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Beautiful Will Do

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by Cadence Vonn

  Beautiful Will Do

  A Darkest Desires Novella

  Cadence Vonn

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2019 by Cadence Vonn

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without written permission of the copyright owner except for the use of quotations in a book review. For more information, address:

  Cover design by Ashley Byland of Redbird Designs

  Editing by Lori Whitwam

  For Rick

  All my love to a wonderful, husband, soulmate, and inspiration!

  Praise for Books by Cadence Vonn


  “It all starts with a game! The book kept me on my toes. With every page I fell for the characters...

  “The climax was action filled, and if there was any anger around, the climax fixed that. Got to tell you, I am going to have a book hangover over this one.” ~Five Stars, Long and Short Reviews


  “…If you’re looking for a HOT erotic romance with characters which leap off the page and burrow their way into your heart, this is the book for you. I can’t wait to read more in this series. Highly recommend!” ~Five + Stars, N. N. Light’s Book Heaven

  Chapter One

  Veronica smoothed down her sleek red dress. The off-the-shoulder silhouette flattered her curves and accentuated her fit arms and calves. Christian Sontose designed one-of-a-kind dresses for the most discriminating taste and charged a large sum of money for the pleasure of wearing his creations. Her father spared no expense when it came to her. He wanted to see her married to a man he approved, and only the wealthiest businessmen in the country would do.

  She chuckled at the thought of his reaction if he discovered she wore the designer dress while pretending to be a hooker. An expensive hooker, but nonetheless a profession that would mortify him down to his hundred-dollar socks. Being an undercover cop wouldn’t be his first choice for her job either, but what he didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him, and hopefully not her.

  She took a deep breath and pressed the buzzer next to the imposing carved doors of The Wharf Club. A large brick structure tucked away in the Back Bay of Boston, few knew what went on behind the closed doors. Only the obscenely rich frequented the club to have extramarital liaisons, cut under-the-table deals, or play out sexual fantasies in the dark corners of private rooms throughout the building. Even her father couldn’t finagle an invitation to join the exclusive club, and he was a multimillionaire.

  A tall, distinguished man in a tailcoat, crisp white shirt, and bow tie opened the door. The perfect crease in his trousers didn’t look like he ever sat. His eyebrow arched ever so slightly before he stepped aside and motioned for Veronica to enter. She gave him her best haughty smile, one she practiced when she had dinner with her father and mother at their country club. She entered the cavernous foyer and tossed her hair as if she commanded respect for her make-believe profession.

  Music drifted out through the wide archway from what must have been the bar area. Mostly men stood around talking and laughing. A few women were scattered among the crowd, but she doubted any of them were wives. She straightened her shoulders and nodded to the man waiting to show her in.

  “Madam, do you need introductions?”

  Apparently, the manager of the club informed the gatekeeper of her arrival, but hopefully not the purpose of her visit. The fewer people aware of her real reason to be here, the better. After all, the stodgy man staring at her with disdain might be a killer.

  “No, thank you. I’m expected.” She squared her shoulders and entered the adjoining room without further discussion. She moved toward the bar, her hips swaying as she wove her way through the crowded area. A few young men chuckled as she walked past their group. She stopped, turned, and licked her bottom lip before saying, “I’m way too much woman for any of you. I prefer a more seasoned lover.” She gave a dismissive shoulder nudge and continued across the room. Their laughter tickled her spine. She grinned at her own audacity.

  Her partner, Phillip Martin, better known throughout the precinct as Snake, waited for her on a leather-covered stool at the end of the long mahogany bar. He sipped a martini with two olives speared in the clear liquid. Veronica had learned a long time ago never to ask about nicknames, but from the crude jokes the precinct guys made about how well-endowed Phillip was, she could only surmise his nickname came from a certain part of his anatomy. She snorted at how many times he teased her, suggesting they have sex so he could show her just how he could please her. And now, here she was, planning to be his fake lover for the night.

  Their job entailed acting like a rich businessman and his escort, using the same room for illicit sex as the famous and now-deceased Madame Lana used last week. The woman’s body had been found beaten, strangled, and dumped in the bay where it got tangled in a fisherman’s lines.

  A moment before Veronica reached Phillip, a man took hold of her elbow and steered her in a different direction. She turned to look up into a pair of midnight blue eyes. He winked at her as he maneuvered her away from her goal.

  “I wouldn’t approach the man at the bar if I were you.”

  A whiff of scotch caressed her nose as the man spoke near her face.

  “He’s a cop.”

  “Really? How do you know?” Veronica turned and rested her hand on the man’s chest and looked into his eyes with what she hoped was a shocked expression.

  “Rented tux, for starters.”

  “That says he’s a cop?” Surprise tinged her voice.

  “Says he doesn’t belong. And the only people who get in here who don’t belong are cops and sexy ladies like yourself.”

  “Are you saying I don’t belong?” she purred in her imitation country-club-rich-bitch accent that all her mother’s friends used.

  “Actually, I hope you do belong in some fashion or another. I’m Tyler, and I’d be glad to show you around if you like.” His smile broadened, and a hint of a smirk crinkled the corners of his eyes.

