by Steven Levy
Hexagon House, The Third Generation, Applefest
Hi-Res Adventure, The Wizard and the Princess
High-level computer language, The Hacker Ethic
Higham Institute, Spacewar, Spacewar
Holm, Celeste, Revolt in 2100
Holt, Rod, Woz
Homebrew Computer Club, Every Man a God, The Homebrew Computer Club, Tiny BASIC, Tiny BASIC, Tiny BASIC, Tiny BASIC, Woz, Woz, Woz, Secrets, Secrets, Afterword: 2010
Honeywell company, Winners and Losers
Hulking Giant, The Tech Model Railroad Club, The Tech Model Railroad Club, Greenblatt and Gosper
Hyperspace, Spacewar
IBM (International Business Machines), The Hacker Ethic, Greenblatt and Gosper, Frogger, Wizard vs. Wizards, Wizard vs. Wizards
IBM 704, The Tech Model Railroad Club, The Tech Model Railroad Club, The Hacker Ethic
IBM 709, The Tech Model Railroad Club
PC machines, Frogger
IC (integrated circuit), Every Man a God
Illich, Ivan, Every Man a God, Every Man a God
Image subtraction, Winners and Losers
IMSAI, Tiny BASIC, Woz, Secrets
Incompatible Time-sharing System (ITS), Winners and Losers, Life, Life, Life
Infocom, Summer Camp
Informatics, The Wizard and the Princess, Frogger
Information International Incorporated (Triple-I), The Midnight Computer Wiring Society, Life
Information Should Be Free, Afterword: 2010
Ingram, Gary, Every Man a God, The Homebrew Computer Club, Woz, Secrets
Integer BASIC, Woz
Intel, Every Man a God
4004 chip, Tiny BASIC, Tiny BASIC
8008 chip, Every Man a God, Every Man a God
8080 chip, Every Man a God
Intellectual property law, Afterword: 2010
Intentional system crashes, Winners and Losers
Interface Age magazine, Tiny BASIC
Interval Research, Afterword: 2010
Interzone, Revolt in 2100
Introduction to Computer Progamming (EE 641), Greenblatt and Gosper
iPad, Afterword: 2010
iPhone, Afterword: 2010, Afterword: 2010
iPod, Afterword: 2010
Iran hostage crisis, Frogger
Jawbreaker 2, Wizard vs. Wizards
Jawbreaker game, The Third Generation, Frogger
Jehovah’s Witnesses, Summer Camp
Jensen, Mr., The Hacker Ethic
Jewell, Jerry, The Brotherhood, The Brotherhood, Frogger, Applefest, Wizard vs. Wizards, Wizard vs. Wizards
Jobs, Steve, Woz, Woz, Woz, Woz, Woz, Secrets
Joplin, Janis, Revolt in 2100
Journal of Community Communications, The Homebrew Computer Club
Joy Fong restaurant, Greenblatt and Gosper
JUMP (command), Spacewar
K1uge room, Spacewar
Kahn, Bob, Revolt in 2100, Every Man a God, Woz
Kaleidoscope program, The Homebrew Computer Club
Kemeny, John, Revolt in 2100
Keypunch machine 407, The Tech Model Railroad Club
KILL SYSTEM command, Winners and Losers
Kindle, Afterword: 2010
Kluge room, The Hacker Ethic, Greenblatt and Gosper, Greenblatt and Gosper
Knight, Tom, Winners and Losers, Winners and Losers, Winners and Losers, Life, Life
Knuth, Dona1d, Life
Koltnow, Joanne, Woz
Kotok, Alan, The Tech Model Railroad Club, The Hacker Ethic, Spacewar, Spacewar, Spacewar, Greenblatt and Gosper
Lancaster, Don, Every Man a God, Every Man a God, Tiny BASIC
Lawrence Hall of Science, Every Man a God
Leary, Timothy, Revolt in 2100
LeBrun, Marc, Woz
Leopold’s Records, Revolt in 2100, Revolt in 2100, Secrets, Secrets
Lessig, Lawrence, Afterword: 2010
Lester (engineering student, University of Missouri), Greenblatt and Gosper
Letter to Hobbyists, Afterword: 2010
Levitt, Mike, Life
LGC Engineering Company, Every Man a God
Lincoln Lab, The Tech Model Railroad Club, The Tech Model Railroad Club, Spacewar, The Midnight Computer Wiring Society
Linux, Afterword: 2010
LIO (Load Input-Output), Spacewar
Lipkin, Efrem, Revolt in 2100, Revolt in 2100, Revolt in 2100, Secrets, Secrets
LISP programming, The Tech Model Railroad Club, Spacewar, Greenblatt and Gosper
Lock hacking, The Midnight Computer Wiring Society
Locksmith program, Applefest
Lode Runner game, Wizard vs. Wizards
LOGO computer language, Life
Long-distance blue box calls, Woz, Secrets, Secrets
Long-Range Computer Study Group, Spacewar
Lord British, Applefest, Applefest
Losers and winners, Winners and Losers
Losing, The Tech Model Railroad Club
Loving Grace Cybernetics, Revolt in 2100
