Protection (To Love And Defend Book 5)

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Protection (To Love And Defend Book 5) Page 8

by Daniella Starre

  A teenage walked down the hall, staring at his phone.

  Adrian cleared his throat. “Excuse me. Can you tell me which apartment is Joel Hall’s?”

  “233,” the teen said without looking at him.

  Adrian rushed to the correct door and knocked. The stench was worse here. The door was locked, and Joel didn’t answer. Adrian bumped his shoulder into the door a few times before it finally budged.

  He raced inside. The living room, dining room, kitchen, and bedroom were all empty.

  The bathroom wasn’t. In the tub was Joel, dead, from a gunshot wound to the back of his head.

  Sick to his stomach, fingers trembling, Adrian called up Kiera. “We have a problem.”

  Chapter 15

  The call from Adrian was Kiera’s worst fear. Another dead witness to Adrian’s murder of Melvin. Who would have the motivation to do that? Why was someone targeting them? Why now instead of five years ago?

  None of this made any sense, but she and Pamela rushed over to the scene of the crime.

  “Why aren’t we calling this one in?” Pamela asked during the ride over.

  “I think we might need to keep this in-house,” Kiera said.

  “Because all of the victims are werewolves?”

  “Yes.” Kiera sighed. She didn’t want to go into all of the details concerning Adrian and Melvin, but they gushed out of her anyhow.

  When she was done, Pamela whistled. “Damn. So Melvin was murdered, huh? Almost sounds like a mercy killing to me.”

  “No, he might’ve survived his wounds.”

  “And if he had, those other werewolves wouldn’t have continued to stand by him.”

  “Yeah, but Melvin would’ve fought any challenger. He would have demanded that they wait until he was healed first. He was a tough werewolf, remember? Not just any werewolf would’ve been able to challenge him and win.”

  “I get that, but, man, wow. That’s a lot to take in.” Pamela shook her head. “So now five of the eight are dead. That Adrian guy is still alive and who else?”

  “Walter Black and Terry Bayer. I’m going to place them under police protection until we can determine who the killer is.”

  “Good idea.” Pamela glanced over. She was the one driving, and the car swerved.

  “Watch the road,” Kiera said.

  “Tell me about Adrian?”

  Kiera felt herself flush. “There’s nothing else to say.”

  “He is most likely the killer.”

  “No way.” Kiera winced. She said that way too loud and too quickly.

  “Oh, yeah? Why aren’t you convinced?”

  “Because he wouldn’t have waited this many years. If he would’ve killed them, he would’ve done so already a long time ago.”

  “Maybe he’s snapped.”

  “I think we’re all reaching that point,” Kiera said.

  “That’s why you need to find someone,” Pamela said cheerfully.

  “You and Mark still working out?”

  “Why wouldn’t it? Just because it’s long distance doesn’t mean it can’t be real and true. Once you find love, you’ll see. Everything changes.”

  “I’m sure,” Kiera muttered.

  Pamela shook her head. “Knew it,” she murmured.

  “Knew what?” Kiera asked suspiciously.

  “You and Adrian. Am I right?”

  “I… We…”

  “Don’t lie to a cop.”

  “I’m a cop too,” Kiera said.

  “Let me guess. You want to plead the fifth.”

  “We’re here.”

  Pamela grabbed her camera from the back. “You coming?”

  “Give me a minute.”

  Pamela hesitated. “Want that minute alone?”

  Kiera nodded. Pamela squeezed her shoulder and headed inside the apartment complex.

  Her best friend made a lot of sense. Who else would be the likely culprit but Adrian? She honestly didn’t think he was guilty, but it didn’t look good that he was the one to find the body. And he had confessed to one murder already.

  She should call this in and tell the police chief. At least he was a werewolf. Police Chief Rob Speare. He was a solid leader, no-nonsense, and he was able to keep the humans and cops in line and separate too. Anything involving werewolves, his werewolf cops handled. The humans handled the humans. Not everyone liked him, but Kieta thought he was a good man. Old enough to be her father, he had become a father figure to her after her father had passed away.

  Speaking of fathers, Adrian’s had called her a bit ago to make sure he was helping the police. Adrian hadn’t been joking when he said his father hadn’t handed him anything. Adrian had asked for time off to help with the investigation.

  Kiera just hoped the investigation didn’t result in Adrian being the next one to be buried.

  Chapter 16

  The police chief answered on the fifth ring. “This better be important,” he said. “I have files and reports coming out of my ass.”

  Kiera snorted. The car felt too confining, like a prison cell. She would go up and help Pamela as soon as she got off the phone.

  “I’m sorry to hear that, sir,” she said. “You might want to see a doctor about that.”

  “Very funny, Kiera. What is it?”

  “Another werewolf has been murdered.”


  “Joel Hall. Gunshot wound to the back of the head.”

  “Where was the body found?”

  “In his apartment.”

  “Did a neighbor call?”

  “No, sir. I have some outside help with this case, a new lead.”


  “And I have a list of names of who might be the next targets.”

  “I want those werewolves under police custody,” the chief demanded. “That lead better lead you to the killer. Do you have a suspect?”

