Cowgirl Crazy (Bad Girls Book 2)

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Cowgirl Crazy (Bad Girls Book 2) Page 2

by Jennifer Labelle

  “Thank you!” Becca smiled as she opened the fridge. “I’ve got a pitcher of sweet tea, milk, water, and coffee?”

  “Water’s just fine.” he said as he leaned against the counter across from her. She bent over to reach into the fridge to get it, and he took the opportunity to admire her firm ass while she did it too.

  “So, is that the favor?” she asked, as she stood, nudged the door shut with her hip, and tossed him a bottle of the cold clear liquid.

  “Say what?”

  “The favor you mentioned earlier. Was it for me to help you decorate the house?” She lifted an eyebrow and waited for him to respond.

  “Not even close.” He smiled. “Sawyer mentioned you might have some free space for me to use as storage to house one of my babies until I get the garage finished. It’ll probably be only for a couple of months but…”

  “Your babies?” she asked.

  “Yeah, I’ve got a ’68 Yenko I’m almost done restoring so I need a space big enough to accommodate. You got any?”

  “I’m assuming a Yenko is a car?” She bit her lip in concentration as she thought about it.

  “Yeah, babe.” He shook his head, totally amused by that question. “It’s a super modified Camaro, a sweet ride too besides my bike that is. Maybe I should take you out in it sometime?”

  “You guys are adorable,” Sawyer interrupted. She was leaning against the doorway watching the two of them with interest. “I’ve been here for a couple minutes already and neither one of you noticed me. I love it!” She clapped her hands together. “Speaking of love, Jagger just called, and he’ll be here any minute to pick me up. Thanks for the ride, Mace, I’ll catch up with you later. Becca, I will see you tomorrow, nine p.m.” Sawyer blew Becca a kiss and hugged Mace goodbye. “Have fun you two!” She wiggled her eyebrows up and down with one last parting look and disappeared down the hallway. A minute later, they both heard the door close and Becca surprised him as she giggled.

  “Gotta love her, I swear.”

  “She’s something all right,” Mace replied, shaking his head before he continued. “You think the squirt is trying to play at matchmaker?”

  “Ugh, I hope not.” She fanned herself off as if she was hot suddenly. “Setups feel so forced to me. I’d prefer things to just happen naturally, no pressure, no expectations, and hopefully no disappointments. But maybe that’s why it’s been forever since I’ve dated anyone, because I tend to be picky.”

  “Oh, I don’t know. It could work out.” Mace shrugged and took a sip of the water she offered. “I think sometimes people could use a little push once in a while. You only live once, right? And, it never hurts to try, unless you’re not feeling it. Then we’ve got a whole other problem.”

  “Let’s just say I got tired of kissing a lot of frogs. This is all hypothetical though so there’s no problem here. Now about your car…”

  “Fair enough. We can always go slow,” he interjected and nodded while he held her gaze with his own. “I’m cool with that because I gotta tell you, Ms. Everett, I’ve been thinking about you since our first run in and knowing Sawyer approves just makes it another win in my book. She’s like a kid sister to me. So, I don’t mind starting out as friends if that’s what you need from me, but I am interested so know that going forward.” Mace smirked. “Now close that pretty mouth before you catch flies. I can see that I’ve caught you off guard and I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable around me—ever. Now about my car, you think you’ve got space for me?”



  Whoa! Am I dreaming here? Somebody pinch me.

  “You’re amazing,” Becca said as she came out of her moment of stupor. “Sort of all over the place, but um, thank you. You surprise me, and I like it, but it’s sort of overwhelming at the same time. Being friends with you would be nice, the potential for more—let’s just say you’ve got me intrigued. I have to get to know you better before I can take that plunge, so I appreciate the patience you’ve offered. As for space, I’ve got a place, it’s close by, has plenty of room, and I think you’ll like it. Care to take a look?”

  “Hell yeah!” He motioned forward with his hand. “Lead the way, beautiful.”