Lubeek, Olaf, The Third Generation
M&R Electronics, Woz
MacHack chess program, Greenblatt and Gosper
Machine Aided Cognition, Spacewar
Machine language, The Hacker Ethic
MacLISP, Greenblatt and Gosper
Mailer, Norman, Life
Make magazine, Afterword: 2010
Maker Faire festivals, Afterword: 2010
Mariott, Pat, Applefest
Mark 4, The Wizard and the Princess
Marketing, Frogger
Markkula, Mike, Woz, Secrets
Marsh, Bob, Every Man a God, Every Man a God, The Homebrew Computer Club, The Homebrew Computer Club, Tiny BASIC, Tiny BASIC, Tiny BASIC, Woz, Secrets
Marx, Karl, Every Man a God
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), The Tech Model Railroad Club, The Hacker Ethic, The Midnight Computer Wiring Society, Life
Master key, The Midnight Computer Wiring Society
Mayan calendar hack, Spacewar
McCarthy, John, The Tech Model Railroad Club, The Hacker Ethic, Spacewar, Spacewar, Greenblatt and Gosper, Life, Life, Revolt in 2100
McKenzie, John, The Tech Model Railroad Club, The Midnight Computer Wiring Society
Melen, Roger, The Homebrew Computer Club, The Homebrew Computer Club
Memorial Student Union (UM), Greenblatt and Gosper
Memory boards, The Homebrew Computer Club
design and production, The Homebrew Computer Club
Merton, Louis, Life
MICRO magazine, The Wizard and the Princess
Micro-8 Newsletter, Tiny BASIC
Microbooth, The Brotherhood
Microprocessor, Every Man a God
Microsoft, Frogger, Afterword: 2010
MIDAS assembler, The Midnight Computer Wiring Society, Winners and Losers
Middle Earth trilogy, Life
Midnight Computer Wiring Society, The Midnight Computer Wiring Society
Midpeninsula Free University, Revolt in 2100
Milhon, Jude, Revolt in 2100, Revolt in 2100, The Homebrew Computer Club, Secrets, Secrets
Minsky, Marvin, The Hacker Ethic, Spacewar, Spacewar, Greenblatt and Gosper, The Midnight Computer Wiring Society, Winners and Losers, Life, Life
Minskytron, Spacewar, Spacewar
Missile Command game, The Third Generation
MIT hackers, Afterword: 2010
MITS Caravan, Tiny BASIC
Moby Memory, Winners and Losers
Model 33 teletype, Winners and Losers
Model Instrumentation Telemetry System (MITS), Every Man a God, Every Man a God, Every Man a God, Tiny BASIC, Tiny BASIC, Tiny BASIC, Woz
Modem, Secrets
Modes, Greenblatt and Gosper
Monopoly game, Frogger
Moore, Fred, Every Man a God, The Homebrew Computer Cl
ub, The Homebrew Computer Club, The Homebrew Computer Club, Secrets
Morby, Jacky, Frogger
Motorola 6800 chip, Tiny BASIC
Motorola microprocessors, Woz
Mouse in the Maze game, Spacewar, The Wizard and the Princess
Mouskattack game, The Third Generation
Multi-format disk scheme, Applefest
Multics, Winners and Losers, Winners and Losers
Multiple Access Computing, Spacewar
Mung (Mash Until No Good), The Tech Model Railroad Club
Muppets, The, Frogger
Music program, The Tech Model Railroad Club, The Hacker Ethic, Spacewar
Music, of a Sort, The Homebrew Computer Club
My Computer Likes Me (Albrecht), Revolt in 2100
Mystery House game, The Wizard and the Princess, The Brotherhood, Wizard vs. Wizards
Naked Lunch (Burroughs), Revolt in 2100
NASA, Life
National Strike Information Center, Life
NBC Magazine, Frogger
Nelson, Ralph, Revolt in 2100
Nelson, Stewart, The Midnight Computer Wiring Society, The Midnight Computer Wiring Society, The Midnight Computer Wiring Society, The Midnight Computer Wiring Society, Life, Every Man a God
Nelson, Ted, Revolt in 2100, Every Man a God, The Homebrew Computer Club, Woz, Secrets, Frogger
Newton-John, Olivia, Summer Camp
Noftsker, Russell, Greenblatt and Gosper, The Midnight Computer Wiring Society, Life
Nomography, Greenblatt and Gosper
Notes on Distant Dialing, The Midnight Computer Wiring Society
Nussbacher, Ken, The Third Generation
Oakhurst, The Wizard and the Princess, The Wizard and the Princess, Summer Camp
Oakland Seven, Revolt in 2100
Oasis, The Homebrew Computer Club, Tiny BASIC
Octal number system, The Tech Model Railroad Club
Officially Sanctioned Programs, Winners and Losers
Officially Sanctioned Users, The Tech Model Railroad Club, Winners and Losers
