Spies Like Me

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Spies Like Me Page 9

by Doug Solter

  “Sorry to hear about your father,” Jacqueline interrupted. “He was a great man and I admired him. It must be hard on you and your grandmother.”

  Emma froze, thinking about her dad took her right out of character. She swallowed. “Yes…um, thank you.”

  Jacqueline took a sip and peered out the window. “When I was six, there was a fire at our home. I remember the cries from our dog as the flames closed in on him while I cried and screamed for help. The firemen came in time to save me. But my parents burned to death. To this day, I still remember every detail.” Jacqueline took a larger sip from her glass before glancing at Emma. “I understand.”

  Emma melted. “Oh my God. I’m so sorry.”

  Jacqueline swirled her glass of alcohol. “Believe it or not, it made me a stronger woman. I hope a similar transformation will happen to you. A phoenix from the ashes.” The woman placed her drink on the desk and sat back in her leather chair. “May I ask the reason for your surprise visit?”

  “I’m here to investigate my father’s death.”

  “The investigators said it was an accident, if I remember correctly,” Jacqueline said.

  “I found evidence to the contrary, so I’m conducting my own investigation.”

  “What makes you think it wasn’t an accident?” Jacqueline asked.

  Emma’s confidence flowed back into her veins. “I’m not at liberty to discuss what I know at this time. But I wanted to ask you a few questions about what AirTech did for your company.”

  Jacqueline’s eyes flicked to Olivia. “Shouldn’t you ask Mr. Gooden’s assistant here first?”

  Olivia didn’t hesitate. “Mr. Gooden has offered the vast resources of Rothchild Industries to aid Miss Rothchild in her investigation. We’ve given her all the information about AirTech’s climate control system. However, Miss Rothchild would like to see one of the newly installed systems herself.”

  “Why would you be interested in that?” Jacqueline said.

  “Some AirTech engineers who were assigned to the project died in the same accident that claimed Mr. Rothchild,” Olivia said.

  “Do you suspect there’s a connection? Intriguing.” Jacqueline looked out the window again for a moment before swinging around on her chair and picking up the phone. “Pierre? Cancel my appointments this afternoon and bring my car to the front. I’m giving Miss Rothchild a tour of the growth labs.”

  Chapter 11

  Nadia couldn’t believe what she saw in the bathroom mirror. Her headscarf gone. Her long dark hair exposed to the world as it covered her shoulders over a low-cut blouse. The short designer skirt she wore that exposed her elephant-trunk thighs. Yet, this is what Allah blessed her with, so Nadia embraced it just like all His other gifts upon her life. Like a brain that could figure out complex problems with ease. Like a loving father who understood his daughter’s wonderful gifts and encouraged Nadia to develop them, even if that meant being away from her home and family.

  If her father saw Nadia dressed like this, he would wrap her in a blanket and forbid her from ever leaving the house. In the West, it was seen as a cute outfit for a young teenage girl. In Saudi Arabia, it would be judged obscene and Nadia would be questioned by the church police. Yet, for this stage of their operation, it was vital that Nadia keep her party-girl camouflage intact no matter how uncomfortable it made her feel.

  Nadia knelt inside the bathroom and took the opportunity to do her noon prayers. This was the least suitable place and Nadia hoped Allah would feel the love that was in her heart and not judge her by the surroundings or for not having her prayer mat with her. Nadia finished and did one last minute appearance check before she emerged from the private bathroom and joined Miyuki on the couch in Mademoiselle Boyay’s reception area.

  Twenty minutes earlier, Miyuki had pitched a major fit about going to some boring food growth lab instead of shopping on Avenue Montigue. Emma argued and Nadia agreed with Miyuki. Frustrated, Emma told Nadia and Miyuki to wait in the office until they were done with Mademoiselle Boyay’s tour.

  It was all according to plan.

  Nadia had tried hacking into AgEurope’s mainframes. But for a food company, they had a formidable wall of cyber security. Even the Authority’s best hackers could only penetrate a few sections. Now if Nadia could crack Mademoiselle Boyay’s laptop, she was confident she could get into all the sections of the company’s mainframe. But first they needed to occupy Jacqueline’s assistant, Pierre, who had stayed behind to watch them.

