by Steven Levy
AI lab, Life, Life
Asimov, Isaac, The Midnight Computer Wiring Society, Life, Life
Assembly computer language, The Third Generation
Assembly language, The Tech Model Railroad Club
Assembly-language programmers, The Third Generation
Atari (game company), The Homebrew Computer Club, Woz, The Brotherhood, Frogger, Wizard vs. Wizards
Atari 400, The Third Generation, The Third Generation
Atari 800, The Third Generation, The Third Generation, The Third Generation, The Third Generation, Wizard vs. Wizards
Pac-Man injunction, The Third Generation
VCS game machine, The Third Generation
VCS machine, Frogger, Wizard vs. Wizards
Awake! publication, Summer Camp
Baba Ram Das, Revolt in 2100
Bachelor mode, The Midnight Computer Wiring Society
Bain, Larry, Summer Camp
BAL computer language, The Wizard and the Princess
BASIC computer language, Spacewar, Revolt in 2100, Revolt in 2100, Tiny BASIC, Woz
Battle Warp game, The Third Generation
Baum, Alan, The Homebrew Computer Club, Woz, Woz, Woz
BC cartoon, Wizard vs. Wizards
Beeler, Mike, Greenblatt and Gosper, Life
Beer Run game, Frogger
Bekins Moving and Storage, The Wizard and the Princess
Bell System Technical Journal, The Midnight Computer Wiring Society
Bell Telephone System, The Midnight Computer Wiring Society
Bell, Gordon, Greenblatt and Gosper
Bennett, Bill, The Midnight Computer Wiring Society
Benway, Doctor, Revolt in 2100, Revolt in 2100
Berkeley Barb, Revolt in 2100
Berzerk, Frogger
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Afterword: 2010
Binary number system, The Tech Model Railroad Club
Bit (measurement), The Tech Model Railroad Club
Bit Works, Applefest
Blattisms, Greenblatt and Gosper
Blue box long-distance calls, Secrets
Blue boxes, The Midnight Computer Wiring Society, Woz
Bolt Beranek and Newman (BBN), Spacewar, Spacewar
Bootstrap, The Homebrew Computer Club
Box, Bob and Carolyn, Frogger, Wizard vs. Wizards
Brand, Stewart, Every Man a God, Afterword: 2010
Brautigan, Richard, Revolt in 2100
Broken Flowers (movie), Afterword: 2010
Brotherhood (Brøderbund) Software, The Brotherhood, The Brotherhood, The Brotherhood, Frogger, Wizard vs. Wizards
Buchanan, Bruce, Life
Budge, Bill, Summer Camp
Bueche, Chuck, Frogger, Applefest, Applefest
Bug (robot) program, Winners and Losers, Winners and Losers
Bunnell, David, Every Man a God
Burnstein, Malcolm, Revolt in 2100
Burroughs computer, The Wizard and the Princess
Byte (measurement), Every Man a God
Byte magazine, Tiny BASIC, Tiny BASIC
Byte Shop, Applefest
California Polytechnic, Pomona Campus, The Wizard and the Princess
Call Computer service, Woz
Cambridge urchins, The Tech Model Railroad Club
Captain Crunch, Woz, Woz, Secrets, The Brotherhood, Applefest
Carlston, Doug, The Brotherhood, The Brotherhood, Applefest
Carlston, Gary, The Brotherhood, The Brotherhood
Carmack, John, Afterword: 2010
Carnegie-Mellon University, Life, Life
Carpetbaggers, The (Robbins), The Wizard and the Princess
Cassette recorders, The Brotherhood
CBS opening, Spacewar
Charles Adams Associates, Greenblatt and Gosper, Greenblatt and Gosper
Chat program, Woz
Chess program, The Tech Model Railroad Club, The Hacker Ethic
Chicken Hawk system, Every Man a God
Chinese food, Greenblatt and Gosper
Choplifter game, Frogger
Christie, Agatha, The Wizard and the Princess
Circle Algorithm hack, Spacewar
CL 9, Afterword: 2010
Clements, Bob, The Midnight Computer Wiring Society
Clue board game, The Wizard and the Princess
Coarsegold, The Wizard and the Princess, The Third Generation
Coats, Tracy, Wizard vs. Wizards
Commodore computer, Secrets, The Brotherhood, The Third Generation
Communist Party, Revolt in 2100, Revolt in 2100
Community Memory, Revolt in 2100, Revolt in 2100, Revolt in 2100, Every Man a God, Every Man a God, Tiny BASIC, Woz, Secrets, Secrets, Secrets
Compatible Time-sharing System (CTSS), Winners and Losers
Compiler, The Hacker Ethic
Computer Faire, Woz, Secrets, Secrets, The Brotherhood, The Third Generation
Computer Lib (Nelson), Revolt in 2100, Every Man a God, Every Man a God, Woz