On-Line Systems, The Wizard and the Princess, The Brotherhood, The Brotherhood, The Brotherhood, The Third Generation, The Third Generation, Summer Camp, Frogger, Frogger, Frogger, Frogger, Frogger, Wizard vs. Wizards
(see also )
programming office, The Wizard and the Princess
recruiting, Summer Camp
Open Letter to Hobbyists, Tiny BASIC
Orifice, The Tech Model Railroad Club
Osborne 1 computer, Secrets
Osborne, Adam, Secrets, Secrets
O’Reilly, Tim, Afterword: 2010
Pac-Man, The Third Generation, The Third Generation, Frogger
Page flipping, The Brotherhood
Papert, Seymour, Life
Parker Brothers, Frogger, Wizard vs. Wizards
Password hacking, Winners and Losers
Password TV gameshow, The Brotherhood
PC ’76 computer show, Tiny BASIC
PDP-1, Spacewar, Spacewar, Greenblatt and Gosper, Greenblatt and Gosper, The Midnight Computer Wiring Society, The Midnight Computer Wiring Society, The Wizard and the Princess
PDP-10, Winners and Losers, Life, Life
PDP-6, Greenblatt and Gosper, Life
PDP-6 MacLISP, Greenblatt and Gosper
PDP-7, The Midnight Computer Wiring Society
PDP-8, Revolt in 2100
Peanut (PCjr) home computer, Frogger
Peg Solitaire (HI-Q), Greenblatt and Gosper
Pennywhistle modem, The Homebrew Computer Club, Secrets
People magazine, Wizard vs. Wizards
People’s Computer Company, Revolt in 2100, Revolt in 2100, Every Man a God, Every Man a God, Every Man a God, The Homebrew Computer Club, Tiny BASIC
People’s Park, Every Man a God
Personal computers, effect on people’s lives, The Hacker Ethic, Summer Camp
PET computer, The Third Generation, The Third Generation
Phone company, Spacewar, The Midnight Computer Wiring Society, Woz
phone hacking, The Midnight Computer Wiring Society
phone phreaks, Woz
Ping-Pong, Winners and Losers, Life
Pittman, Tom, The Homebrew Computer Club, Tiny BASIC, Woz
PL/I computer language, Winners and Losers
Plank House in the Valley, The Wizard and the Princess
Playability (computer games), The Third Generation
Player-missile graphics, The Third Generation
Plug board, The Tech Model Railroad Club
Pong video game, The Homebrew Computer Club
Popular Electronics, Every Man a God, Every Man a God, The Homebrew Computer Club, Tiny BASIC
Pornographic programs, The Homebrew Computer Club
Porter, Katherine Ann, Life
Portola Institute, Revolt in 2100
Prancing Pony, Life
Priesthood, The Tech Model Railroad Club, The Tech Model Railroad Club
Principles of Electricity and Electronics Applied to Telephone and Telegraph Work, The Midnight Computer Wiring Society
Processor Technology, The Homebrew Computer Club, Tiny BASIC, Tiny BASIC, Tiny BASIC, Tiny BASIC, Woz, Secrets
Program bumming, The Tech Model Railroad Club, The Hacker Ethic, The Wizard and the Princess
Programma, The Wizard and the Princess, The Brotherhood
Programming, The Wizard and the Princess, Applefest, Wizard vs. Wizards
social aspects, The Wizard and the Princess
Programming languages, The Wizard and the Princess
programming languages, Afterword: 2010
Project MAC, Spacewar, Greenblatt and Gosper, Greenblatt and Gosper, Winners and Losers, Afterword: 2010
Project One, Revolt in 2100
Propaganda of the Deed, The Homebrew Computer Club
Quinn, Mike, Every Man a God
Radio Amateur’s Handbook, Revolt in 2100
Radio Electronics, Every Man a God, Every Man a God
Radio Frequency (RP) Modulators, Woz
Radio Shack, Secrets
Rand Corporation, Greenblatt and Gosper
Raster Blaster game, Summer Camp
Red Death, Greenblatt and Gosper
Registers, Greenblatt and Gosper
Reiling, Bob, Woz
Research Laboratory of Electronics (RLE), The Tech Model Railroad Club, Spacewar
Resource One, Revolt in 2100
Revolt in 2100 (Heinlein), Revolt in 2100, Revolt in 2100, Revolt in 2100
Rich and Rich Synergistic Enterprises, Wizard vs. Wizards
Right Thing, The, Greenblatt and Gosper
Robbins, Harold, The Wizard and the Princess
Roberts, Ed, Every Man a God, Every Man a God, The Homebrew Computer Club, Tiny BASIC, Tiny BASIC, Tiny BASIC, Woz
Robotics, Winners and Losers, Life
Robotron game, Frogger, Wizard vs. Wizards