His Omega

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His Omega Page 11

by A. C. Katt

  “You control all of this?” Sean asked, his shock evident in his face.

  “I run the corporation along with other members of the council. The dividends go to pack members to spend as they wish. Some spend foolishly, some invest for future generations. My family always invested a good portion of their income therefore we are worth much more than most of the other families. I would like to pass our wealth along to our children.”

  “I had no idea.” Sean was stupefied.

  “Come on let’s get strapped into our seats. You are now a very wealthy young man.”

  “Do we support charities?”

  “The corporation supports many charities. We personally run LGBT youth shelters in fifty-six cities across the United States. We support the Red Cross and we give to progressive politicians who promote agendas to help the people of the United States, Mexico, and Canada. Actually, we own only two homes, the one in New York and the ranch on pack land in New Mexico. We will live very well but not as lavishly as you might think.”

  The steward came to into the cabin. “Alpha, may I open the bottle of champagne? We have Bollingers just as you requested.”

  “Alain, this is Sean Lucien, Alpha Mate.”

  “Congratulations Alpha Mate, we know the Alpha despaired of ever finding his true mate. We are happy to welcome you to our pack.”

  “Thank you, Alain, I am honored to be chosen.”

  Armand tuned to Sean. “Would you like raspberries or strawberries in your glass?”

  “Raspberries, please.”

  “We will also have some brie in croute and some melba toast. You may also tell Captain Charles that we are ready for takeoff.”

  Chapter 9

  After a four and a half hour flight the jet landed at a private airstrip in Santa Fe. Four Lincoln Navigators met the plane on the tarmac. Pack Enforcers escorted Armand, Sean, Martin, and Rene from the plane. Rene was on the phone as soon as they landed.

  “You were right, Beta. The party was attacked on the roof of the Garou building.” Detective Murphy told Rene on speakerphone. “Fortunately, we were prepared. The perpetrators were captured and are currently being questioned by me and three loup-garou from the FBI plus two mates from the US Marshal Service and the council. Pierre and Meg are a half hour behind on the leased jet. The Enforcers flew commercial three hours before you. They should meet you at the airport.”

  “Is everyone okay?” Sean asked holding tight onto Armand’s arm. “I feel responsible for all of this.”

  “I don’t think you are responsible, Alpha Mate. Someone is looking to get rid of our Alpha. I believe that when our Alpha found you, it just sped up the process.”

  Rene and Martin looked weary. “Edward is with Pierre and Meg. You have a sixth sense, Alpha. We never saw this coming.”

  “Now we have to find who is responsible.”

  * * * *

  After moving down Highway I-25 the caravan turned down an exit near Bernalillo. From there they took several county roads, eventually turning off onto a private road in what Armand called Sandoval County. The landscape was different from the green of New York and New Jersey that Sean was used to seeing. There were fields of muted sage and beige. Along the Rio Grande which seemed much like a small creek in places in comparison to the Hudson and the Delaware there were trees with their leaves still green; but they were shorter and sparer in breadth. Yet the Sandia Mountains stood majestically as they wound their way up the foothills.

  After about an hour of travel, they pulled up a long drive to a huge adobe ranch in a compound of many homes. Two children ran to greet the cars. “Alpha, Alpha, I learned to count and got an A-plus on my reading,” said the little girl with brown hair, dark eyes, and pigtails.

  Armand picked the little girl up into his arms. “I’m so glad you’ve started to study harder. I have presents for both of you being shipped from New York. They should arrive in a few days. Elena and Marie, this is the Alpha Mate.”

  Elena looked up at Sean. “Can I hold your hand, Alpha Mate?”

  “Sure you can.” The little girl wiggled to the ground and grabbed on to Sean’s open hand swinging their arms while they entered through an iron gate into a large courtyard. Men began to remove the luggage from the SUVs and the adults pulled the two children back to let their Alpha and the Alpha Mate into their home. From the enclosed courtyard they stepped into a wide entry.

