His Omega

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His Omega Page 7

by A. C. Katt

  “Yes,” Sean said as he melted into his mate’s arms. Their bodies were pressed together from chest to hip. Sean began to grind against Armand’s groin groaning at the feelings of longing deep in his chest, the longing for completion.

  “We need to stop,” Armand said. “You must take my mating bite and show it to the pack. I can’t take you yet and if we keep this up I’ll take you now, regardless. Let’s breathe a moment and then prepare to go to the jewelers. I’m going downstairs, I’ll call you when we’re about to leave.”

  * * * *

  Armand called Rene and Martin fifteen minutes before he wanted to leave. Rene would drive and Martin would ride shotgun. “Baby, come down. We’re ready to go.” Armand shouted up the stairs, then moved away from the stairs and looked out the window to see that the private security firm he hired had three cars: one to ride in front and one in back, one to the side. He knew the limousine was bulletproof. There were two armed guards at the door of the townhouse in addition to those stationed throughout the park. He wasn’t going for discretion. He wanted to make sure anyone who tried to attack knew that they would be met with brute force.

  Sean ran down the stairs into Armand’s arms. Armand pulled a new down vest out of the entryway closet and wrapped it around his beloved. They were ready to go. A set of eight guards surrounded them as they walked down the steps of the townhouse. They made it to the car without incident.

  “Was all of that necessary?” Sean asked, embarrassed to be at the center of so much attention.

  “Your safety is as necessary to me as the air I breathe. Having found you at long last, I have to make absolutely sure that you are safe until we get to New Mexico.”

  The jewelers sat on the corner of Fifth Avenue and 16th right across the street from Union Square Park. The loup-garou of the police department cordoned off the area so that Armand and Sean could get into the jewelers without fear. The jeweler, Mr. Blanc, met them at the door. “Alpha La Marche, it’s so wonderful to see you and for such a happy occasion. I’ve put together a selection of my best designs for your and the Alpha Mate’s approval.”

  The jeweler pulled out a tray of rings. One set had a wolf’s head with emerald eyes. The matching ring was a wolf’s head with ruby eyes. Once Sean saw those two; he wanted no other.

  “These remind me of the day we met. Your eyes turned crimson when Pierre suggested you leave me at the scene. You didn’t realize I saw but I remember.” Sean looked into Armand’s eyes.

  The jeweler interrupted, “Alpha, I have more fitting jewelry in the second tray.” He attempted to push the first tray away and substitute the second. Armand starred the jeweler down. “The Alpha Mate has made his selection.”

  “Do you like these?” Sean asked hesitantly.

  “I love them, the emeralds are the exact color of your beautiful eyes.”

  “Would you like them in platinum or gold?” Mr. Blanc asked Sean.

  Sean turned to Armand. “You pick…”

  “The gold, it reminds me of the color of your hair.” Armand picked up a lock of Sean’s hair and tenderly kissed it. He turned to the jeweler, “Have them sized and delivered tomorrow.”

  The guards were waiting outside the store. Rene and Martin were in the store behind them. At Rene’s signal, the guards formed a living shield for Armand and Sean to exit. As the door opened Sean heard a high-powered pop Rene and Martin pushed them down onto the sidewalk, a bullet ricocheted off the granite of the jeweler’s façade.

  In the ensuing chaos, a large man made a grab for Sean’s arm. He attempted to pull Sean into a waiting car when he was tackled by Detective Murphy. Shielding Sean with their bodies, the guards hustled Armand and Sean into the waiting limousine and drove with police sirens blaring back to the house on Washington Square.

  Armand wouldn’t let go of Sean on the ride back to Washington Square. He was thoroughly panicked. Armand heard Sean tell him over and over that he was okay but it didn’t sink into his brain. He was reacting with his animal nature; sometime had tried to hurt his mate.

  Detective Murphy followed them into the house. Meg ran over to Sean crying and checking him for injuries while Pierre and the detective spoke to their Alpha.