  “Thank you, Tyler. I’d like that.” She slipped her arm around his then snagged a glass of champagne off a server’s tray with her other hand before giving him her full attention. Hopefully, Snake would follow discretely and cover her back in case she ran into a problem.

  “So, beautiful, what can I call you?” Tyler placed his hand over hers and held it against his arm so she couldn’t let go as he looked over at her with those damn sexy eyes.

  “Beautiful will do.” She winked at him and took a sip of her champagne.

  They walked along a wide, subtly lighted hall, and it gave her the opportunity to glance into each room they passed.

  “So, Tyler, where are we going? The party seems to be back the other way.”

  “I reserved a room for my own intimate party, and you can be the guest of honor.”

  Veronica stopped and turned to look up at him. “You don’t even know me. Why would you want me to be your guest of honor?” She hoped her innocent act was believable.

  “You were alone, so I thought I would show you a good time. Would you prefer to return to the main room?”

  “Well, that depends.”

  “Depends on what?”

  “What it’s worth to you to have me all to yourself.” She fluttered her eyelashes coquettishly.

  His roar of laughter surprised her, and she looked around to see if they caught anyone’s attention. Only Snake, and he looked up from where he lounged in a comfortable chair near the entrance to the long

  “Name your price, Beautiful. For you, I’ll pay anything.”

  Veronica’s mind raced to figure out how much these men paid for an evening with a hooker. She wanted to make it so outrageous he would scoff and walk away.

  “Ten thousand dollars, cash.”

  His eyes narrowed. He took hold of her chin and leaned closer. “Deal. And for that kind of money, I should be able to do anything I want.” His face came closer to hers, the intoxicating scent of sandalwood and musk hinting at a night of hot sex. He sealed the bargain with a branding kiss.

  Her heart raced at the fiery touch as his tongue demanded entrance to her mouth. She yielded but tried to maintain a modest amount of distance from Tyler’s body so Snake wouldn’t interfere.

  “This will be an entertaining evening. I must say I’m glad my normal friend didn’t show tonight. I’ve hit the jackpot with you.” He leaned closer. “Your lips are delicious.” The pointed arch of his brow added a devilish punch to his comment.

  They continued to walk down the hall, Tyler’s hand even more possessive than when they started.

  “Ah, we’re here.”

  He held out his arm for her to enter first. The room glowed. Hundreds of candles stood in tall holders around a sensuously padded bed that stood on a platform in the middle of the room. A tingle of excitement traveled down Veronica’s spine at the thought of what this man had in mind. She heard the door shut and the deadbolt fall into place. She turned and raised an eyebrow at him.

  “The lock is so we won’t be disturbed. Otherwise, people have a tendency to walk in and out of the rooms so they can watch. Some lovers are exhibitionists. I’m not. What I do remains behind this locked door. If you talk about it to anyone, I’ll see you’re arrested for breach of contract since our paid agreement is the same as a contract. Do you understand?”

  “Of course. Where’s the money?”

  Tyler pulled out an envelope and counted out ten one-thousand-dollar bills. He held the envelope out for her to look at. “I was prepared to pay so much more for a night’s pleasure. You’re a bargain, Beautiful. Now, take off your dress and let me see your assets.”

  Light from the candle flames flickered off Tyler’s face. A sexy devil stood before her, waiting for her to follow his command. She swallowed the rest of her champagne and set the glass on the fireplace mantel. With her head bent, she gazed at him from under her lashes. She took a deep breath and reached up to release her hair. Unsure if Snake would interfere, she wanted to give him time before she was undressed.

  He’d need to contact the manager to get into the room. The man had promised his full cooperation in exchange for a discrete investigation. They certainly couldn’t argue since no judge in his right mind would give the department a search warrant without concrete evidence that the murder happened inside the building.

  She shook her head, causing her auburn curls to flow down over her shoulders and settle in waves around her breasts. Tyler’s tongue flicked over his lips. She knew he’d appreciate her hair. The few men she dated loved her long, thick tresses, and he was no different. His eyes narrowed when she purposely smoothed out the curls and caressed her covered breasts at the same time.

  With deliberate teasing, she unfastened the one button that held her clingy wrap dress together. She reached in, unhooked the snap, and in one dramatic motion pulled both sides open to expose her lace-covered breasts and her black thong. The bulge in Tyler’s pants increased until it seemed it would split the zipper wide open. She wondered how far this charade would go before Snake banged on the door.

  As if on cue, the knob rattled.

  “Go away. This is a private party,” Tyler shouted, and the person on the other side of the door stopped trying to get in. Veronica’s heart raced from the little that had transpired, and a piece of her enjoyed teasing Tyler. The door handle rattled again, this time with more force. Tyler turned to yell but froze when they heard a key being inserted in the lock. Veronica had her dress closed and stood innocently with her hands on her hips as the door swung open.

  A man in a very proper tux walked in, followed by Snake. She recognized the man.

  “Miss, this man seems to think you’re in some kind of danger.”