  “The house has four wings that wheel out from the central hall. In the left rear wing are the dining kitchen areas and the great room. The house behind that wing belongs to Pierre and Meg. The second front left wing is the pack meeting room and formal dining area. Our wing is the right rear. In it is a study, the master suite, a media room, family dining room and four bedrooms. The right front wing is a recent addition. Come take a look.” Sean followed Armand through a heavily carved wooden door that looked like it had been there for ages. Armand took Sean’s hand and pulled him through the door.

  There in front of Sean was a complete pottery studio. A pottery wheel and firing ovens stood in the center waiting to be placed. An array of tools for every conceivable project lined the long tables. On the shelves were boxes of clay and solutions to create glazes. Tears came to Sean’s eyes.

  “I never imagined something like this. This is well beyond everything I ever dreamed.” Sean passed his hand lovingly across the collection of tools and the potter’s wheel.

  “This is my wedding present to you. I asked your professor at NYU what was necessary to fully equip a studio and had it all brought here. I have also arranged with the governor of a local Native American pueblo to have a Native American potter give you lessons on their pottery techniques. This way your semester off will not be wasted.”

  “How can I doubt you when you prove to me every day how well you understand me?”

  “I love you, baby, and hope that you will grow to love me. You may finish it the way you want. The fine arts department of UNM said that every potter sets up his studio differently. The workers are available to you at your leisure.”

  Sean began to cry. “No one except my mother has cared for me as well as you have these past weeks. I don’t know what I can do to show you how much I love you and appreciate all the care you have shown to me.”

  “Let me make love to you. I’ve been on fire for you so long. Sleeping beside you without making love was exquisite torture.”

  “Yes, please, make love to me my mate.”

  Armand took Sean’s hand and led him into the master wing.

  * * * *

  “Would you like a shower?” Armand asked drawing Sean close.

  “Maybe after…”

  “My sentiments exactly…” Armand pulled the golf shirt over Sean’s head. He then took off his own. He sat Sean down at the bench at the foot of the bed and carefully removed his sneakers and socks kissing Sean’s feet with tenderness. Quickly he removed his own shirt and shoes.

  They were both left in their khaki pants and belts. Armand took Sean in his arms and led him over to the bed. “I love you, baby, so much. I feel like I’ve waited for you forever.”

  With great care he lifted Sean and placed him on the bed. He began to kiss his mate starting with his eyebrows and lids working his way across Sean’s high boned cheeks and down to his mouth murmuring his appreciation of the body he uncovered.

  Sean responded in turn. He said it. “I love you, my loup-garou. I’m so lucky to have found you.”

  He grabbed Armand’s head, drawing him in for an aggressive kiss, exploring the corners of his lover’s mouth with his tongue. Armand met him stroke for stroke.

  “Your lips are so soft over mine.” Sean marveled. Armand broke away, trailing kisses and small bites along Sean’s neck. Sean shivered. Armand’s small bite on his neck sent a lightning bolt straight to his cock. Armand moved his hands in concert shaping and caressing his mate’s body from shoulders to waist.

  “I want to caress every inch of you. I want you to know my touch and my mouth on every
crevasse of your body.” Armand actions fit his words as Sean went mindless with desire.

  Sean felt Armand’s hard shaft through his pants. He moved his hand down to cup Armand’s erection but Armand stopped him. “Don’t touch me yet. If you do, I’ll explode and I want this to last for you. I want you to always remember our first time.”

  Lips licked and bit on the sensitive lobe of Sean’s ear. “Oh more please…there again. You’re driving me crazy.”

  When Armand bit his neck Sean body shook. Sean felt Armand’s mouth moved steadily downward. He grazed on Sean’s dark rose nubs, licking and biting until they were so sensitive Sean cried out his lover’s name.

  “Yes,” said Armand, “give me your noises. I want to hear you sing as I ravish your body.” Sean whimpered as Armand gave the same attention to his other nipple. Armand kissed the valley between Sean’s pecs, his mouth and tongue working down to his belly along the light trail of hair that ran a direct line to his cock. It seemed to Sean that Armand took forever to undo the belt from his pants and open the zipper.

