Rising Moon: The Awakened Trilogy #2

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Rising Moon: The Awakened Trilogy #2 Page 2

by Amanda Carol

Blaine gets his anger under control as Knox walks further into the room, his eyes roaming between the four of us.

  “What happened?” Knox demands.

  “Nothing,” Blaine responds, looking at me as I place the gloves back where I got them.

  I snatch my hoodie from the floor and storm out of the room. I don’t care enough to stay, and I sure as hell don’t care if Blaine tells Knox that I pushed him. Then he would have to tell him that he pushed me first. I throw my hoodie back on when I get outside, and I notice that Bennett is casually leaning against the railing on the top step, this time in his human form.

  “Feeling better, Blondie?” he asks.

  I walk past him and down the steps, although he quickly catches up to me.

  “Yep.” I shove my hands inside the pockets of my hoodie as he keeps pace beside me.

  “Are you sure? I know you don’t want to talk about what happened, but—”

  “I said I’m fine, Bennett!” I snap, whirling around to face him.

  He throws his hands up and our eyes lock.

  “Okay,” he mumbles.

  I didn’t mean to snap at him. I know he’s only trying to help me, but I don’t even know how to help myself. I’ve been working myself past the point of exhaustion. Always hoping that when I close my eyes, I don’t see her face.

  She’s the original vampire and has been around since the gods roamed the earth. She told me that she’s mastered the art of patience and she’s got all the time in the world to strike. Time doesn’t matter to her. I suck in a deep breath and push back the loose hairs that have fallen out of my ponytail.

  “I’m sorry,” I whisper, tearing my gaze away from Bennett.

  He just nods. I’m thankful that he doesn’t say anything more as we walk back to my cabin. I’m not in the mood for a heart-to-heart.

  “See ya later, Blondie,” Bennett says as we reach the steps.

  I glance over at him, and he tweaks my nose before running off. I hear the soft hum of a guitar when I get to the front door. When I close it behind me, I look over and find Hunter sitting on the couch, strumming along to our song from the bonfire, and my favorite tune. He stops playing when I sit down next to him.

  “Please don’t stop playing,” I whisper.

  He nods and continues to play “Simple Man” again. I love listening to him play; the sound calms me. Every now and then, he will hum, and the vibrations will move through me. That’s when I start to relax. It’s like he chases the demons away, but even though my eyes grow heavy and I know he’s here, I’m still afraid to sleep.

  Hunter stops his strumming and reaches over, placing his hand on my cheek. “Don’t fight sleep, baby. I’m right here. You’re safe.”

  His thumb caresses my bottom lip. I reach up and grab his wrist, keeping his hand there and leaning into his touch. I place a kiss on his palm before he pulls away to start playing our song again.

  I know I'm safe here with him. He’s not the one I'm afraid of.

  A loud bang jolts me awake. I hear Ciera screaming, and then it abruptly stops. I toss the covers off my body and take off running toward Declan’s room. I summon the air element, knocking the door off its hinges. I get to the doorway and stop dead in my tracks at the sight that’s taking place in front of me.

  Ciera is lying dead on the floor.

  I bring my hand up to cover the sob that’s threatening to come out of my throat. My eyes fill up with tears as I glance around the room, looking for Declan. When my gaze finally catches his, a scream escapes my lips.

  Isabella has her arm around his neck. Declan is trying to break free, but she’s too strong. Anger flows through my veins like lava and I start to rush forward, but Isabella tightens her grip on my brother, cutting off his air.

  “One more step and I will turn your brother into nothing but a pile of bones.” She pauses, making sure I don’t move.

  With one arm still around Declan’s neck, the other snakes around her back. When she brings it back around, she’s holding a dagger. The same one she used on me.

  No. God, please, no.

  Just then I feel arms wrap around me tightly, preventing me from using my arms. I turn my head slightly and see the person Isabella is working with. I struggle, trying to break free, but I can’t. Isabella takes the dagger and slices into my brother’s stomach. He cries out in agony with each carve of the blade into his skin. His blood is dripping into a metal bucket that I didn’t even notice was there.

  “No!” I scream, thrashing in the arms of Isabella’s insider. “Declan! Please stop! Let him go! Please!”

  Tears are streaming down my face as my legs give out from under me, and I fall to the ground, bringing my captor down with me. I watch helplessly as Isabella drops my brother’s lifeless body to floor and brings the knife to her lips, licking the blood off the tip.

  “Aria, you need to wake up!” I hear someone scream in my ear.

  I bolt upright in bed, almost banging my head into Declan’s chin. My breathing is erratic and I’m still disoriented from the dream, so I throw my arm out. Declan catches my wrist just before I punch him in the face.

  “Whoa, Aria! It’s just me,” he says calmly.

  I’m still trying to catch my breath as I look at my brother, sitting here on my bed without a scratch on him. A wave of relief washes over me as I stare at him.