  “No, sir.”


  “Not yet, sir,” she amended.

  “Get to work on that, Kiera. We can’t have more werewolves die.”

  “Yes, sir. Question, sir.”

  “Go ahead.”

  “Why aren’t you the alpha?” she asked, wondering why the thought had occurred to her long before now.

  “I’m far too busy with everything with the department. I can’t keep both humans and werewolves safe and continue this job and be chief.”

  “Someone else could be chief.”

  “Who?” He guffawed. “You? You aren’t even detective yet.”

  “You told me I might be in a few months.”

  “I did, and it would be deserved if given, but that hasn’t come to be, and I don’t think officers make good chiefs.”


  “No. We demand perfection too much. No, go, be perfect, and find that killer.” The chief hung up.

  With a sigh, Kiera headed to the apartment. This was the worst part of the job. The worst.

  * * *

  After Pamela took the body away and after she had given the two of them a hundred glances between them, Kiera appraised Adrian as they stood in the parking lot next to his car.

  “I’m going to put the Walter and Terry into protective custody,” she said.

  “But not me.”

  “No. I can’t risk losing you. You’re my only inside man on the Peter front.”

  “I’m willing to do what I need to,” he said.

  “Why did you come here?” she asked casually.

  “I spotted Alexis.”

  “You did? Here?”

  “I told her to get out of dodge. She’s gone. She was visiting a friend who lived nearby. I was sent to recruit for Peter but got distracted.”

  “You’ll need to recruit then,” she said.

  “I don’t want to widen the pool of targets,” he said.

  “I don’t either, but you have to become one of his lieutenants.”

  Adrian nodded.

  She bit her lower lip. “I’ll give you a list of names of wer
ewolves who might be able to step up. Let me make some phone calls first.”

  “That would be great.”

  “Not if my asking for their help earns them a place six feet under,” she said grimly.

  Adrian rubbed the back of his knuckles against her cheek. “We’re doing what we can to save lives. Yes, some might die, but people die every day.”

  “Werewolves shouldn’t,” she said crossly.

  “They’re dying every day now,” he pointed out.


  “Not exactly a point I want to be right about.”

  “When is the next meeting?”

  “Not until tomorrow night.”

  “Oh, good. I’m going to round up Walter and Terry. If the moon is on my side, they’ll be alive yet. Then, I’ll start making phone calls for your list. How does that sound?”

  “Like you have everything under control.”

  She laughed. “Good. I’m glad I’m a convincing bullshitter.”

  “I’m scared too,” he murmured.

  Kiera bristled, not wanting to show weakness, unnerved that he was admitting his.

  “We’ll get through this,” he said, grabbing and squeezing her hand.

  “We’ll at least try,” she hedged.

  Adrian moved to kiss her, and she turned her head to the side, so his kiss landed on her cheek. He pulled back and just smiled at her, not appearing hurt in the least at her slight.

  It wasn’t that she didn’t want to kiss him. She did. That was why she had to pull back. In case he died. Her mother had thrown herself into her job on the force until eventually, she had died in the line of duty just like her husband had. Kiera had been nineteen. Kiera expected her death to be the same. As much as she wanted to believe they would both survive this, she couldn’t be sure, and she did not want to lose someone else. Not again.

  It would be best to keep Adrian at arm’s length at least for now.

  If she had the willpower.

  * * *

  By the time Kiera crawled into bed that night, it was nearly two in the morning. She had been putting in so many hours during the day that she couldn’t work the night shift anymore. The police chief now knew about both of her projects, and he trusted her to work as hard as she could and to get results. Her promotion was on the line.

  She had not only placed both Walter Black and Terry Bayer into protective custody but also gathered a list of ten werewolves she trusted and whom she appraised of the situation and were willing to help. Too tired to call Adrian, she was in the middle of texting him when her phone rang.

  Her heart sank. Another dead werewolf?

  Two as it turned out. Someone had broken into the place and killed both Walter and Terry. Now, Adrian was the only werewolf alive from that night when Melvin had been killed.

  Which meant most everyone would think Adrian was the killer. Again.

  Chapter 17

  The text from Kiera contained ten names and numbers. Adrian called them all and was thrilled that they were willing to help him and be his backup should things go south.

  As he drove over to Peter’s house, Adrian tried to call Kiera, but she wouldn’t answer. He hoped she was all right. Not being able to contact her unnerved him. He knew she could handle herself, but he worried just the same.

  This time, Peter answered the door himself.

  “I come with a list of werewolves willing and eager to join us,” Adrian said.

  “How many?” Peter demanded. “One or two isn’t going to cut it. I’ve been watching you, and you don’t see—ten?”


  “And they’re all in the know?”


  “You would vouch for them?”

  “I wouldn’t have given you their names if I didn’t trust them. I hope to find more and know I can if you give me more time—”

  “No, no. Ten more is wonderful. That brings our numbers to fifty. Wonderful. I had hoped for that number, but no one else was able to recruit as many as you outside of myself of course. And in so short a period of time. You are eager, aren’t you?”

