The Invaders of the Great Tomb

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The Invaders of the Great Tomb Page 25

by Kugane Maruyama

  “It’s our most important task. As long as we’re not putting the Great Tomb of Nazarick in danger, it’s my highest priority,” Ainz answered immediately.

  “Okay. I understand. Then I want to propose this all the more. I’d like permission to form a team directly under me that will search for them.”

  “What do you mean?”

  His tone was unintentionally sharp—because she’d hit on his heart’s hidden desire.

  There had been plenty of opportunities to search for his guildmates. But each time he didn’t have anyone to help, or they didn’t have enough intelligence, so he had been continuously putting off making a plan.

  What if we searched every corner of this world and didn’t find them? When he thought of that possibility, it was hard to get started. Rather than putting in a lot of effort only to confirm he was alone, he would become a monster bent on improving his reputation; that allowed him to hold on to some hope.

  “It was immediately clear that the claims the fools were making earlier were false, but in the future, there may be times when the truth of such a claim is more difficult to ascertain. I would like to form a team that both confirms the reliability of our information and searches for the Supreme Beings. I thought it might be good if I did a detailed investigation and then reported to you.”

  Ainz put a hand to his chin and groaned. “I see…” Recalling his earlier conversation with the workers, he felt not anger but emptiness. There was nothing more painful than being kept hovering on the border between hope and despair. It seemed that whatever his personal feelings were, it was time, as head of the organization, to take a decisive step forward, even if it were a small one.

  “It wouldn’t have to be you, would it? I want you to continue the fine job you do managing the tomb. Assuming such a team would be outside Nazarick gathering intelligence…it seems like Mare and Aura would be appropriate? Supposedly, there are dark elves out there, so they would even fit in.”

  “It’s as you say, my lord. However, there is one thing that worries me, and that is the possibility of reckless actions. For example, just how we might suppose Shalltear would behave recklessly if she caught wind of Lord Peroroncino, it is unclear how Mare and Aura would react if they heard something about Lady BubblingTeapot.”

  “I see…” Ainz winced as he recalled Shalltear. “Yeah, you may be right.”

  “So I humbly arrived at the conclusion that we should create a team under me.”

  “…You wouldn’t get reckless if you found out something about Tabula?”

  “You can rest at ease. As the captain of Nazarick’s guardians, I would never do such a thing. I promise.”

  “I see…”

  The chances of wise Albedo, so skilled in managing Nazarick’s internal organization, running wild were low. Now and then, she did something a little stupid, but she still handled Nazarick while Ainz was away with no problem, so he trusted her.

  “Personally, I think Demiurge would also be a good choice, but he’s busy with various other things. Adding the important role of gathering intelligence about the Supreme Beings to his workload would be too much, I think.”

  “That’s reasonable. What about using Pandora’s Actor?”

  “That is precisely what I would like to do. Please allow me to borrow him as my aide-de-camp.”

  “I see. Two of Nazarick’s best minds are unmistakably better than one, but…he also has to manage the treasury. Let me lend him to you when you need him.”

  “Thank you. And may I inquire about some related matters?”

  Ainz gestured with his chin that she should go ahead.

  “If possible, I’d like this Supreme Being search party under me to have strong members.”

  “That’s only natural. I’ll provide you with our most elite minions.”

  “Thank you. It would also be great if I could get the undead aide you created.”

  “That’s a no. That one is level ninety if I remember correctly, but…” The undead Ainz could create with a skill using experience points, such as an overlord wiseman or a grim reaper thanatos, were stronger than NPCs for hire; he could only make one, but it was powerful. The problem was that as long as he didn’t have a way to gain vast amounts of experience here like he could in Yggdrasil, he wanted to avoid using skills that consumed it. “Yeah, no. You’ll be responsible for the team, and Pandora’s Actor will aid you. Let’s make the rest monsters.”

  “Understood. Then one other thing: I’d like to keep this team secret from the other guardians.”