  The man worked on his laptop, while monitoring the two girls like a hawk. His eyes reacted to any hint of movement. Miyuki also noted a bulge under the man’s suit jacket. She was sure it was a gun. A strange item for an executive office assistant to carry.

  “Any ideas?” Nadia asked.

  “Fire alarm?” Miyuki asked.

  “He would escort us downstairs.”

  “What about the air vent?” Miyuki’s eyes pointed up to a vent located where the wall met the ceiling.

  “Wouldn’t balancing on a chair while crawling up a wall look suspicious?”

  “Maybe we are making this too complicated,” Miyuki said. “All I need is to distract him so you can slip under the woman’s desk. Problem is he’ll notice you’ve disappeared from the couch.”

  Nadia agreed that was a problem. She thought about it for a moment.

  “I have an idea.”

  After Nadia returned from the bathroom a second time, Miyuki jumped from the couch and folded her hands behind her back as she examined a painting. Showing her boredom, Miyuki drifted past two more paintings before ending up in front of Pierre. “Excuse me. Do you have any snacks? I’m hungry.”

  Pierre stopped typing. “A café is next door.”

  Miyuki grimaced. “Then I must go all the way downstairs and back outside. Very inconvenient.”

  Pierre went back to typing.

  Nadia sank to the floor and crawled like a dog over to Pierre’s desk unobserved. She tapped Miyuki’s sandal.

  “Does Miss Boyay have snacks in her office?” Miyuki stole a few steps past Pierre, who leaped off his chair and intercepted Miyuki.

  “You’re not allowed in there.”

  Nadia scrambled behind a file cabinet, trying to make herself small.

  “Don’t be a bully.” Miyuki backed away from Jacqueline’s office, drawing Pierre away from the door. “I’m just looking for snacks.”

  With Pierre’s back turned, Nadia scrambled inside Jacqueline’s office like a spider. She resisted the urge to look back until she tucked herself safely under the woman’s desk.

  Miyuki flopped down on the couch, acting mad.

  Pierre stiffened. “Where’s the other one?”

  “The other what?”

  “The other girl. The one that was sitting with you.”

  “Oh, her? She’s in the toilet.”

  “She was just in the toilet.” Pierre glanced at Jacqueline’s office.

  Nadia retreated back behind the desk. She heard footsteps coming towards her. That wasn’t good. Nadia closed her eyes and hoped that Miyuki could think of something quick.

  “She’s been complaining of stomach problems since breakfast,” Miyuki’s voice rang out. “And poor girl is going through her period. Double whammy.”

  The footsteps stopped and reversed out of the room.

  A perfect ad-lib by Miyuki. All men recoiled at the thought of anything dealing with a woman’s…well, Nadia remembered her brothers’ disgust when they accidentally discovered their twelve-year-old sister having her first period. It was the most embarrassing moment of her life.

  Miyuki’s voice chirped away and faded a little. Nadia peeked around the desk for a better look at the situation. Sure enough, Miyuki had led Pierre over to the bathroom door. Nadia pulled out her phone and opened up the app that activated the special iPod she’d left on the corner of the bathroom sink.

  Pierre tried the door, but it was locked. He pounded on it.

  Nadia pressed the trans
mit button. She touched her lips to the phone and moaned. “Oh…I feel so sick. I can’t come out or I’ll embarrass myself all over your floor.” Her voice echoed through the bathroom door perfectly.

  Pierre took a step back. Still unsure.

  Miyuki leaned on the door. “Oh, girl…need me to come in and help you?”

  Nadia smiled, thinking of something that should be the final straw. “No, thank you. But I will need a fresh tampon if you have one.”

  Pierre looked uncomfortable as he retreated back to his desk and resumed his work.

  Nadia tried not to giggle too much. But she could tell Miyuki had even more trouble than her keeping a straight face as the girl sat back on the couch.

  Nadia turned her attention to Jacqueline’s computer. She didn’t have enough time to pore through all the files and shared drives before its owner came back, but Nadia didn’t need to thanks to Copy Cat, a little virus Nadia designed herself.