  Sean lifted his ass, giving Armand the opportunity to remove them. Sean, stripped down to his underwear, groaned. A huge wet spot appeared on the grey cotton of his boxer briefs. His dick was sprouting copious amounts of pre-cum.

  “Please touch me there,” Sean screamed aloud. He panted trying to regain control over his wayward body. “Please, I’m going to blow.”

  He grabbed at Armand’s belt, refusing to be denied the feel of his lover’s cock in his hands. He stroked the solid shaft through Armand’s khakis, trying to convey his overwhelming feelings with his fingers.

  Loosening the belt, he heard Armand moan under his ministrations. Armand slipped his pants down his legs leaving him in beige silk boxers.

  Sean’s lover took the lead and removed his briefs and Armand’s boxers letting their cocks out for each other’s perusal. Armand’s cock was huge, long with a wide girth. It was nestled in a trimmed but thick nest of hair. It was hard and leaking like a faucet. Sean’s own was seven inches long and slender in proportion to his size. Neither cock was cut; which made the heads oh so sensitive to touch.

  Armand moved his mouth to Sean’s cock; licking the pre-cum and pulling back the foreskin from the head. He gave small licks to the delicate head he revealed. Armand moved the foreskin up and down, sucking and nibbling on the underside of Sean’s cock.

  Moving his head downward Armand took one of Sean’s balls and sucked on it while manipulating the other, pulling down with his hand. Then he took Sean’s shaft fully down his throat massaging the whole with its muscles.

  Sean could do nothing but run his fingers through the hair on his lover’s head trying to show Armand his overwhelming love and lust with his hands. Sean’s hands moved up and down stroking as much of Armand’s arms and torso as he could reach. He wanted to map his lover’s body and burn the impression into his brain.

  Armand looked up and stared. Navy eyes met green and Sean begged, “Take me, now.”

  Armand pulled his lips off Sean’s shaft. “Not until I’m sure you’re ready, baby.” Armand mouth went back to Sean’s cock sucking and licking leaving Sean thrashing around the bed.

  “Please let me taste you.” Sean said. “I want to swallow you down, taste what’s mine.”

  Armand continued licking and sucking, “This time’s for you, baby.” He moved his mouth to Sean’s taint, licking and biting as he turned his lover over onto his stomach. Separating his cheeks, he tongued each side of Sean’s crease working his way down to his rosette. He began to rim Sean’s hole, saliva dripping down on the cover of the bed. Rolling his tongue he pierced Sean, moving into the recesses of his ass, opening his hole by spearing it with his tongue. His mouth moved, biting the cheeks moving back and forth from his rosette to the mounds of his ass.

  Sean pleaded with his lover, “Take me. Make me yours.”

  Armand opened the bedside drawer and pumped some Liquid Silk onto his fingers. Using one hand he began to caress Sean’s stomach as he stretched his hole to take one finger, pressing down to increase the sensation.

  “More, more…” Sean cried.

  Armand slipped in a second finger working it into Sean’s ass. He crooked his fingers searching for Sean’s prostate. When he found it Sean screamed. “Please, now. I want you inside me.” Using more lube, Armand slipped in a third finger.

  “I want you ready for me, baby. I’m not a small man. I refuse to cause you even a moment of pain.”

  “No more, I’m ready, please, now.”

  “Someday you’ll take my entire fist inside you and I’ll own you inside and out.” Armand turned Sean over on his back. “I want to see your face when we make love.”

  Sean closed his eyes trying to stave off his climax.

  “Open your eyes, mate. I want to see your eyes shine with lust for my cock.”

  Sean watched Armand pump more lubricant onto his hand and slather it over his shaft. “I’m dying for you. I’m going to push inside you now. Push out so you can receive me.”

  Sean pushed out, opening his passage for the head of Armand’s cock. The head moved past the sphincter muscle and after all of the intense preparation slid home with only a whine from Sean.

  “I’m inside you where I belong, baby. Tell me when it’s okay for me to move.”

  Sean nodded his head. He couldn’t speak. Armand pushed further in so far that his balls slapped against the cheeks of Sean’s ass. Sean’s legs were bent and up over his shoulders. Armand spread them apart so he could reach Sean’s lips and neck.

