Little Sophie and the Professor

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Little Sophie and the Professor Page 3

by Chloe Carpenter

  "Yes, you should." Sophie was about to ask him when he planned to have kids, but thought maybe that was a bit too intrusive.

  He gave her a look as though he could see what was going on inside her head. "After my divorce I had some satisfying relationships but didn't meet anyone I'd want to settle down with."

  "It will happen one day, I'm sure."

  "Yeah." I'm sure too. Maybe it already has, he mused, then tossed the thought aside. It was far too early to predict that sort of outcome with Sophie ... but he wouldn't rule it out. She was an eclectic mix of adorable, clever, funny and vulnerable. She was also cute and sexy as hell.

  Sophie reached for her mug of coffee which she'd set down on the sideboard. To her horror, it slipped through her fingers and tumbled down to the floor. "Oh no!" She bent down to pick up the mug. It was still intact but there was coffee all over the carpet. "I'm so sorry! I'll get a cloth."

  "Off you go then," he said in a mock stern voice. "You're in big trouble now, little lady."

  "Sorry, sorry!" squeaked Sophie. She ran to the kitchen and soaked a tea towel in cold water. Wringing it out, she then scuttled back to the sitting room and began mopping up. "I think that's it. Hopefully it will dry out ok without leaving a stain." She looked up at Jack sheepishly. "I'm so clumsy at times."

  "You're a naughty girl." Those piercing green eyes of his glinted. "And do you know what happens to naughty little girls?"

  "Er ... um." Given their earlier conversation, Sophie had a very clear indication of what happens to naughty girls. "I dunno," she said evasively. The butterflies began to flutter in her tummy as that deliciously squirmy feeling began to kick in.

  "Want to find out? Want Daddy to show you?"

  "Yes. I mean no! Well, maybe ... eek!"

  As Jack moved towards her with a wicked gleam in his eyes, Sophie turned and ran round the sofa. It was no contest. Jack caught her up immediately on his unfairly long legs. In one fluid motion he seated himself in the middle of the sofa and hauled her over his lap. Sophie found herself staring at the carpet, her bottom in the air, her legs dangling, and a moment later Jack's large hand was stroking her bottom over her skirt - the ridiculously short skirt that had somehow ridden up even higher. Jack admired the view and grinned.

  "Don't worry, little one. I won't do anything you aren't comfortable with. The choice is yours. You can leave any time you like and I promise not to lay a finger on you, or you can stay and get your first ever spanking. If you stay - here's how it will be. I will put you over my knee and lightly stroke that delectable bottom of yours. After that, I'll give it a few light, playful pats with my hand. Nothing too hard or uncomfortable. It will be deliciously sensual and you will yearn for more - at which point I will raise your little skirt and spank your bottom over your panties, watching your cute cheeks as they bounce beneath the palm of my hand. Ok so far?"

  Sophie nodded and nodded. This was so hot! With the combination of his voice and the gentle rubbing of her bottom, she was in heaven.

  "You will be so excited at this point that you will raise your hips slightly so that I can take your panties down, slowly easing them over your hips, then your thighs, and then all the way down to your ankles. You will probably kick them off completely once I start spanking your bottom. Your bare bottom." He paused, feeling Sophie tremble with excitement as she lay over his lap. "The spanking will get harder and your bottom will turn from milk white to a delightful shade of pink. If you're ok with that, we'll take it up a notch, and your chubby little buns will begin to turn a very pleasing shade of red. You will be squirming on my lap by now - squirming and wriggling your hot bottom - and you will be loving every minute of it. And then, after your lovingly delivered warm up, I will take my rubber-soled slipper and place it across your cheeks. It will feel deliciously cool against your hot flushed skin. And then I will spank you with it, oh so slowly at first, a volley of little taps, becoming gradually more forceful. You will be yelping and squealing of course." He chuckled at the thought, "But that simply adds to the excitement - for both of us. Your cheeks will be jiggling and wobbling and your legs will be kicking and flailing. You will be so aroused by that point that you will be dripping wet."

  "Ohhhh." Sophie was so turned on she couldn't find the words to articulate how she felt.

