A Single Dad to Rescue Her

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A Single Dad to Rescue Her Page 14

by Sue MacKay

Jamie nodded. ‘What time did you set out this morning?’

  Kayla found the cardboard splint in the medical pack and slid it under Lucy’s arm, careful not to jar it.

  ‘About seven.’

  ‘So you do remember Avery being with you?’

  ‘Did I forget?’

  Jamie glanced up at Kayla, a question in his eyes.

  ‘Keep questioning,’ she mouthed. Whatever had inflicted the head wound might’ve hit hard and caused temporary brain impairment, though it was unusual that Lucy could remember most things other than this morning, and now that seemed to be returning. The sooner she was in hospital with the doctors the better.

  Lucy’s ankles felt normal. No swelling or bones out of place, no reaction to suggest pain. Her knees were the same. She could be wrapped in a thermal blanket without hurting her further.

  ‘Are you a skilled kayaker?’ Jamie asked.

  ‘Only done it twice.’

  ‘Do you remember how you got thrown out of the kayak?’

  Lucy stared at Jamie. ‘Where’s Avery?’

  He looked at Kayla.

  She took over. ‘If that was Avery we found lying beside the lake, then he’s on his way to hospital, just as you are.’

  She waited to be asked if he was all right, but the question didn’t come. Lucy was staring over Jamie’s shoulder at who knew what. Her pulse hadn’t altered, nor had her breathing. ‘Can you follow my finger with your eyes, Lucy?’

  Lucy looked at her. Said nothing. Did nothing.

  ‘Lucy.’ Jamie spoke sharply. ‘Can you see my finger?’


  ‘Follow it with your eyes.’ Still a strict voice.

  It worked.

  Kayla nodded. ‘Good.’ Smiling, she noted down her observations for whoever met them with the ambulance at the wharf. Jamie was good. But, then, he’d spent years working in the fire service and would’ve worked with his share of injured people. She also liked how he read her well when she needed something done with a patient.

  She liked Jamie. Full stop. Liked? More than liked. Cared about him, for him. Cared as in coming close to loving him. Yeah, life was heating up and there wasn’t a fire anywhere in sight. Just the man beside her who flipped all her switches.

  * * *

  ‘I think we deserve brunch.’ Jamie sighed as they stood on the wharf in town. ‘Don’t know about you but I’m starving.’

  ‘The wedding dinner was a long time ago,’ Kayla agreed with a cheeky smirk.

  ‘We’ve been busy ever since.’ He laughed. Hell, he felt good. A night like he hadn’t known in years. Kayla was as sexy as sexy could get. They’d made love and settled into cuddling the night away, only to wind each other up to the point they had been exploding with need again. Oh, yeah, it had been a night and a half. Hopefully there’d be more on the horizon. Nah, closer than that. Tonight maybe. This afternoon? ‘Come on. My shout.’

  He took Kayla’s hand and marched her along the narrow streets to a stone-walled pub hidden away from the tourists that served the best brunches in town. ‘Are you catching up with Maisie today?’ Just in case he was getting carried away with ideas on how to spend the day.

  ‘No. She was on the first flight out this morning back to Tauranga via Wellington. She’s on duty tonight.’

  His heart soared.

  Thanks, Maisie.

  ‘When’s she moving home?’

  ‘In four weeks.’ An elbow tapped his ribs. ‘So we’ve got the rest of the day to ourselves.’ There was a lot of teasing going on in those golden eyes.

  Teasing he liked and would follow up on. Starting now. ‘Champagne brunch? To keep the mood going.’

  ‘Why not?’ She grinned. ‘Not that my mood’s slipping. Not even those two people being thrown off their kayak and left to fend for themselves can dampen my spirits. My best friend married her soul mate yesterday and I had a night to remember.’

  ‘We don’t have to stop at one night.’

  She squeezed his hand. ‘I wasn’t intending to.’