  “When I come my incisors will grow and I’m going to give you a mating bite. It will only hurt for a few seconds. Please move closer to me and show me your neck.” Sean pulled Armand to his chest.

  Sean moved to draw Armand further inside. “I love you, Armand, do what you will.”

  Armand began to propel his cock into Sean’s channel. Sean felt Arman’s slick cock moving in and out of his passage, striking his prostate every time. Sean began to shake. He felt the sweat dripping from Armand’s brow mingling with his own. Armand’s aroma of woods and pine grew stronger, driving Sean wild and further onto the path that began at the base of his spine.

  “Now…” Armand cried, Sean watched as his lover’s eyes turned red and his incisors elongated. Armand moved his hand over Sean’s shoulder, Sean stilled his thrashing body.

  The teeth came down. The bite hurt but it brought the most amazing feeling of complete union. Sean’s channel spasmed as it held his lover in its depths of their orgasms. Sean felt his cum shoot up his chest up as far as his chin. His cock wouldn’t stop spurting. The ropes of cum dripped down on the sheet. He felt Armand unload into his body. Sean shook. Armand grew in his channel. The mating knot had formed.

  Armand eyes turned back to navy as he pulled his teeth from the flesh between Sean’s shoulder and neck. “You are mine now. Mine,” Armand said as he collapsed onto Sean’s chest. “It will take a while before I can pull out of you.” Armand whispered.

  “The mating knot?” Sean asked.

  “You know?” Sean watched Armand lick his shoulder where the twin wounds were closing leaving a very visible mark on his skin.

  “Yes, Meg told me. It provides us with quiet time before you have to pull away.” Sean stretched his arms around his lover. “I love you. I couldn’t imagine doing this with anyone else ever again. You have marked me as yours forever.”

  They began to kiss, passion spent. Armand ran his hands over Sean’s torso. Sean felt like his skin was all nerve endings. With each touch of Armand’s hand he felt the nerves rise closer to the surface.

  Armand murmured, “I love you,” as he moved off of Sean’s chest to the side bringing Sean face to face. “There will never be anyone but me. Nor anyone but you in this life and the next, this I swear to you my mate.”

  Sean felt a stirring in his heart and gut. He murmured the same words back to Armand and he felt whole.

  * * * *

hey lay there a while reveling in the afterglow of their lovemaking. The mating knot gradually subsided and Armand pushed gently away and arose to go to into the bathroom suite. He wet a towel and took a basin of warm water back to the bed.

  “We didn’t use a condom. I hope you believe I’m negative.” Sean looked worried.

  “Don’t be upset, wolves can’t get human diseases. We never need to put anything between us.” Armand washed the cum from his lover’s chest, rinsed the cloth in the basin and wiped between the cheeks of Sean’s ass. Sean winced.

  “You’re going to be sore for a while,” Armand told him. “I literally pounded you into the mattress. Rest for a while and then we will take a long bath before dinner. I need to go find Rene, see if Pierre and Meg have arrived and debrief the enforcers on what happened in New York.”

  “If you don’t mind, I’ll opt for a shower.”

  Armand kissed Sean opening the covers for Sean to slip between them. “Anything you want, baby, anything you need now and forever. Later, my love, we will present you to my people and show them your mating mark. Now you can rest. I’ll join you as soon as I can.”

  Armand dressed in a T-shirt and a loose set of sweats and left the room. Sean fell right into a light doze.

  Chapter 10

  Dimitri met with Alpha La Farge one hour after the aborted attempt on Armand’s life and the attempted kidnapping of the Alpha Mate. “How did they know we were coming?”

  “Armand always had a sixth sense for danger. Is there any way the attempt can be traced back to us?” the Alpha asked.

  “Not to you, they are looking for me but the humans I hired never saw my face. We will have to go to New Mexico.”

  “We’ll have to assume that Armand has already given the Omega the mating bite.” La Farge paced the small room of the seedy motel on the outskirts of the LaGuardia airport in Queens.


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