  “Why? Wouldn’t it be better to have their cooperation?”

  “No. If word got out, the guardians and others created by the Supreme Beings may ask to be taken along so they can see for themselves. In the case of a trap, that would mean leaping needlessly into danger. I have superior defensive skills, so I’m confident that I could escape and make it back if it was just me, but with others along…”

  “That makes sense. Okay, Albedo. We’ll do it your way.”

  “Thank you, Lord Ainz!” She bowed so low her long hair completely covered her face.

  “That’s fine. More importantly, I’m counting on you, you know!”

  “Yes, my lord! My secret special-ops group on orders of the utmost importance will be sure not to disappoint you!”

  Ainz cocked his head in his mind. That seemed like a strange way to respond. Well, whatever.

  “Okay, let’s select your subordinates. Instead of having you pull ones who are stationed in Nazarick, how about we create some new ones? How many in their eighties do you want?”

  “For now, fifteen would suffice.”

  “Fifteen? Isn’t that kind of a…?” Having said that much, Ainz shook his head. Searching for his old friends was critical. In that case, fifteen was barely even an expense. “No, you’re right. Okay.”

  “I also wanted to ask your permission to grant Rubedo commanding authority…”

  “Rejected.” His answer was immediate.

  Rubedo was the strongest individual in Nazarick. In a pure melee fight, she was stronger than Sebas, Cocytus, or Albedo. Compared to Rubedo, whom Ainz probably couldn’t beat fully equipped, even Shalltear seemed weak.

  The only ones who can beat her are those stationed on the eighth level, and that’s only if we also use a World Item. I doubt she could actually take one of them, but…

  “Since the test to boot her up was successful, I don’t feel the need to do anything with her for the time being. More importantly, why would you need that much combat power?”

  “It’s embarrassing, but shall I tell you?”

  “Go ahead?”

  “I just thought since I had the opportunity, I should try to make the strongest team possible.”

  “Ha-ha-ha-ha!” It was incredibly childish, but still, Ainz could understand how she felt, so he burst out laughing. The emotion was suppressed at once, but he still felt ripples of pleasant feelings.

  “Lord Ainz!”

  Albedo seemed upset, but Ainz grinned at her—although his face didn’t move—and said, “Sorry, sorry. Er, yeah. That’s very interesting. I see. Then let’s give your little sister commanding authority.”

  “Are you sure it’s all right?”

  “Sure, it’s fine. You should make your dream team. Besides, maybe I’ll make use of their power for something else in the future.”

  “Thank you, Lord Ainz!”

  She was bowing so deeply he couldn’t see her expression, but he assumed it was her usual smile. When he turned his attention back to the monitor, Entoma entered the Throne Room.

  She strode directly to a place near the throne, got down on one knee, and bowed her head low.

  “Do excuse me.”

  “What is it, Entoma?”

  She verbally acknowledged Albedo’s stern query without changing her posture and then replied, “I’m here to report that it’s time for Mistress Aura and Master Mare to depart.”

  “I see… Raise your head.”

nbsp; “Yes, ma’am!” Entoma gave another clipped acknowledgment and looked up.

  “I have some time, so I’ll go see them off. It would be tactless to just say good-bye via magic. Sorry, Entoma, but please go ahead of me and tell them I’m coming.”


  With her eyes on Entoma as she stood and walked away, Albedo asked Ainz, “Lord Ainz, did that not displease you? It shouldn’t have been Entoma but one of the other maids. I’ll reprimand them.”


  “I just thought hearing that rude little girl’s voice would—”

  “Ohh, don’t worry about that. On the contrary, I was the one who recommended it—wait, Entoma!”

  “My lord! What is it?” She turned around flustered, but Ainz stopped her from returning and instructed her to speak to him from where she was.

  “What did you do with the rest of her? Were you sure to make good use of all her parts?”