  Her words didn’t frighten him off. Life was looking up. Fast. Talk about suddenly rushing things, but he didn’t want to stop, or slow down and think everything through—even if he could, which was doubtful. His body hummed tiredly with satisfaction and plain old happiness. If this was fast then he was up to running with it and seeing where it took them. ‘Did I mention the boys are with their mother for two weeks?’

  ‘About four times.’

  ‘That all?’

  ‘So this your way of filling in the hours till they get home?’

  He knew a serious question when he heard one, even when it was hidden in smiles and laughter. ‘I always miss the little blighters when they’re away. I usually end up working extra hours at the fire station for the hell of it.’

  ‘You need a life. Like I do. I’m all about work and avoiding the quiet times at home.’ Now the smile was less intense.

  But still knocking his socks off. Talking of which, ‘Our boots are soaked from the lake.’

  ‘We’ll remove them at the door.’ It seemed nothing could upset Kayla this morning.

  Was he responsible for her happy mood? His chest expanded. That had to be positive. It meant they were in this together, having fun and enjoying each other’s company. He felt valued, like Kayla wanted him for himself and not as a father or fireman. They’d turned a corner. ‘Here we are.’

  As they settled at a table with menus, Kayla asked, ‘Are the boys okay with going backwards and forwards between you and Leanne?’

  ‘They seem to be. At first they didn’t trust it, thought we’d start fighting over who did what and where again, but they’ve come to accept we’ve reached an agreement and intend to stick to it. I was slower coming to terms with the arrangement.’ Especially once David had married Leanne and stopped being so interested in Ryder and Callum, as if he’d used them to win over their mother.

  ‘It must be hard—for all of you. I know how difficult it’s been after losing Dylan, and there were no negotiations about anything to deal with, especially children.’ She locked her gaze on him. There was no judgement in her voice, just understanding, pure and simple.

  It was one of the things he liked best about Kayla. That, and her sexy body and cheeky smile. Right now there was a buzz in his body that made him eager to forget brunch and grab her hand to rush back to her house. But he wouldn’t, even though he had a shrewd feeling she’d be with him every step of the way. He wanted to get it right. Though exactly what that was, he couldn’t be certain. He was interested in Kayla as a woman, as a friend, a lover, and was coming to care about her as someone special to look ahead with.

  Interested? Turned on, hot, excited, more like. This morning the sky was more blue, the air clearer, his sense of purpose stronger. He had a life and suddenly he was enjoying it, and concerns about where this went with his boys had lessened. ‘Come on. Let’s get started on making the most of the rest of the day.’

  Kayla laughed. ‘Then we’ll start on tomorrow.’

  * * *

  Tomorrow became two more days. Kayla hugged herself. Jamie was the man. They’d barely come up for air since the wedding, spending hours in bed here or at his house, watching movies snuggled up together on the couch, sharing meals and taking Shade for walks.

  Last night reality had returned. Jamie had gone to work, and this morning she was at the ambulance station. She glanced around the room where the others on duty were quiet, eating breakfast or guzzling coffee, and on their phones, checking the internet, waiting for the first call-out while hoping it would be nothing too drastic. That’s what she was thinking anyway. Something serious would bring her down to earth with a thud, and she so didn’t want that.

  Jamie was at home after knocking off at about six that morning. He’d called her a couple of times before she’d gone to bed last ni
ght just to talk some more. Like they hadn’t said enough already. Every subject on the planet had been covered—except their burgeoning relationship. She hadn’t wanted to raise it for fear of pouring cold water on her happiness.

  What if Jamie suddenly decided he’d made a mistake and backed off? Or that he was only in it for the sex? What if he thought they were rushing things? Because they kind of were, and yet it seemed they’d been heading this way since they’d met on the mountainside months ago. And if that wasn’t slow, what was?

  Whenever the boys were mentioned, Jamie withdrew a little. What was that about? Didn’t he think she’d fit in with them? He’d said they liked her and how good she was with them whenever they’d been together. He put them first, over everything, including his own happiness. She couldn’t fault him for that, but surely he was allowed to have fun, and even another relationship? Surely he wasn’t going to remain single because he was a father? That didn’t make sense when he was such a loving man and had a lot to give.