  “Alpha, the sooner you get onto the plane and back to New Mexico, the better off you will be.” Detective Murphy said in almost a whisper. “Mr. Quinn is a target. Whether they know he is an Omega with Talent or are just aware that he witnessed the murder; either is enough to for Dimitri or for that fact, any other Alphas to strike. We need to petition the Russian Council for permission to terminate Petrovich without prejudice on neutral territory.”

  “Martin, call a meeting of the council for tomorrow. I will attend with the Alpha Mate. We will bring this matter to their attention and force them to give it their immediate consideration. I’m going to calm my mate.”

  * * * *

  Armand crossed the great room to Sean who sat in one of the club chairs. “Baby, are you okay?” Armand knew he was shaking. Meg handed him a brandy snifter. He took a huge swallow. “I don’t know what I’d do if something happened to you now that I’ve finally found you.”

  “I regret nothing except Leroy’s death,” Sean said. “If I hadn’t seen the Russian with Leroy that night, I wouldn’t be with you now. The rest I can deal with so long as you don’t send me away.”

  “As if I could. You’re my life now. Fuck all of the rest of it. The only important thing is you.”

  Armand turned to Martin. “Double the guards around the house, we only have to endure this for twelve more days. It’s important that we don’t back down in fear now that the invitations were delivered, it would be like baring my neck to the council. That would only bring more trouble in the end. Right now I maintain tight control over the council and the packs. Should I let that control slip, the consequences for the loup-garou would be momentous.”

  Martin moved from one leg to the other nervously. “Alpha, twelve days is a long time to maintain this high a level of security.”

  “It’s not as if I don’t see your point. We will try not to leave the house. See what politician owes us a favor and pull strings to get the marriage license without us having to go out.”

  “Alpha, there are reporters lined up along the curb,” Pierre said as he looked through the curtains.

  “Like vultures circling a carcass. Turn on the television and see what they are saying.” He went over to the full bar and refilled his brandy snifter.

  Martin, Rene, and the rest of the household followed Armand into the media room. “Come sit with me, baby.” Armand tuned the remote to the local NBC affiliate.

  “Today outside Blanc Jewelers on Fifth Avenue and 16th a shot was fired, aimed at the CEO and Board Chairman of Garou Industries, Armand La Marche. There have been rumors of an engagement and one source told NBC that the couple sought to buy wedding rings for their planned nuptials in twelve days. Garou is one of the largest companies on the Fortune 500 and is privately held. When our reporter interviewed the jeweler, he wouldn’t comment on Mr. La Marche’s visit. When asked, the spokesman for Garou Industries, Edward Keller, had no comment.”

  “The news was bound to leak out, Alpha. With Meg placing calls for caterers and the engraved invitations, there had to be someone who would sell the story.” Pierre looked grim. “The attack and the news story makes us more vulnerable. Now we’ll have news crews clamoring outside the house.”

  “Do you have any ideas on how to handle this situation?” Rene asked. “Security is going to be a nightmare until we get back to pack lands.”

  “Yeah, the paparazzi will be all over this, leaving us no way to check out who exactly is outside the house,” Martin said.

  Sean spoke up. “We can release a statement to the press telling them that I was a witness to a murder. Everyone seems to know that anyway. This way they won’t get offended that we ask them to keep away for my protection. That and the news of the wedding should keep them from prying any further into our business
. We could even offer an interview to NBC. ‘Gay CEO marries partner’. Then this whole thing moves to the society pages. If I witnessed the murder of a homeless man, it becomes less interesting.”

  “That’s an excellent idea, baby. Call Edward and get it done, Martin. Set it up for tomorrow.”

  “The only problem I can foresee is my father. They’re bound to find out about him. He’s a drunk and a bigot. Anything he would say could be both derogatory and inflammatory.”

  “Work into the press release that Mr. Quinn met Mr. La March after being thrown out of his house by a bigoted father. That way we get a jump on him.” Armand decided. “Everyone, let’s call it a day. Baby, let’s get something to eat. Everyone else go home to your families. The hired muscle plus pack enforcers are enough protection for us tonight.”