  Oh, Lord, I was as nervous as a whore in church back there. Let’s hope a little air will calm me some. Deep breaths, Becca, in and out nice and deep, he likes you!

  They were outside now and it was hot as Hades. Her skin glistened from sweat and the tendrils of hair that fell from her bun were beginning to stick to her skin. Becca threw on a pair of shades and smiled as Mace went straight to his bike as if he planned on going somewhere for her to show the place she had in mind.

  “No need, Tattoos, it’s this way.” She motioned with her thumb in the direction behind her and began walking backward.

  “Tattoos?” He smirked and followed her.

  “The ones you have are nice.” She shrugged. “Are you not into nicknames?”

  “Whatever you want, sweetheart, I’m game.” Mace winked, and he caught up to her again. It was quiet for a moment as they walked side by side and then he asked, “So do you have any?”

  “What, ink?” She shook her head. “Not yet, but Sawyer is wearing me down. Her art is amazing.”

  “It is, but she’s not the only one who’d love to mark you.” He chuckled. “Keep that in mind if you decide to take the leap. I’d love to show you some work I’ve done.”

  “I’ll just bet.” Becca teased and reached out to trace the lion tattoo on his right bicep before dropping her hand. Mace was full of tattoos and maybe one day she might explore them more up close and personal. In the meantime, they’d arrived at the destination she had in mind.

  She took a deep breath and gestured to the barn in the back of her house. It was empty, mostly used for storage, and had a space on the top where she liked to paint when she had a chance to. It was another one of her ways to escape her busy lifestyle. “So, this is it. It may need to be organized a little before you move your stuff in, but it should be enough room for you to work on your baby. The top loft however is off limits, my recreational space.”

  She took out her set of keys and unlocked the barn door. “If you like it, I can have a spare key ready for you by tomorrow.” She kicked a box aside once she had the door open and went further inside with him, watching while he surveyed the place.

  It wasn’t much but the space would serve its purpose. Boxes were piled, a bit of old furniture was covered, and she had a couple of ATV’s parked to the side from when she used to go mudding with Jett, her little brother. “I can have it cleaned out for you too, of course.” Becca bit her lip and began to babble. “Most of the boxes can fit upstairs, the two four wheelers should be fine right there, and the few pieces of furniture can…”

  “We’ll work it out.” He placed a hand on her shoulder and gently squeezed. “How much?”

  “What?” she asked. Mace was so close now she could smell his aftershave. It was distracting, so she cleared her throat.

  “The rent to use this place, how much?” he clarified, and she waved him off.

  “We’ll work something out.” She repeated what he’d been saying moments earlier. She was sharing the space with him after all. Her art studio was on the upper level, so she had to think about it. “You like it then?”

  “Yeah, babe, I like it.” The way he said it, and the way he was looking at her right then gave her goose bumps. It was like he was a man on a mission and she was his target.

  “Good, because if not I can show you something else. This is the first place I thought of out of convenience. You know, seeing as you’re close by and all.” She gestured around them.

  “It’s good, Becca. Thank you.” He took a step closer and lifted her chin with his finger, so she’d look at him again. “You’re so beautiful, especially with a little extra color right there and there.” He framed her face now and the thumbs on each hand moved across each of her cheeks back and forth. “So soft too.” Becca’s breath hitc
hed as he moved his face closer. She closed her eyes the moment his plump lips kissed her forehead, and she let out a sigh when it ended all too quickly.

  She licked her lips, and he zeroed in on the action. His thumb flicked over her bottom lip before he stepped back to give them both some much needed space. Her mind went to mush the moment he touched her, and she began to want things she had no business wanting, at least not yet.

  Take it easy, Becca. You wanted slow remember? Her body didn’t care. One touch from Mace and she ignited while her mind warned her to not rush into things. It had been way too long since she had gotten laid and as soon as Mr. Sexy Motorcycle Man left, she’d be going back upstairs to relieve some of the pressure between her legs. It was either that or a cold shower, which also held some appeal since it was so humid outside.