  Once inside a computer, Copy Cat allowed Nadia’s computer to mirror the infected one. It was as good as Nadia sitting inside this office while sipping a cup of tea as she read everything on the AgEurope network. But first Nadia had to hack into this computer.

  She gently pulled out the cable for the main keyboard and plugged in her own mini keyboard. This was a special keyboard, every button cushioned from making the smallest click. Perfect for a time like this. It took Nadia longer than expected, but after ten minutes she was through the security protocols on the computer. Nadia plugged her thumb drive into the USB port and uploaded Copy Cat on to Jacqueline’s hard drive. Then clicked execute.

  Chapter 12

  The sign read Growth Lab 12. The underground farm was composed of rows and rows of plants in various growth stages. Potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, squash, pumpkins…all kinds of edible crops. Jacqueline told Emma and Olivia about the growing process. How they used genetic engineering to produce drought-tolerant crops and to increase the yield each one produces. How her scientists meticulously studied and nourished the seeds until they developed into perfect specimens to be later introduced into their company farms all over Europe and Africa. She spoke about their advanced growth lighting system that gave plants the same amount of sunlight as the sun.

  Emma’s mind checked out right after the previous forty-five-minute tour of the massive underground seed storage area. Someone into farming and crop yields would be fascinated by this place. However, Emma was on the verge of scratching her eyes out. None of this was remotely interesting to her.

  But when Jacqueline talked about the new AirTech climate control system, Emma paid closer attention.

  “The new system regulates the environment at a precise temperature and moisture content, depending on which growth zone. You’ll be pleased to know, Miss Rothchild, that your company’s product has improved our energy costs by twenty percent. Our scientists are pleased with the accuracy of the new system. Our old climate system had difficulty keeping moisture and temperature at a consistent rate.”

  “It’s great to hear about a happy customer,” Emma said. “I’m sure Ben—Mr. Gooden—will be happy to hear how pleased you are. Won’t he, Olivia?”

  “My name’s Lisa, Miss Rothchild.” Olivia glared before snapping a thermal picture of the ceiling and shutting off her phone. “Yes, he’ll be pleased, I’m sure.”

  Emma bit her lip. Lisa was Olivia’s cover name. “Of course…Lisa. How stupid of me. Olivia’s the name of my ferret.”

  Olivia ignored the jab and stepped over to Jacqueline. “The temperature and moisture content must be critical since these underground vaults are all sealed and self-contained.”

  “Oui. Each vault requires different environmental settings. For instance, you don’t want moisture in the seed storage rooms because it would create mold and damage the seeds.”

  “How many facilities like this does Raymond Foods own?” Emma asked, trying to keep herself focused on the conversation.

  “I can only speak for AgEurope; our two growth labs are in Paris and Capetown. But our grain and seed storage facilities cover Europe and most of Africa. Fifty of them at least. Our largest storage facilities are located in Africa due to the high food demand.” A unique buzzing sound came from Jacqueline’s phone. She checked it with a slight frown on her lips. “A problem has come up at my office. Apologies, but I must stop our tour and see to it.”

  Emma sneaked a glance over at Olivia. They both were wondering the same thing.

  Forty minutes later, Jacqueline’s driver brought the Mercedes to a stop in front of AgEurope headquarters. Jacqueline led Emma and Olivia back into the building and up the elevator to the top floor. Jacqueline clopped her way into the reception area, where Miyuki and Nadia waited on the couch. Jacqueline gave them a long look when she passed.

  Miyuki sprang up and hugged Emma. “Thank God you’re back. We were sooooo bored.”

  Nadia held her stomach. “I’m not feeling too well.”

  “You’re not? What’s wrong?” Emma asked.

  Nadia winked. “I think it was something I ate on the plane.” She winked again.

  “Why are you winking?” Emma asked.

  Olivia pinched her arm. Emma flinched and shut her mouth.

  “She’s blinking because she lost her contacts in the toilet,” Miyuki added.

  Jacqueline stood over Pierre’s desk with her arms crossed.

  Pierre addressed her gaze. “Oui?”

  Jacqueline asked him a question in French. Emma translated the words in her brain. Has anyone been inside my office?