  “Alpha, I suggest we close the metal shutters and bring down the window bars on all of the floors of the house. The guards will take the front and rear doors. Murphy will place were police sharpshooters on the roof,” Rene said.

  “Pierre, make sure we double up on all of the guards. Unless they have an invasion force, they won’t get past security. As I see it, we are only vulnerable when the reporter shows up and on the day of the wedding. After that we take the jet to Albuquerque and we are immediately in pack territory.” Martin looked at Rene. “Have we covered all of our bases, Alpha?”

  “I believe we have. Baby, let’s go to the dining room and see what Meg has for dinner. You can’t afford missed meals.”

  The Betas and the Enforcers left the house; the Betas to go home and the Enforcers to check the perimeter.

  “So, Meg, what’s for dinner?”

  * * * *

  Armand watched as Sean ate the prime rib roast Meg prepared. She served it with a tossed salad, broccoli cheese soup, horseradish sauce, mashed potatoes, and green beans almandine. For dessert, a German chocolate cake stood on the sideboard. She really wanted to bulk Sean up. Meg was concerned about the coming change.

  “You’d better clean your plate or Meg will be upset,” Armand said as he kissed the top of Sean’s head. “She wants you to amass the calories you’ll need for the change.”

  “When will that be?” Sean asked.

  “Soon after we mate, your twenty-fifth birthday is what day?”

  “I’ll tell you mine, if you tell me yours.” Sean teased as he mopped up the au jus with a piece of French baguette.

  “Mine is the fourteenth of December. I know yours is in three weeks but I don’t know the date.”

  “I was born on Halloween, October thirty-first. When mom was alive I used to have a combination Halloween birthday party. Actually, I love Halloween.” Sean smiled.

  “Do you like chocolate?” Armand went over to the sideboard and cut a huge piece of cake. “Unlike dogs, chocolate doesn’t make us sick.”

  “Of course I like chocolate!” Sean sat up almost drooling over the slice of cake. “Aren’t you having any?”

  “Of course! What’s your favorite type of cake?” Armand slid a second piece onto his own plate.

  “Chocolate cake with white chocolate frosting and white and milk chocolate curls. We had that for a friend’s wedding, Tony in Boston. I was planning on going to live with him and Nina, his wife, if I could make enough money for a ticket on the bus.”

  “Would you like them at our wedding?” Armand smiled at Sean pleased to be able to grant his lover a boon.

  “Isn’t it short notice? I mean; Tony would drop everything and come but they don’t have that kind of money.” Sean sighed.

  “I’ll send the jet. Call them and see if they’re free.”

  Chapter 6


  Sean opened his eyes. He heard the dissonance of the sound of the security shutters opening for the day. The bedroom filled with light. Sean had spent the night in Armand’s arms. It was becoming more difficult to lay with him without making love. Since he woke up early, Sean watched his soon-to-be husband in his sleep. He decided that even if they couldn’t complete the act, he would make his partner happy this morning. He crept out from under Armand’s right arm being very careful not to wake him. Moving down the bed, he reached his goal.

  Armand’s beautiful cock lay half hard with morning wood between his balls. Sean stuck out his tongue and began to circle the head. His lover’s cock was big, bigger than anything Sean had ever taken in his mouth much less his ass. Sean began to suck gently. Armand’s cock rose up to its full length. Sean sucked harder, moving his tongue around the front and down the sensitive underside. He wasn’t giving his partner a blowjob, he was making love to his cock.

  He felt Armand’s hands grab his shoulders and tighten their grip. Armand ran his fingers through the silk of Sean’s hair. His lover’s moans filled his ears.

  “Baby, oh gods, how you make me feel.”

  Sean brought his hands into play and grabbed onto Armand with his fingers, kneading his sac, moving in conjunction with his mouth. His lover began to leak fountains of pre-cum.