  “S-so tomorrow night then?” she stuttered on her way out the door. Mace took the hint and followed her out.

  “Yeah, I’ll see you at Tipsy’s.” Mace bent forward to whisper in her ear, “Oh, and Becca, I can’t wait.”

  She groaned. His warm breath against her ear made her shiver. Her nipples instantly puckered, and the very man that played her body without even trying very hard noticed with a smirk. Yep, she most definitely needed to make use of her favorite vibrator followed by a shower to cool down. This man was sex on legs and he knew exactly how he affected her.


  Chapter Two


  Lusty Cowboy wrote:

  “Thanks for the insight, my sexy E. With these clues I think I’ve finally figured you out.”

  As soon as her meeting with the arts and cultural center had finished, she rushed to the bathroom to change for her night out with Sawyer and the gang. It had been a long time since she went to a bar with friends, and she’d been looking forward to the celebration all day. On the way out, she decided to take a quick look at the blog from her phone to see if there were any requests yet for her next sexy adventure. Testing out sex toys and reviewing them had become a frequent part of her life this past year or so. It was also her biggest secret, and it kept things interesting in what was her otherwise boring day to day existence. One comment caught her attention and it gave her pause. She’d read Lusty Cowboy’s comment over and over and it gave her the creeps.

  Figured me out? What’s that supposed to mean? Does he know who I am?

  A million and one questions raced through her mind. She needed to be more careful.

  “Hello dear, is everything all right?”

  Becca turned as Mrs. Coulter spoke to her. The little old lady was endearing but was also a chatterbox, and a little nosy. The woman had good intentions most of the time but loved her gossip as well so there were situations where Becca had avoided her, especially when she tried to set Becca up with her grandson.

  She suppressed a shudder.

  Mrs. Coulter was also the lady rushing toward her the very first time she’d met Mace. Warmth spread through her just at the thought of him, and she could feel the color coming back to her face. The weird blog commenter would have to wait. He was new, and one reply on her last post didn’t necessarily mean anything, right? Okay, he definitely gave off a creepy vibe with his wording, but her worry could be put off to another day over it.

  Answer her Becca and hit the road. You have friends waiting.

  “Just checking to make sure I didn’t forget anything, but I’m good.” She nodded. “Thank you for your concern though.” Becca looped her arm together with the weathered woman’s and guided them towards the exit. “Now, how about I walk you safely to your car?”


  Tipsy’s was a unique bar that catered to bikers and cowboys who were both badass and hard workers alike. From the moment you walked in it was a whole load of hunk as far as the eye could see. Who could complain? There was an old-fashioned wood bar in front, wooden floors, tables, and chairs. There was a a jukebox and had a half moon stage for live entertainment, and her favorite feature of course was the mechanical bull she knew she’d be riding before she left for the night.

  “Becca!” Sawyer whistled from across the busy room and waved her hands in the air. Oh, good Lord would you check that out? Hotness overload!

  Several tables were pulled together for their gathering with Sawyer and Jagger in the middle of everyone sitting lovingly side by side. The gorgeous bar owner and his lovely wife, Liam and Ava were there. Alex and Lena Dean sat by Jagger, and then there was Mace of course, who now had a woman hanging off his arm. They were both smiling, and her stomach felt queasy. She needed a drink ASAP. She held up a finger and pointed towards the bar, Sawyer nodded in understanding whispered something to her fiancé and joined her there.

  “So glad you could make it,” Sawyer said, and gave her a hug.

  “Wouldn’t miss it.” Becca smiled. Her friend’s excitement was contagious. She couldn’t help but feel happy for her. “Can I buy you a drink?”

  “How about a celebratory shot? Thanks to Liam and Ava we’ve got pitchers of beer at the table already, unless you’d prefer something else?” Sawyer replied.

  “Beer is fine. I’ll buy a round of shots for everyone though. What do you think they’d like?”

  “How about a round of Hot Damn’s? It’s so good! It’s got whisky, rum, vodka, and orange juice. It packs a punch, but it doesn’t leave a raunchy aftertaste.”