  “Yes. One of the silk hats took her head. The dead man’s struggles shared her arms. Master Demiurge took her skin. The rest went to feed Grant’s children, so I think we can say everything was put to good use.”

  “Okay. That’s fine, then. It’s our responsibility as the ones who hunted and killed her to not waste anything. Any hunter would surely do the same. It’s like a memorial offering.”

  “How kind you are, Lord Ainz. But of course a Supreme Being would show such mercy, even to a dirty thief. Any member of Nazarick would surely be moved to tears if they heard what you said just now.” Albedo’s voice had become emotional.

  Even Entoma’s unusual eyes seemed to contain a hint of respect.

  “Er, well, sure… In the end, it’s my feeling on the matter; I don’t intend to coerce you all into it. That said, I still think it’s polite to use all the parts of those we kill to our advantage.”

  “Understood! Then we’ll make sure to use the others to the fullest as well.”

  As the pair of them bowed, Ainz had the same sensation he did when his buttons were done up a hole off, but he answered “good” nonetheless.


  There were a number of meeting and sitting rooms inside the Ministry of Magic complex. The one Fluder was heading for was the sitting room with the most luxurious furnishings. It was only used when the emperor or someone of similar rank visited.

  He stood outside and checked his appearance.

  His robe was a first-rate article he could have worn to a soiree hosted by the emperor, and the perfume he’d applied on the sleeves and collar was giving off a pleasant scent.

  Normally, Fluder had nothing to do with politics or society. Or rather, his wish was to focus solely on his magic research, so he found other things bothersome. Still, he knew he wasn’t in a position where he could insist on ignoring them.

  He didn’t want his appearance to tarnish the empire’s dignity.

  All right, I’m fine.

  After confirming nothing was amiss, he knocked on the door and opened it.

  There were two adventurers in the splendid room: a warrior wearing raven-black armor almost like the kind the death knight he had just visited wore and an eye-catching—even Fluder’s, for a moment—beauty.

  Momon from Raven Black. Beautiful Princess Nabe…

  “Apologies for keeping you waiting.” Fluder quietly closed the door and suddenly realized something felt strange.

  That’s odd…

  Still at the door, he squinted at the peerless beauty.

  “…I can’t see it?” Fluder, with his eyes, should have been able to see something else overlapping her figure. He was so shocked that he couldn’t, he murmured in spite of himself.

  Fluder had been born with a talent: He could see auras around casters that showed what tiers of magic they could use.

  But even though Raven Back’s Beautiful Princess Nabe was a caster, he couldn’t detect an aura.

  Detection defense?

  That was all he could think. In that case, a question arose: Why would she be using detection defense? Normal adventurers normally didn’t go so far. It was a nuisance to allot some of their power for that, and they weren’t often in a position where they had to be wary in such a manner. On top of that, meeting someone with detection defense active could be considered rude.

  Of course, the side using a detection ability has no manners, either…but why would she conceal her power?

  Fluder’s talent was known far and wide, so perhaps it was a measure against it, but that didn’t answer the question.

  A suspicious voice called out to Fluder. “Is something the matter?”

  “Ohhh, how rude of me.” Fluder took a seat facing Momon. Still, he couldn’t help glancing at Nabe out of the corner of his eye.

  “Ahh, I see. Well, shall we begin?”

  Begin what?

  Before Fluder could ask, Momon continued, “Nabe, maybe it’s about time you took off your ring.”


  She took off her ring. That moment—

  —it was like being hit with a bomb blast.


  He thought he might scream.

  Nabe was giving off an overpowering amount of energy.

  It wasn’t as if he could feel actual air pressure. This was a torrent of power only people with the same talent as Fluder could see.

  He curled up and shivered like someone being blown on by a northerly wind.

  “This…this can’t…”

  This can’t be. It’s just not possible. This kind of power, greater than his own, shouldn’t have existed.