  “I’ve lived in the shadows too long,” Adrian said. “First in my father’s and all of us in the humans. Why should they act as if they are superior? They do not even know we exist. They know nothing of power. We are wolves. Our pack shall rise up.”

  “Indeed.” Peter finally stepped to the side. “Come in. Velma will prepare of us a meal, and after we’ve eaten, we can chat, lieutenant.”

  * * *

  Despite his trembling hands, Adrian was able to drive to Kiera’s place after the chat with Peter. He knew all about the werewolf’s plans every detail, and she needed to learn about this immediately.

  Adrian went around to the back again and knocked and knocked. Exasperated, he knocked again.

  “You know, patience is a virtue,” Kiera said once she finally opened the door.

  “Can I come in?”

  She hesitated, and he took in her closed-off demeanor, her crossed arms, her cold glower. She was every bit as terse and angry with him as she had been with him the first time they had met, when she had to clean up Dallas’ and Dexter’s bodies.

  Finally, she nodded and stepped aside, back far enough away that he didn’t have an excuse to brush up against her. Something clearly wasn’t right.

  “Did something happen?” he asked.

  “Did you learn the plan or what?”

  He nodded. “You didn’t listen to my message? We did it. I’m in. I’m a lieutenant now, and I know everything.”


  “Peter’s been lying. It’s not just about Hazel Park. The president is supposed to make a surprise trip to Detroit for a new building or something. Peter’s planning to have a werewolf sacrifice himself and attack him and have Peter try to save him, but, of course, the plan is for the president to die.”

  “The president,” she said dully.

  “Of the—”

  “Yes, yes, I know who you mean.” She rubbed her temple. “When is this supposed to be?”

  “In two days at noon.” He gave the exact address.

  “I can’t believe this. That’s insane. We can’t allow this—I can’t allow this to happen.”

  Adrian cleared his throat. “You were right the first time. We.”

  “No, Adrian, you’ve done your part. Thank you. We can take it from here, we meaning the police.”

  “No. No way. I can’t just stop now.”

  “You have to.” Kiera breathed in deeply and wouldn’t look him in the eyes. “I’m sorry, Adrian, but I have to ask you a few questions. What did you do after we parted last night?”

  “I went to get something to eat. I couldn’t eat it, though, not after seeing… I just went to bed. I didn’t sleep hardly at all. Every time I closed my eyes, I just saw…” He rubbed the back of his neck.

  “All night long, you were in bed?”

  “Yes.” He furrowed his brow in confusion.

  “No one can confirm that?”

  “The hell? No, Kiera, no can confirm that. I know we haven’t talked about anything really between us, but I’m not seeing anyone else. We don’t have to be exclusive. I mean, I would like to be. I think we—”

  “This isn’t about being jealous, Adrian,” she said softly.

  “Then what is—You had them in custody. They’re okay, right? Was someone else killed in that same manner? Maybe it was just a coincidence that—”

  “No, Adrian, not a coincidence. Someone killed them despite their being under our protection. We can’t figure out how, but I’m sorry, Adrian.” She removed a pair of handcuffs.

  “Wait. Hold up.” He held up his hands defensively. “You don’t think I—”

  “I don’t think you did, but this is the only way to keep you safe.”

  “Not from Peter,” he protested.

  “He’ll be busy with his plan, too busy to worry about you. I won’t have you be involved in this any longer.” She took a step towar
d him and then hesitated. “Are you going to resist arrest?”

  “No,” he said bitterly.

  The cuffs were cold against his skin, and he winced at the echoing cling of them closing.

  “Maybe this is the price I pay for killing Melvin,” he whispered. “I knew we couldn’t have Melvin as our alpha, but I didn’t consider what would happen after. I never thought about who should be alpha. I just didn’t want to be him. All of the witnesses being dead… That’s on me. All of the needless deaths are on me. I have more blood on my hands than I can have correct.”

  He felt so much anger and hatred toward himself. As Kiera led him out of her house and into her police car, she said nothing. Adrian had never felt more alone, and it shocked him how much it hurt that Kiera wasn’t talking to him.

  Before they arrived at the station, he broke the silence. “I didn’t think I could step up to be alpha because I failed Alexis. We lost touch, yes, but she didn’t feel like she could turn to me when she was in trouble. If I couldn’t help my friends, how could I help everyone in the pack? How could I be their alpha, their leader? I would’ve let them down as I had Alexis, and I couldn’t handle that. So, yes, I killed Melvin, and I ruined lives, and I deserve to rot in jail.”

  “We’ll fix everything,” Kiera whispered. “Together.”

  He wished he could believe her, but honestly, Kiera didn’t even sound like she believed her statement herself.

  Chapter 18

  The number of strings and favors and phone calls Kiera had to make was insane. She didn’t even bother to talk to the police chief about the Peter debacle. He had given her free reins on that since the beginning considering he hadn’t been too worried. The chief thought Peter was full of hot air and wouldn’t do anything. How very wrong he was.

  Kiera did, however, tell him about Adrian being arrested. She hated to do it, but otherwise, Peter would think Adrian had been a mole, and then he wouldn’t trust those ten werewolves who had stepped up. She needed them desperately.


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