  Becca nodded.

  “What can I get for you?”

  “Hey, Tonya I’ll take a round of Hot Damn’s for the table Liam’s at.”

  “Becca Everett is that you?” Tonya the bartender smiled. “It’s been a while, welcome back.”

  “Thank you.” She smiled at the red-headed beauty in front of her.

  “Shots for a party of eight, coming right up.” Tonya walked off to make them.

  “I guess I should have told her nine,” Becca said, surprised to see that Mace was now alone at the table when she looked back. The woman he was talking to was nowhere around anymore.

  “Why would you get nine? Unless you’re planning on drinking two of em’ but I wouldn’t recommend it.”

  “Mace’s date.” Becca motioned towards the table. “When I walked in he was with someone.”

  Sawyer smiled knowingly at her. “Not a date. He came here with us and seemed to be really looking forward to seeing you tonight. I hear you’ve found him a great place for his car.”

  Becca shrugged like it wasn’t a big deal, while her heart raced with excitement.

  Not a date!

  “Anyway, look at him.” Sawyer said, “He’s the odd one out right now and there are plenty of women in here who would love to keep him company. We’re all couples at the table, and now that you’re here we’re evened out.”

  “This is not a date for us either,” Becca blurted, blushing. “I am so out of the game. It’s been way too long.”

  “Which is why you’d be so good for him.” Sawyer gently squeezed her arm. “Mace is like family, and you’re you. You know, kind of awesome, and definitely nothing like his usual girls. Trust me that is a good thing. I really think if you’d both give it a shot it’d be worth it. Anyone with eyes can see there’s a certain spark between the two of you.”

  “Um…” She was speechless. “Thanks, I guess.”

  “Here you go!” Tonya set two shots in front of them. “Our waitress is bringing the rest to the table.”

  Becca nodded and handed Tonya enough money to cover the bill as well as a generous tip. Then she took a deep breath before she downed the shot for a bit of liquid courage. It seemed fate was steering her in the direction of a tempting, tattooed man who was not only sexy, but also caring, talented, and well…beautiful, both inside and out.

  She just had to take the leap.


  “Oh my, have y’all seen the latest post?” Ava fanned her face with her hand.

  “Uh, what?” Becca asked.

  Sawyer and Lena cracked up. The girls were at one end while the guys sat at the other talking
sports and other guy stuff. “She’s referring to her favorite site now,” Lena replied.

  “Yeah, Becca you’ve got to check this out. It’s crazy good, at the very least entertaining to read.” Sawyer snorted as she pulled it up on her phone. “Cowgirl Crazy is the talk of the town. Nobody knows who the site belongs to, but it’s been rumored this chick is local.”

  “You don’t say.” Becca looked around the room and took a huge sip of her beer. “I-I’ll have to check it out sometime.”

  “There’s no time like the present.” Sawyer handed her the phone she held. “This Cowgirl Crazy girl, E, has some seriously good recs too. Tried some of the stuff listed, and let me tell you…” She blew out a big breath and rolled her eyes back.

  “Your expression tells us everything.” Lena laughed. “We really don’t need the full details.”

  Ava giggled.

  “Okay, enough of that, poor Becca here is as bright as a tomato.” Sawyer took her phone back. It was better for everyone to think she was shy, instead of being detected as the “local chick” who’d created their favorite site. Although she felt flattered, she also needed a serious subject change, stat.

  Somebody above must have heard her silent plea because Liam came to the rescue. “Hey, Ava, have you asked Sawyer about the tattoo we talked about yet?”

  Thank God!

  “I was getting to it.” Ava turned to Sawyer. “Liam and I were talking about getting matching tattoos. I’d like you to do mine considering the placement.”

  “And where might that be?” Sawyer lifted a brow.

  “I was wanting a yellow rose with a barbed wire heart surrounding it on my butt,” Ava said, “Liam was going to get Mace to circle the barbed wire around his upper arm with the yellow rose in the middle.” She bit her lip.


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