  "So how does that sound, babygirl? Good, huh?"

  "Is there a word better than good?"


  "Yes. Awesome. Amazingly awesome."

  "Then we'd better get started."

  And it was exactly how he said it would be, but better, and as he teased her panties down, baring her bottom, Sophie thought it was the most erotic thing she'd ever experienced. Jack's hand smacked down on her cheeks. Sophie gasped, then wriggled and mewled as the spanks continued, setting a warm glow on her cheeks. He paused to rub her heated skin, making her purr in delight, her skin tingling. Soon she was squirming and moaning, begging for more.

  "Ohhh, if this is what naughty girls get, I think I'll be naughty all the time."

  Jack chuckled. "This is what good girls get. We haven't quite got to the bad girl spanking yet. But since you mentioned it..." He reached for the slipper under the sofa and laid it across her flaming cheeks.

  "Oh boy, that feels so good! It's lovely and cool."

  "Uh huh. Try this." He tapped the slipper lightly on her chubby little cheeks, delighting in the way they sprang back for more. "Nice?"


  He tapped a little harder, eliciting a high pitched yelp, and then gave a harder whack which splatted down across the centre of both her cheeks."

  "Yeoow!" squealed Sophie. "Ow! That's not quite so nice."

  "You'll soon get used to it," quipped Jack cheerfully. "Three more, and then we're done. One."



  Sophie yelped, squealed and wriggled, her legs scissoring wildly.

  "And ... three."

  He cracked the slipper down. It landed with a beautiful explosion of sound and an elongated wail from Sophie.

  "Fuck. Fuck. FUCK! That hurt!"

  "Tsk. I'll remember that base language for next time, young lady. There, that was a very toned down example of what naughty girls who spill coffee on my carpet get." His hands were already rubbing and soothing her red cheeks. "How do you feel?"

  "It stings! It still hurts! But ..."

  "But ...? Turn you on, did it?"

  "I'm not telling," said Sophie primly. "I - ohhhh," she sighed as his fingers dipped between her splayed thighs, seeking out the wetness from her overheated sex.

  "I think you enjoyed that way too much," Jack said huskily. "Admit it. You did enjoy it, didn't you?"

  "You bet I did." She wriggled off his lap and knelt by his side on the sofa. It seemed the most natural thing in the world to lean forward and wrap her arms around his neck. Somehow her leg moved of its own accord, straddling his thigh. She gave a little wiggle and a muted yelp as she got herself into position. Her bottom throbbed but in a delicious kind of way.

  Jack pulled her closer and kissed her, his lips light as a butterfly's wing. Then he kissed her again, this time deep and long. Sophie could feel the heat of passion rise in her as his tongue probed between her lips, the first sweet invasion. She could also feel the hardness of his cock, rock hard beneath her, and she hungered for it. She reached for him with eager fingers as she unbuttoned his shirt. His chest was hard and muscled. She stroked it reverently, her fingertips brushing against his nipples. Then her hands were brushed away as he raised them over her head so that he could remove first her top and then her bra. Her small breasts bobbed before his admiring eyes, their nipples elongated. He captured her right breast, suckling greedily on the swollen nub of her nipple. Sophie moaned. How she had longed for this moment, and now that it was here, the reality was better than the fantasy.

  Strong arms lifted her, unzipping her skirt, snaking it down over her hips. He laid her on her back on the sofa and her wide brown eyes sparkled as s
he watched him undress. The shirt came off first, revealing broad shoulders, a strong haven of a chest, and a lean waist. As his hands went to unfasten his belt, Sophie trembled with anticipation and desire. His eyes burned into hers as he slid down his trousers and boxer shorts, effortlessly kicking them away. And now Sophie had real reason to stare. He stood before her with a rampant erection, and his cock pulsed with the promise of what was to come. It was long and thick - wider than any other she'd had the pleasure to service. He flashed her a smouldering look as he gently lowered his body over hers.

  Skin to skin, their hands explored each other. Sophie gasped and squirmed as he touched her, expertly finding all the delicious sweet spots that made her shiver. She reached for his cock, eight inches of pulsing maleness, her little fingers stroking the shaft, feeling empowered as he groaned with pleasure.

