“I know my practising hasn’t exactly improved them,” said Lynne, straightening the pig trough which filled in under a heavy pole on two oil drums, “but they never were very exciting jumps. I did hope we’d have one or two new ones for the summer.”
“Dad and David have no time for the pony club,” sighed Paul, who was small and dark with a neat, serious face and grey eyes. “First it was the hay, now it’s the barley. Then it’ll be the wheat and then they’ll start ploughing. Since David got his specially adapted tractor he’s only interested in farming.”
“Well, it is his work now,” Lynne pointed out. “The pony club’s only his hobby.” She was a year older than Paul, much larger and quite different. Her wavy, light-brown hair stuck out from her plump, cheerful face and when she laughed, which was most of the time, her hazel-coloured eyes disappeared into the plumpness and became slits. “Anyway, now we’ve got a student to help Dad, David won’t be so busy.”
“Dad says Gary’ll never make a farmer,” said Paul as he kicked a broken straw bale into the hedge. “Give us a hand with this pole, Lynne, it’s one of the green ones and still weighs a ton. Then I’d better fetch some tools and mend the cavaletti you and Berry broke, David’s sure to want it tomorrow.”
Buy Pony Club Challenge
Jane Badger Books
Jane Badger Books is dedicated to bringing back classic pony fiction, some of which has been out of print for over 50 years. Authors available so far include:
Caroline Akrill
Joanna Cannan
Victoria Eveleigh
Patricia Leitch
Patience McElwee
Marjorie Mary Oliver & Eva Ducat
Hazel M Peel
Diana Pullein-Thompson
Josephine Pullein-Thompson
Published by Jane Badger Books 2020
First published by Armada, London, 1983
© The estate of Josephine Pullein-Thompson
The moral right of Josephine Pullein-Thompson to be identified as the author of this book has been asserted by her estate in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
All rights reserved.
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Pony Club Cup (Woodbury Pony Club Book 1) Page 21