by P R Glazier
The Gatekeeper was tiring a little, but she knew she would win this fight. Already the human easterner was far weaker, her energy was waning at last, soon she would be dead, her remaining husk of a body would crumble into dust to be blown away on the wind. There! She felt the easterner’s heart miss a beat. The Gatekeeper intensified her powerful pressure, she no longer needed to be liberal with her energies, she had the upper hand, more energy now would only mean a swifter end. She watched as the easterner’s spirit weakened ever faster and faster, she rejoiced as her own spirit drew strength in the knowledge of her impending victory. Soon the fool of an easterner mage would be dead, soon the time of the T’Iea’Neat’Thegoran, her peoples time would come. The last vestige of resistance would be gone and she could lead her people out of their long hiding, lead them to dominant victory.
Amndo held Deanola’s hand, felt the pulse weakening, felt it stop altogether, felt the last breath of air expel from her lungs as Deanola’s body stilled in apparent death. He looked at Nar’Allia; concern showed on his features, “it is done. Now we wait.”