  "Take me," she whispered. "Please. Please. I can't hold out any longer."

  "Are you sure you want to go this far?"

  "Yes. Yes!" She writhed beneath him, her legs splayed, knees raised. He chuckled and dipped his finger into her moist sex.

  "Don't go anywhere. I'll be back in a minute." He rose and headed upstairs, returning with a pack of condoms. He loved the fact that she had no inhibitions, her fingers reaching out to help roll the condom over his engorged penis. "You ready for Daddy's cock, babygirl?"

  "Yes," she mewled. "Please, Daddy." She reached out to pull him closer, barely aware that she had addressed him as Daddy. It just felt so right.

  He moved to lean over her, entering her slowly and deliberately, watching her rapt expression as he filled her, inch by inch, savouring every precious moment. He moved within her as she gasped and thrust against him, fingernails raking the expanse of his back. They moved together in a rhythmic dance, steadily gaining momentum until they were thrusting wildly against each other, hoarse cries filling the room. As Sophie cried out her sweet release he gave himself up to the powerful waves of sensation, pumping hard and fast and deep, groaning out his own release. Then sated, they clung together, bodies slick with sweat.

  Jack smoothed her rumpled blonde fringe away from her eyes and deposited a kiss on her brow. She smiled languidly and lay in his arms, feeling more content than she had ever been in her entire life.

  "You'll stay here with me tonight," Jack told her. He was met with no resistance.

  "Yes please," she said sleepily. "I'd like that."

  He picked her up effortlessly and carried her upstairs, depositing her on the end of his bed. He turned back the quilt invitingly. "The bathroom's through there, sweetheart. You'll find a spare toothbrush in the cabinet and fresh towels in the cupboard to the side of the door. I'll just go and lock up. Won't be long."

  Sophie went into the bathroom, had a pee, quickly washed her hands and face and brushed her teeth. Overcome with tiredness she tottered back into Jack's bedroom and climbed into the big bed. By the time Jack returned ten minutes later, she was curled up fast asleep. He smiled and stroked her hair. He'd wanted her for so long, and now... here she was. Slipping into bed, he draped an arm over her shoulders, delighted that he'd found himself such a sweet little girl.


  It was the beginning of a fantastic relationship, a relationship quite unlike anything that Sophie had ever experienced before, and she loved it. The disparity in their ages didn't matter in the least - indeed, the age gap plus Jack's natural authority and dominance was what contributed to the sexual frisson and their ageplay games. He often referred to her as his babygirl and he liked her to call him Daddy. She liked that. He was big and strong and protective. His arms were a haven. He taught her so much, and they had great fun switching off from everyday life and indulging in their special games. She loved erotic spanking and hungered for more as it inevitably culminated in great sex. She was eager to try out different implements, and he obliged - with crops, straps, canes, floggers, rulers and paddles.

  In one sense, Sophie lost some of her freedom, as left to her own devices she would go to bed in the early hours of the morning and stay in bed until noon if she could. But not any more. Jack insisted on regular early bedtimes and getting up at 7am. At first, Sophie was horrified, but she soon got used to it, and began to feel the benefits in her rising energy levels and a general sense of well-being - the latter partly attributed to her contentment in her new relationship. Jack loved her looking cute and 'little' and bought her some new clothes which she was delighted with - little short flouncy skirts and tops, low-heeled pumps, cute shorts and hair ribbons, and Disney pyjamas. He also bought her other items of clothing for their special games.

  One afternoon he picked her up from her apartment and they went back to his place to act out a role play they had invented. She was to be a naughty schoolgirl, and he the stern teacher. To Sophie's delight, she found that he had bought some clothes for her to wear. They were waiting for her on the bed. They fit perfectly - a short navy blue gymslip worn over a white short-sleeved blouse. Knee-length white socks and navy Mary-Jane shoes complemented her 'uniform.' The only thing she wasn't keen on were the knickers. She held them up, her face aghast.

  "These are awful! Ugh! They're truly gross!"

  Jack grinned. "Don't worry, you won't be wearing them for long," he said meaningfully. "Put them on, there's a good girl. I'll be waiting for you in the dining room."

