, um, no. I mean, it's fine. We can share," Ella stammered. Zach followed behind to see where the room was before he went out for the bags.

  Vivienne's face lit up. "Great. I'll show ya'll to your room. The little monster should be up soon, but I'll try to keep her quiet while ya'll rest."

  "How old is she?" Ella asked.

  "She's three. And we just found out she's going to be a big sister."

  "Congratulations, Viv," Zach said, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and squeezing her.

  "That's amazing. How far along are you?" Ella asked.

  "Almost twelve weeks. Glad to be approaching an end to the morning sickness."

  Something flickered in Ella's eyes, but it was gone just as quickly as it had come. Zach wondered what that emotion was. Grief? Longing? Hope? It was hard to say.

  Zach followed the women into a stunning guest room. In the middle stood an antique white iron bed with a fluffy white comforter and a mountain of pillows. The walls were painted a soft aqua blue, and fresh flowers filled a vase by the bed.

  "This is beautiful," Ella said reverently.

  "Thank you. Our families live far away, so we wanted to have a comfortable space for them when they come visit."

  "It's perfect, Viv. Thanks for letting us stay for a few hours. I can't thank you enough," Zach said.

  "It's our pleasure. Take your time. Stay a few days. Lots to do in Roswell." She winked and left them in the room alone.

  Ella was standing by the window, taking in the peaceful décor. Zach stood with his hands in his pockets, feeling awkward.

  "I guess I'll go"—he motioned towards the door—"to get the bags."

  "Yeah, good. Thanks. I'm going to freshen up in the bathroom real quick."

  Zach left the room and stopped just in the hallway. Ella ran right into his back. "Oomph!"

  With a grin on his face, Zach turned to find her still very close. She raised her eyes to look at him, and his gaze traveled down to her lips. When she'd kissed that kid last night, it had taken all of Zach's self-control not to pound his face in. He wanted to erase her memory of that guy, even though he was sure she'd only done what she'd done in order to get them out of their situation. He never wanted any man's lips to touch hers except his.

  Zach lowered his head and placed a gentle kiss on her lips. Ella sighed, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him closer. Zach's arms went around her as he held her
tightly against him, his mouth working over hers, his tongue separating her lips and finding the sweet nectar of her mouth.

  Forgetting where he was and what he was supposed to be doing, he pushed her up against the wall, his hands roving over her body. His tongue raked against hers, sending shivers down his spine. She was just as hungry for him as he was for her. The heat between them was burning him from the inside out.

  A whimper escaped Ella's throat, and Zach took that as an invitation to deepen the kiss. His hands reached her waist, and he lifted her shirt just a little, to caress the skin he'd gotten a glimpse of when she’d raised her arms.

  "Zach," she whispered.

  Zach reached for the door handle, not taking his mouth from hers, when a throat clearing penetrated his Ella-fogged mind. Zach reluctantly stopped kissing her and pulled her shirt back into place. Turning his head, he saw Marcus there, bags in hand, with a huge grin on his face.

  "Sorry to interrupt, but I thought you guys might like these," he said, holding up their bags, his smile saying that he wasn't at all sorry for the interruption.

  "Thanks. Just leave them there, and I'll take them in."

  "Nonsense. I'll put them in your room," Marcus said, his toothy grin getting toothier by the minute.

  Zach couldn't help but laugh. "Fine," he said, and stepped away from Ella to give Marcus room to pass into their room.

  "I'm just going to—" Ella motioned towards the door across the hall. "That's the bathroom?"

  "Yep. Sure is. Breakfast should be ready in about ten minutes."

  Ella disappeared behind the bathroom door, and Zach followed Marcus into the kitchen after he’d put their bags down in their room.

  "So, what's the story with her?" Marcus asked as he poured two cups of coffee. Zach took the one he offered and sipped the steaming hot liquid. Hot and strong. Just the way he liked it.

  "What story?"

  "You paused before telling us her name. Almost like you didn't know it."

  "No, I knew it. It's just that she hasn't been able to use her real name for years. I didn't want to be the one to introduce her as such for the first time. I wanted it to be her choice."


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