  “You’re okay,” I murmur, my voice barely above a whisper.

  Declan lowers my arm and releases my wrist. His eyes search mine.

  “Yeah, I’m okay. Are you?” he asks.

  “Where is Ciera?” I ignore his question as the relief I was feeling starts to turn back into panic.

  My dreams have been feeling way too real lately.

  “She’s at the schoolhouse teaching. Why?”

  I glance down at my hands and start to tug at a loose thread on my comforter. It was just a dream. That’s all it was. Ciera is alive and Declan is fine. I take a calming breath.

  Declan places his index finger under my chin, tilting my face up so my gaze meets his.

  “Aria, please talk to me,” he begs.

  I can hear the desperation in his voice, and I almost start to tell him everything. But the words don’t come. I just wish he would stop begging me to talk. He should know better than that. I shrug him off, tossing my covers over my legs and getting up off my bed.

  “I’m fine, Declan. It was just a dream. No big deal. How did I get up here?” I ask, desperate to change the subject, although I already know the answer.

  Declan sighs. “Hunter brought you up here after you fell asleep downstairs. He left half an hour ago and said to let him know when you were up.”

  I nod, opening my drawer and pulling out fresh clothes. “I’m going to take a quick shower.”

  Not that it would matter, since I'm about to train today. I’m also training with magic again tonight. Even though we’ve gotten used to using our magic, the Alpha still wants us to continue to train with the witches.


  “What?” I snap, stopping just outside my doorway and turning to face Declan, who is still sitting on my bed.

  He stares at me for a long moment before I quirk a brow.

  “Nothing,” he finally says.

  “Okay.” I turn on my heel and head down the hall to the bathroom.

  I quickly dry off and get dressed in my workout clothes. I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror as I brush out my hair and pull it into a ponytail. I stare at my reflection for a moment, noting the dark circles under my eyes. The usual pale green color is now darker.

  I inhale sharply as I turn the light off. I sigh and walk back down the hallway toward my room. Declan must have already left, because his bedroom door is open, and I don’t hear anyone else in the cabin. He probably went to visit Ciera. The kids love him, so he likes to go and pop in every now and then. I throw on my socks and shoes, then go downstairs for some coffee. I’m thankful to find that Declan left the pot on when I walk into the kitchen.
  After I pour myself a cup, I open the link to Hunter. Hey.

  Hey, baby. Did you get some sleep? I hear Hunter’s gruff voice in my head as I add cream and sugar.

  He’s stopped asking me if I slept well. I hate waking him up with my nightmares, but he refuses to sleep anywhere else. If we aren’t here, we’re at his cabin. I don’t really mind; I’d rather be with him than alone at night.

  Yeah, I did. I’m ready for training. Where are you? I ask him, leaning against the counter.

  I blow on the coffee before taking a sip. I close my eyes as the hot liquid goes down my throat. The heat warms the ever-constant chill in my bones.

  I’m at my father’s. He’s called an emergency meeting. We got word that Isabella and Ronan were spotted back in New Orleans. A team of us will probably be sent to check it out, Hunter replies.

  I set my mug down on the counter, suddenly feeling sick. I don’t want her anywhere near the Compound.

  Baby, I promise I won’t let her hurt you again. Hunter’s calming voice eases my panic when I don’t reply.

  I know you won’t, I finally say.

  Aria, I— Hunter starts to say but pauses for a second. I won’t be training with you today. Axton is on his way to come get you and take you to the training room. Knox is here with us, so Ax is in charge. Then Zayne will meet you later. I don’t know how long I’ll be, but I’ll find you when we’re finished.

  I roll my eyes as I close the link off to him.

  I don’t have a problem with Axton. It’s his best fucking friend who I have a problem with. Or, rather, his best friend has a problem with me. Over something I can’t control.

  I didn’t ask for this. I didn’t ask to be a demigod. I can’t help what I was born into and I most certainly didn’t ask to be put in a situation where I was carved into and had my blood stolen for God knows what reason. I feel the slight tug in my head and open the link back up.

  Where did you go just now? Hunter’s voice isn’t accusing, just worried.

  Nowhere, I lie. I’ll see you later.

  I close the link. Still feeling a little queasy, I dump the rest of the coffee in the sink just as I hear a knock on my front door. I make my way over to the door, opening it to see Axton standing over by the top of the steps. He turns around when I step outside and close the door behind me. We just sort of stand there, not saying a word to each other.

  Well, this is awkward.

  “Uh, hey. You ready to go?” He shoves his hands in his pockets and rocks back on his heels.

  “Yep,” I say, walking past him and down the steps.

  It doesn’t take him long to catch up to me.

  “So, listen, Aria,” he starts to say, grabbing my arm.

  I stop to look over at him and he catches my gaze.