Computer Power and Human Reason (Weizenbaum), Life
Computerland, Secrets
Computers, effect on people’s lives, The Hacker Ethic, Summer Camp
Conan the Barbarian (movie), Applefest
Cons (conferences), The Third Generation
Consumer Electronics Shows, Applefest
Continental Company, The Brotherhood
Control Data Company, Revolt in 2100
Control Data Institute, The Wizard and the Princess
Conway, John, Life, The Homebrew Computer Club
Copy protection, Applefest
Corbató, F. J., Spacewar, Winners and Losers
Crawford, Chris, The Third Generation
Crazy Climber game, The Third Generation
Creepy Corridors game, Frogger
Cribbage computer game, Summer Camp
Cromemco, The Homebrew Computer Club, Tiny BASIC
Crowther, Will, Life
Cruft, The Tech Model Railroad Club
Currie, Eddie, Every Man a God
DAC (Deposit Accumulator), Spacewar
Daisy (song), The Homebrew Computer Club
Dancing with the Stars (TV show), Afterword: 2010
Dark Crystal (movie), Frogger
Data General Nova computer, Woz
DataSoft, Frogger
Davidson, Rick, Summer Camp
Davidson, Sharon, Summer Camp
Davis, Bob, Summer Camp, Wizard vs. Wizards
Dazzler, The Homebrew Computer Club, Tiny BASIC
DECAL assembler, The Midnight Computer Wiring Society
Decimal print program, The Hacker Ethic
Dennis, Jack, The Tech Model Railroad Club, Spacewar, Spacewar
Department of Defense, Life
Deus Ex Machina, or The True Computerist, Tiny BASIC
Deutsch, Peter, The Tech Model Railroad Club, Spacewar, Spacewar, Revolt in 2100
Dial-a-joke service, Woz
Dictionary program, Frogger
Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC), Spacewar, Spacewar, Winners and Losers, Revolt in 2100
Digital rights management (DRM), Afterword: 2010
Disassemblers, The Third Generation
Disk drives, The Brotherhood
Display hacks, Spacewar
Display list interrupts, The Third Generation
Dithering (color technique), The Wizard and the Princess
DIY biology, Afterword: 2010
DNA synthesis, Afterword: 2010
Docusports, Wizard vs. Wizards
Dompier, Steve, Every Man a God, The Homebrew Computer Club, The Homebrew Computer Club, The Homebrew Computer Club, The Homebrew Computer Club, Tiny BASIC, Tiny BASIC, Tiny BASIC
Doom game, Afterword: 2010
Dr. Dobbs Journal (DDJ), Tiny BASIC, Woz, Woz
Draper, John, Woz, Secrets, The Brotherhood, Applefest
, Herbert, Greenblatt and Gosper
Duchaineau, Mark, Applefest, Applefest
Dungeons and Dragons, Summer Camp, Applefest
Dymax, Revolt in 2100
E-Z-Draw program, The Brotherhood
EAM room, The Tech Model Railroad Club, The Tech Model Railroad Club
Earth Dies Screaming game, Frogger
Eastlake, Don, Winners and Losers
Easy Writer program, The Brotherhood, Applefest
Edwards, Dan, Spacewar, The Midnight Computer Wiring Society
Electrical engineering course No. 641, The Tech Model Railroad Club
Electronic Accounting Machinery (EAM), The Tech Model Railroad Club
Electronic Arts, Applefest
ELlZA program, Life, Every Man a God
EMACS editing program, The Last of the True Hackers
Erhard, Werner, Tiny BASIC
Espinosa, Chris, Woz, Woz, Secrets
Esquire magazine, Woz, Applefest
Est training, Tiny BASIC
Expensive Desk Calculator program, The Hacker Ethic
Expensive Typewriter program, The Hacker Ethic, Frogger
F&T Diner, Greenblatt and Gosper
Facebook, Afterword: 2010
Felsenstein, Joe, Revolt in 2100, Revolt in 2100
Felsenstein, Lee, Revolt in 2100, Every Man a God, Every Man a God, Every Man a God, The Homebrew Computer Club, The Homebrew Computer Club, The Homebrew Computer Club, The Homebrew Computer Club, The Homebrew Computer Club, Tiny BASIC, Woz, Secrets, Secrets, Secrets, Afterword: 2010
FIND (command), Revolt in 2100
Finkel, LeRoy, Revolt in 2100
Flexowriter, The Tech Model Railroad Club, The Tech Model Railroad Club
FLIT, The Tech Model Railroad Club
Micro-FLIT, Spacewar
Foo, Winners and Losers
Foo Camp, Afterword: 2010
Fool on the Hill (Beatles ballad), The Homebrew Computer Club
Forbin Project (movie), Every Man a God
Form Master (disk-copying machine), Applefest
FORTRAN computer language, The Hacker Ethic, Greenblatt and Gosper, Revolt in 2100, The Wizard and the Princess, The Wizard and the Princess