  Sophie pulled a face at the knickers. They were bottle-green regulation school knickers, made from thick cotton, and had a double gusset. They came right up to her waist and the elasticated legs hugged the tops of her thighs. She didn't think they looked remotely sexy, but once she had them on properly and smoothed down her gymslip, she looked at her reflection in the mirror.

  In that outfit and without a scrap of make-up, she looked every inch the young schoolgirl. She brushed her hair and braided it into two plaits, each one tied at the end in a bow with navy blue ribbon.

  "Cool," she murmured to herself. "I look like the real deal." Then taking a deep breath she went downstairs.

  Remembering everything they had discussed earlier, she knocked timidly on the dining room door.

  "Enter," came a deep voice from within.

  Sophie opened the door and stepped inside the room, then let out a breath in an audible gasp. The dining room was transformed!

  The dining table had been folded down and pushed against a corner of the room, and all but one of the dining chairs were gone. An old fashioned blackboard on a wooden stand stood before the fireplace, and the old wooden desk with the lift-up lid and an inkwell had been brought down from the attic. It was set before a larger, wider desk, behind which Jack stood, imposing in his black gown and mortarboard.

  The sight of Jack in that ridiculous mortarboard made Sophie giggle. That wasn't part of the script, but she just couldn't help it. He looked so silly!

  "Close the door behind you," Jack barked, his face unsmiling. He indicated the school desk and solitary dining chair placed against it. "Sit."

  Sophie tried to keep a straight face. "Yes Sir." She closed the door, and took her seat in front of the little desk.

  "Wipe that smirk off your face, girl. You're in enough trouble as it is."

  His tone was so severe, and his eyes so cold and unfriendly, that Sophie did indeed stop smiling. She stared at Jack, feeling increasingly apprehensive.

  "Now, Sophie, do you know why you're here?"

  "Er... yes Sir, because of my lateness."

  "Correct. Is there something keeping you from getting to your classes on time?"

  "Well Sir, sometimes I feel like there isn't enough time between classes. I like to catch up with my friends, and also have to make sure I have all my books for each class, and I sometimes run a bit behind."

  "Indeed. But it is your responsibility, is it not, to get to class on time, regardless of your other commitments?"

  "Um... Yes Sir."

  "You have been late to five classes this month, and I see this as an ongoing problem that needs to be addressed. I intend ta
king firm corrective measures. You are going to be punished."

  Sophie's heart began to pump faster. Right now she was Sophie the schoolgirl, and she was getting scared. "Yes, Sir," she managed to say.

  "I have given you the paddle on previous occasions, have I not?"

  "Yes Sir. It really hurt, and I learned my lesson."

  "Well the paddle may have hurt, but this time I feel you need something a little more motivational." Sir smiled grimly. "I am going to cane you, Sophie."

  "Uh. Y-yes, Sir." Sophie gulped.

  "Very well. You may retrieve the cane and place it on my desk." He pointed to the dining room table. The cane lay on the polished surface.

  Sophie gulped and went to retrieve the sturdy wooden cane from its place, before setting it down on Sir's desk. Sir gave her a hard stare.

  "Bend over the desk, Sophie, feet apart, and stick that bottom out."

  Although apprehensive, Sophie experienced the familiar squirmy feeling, captivated by the power of his words. Submissively, she obeyed, her little fingers reaching over to grip the far edge of the desk as her tummy pressed against the hard, smooth surface. Sir came to stand behind her and raised her gymslip, folding it under at the waist. Her bottom stuck out, encased in the ghastly bottle-green knickers.

  Jack licked his lips wolfishly at the sight, then slowly, deliberately, eased the knickers down to her knees. "Spread those legs wider, girl," he ordered, watching with satisfaction as the knickers were stretched taut over smooth thighs, appreciating the white skin that deepened to dusky pink around the folds of her pussy. Even now, there were traces of silver streaks on her inner thighs that signified her arousal. It was with an effort that he didn't pause to examine that deliciously moist sex that gaped at him invitingly.

  Jack positioned the cane against her buttocks, to let her get a feel of it. "You will receive six strokes, and you will count them off as we proceed."


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