  “No one. I’ve watched it every minute you were gone, Mademoiselle,” Pierre answered in French.

  Jacqueline pivoted her body towards the girls.

  Emma tried to keep her reaction low key and barely moved her lips to the Gems. “She’s suspicious. Thinks someone was in her office.”

  “Alright then.” Olivia flicked the girls a look. “It’s time to give Jacqueline a show. Make it good.”

  Miyuki nodded. “We should go shopping now! Can we, Emma?” she asked in a loud voice.

  “I want to go back to the hotel.” Nadia complained as she held her stomach again.

  “You’re such a dork. We’re in Paris! Who wants to stay in their stupid hotel rooms?” Emma asked, playing along.

  “I’m not feeling well,” Nadia said.

  “I’m not feeling well,” Miyuki mimicked in a high voice. “Don’t use that as an excuse to not go out tonight. I won’t let you.”

  Nadia smirked. “Watching you get drunk and rubbing up against strange guys isn’t my idea of fun.”

  Miyuki threw back her head. “What do you mean by that? Are you saying I’m a sloth?”

  “A slut. I’m saying you’re a drunk slut.”

  Miyuki pushed Nadia backwards on to the couch. The girl caught her back against the seat cushions without rolling off. Miyuki teared up. “Don’t ever call me that again.”

  Nadia shot her a look. “Drunk slut. Drunk slut.”

  “You little…”

  Olivia held Miyuki back. “Girls, behave yourselves, for God’s sake. This is a business meeting.”

  Emma thought of something and went with it. “Hey, these are my friends and you don’t give them orders.”

  Olivia acted shocked as she released Miyuki. “I’m sorry, Miss Rothchild I didn’t mean any disrespect to your friends.”

  “Do you want me to call Mr. Gooden tonight and have you on the next plane to San Francisco? I can get him to fire you. Do you understand?”

  Jacqueline watched with great interest as she approached the girls with her hands behind her back.

  Emma separated herself from the girls. “I’m so sorry, Mademoiselle Boyay, my friends know better than to embarrass me like this.”

  Nadia and Miyuki dragged their eyes to the ground like naughty puppies.

  “It’s quite all right,” Jacqueline said. “What are your plans tonight? Besides shopping and dancing, of course.”

  Emma glanced at Olivia, w
ho looked at her tablet.

  “There’s nothing on your schedule, Miss Rothchild,” she said.

  “Excellent. Would you be my guest for dinner?” Jacqueline asked. “The restaurant Le Coq Rico. Shall we say eight?”

  Chapter 13

  Emma leaned over the iron rail of the small balcony that overlooked the Seine river. She enjoyed the late afternoon breeze tossing her hair around…and the moment to be alone. Emma could hear the girls inside the suite behind her, chattering away as they got ready for dinner with Jacqueline Boyay.

  Emma had been with the girls for less than a week and already she felt overwhelmed by all the drama. Miyuki and Nadia had been nice, but the weird vibe coming from Olivia still bothered her. Olivia was no doubt the leader of the Gems, based on the way Mrs. B addressed her during the mission briefing and the way the other two girls followed Olivia’s suggestions. Maybe Olivia was threatened by Emma joining the group. Whatever it was, Emma didn’t care. Her priority was finding justice for her dad, not trying to please the queen bee.

  In the meantime—Emma closed her eyes and enjoyed the peace and quiet.

  “Emma, you getting ready?” Olivia asked.

  She sighed and stepped back inside the suite. Miyuki was adjusting her earrings in front of a mirror. Her makeup was perfect. Olivia danced into her dress, forcing it to fit against her body. Nadia worked on her laptop, still wearing her Girl Scientists Rock T-shirt.

  “Did you get in?” Emma asked her.

  Nadia smiled. “My program worked perfectly. I’ve been scanning Jacqueline’s emails and some other files on the company’s servers. I found the schematics to the climate control system you saw on your tour. They’ve been modified.”

  Emma knelt. “How?”

  Nadia brought up the plans on the screen. “Look at these new pipes that run through all the different buildings. They’re connected to sprinklers that span over the farms and the seed storage bins.”

  “So what? Probably water pipes for putting out a fire, right?”


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