  ‘How was the wedding?’ Becca asked from across the room.

  ‘The best ever.’ In more ways than one. ‘Mallory and Josue cut a beautiful picture, and they’re so happy.’

  ‘Who’s next?’ Becca stuck her tongue in her cheek and winked at Kayla.

  ‘Not me, for sure.’ That was taking her newfound happiness too far. A relationship with Jamie, yes, but a wedding? Why not? She would never settle for less if she did fall in love again. A picture of a beautiful bouquet popped into her head. She’d swear Mallory had deliberately thrown it to her. She’d tried to give it back, but no such luck. It might be destiny waving at her.

  Her phone lit up as a text came in.

  Can’t sleep. One half of bed’s empty. Jamie xxx

  Her heart softened.

  You wouldn’t be sleeping if it wasn’t. xxx

  Can’t wait for the week to be over so we can get together.

  She was working through to and on Saturday, and then, Watch out, Jamie.

  Me too.

  ‘We’re on,’ Becca called at the same time as the phone on Kayla’s belt vibrated.

  Reading the message, she grimaced. ‘Eighty-five-year-old woman found on floor by bed, unconscious.’ She shoved her own phone in her pocket. ‘Let’s go.’ Being busy made the hours go past faster and brought Saturday and Jamie closer.

  Jamie. She couldn’t wait to hold him, have those arms around her. For the first time since returning to Queenstown the odd hours she worked were a pain. They didn’t fit in with Jamie’s shifts this week, and that was how it would always be. It was similar to being married to Dylan and her shifts not matching the long hours he’d put in. She was used to it, but that didn’t mean she had to like it.


  TWO WEEKS LATER it wasn’t their shifts clashing that upset Kayla. It was because they’d finally got two days off at the same time, and Jamie was too busy to see her.

  ‘I’ve got school enrolment to attend tomorrow, and then the boys have got a sports day to start the term off the day after. Sorry, there’s not going to be much spare time at the moment.’ Jamie sounded anything but sorry. More like this was how it would always be.

  ‘I can come to watch them play sports,’ she said.

  ‘Maybe another time.’

  She let it go. Arguing wouldn’t win any points since he seemed determined about how this would play out. ‘No problem.’ But it was. There was a painful knocking in her chest. ‘I’ll see you later?’

  ‘Why don’t you join us for dinner tonight?’

  Relief filled her, quietening the knocking. ‘Love to. What shall I bring?’


  ‘I like it. See you then.’ Had she misread Jamie’s reluctance about her going to the sports day with him? Could it be the boys’ mother would be there and he didn’t want any awkward questions? But if they were seeing each other, it wasn’t to be a secret. She wouldn’t stand for that. She couldn’t imagine Jamie doing that either. Something else had to be worrying him. Not over her already? Her heart plummeted. Surely not.

  Please, please, please.

  Hang on, he’d said go round for dinner. She was overthinking everything.

  But when Jamie didn’t kiss her when she got to his house, and made it clear she couldn’t stay the night, it was hard not to wonder if she’d been right and he wasn’t as keen as he’d appeared. ‘Everything all right?’ she asked when he returned to the kitchen after saying goodnight to Ryder and Callum.

  ‘Why wouldn’t it be?’

  Leaning into him, she wound her arms around his waist, and rose up to kiss him. ‘I’ve missed you.’ So much she knew she loved him. He was a part of her now, always in her mind when she had decisions to make. It was Jamie who made waking up in the morning exciting and exhilarating.

  His mouth covered hers and she fell into his kiss. Finally. It was as deep and full of passion as any kiss he’d given her. When they finally pulled apart, she was happy. ‘That’s better.’

  ‘I’ve been wanting to do that since the moment you walked through the door,’ Jamie admitted as he ran a finger over her cheek and started kissing her again. Suddenly he pulled back. ‘Have to stop while I can.’

  Her heart sank. ‘You don’t normally worry about stopping.’

  Rubbing his chin, Jamie stepped back and sat on a stool, and reached for her hand. ‘My boys aren’t usually around when we get together.’