Fountainhead, The (Rand), Winners and Losers
Franklin, Benjamin, Afterword: 2010
Fredkin, Ed, The Midnight Computer Wiring Society, Winners and Losers, Life, Life, Life, Life
Free Software Foundation, Afterword: 2010
Free Speech Movement, Revolt in 2100
French, Gordon, Every Man a God, The Homebrew Computer Club, The Homebrew Computer Club
Fresno County jail, Wizard vs. Wizards
Fried, Ben, Afterword: 2010
Friedman, Barry, Wizard vs. Wizards
Frogger game, Frogger, Applefest, Wizard vs. Wizards, Wizard vs. Wizards
Full-screen editing, The Third Generation
Fuller, Buckminster, Revolt in 2100, Revolt in 2100, Every Man a God, The Homebrew Computer Club
Fusion-io, Afterword: 2010
Galactic Saga game, The Brotherhood
Galaxian game, The Brotherhood, Summer Camp
Gamma Scientific company, The Third Generation, The Third Generation
Gardner, Martin, Life
Garetz, Shag, Spacewar
Garland, Harry, The Homebrew Computer Club, The Homebrew Computer Club
Garriott, Owen K., Applefest
Garriott, Richard, Applefest, Applefest, Applefest
Gates, Bill, Tiny BASIC, Tiny BASIC, Frogger, Afterword: 2010, Afterword: 2010, Afterword: 2010
Gebelli, Nasir, The Brotherhood, Frogger
General Electric Science Fair, The Tech Model Railroad Club
George Jackson People’s Free Clinic, Revolt in 2100
Glider gun, Life
GNU operating system, Afterword: 2010
Gobbler game, The Third Generation
Godbout, Bill, Every Man a God
Going public, The Wizard and the Princess
Gold panning, Frogger
Golden, Vinnie “the Bear”, Every Man a God
Google, Afterword: 2010
Gorlin, Dan, Frogger
Gosper, Bill, Spacewar, Greenblatt and Gosper, Greenblatt and Gosper, Greenblatt and Gosper, Winners and Losers, Winners and Losers, Life, Life, Afterword: 2010
Graham, Paul, Afterword: 2010
Great Subway Hack, Winners and Losers, Life
Greenblatt, Richard, Greenblatt and Gosper, Greenblatt and Gosper, Greenblatt and Gosper, Greenblatt and Gosper, Winners and Losers, Winners and Losers, Life, Life, Life, Life, The Wizard and the Princess, Afterword: 2010
Griffin, Kathy, Afterword: 2010
Gronk, Winners and Losers
Guinness Book of World Records, Frogger
Gulf & Western Conglomerate, Sega division, Frogger
Hack, The Tech Model Railroad Club
Hackathons, Afterword: 2010
HACKER (Sussman program), Winners and Losers
Hacker Dojo, Afterword: 2010
Hacker Ethic, The Hacker Ethic, The Hacker Ethic, Spacewar, Greenblatt and Gosper, The Midnight Computer Wiring Society, Winners and Losers, Life, Life, Revolt in 2100, Revolt in 2100, Every Man a God, Every Man a God, The Homebrew Computer Club, The Homebrew Computer Club, Tiny BASIC, Secrets, Secrets, The Wizard and the Princess, The Brotherhood, The Brotherhood, The Brotherhood, The Third Generation, Frogger, Frogger, Applefest, Applefest, Wizard vs. Wizards
Hackers, The Tech Model Railroad Club, Greenblatt and Gosper, Every Man a God, Wizard vs. Wizards
hardware, Life
Hackers Conference, Afterword: 2010
Hacking, current state, Afterword: 2010
Haight-Ashbury Medical Research Clinic, Revolt in 2100
HAL (2001), The Homebrew Computer Club
Hamilton, Margaret, The Midnight Computer Wiring Society
Hands-On Imperative, The Tech Model Railroad Club, The Hacker Ethic, Greenblatt and Gosper, Revolt in 2100, Revolt in 2100, The Third Generation
Hardware hackers, Life
Harris, John, The Third Generation, The Third Generation, The Third Generation, The Third Generation, Summer Camp, Summer Camp, Frogger, Frogger, Frogger, Wizard vs. Wizards, Wizard vs. Wizards, Wizard vs. Wizards
Harvard University, Spacewar
Harvey, Brian, Winners and Losers, Life
Hawkins, Trip, Applefest
Haystack Observatory, The Midnight Computer Wiring Society
Hazeltine 1500 terminal, Revolt in 2100
Heath Company, Revolt in 2100
Heffron, Eli, The Tech Model Railroad Club, Winners and Losers
Heinlein, Robert, The Midnight Computer Wiring Society, Revolt in 2100, Every Man a God
Henson, Jim, Frogger
Hertzfeld, Andy, Afterword: 2010
Herzfeld, Andy, The Brotherhood
Heuer, Roberta (see )
Hewlett-Packard (HP), Revolt in 2100, Woz, Woz