  “Yeah…right there…”

  Sean lapped it up with greed, loving Armand’s taste and smell. He nuzzled into the nest around Armand’s cock. He smelled of the forest and sweat. He smelled like heaven. Sean picked up the pace. Soon Armand was thrashing on the bed.


  He kept sucking, licking; manipulating his lover’s cock and balls. Sean felt Armand’s spine stiffen as his lover prepared to shoot.

  “I’m going to come…”

  Armand’s balls drew up tight to his body then his cock spurt copious amounts of cum into Sean’s waiting mouth. Sean licked around Armand’s spent cock until he was clean. Armand pulled Sean up into his arms and kissed him sharing his own taste with his lover.

  “I thank the day the gods saw fit to put you in my path.” Armand licked the shell of his ear.

  “It’s been only a few days and I can’t imagine my life without you in it.” Sean placed a trail of kisses along his lover’s shoulder.

  It took another half hour for the two to stop touching. Armand moved to go down the bed and service Sean, but Sean shook his head. “I’ve already come. You do that to me. You make me so hot that I can come from the feel of you in my mouth.”

  “I hope it will always be that way between us, baby.” The two lay beside each other in silence. Sean placed his head on Armand’s wide chest and sighed in contentment.

  * * * *

  Fifteen minutes later there was a light tap on the door and Pierre arrived with breakfast. Armand threw on a robe and let Pierre into the suite. On the tray were scrambled eggs, pancakes, a rasher of bacon, sausage, toast, hash browns, and fruit.

  “Baby, why don’t you put on your robe?” Sean got up and slipped his arms into the sleeves. To his surprise, he cleaned his plate again, and listened to Armand as he explained the intricacies of shifter politics.

  Today was the meeting with the council. Due to security restrictions, the council was meeting here at the townhouse. Sean was worried about this all being too much work for Meg but Armand assured him that she would have extra help.

  “I don’t know how to live like this, Armand.”

  “This is a business meeting. Because of who and what we are, we can’t take it out to a restaurant banquet room.”

  “Well then we should make it simple, sandwiches and salads. That won’t cost much but still fill their stomachs.” Sean set his chin in a stubborn line.

  “I can see we’re going to fight about money. I want to spoil you and you’re going to fight me.”

  “I took the clothes because I can see that I can’t be a poor reflection on you, but I’d rather at least try to make my own way.” Sean walked over to the dresser Armand gave him to pick out some clothes. “I don’t want to fight you but I don’t know how to deal with all of this.”

  “Baby, if you accepted all of this as your due, you wouldn’t be a good Alpha Mate. Part of your duty as my mate is to see to the needs of the pack. They need to be ab
le to come to you with their problems because I’m too much of an authority figure. That is why Omegas have a gift. By being an Omega, you are automatically empathetic and that along with any gifts the gods dispense make you an asset to me.”

  “Are you sure making such a display of introducing me to the council is the right thing to do? If you have enemies, won’t that just piss them off?”

  “We can’t skimp on the meal for the council. It would give the wrong message. They need to know that I am prosperous and able to keep them prosperous. If we skimped, our financial position would be in doubt, leaving me vulnerable to a challenge. As far as my enemies, they won’t hate me more or less because I spend funds on a luncheon. A display solidifies my position as Alpha. I would normally have a huge wedding with guests from all the packs as well as representatives from Russia and Europe but the danger of exposure to Petrovich makes that impossible. So, hence the luncheon.”

  “If it’s anything like human politics, I won’t like it.” Sean’s brow furrowed.

  “There are fifteen packs on the North American continent. Each pack is headed by an Alpha with two Beta lieutenants. There are a number of enforcers in each pack, our pack has twelve plus two from each of the other fourteen because of my status as head of the council. Some packs have Omegas with gifts but it is a rare instance when the Omega is actually mated to his Alpha. As I said to you earlier, your Talent will be very rare, the last time an Omega mated with an Alpha was five hundred years ago during the Inquisition. We were disorganized, frightened, and our leadership was decimated. The Omega and the Alpha led the migration to North America.


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