  ‘So you don’t want them barging in on us kissing, or more. I get that. But to be invisible isn’t ideal. I am a part of your life now.’

  Aren’t I?

  ‘I have to take this slowly, Kayla. If they get upset I’ll call it quits and let you go.’

  She stared at him for a long moment then pulled her hand free and sat down opposite him. Talk about blunt. Not what she’d hoped to hear. How well did she know him? ‘Let’s get this straight. I’m only a part of your life when the boys aren’t around? When I get on well with them?’

  His mouth flattened and his eyes dulled. ‘You have to understand they come first.’

  How could she not? It was plain as day. And he’d mentioned it often enough. ‘I do, and wouldn’t like you half as much if they didn’t. I’m not going to hurt them, if that’s what’s worrying you.’

  His sigh was sad. ‘What if it doesn’t work out between us? They’ve had more than enough to cope with in their short lives.’

  ‘You’re entitled to a life too.’ She was all but begging. She wasn’t walking away. She cared too much for him and wanted to share his life. Even some of it, if that’s what it came to.

  ‘Only when it doesn’t affect my sons badly.’

  ‘It doesn’t have to. I get on with them and they don’t seem to mind me being around. Not that we’ve done a lot together, but it’s a start. You can have both them and me.’

  ‘I want to, believe me.’

  It hurt that he wasn’t rushing to keep her with him and that wasn’t only about being in his bed but everything they did.

  Fight for him. Slowly, carefully, but don’t give up already.

  ‘Then we’ll make it work. I don’t expect to stay over when you have Callum and Ryder. Let them get used to me dropping in and out.’ Was she getting ahead of herself? But the boys were always eager to see her and while Jamie hadn’t said anything about her coming by often, his texts throughout the days when he wasn’t being a dad at home told her he wanted more of her company. ‘I don’t want to lose what we’ve got, Jamie. You’re special.’

  He smiled.

  At last. She relaxed. They would work this out.

  ‘No one’s said that to me for a long time.’

  ‘Don’t push it. I’m not going to repeat it just yet.’

  ‘Damn.’ He reached for her hand again, and tugged her off the stool to stand between his legs. ‘You’re pretty awesome you
rself, Kayla Johnston.’ Then he kissed her, slowly, mind-blowing with his sensitive touch.

  It was hard not to leap onto his body and have her wicked way with him but they weren’t alone.

  * * *

  Except four weeks later she was again struggling to understand where she stood with Jamie. For the two weeks Callum and Ryder were with Jamie, she hardly saw him. With her shifts not always lining up with Jamie’s and what was going on in the boys’ world, it was like doing a jigsaw wearing a blindfold. Jamie didn’t seem to be making things easier. He always had something on when he wasn’t working. Yet come the next two weeks when he was on his own, they were almost inseparable.

  Now there was another fortnight to get through alone. At least Maisie was back in town, though it was hardly the same thing. After the amazing days and nights when she and Jamie had shared meals, bed, getting out on the lake in his runabout, to be suddenly alone at night and not have that sexy body to curl up against was doing her head—and heart—in. How could they go from full-on hot and sexy and sharing everything to quiet and withdrawn and no sex whatsoever and remain sane? She couldn’t.

  Worse, it hurt. Kayla was beginning to believe she was being used. Time to have it out. If he was going to break her heart then better to get it over with and she could go back to the busy, focused life she’d started on when she’d returned to Queenstown. Not that she’d got far with that idea what with the avalanche and Jamie interrupting her plans.

  She drove to his house on a mission. Purposeful, ignoring the pendulum in her head asking, What if he says go? What if he says sorry, please stay? Only one way to find out and she was heading there to do exactly that. Not that she’d mentioned the L word. It was too soon to openly admit it, and she suspected it was not even on the horizon for Jamie. But what if he had no intention of ever settling into a permanent relationship that included the boys accepting her as part of the scene? That what they had was all about the sex and not much else? No. She refused to believe that. They connected so well.

  * * *


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