  And yet, he couldn’t force the rest of his denial out. The scene before his eyes was reality. His ability had never betrayed him before. That meant it was true that this woman’s power far surpassed his own.

  “Tier seven…? No… Could this immense rush of energy…be proof of…tier eight…?”

  If that were the case, she had reached the mythological realm.

  Fluder could no longer speak. The fifth tier of magic was the heroic realm. And the sixth tier, which Fluder had reached, was untrodden territory. Someone who, nevertheless, could effortlessly enter the next tier had suddenly appeared before him; no wonder he was speechless.

  And she was such a pretty young lady.

  Maybe her appearance doesn’t reflect her age?!

  As he trembled with astonishment, Fluder noticed out of the corner of his eye that Momon was removing his black gauntlets. Then he took off one of his rings.


  For an instant, the world whited out in a flash, and Fluder had the feeling he had lost consciousness.

  What had just happened was incomprehensible. Even Fluder, who had been alive over two hundred years, who could use the highest tier of magic humans had ever reached, could not understand it.

  “Wh-wh-wh-what—what in the world?!”

  Something hot flowed onto Fluder’s cheeks, but he had neither the presence of mind nor the energy to wipe it away. The shock was that upsetting.

  Who could have predicted it? Who could have guessed that the man hailed as the Dark Warrior was actually an arcane caster at a level Fluder could only dream of?

  “If she’s tier eight, then…tier nine? No… What…? Ohh, dear gods…”

  The overwhelming amount of energy bursting from Momon the Dark Warrior easily transcended Nabe’s. If he’s beyond Nabe, who’s at tier eight, then how high is the tier he uses?

  The question from a corner of his brain was answered by his soul.

  The tenth tier… It was the absolute realm, presumed to exist, but which no one had ever confirmed. A being from that supreme realm had arrived before him.

  Fluder had stood and now kneeled before Momon, tears still streaming down his face.

  “I believed in lesser deities who governed magic. However, if you are not one of them, my faith has just been extinguished—because a true god has just appeared before me.” Fluder vigorously prostrated himself, banging his head into the floor. The pain wa
s nothing compared to the irrepressible joy in his heart. “I realize it’s impertinent, but you have my gratitude in advance! Please grant me your wisdom! I wish to peer into the abyss of magic! I beg you! I beg you!”

  “And how much will you pay for it?”

  The voice was cold like a sheet of ice—ask anyone and they would have agreed—but Fluder could only hear it as sweet music to his ears. He knew, of course, that it was toxic, but what did that matter?

  He would pay any price with zero hesitation, even offer his soul.

  “Everything! Yes, I will give everything I have to you, my lord, master of the abyss, the ever profound one.”

  “…Very well. If you will give me everything, then I will make my knowledge yours. I’ll grant your wish.”

  “Ohhh! Ohhhhhh!” Fluder cried tears of joy, still grinding his head into the floor. His heart, which had been a hard nugget of envy, melted. He had been waiting over two hundred years, but the possibility of realizing his dream was finally at hand.

  Ecstatic with excitement, he edged toward Ainz without raising his head and kissed his master’s greaves. He had originally planned to lick them, but he worried it would displease this god, so he compromised by taking a tip from a composed corner of his mind and drawing the line at using his lips.

  “That’s enough. I acknowledge your devotion.”

  “Ohhhh! Thank you……master!”

  “Your first order is to send sacrifices to my castle!”

  “Gramps! Gramps! What’s wrong, Gramps?”

  Fluder, lost in thought, came back to himself at the sound of a voice calling him. The shocking encounter from several days before still loomed large in his mind and immediately beckoned him to a fantasy land if he relaxed his focus.

  Fluder blinked several times and remembered where he was, then bobbed his head to the one addressing him.

  “I beg your pardon, Your Imperial Majesty. I was just thinking.”

  There was only one person who called Fluder “Gramps”—the emperor of the Baharuth Empire, Jircniv Rune Farlord El Nix. And this was his office.


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