  She and Snake met the man before they started their undercover duty. The manager stood with her partner and looked uncomfortable. Her mind raced to figure out how to extricate herself from this situation without tipping Tyler off to her true identity. Short of leaving with Snake and not being able to come back, nothing came to mind. She made the snap decision that one night of sex with this gorgeous man wouldn’t be so bad, and it would all be in the line of duty. Right?

  “Tyler was just showing me around his private party room.” She walked up to her mark, rested her hand on his arm, and looked up adoringly at him. “I can’t imagine I’m in any type of danger with him. Can you, sir?” She turned and looked at the manager, keeping her gaze neutral.

  “I’ve known Tyler for a few months, miss. I’m quite sure he’ll be a complete gentleman when it comes to your wellbeing.”

  Tyler stiffened then nodded at the manager. “I have never been anything but a gentleman with the ladies, and Lisa, here, is no exception.” He patted her hand and smiled over at her. She held in her giggle at the off-the-cuff name he gave her.

  Snake’s eye twitched before he said, “Well, Lisa,” emphasizing the fake name, “forgive the intrusion and enjoy your evening.” With that, the two men walked out the door, and Veronica’s fate for the night was sealed.

  Tyler gave the deadbolt a sharp twist. He turned with wolfish desire and said, “Strip.”

  Veronica tilted her head and once again reached for the button on her hip. “Are you the type of man who enjoys giving orders or taking orders?” she asked as she opened her dress and let it slip to the floor in a puddle of soft fabric.

  “I can tell you’re the type of woman who enjoys giving orders, so tonight, I’m going to enjoy having you at my command. You’ll do exactly what I say, and I’ll reward you with an evening you’ll never forget.”

  “Cocky, aren’t you?” She walked over to him and tugged the ends of his bowtie. “I’m looking forward to you telling me what to do.” She leaned up on her tiptoes and nipped his earlobe.

  He wrenched her tight against his body. The muscle in his jaw clenched as his lips pressed in a flat line. “The man who barged in here, is he one of your johns?”

  “No. I was told to meet a man at the bar sipping a martini. I’ve never seen him before.”

  “Good. There are a few rules, but only one important one.”

  “That is…?” She waited patiently, enjoying the heat of his body seeping through the lace of her bra and making her nipples hard.

  “You beg me to let you come.”

  “Is that all?” Even to her ears, she sounded relieved.

  “Maybe you don’t understand. I’m going to test your limits of control. For every time you come without permission, you’ll be punished.”

  Veronica swallowed. The impassioned note in his voice made her squirm. The evening suddenly turned darker, more erotic than she’d planned. “What kind of punishment?” She didn’t want whips or canes.

  “You’ll choose before we get started. I often find a lover has a particular type of pain they enjoy. Whether it’s tightening nipples in clamps or displaying your ass for a spanking with a hand or paddle, there is always something that makes a person want more.” He took hold of her hand and led her to a hidden closet behind the floor-to-ceiling mirrors. “Pick your poison.”

  He flicked on the light, and she held in her gasp of disbelief. Rows of whips, canes, and crops lined one wall. Different sized floggers were spread out on shelves. Clamps, hooks, and instruments that belonged in a torture chamber were nestled in velvet boxes open for display.

  “You seem a bit overwhelmed. Is pain new to your game?”

  “Most of my lovers prefer pleasure.”

  “This is how I attain pleasure
, but only if my partner is enjoying herself. Now, what makes you wet and aching for my touch?” He reached behind her back and released her strapless bra. “Do you think you’d like these dark, rosy nipples squeezed between a pair of clamps?”

  She swallowed when he pinched her nipples and twisted until a zing of pain shot through her body and shocked her clit to attention.

  “Or maybe you’d prefer your sweet ass to glow a luscious red like your lips.” He dragged his tongue over her bottom lip. The taste of scotch coated her mouth when he sucked. He released it with a quick nip, winked at her, and said, “I think you’re not as experienced as you lead men to believe, so let me decide your punishment. You can always say ‘red,’ and I’ll stop. That’s the rule of the club so a hooker can’t sue the place because some guy went too far.”

  A wave of relief washed over her. She unclenched her fists and rested her hands by her side.

  “However, I’ll caution you. If you say ‘red,’ you forfeit your money.”

  Veronica nodded. “Fair. But I doubt I’ll walk away empty handed.” She gave him a shrug and sauntered back into the other room, confident she could handle what he dished out.

  Chapter Two

  Tyler remembered the first time he used this room. The woman he shared the experience with was a consummate dominatrix. She preferred to be called a trainer, since her real job was that of an FBI agent. She put him through his paces so he’d understand how to use all the instruments now at his disposal. He never thought when he graduated from Princeton and joined the agency that he’d be playing a Dom. Four months into this undercover operation, and he wondered if he’d missed his true calling.

  He let Beautiful go out to the other room and turned to decide on his devices for an evening of stimulating sex. Tonight, he would have used canes and a long silk rope, the instruments of choice with Madame Lana, but her untimely death put their case back months. He and his partner, Jake, figured she’d screwed one too many guys at the club, and her screams of excitement gave away too many secrets. She’d been their best lead, and now they needed to dig deeper, hoping another hooker overheard a piece of information helpful in uncovering the money laundering going on behind closed doors.


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