  “I’m sorry about what happened with Blaine…”

  “Why are you sorry? You didn’t tell me I don’t belong here,” I scoff, pulling my arm free and looking away.

  “I know, but I’m just…sorry. If it’s any consolation, I don’t agree with him.” Axton gives me a small smile as he runs a hand through his hair. It’s tied back in his signature low ponytail; like always, the shorter pieces fall down against his cheeks.

  “Thanks, I think.” I don’t know what else to say, so the rest of our walk is in silence.

  When we get into the training room, Axton leaves me alone to go stand in the front of the room since he’s in charge. I look around for Declan, but don’t see him anywhere. Where is he? I thought he was supposed to be training today. It’s not like him to skip classes. Someone bumps into me from behind and knocks me off balance. When I look over, I narrow my eyes at Blaine, who gives me a disgusted look before going to stand next to Axton.

  “Okay, listen up, while Blaine leads the warmup, I’m going to come up with our sparring partners,” Axton announces.

  He walks over to the stereo and turns it on. It’s still set to the alternative rock station I had it on last night—or I guess it was technically this morning.

  “Everyone, line up on the mat. We are going to start with jumping jacks, then go straight into mountain climbers,” Blaine shouts over the music.

  Everyone does as he says and lines up on the mat, making sure to give each other enough space. Blaine stalks the room while everyone is doing jumping jacks. He walks up behind me and I feel his cold stare shooting icicles into the back of my head. If looks could kill.

  He may be made of ice, but I’ve got fire flowing through my veins.

  “Alright, switch!” he yells from just behind me, causing me to flinch at the sound.

  I feel him come close, invading my personal space.

  “Try and keep up.” His breath on the back of my neck makes my hair stand on end.

  I ball my fists just as he stalks forward, bumping me with his shoulder one more time.

  This is going to be a long-ass day.

  Blaine finishes our warmup without any other snide remarks directed at me. He tells us to take a short break to get some water before we start the sparring matches. I was too wrapped up in my thoughts earlier and I forgot to grab a bottle before leaving the cabin.

  “You need some water?” a voice asks.

  I turn to see Sloane kneeling down by her backpack against the wall. I nod, and she hands me a bottle.

  “Thanks,” I say, taking it from her.

  I lean my back against the wall and prop one foot up as I sip on the water. When Declan and I first got here, everyone would stare at us. Now that everyone has gotten used to us being here and being what we are, it’s just business as usual. And that’s absolutely fine with me, because I’ve always hated being the center of attention.

  “No problem. I always bring extra, so feel free to take one if you need it.” She gives me a small smile and walks away.

  It’s weird to see her smile at me, considering that I kicked her ass in a sparring match a few months ago. My gaze connects with Blaine’s and he gives me a malicious smirk. I replace the cap on the bottle and set it down on the floor just as Axton whistles to get our attention.

  “First up, we have Sloane and Kai,” Axton announces from the front of the room while everyone goes to take a spot against the wall.

  We are supposed to watch the sparring match and mentally take notes. Pitting different people together shows their weaknesses, but also their strengths. Each person has a different technique, so we learn from each other.

  Kai struts forward, all swag. He casually pushes his dark, curly hair back from his forehead, but it just falls back down. His full lips purse at Sloane, who takes her stance across from him. She’s a good head taller than him, and she’s put weight back on since she was attacked. They shake hands and nod at each other.

  This will be interesting.

  “Okay, take your stances, and—”

  Before Axton can get another word out, Kai quickly punches Sloane in the jaw, catching her off guard. She stumbles back, but catches herself before she falls down. Kai chuckles as Sloane wipes the blood off her lip and narrows her dark eyes at him.

  “Come and get it, princess,” he taunts her.

  That seems to piss her off, because she growls and lunges forward, throwing a punch. Kai sidesteps before her fist can make contact with his face. She stumbles forward a bit and Kai kicks out; his foot lands perfectly in the middle of her back. She grunts and arches her back before falling face-first onto the mat.

  Sloane quickly rolls over and gets to her feet just as Kai goes to throw another punch at her, but she catches his fist. She smirks, then twists his arm, spinning him around. She wraps her other arm around his neck, then tugs him backward and they both tumble down onto the mat. She manages to wrap her long legs around him, holding him in place. I thought the match was over, but Kai elbows her in her ribs, which loosens her grip. Another blow to her ribs and Kai breaks free from Sloane’s hold. He’s on his feet in an instant, delivering a swift kick to her stomach and knocking her back down.

  He goes
to kick again, but she blocks it. The impact makes Kai stumble back, and that’s all Sloane needs to get back up on her feet. She rushes forward, lowering her body before wrapping her arms around Kai’s waist and knocking him over. He rolls into the fall, bringing his foot up right onto Sloane’s stomach. He uses her momentum to his advantage and flips her over his head, making her back slam hard into the mat. Kai somehow manages to get on top of her, pinning her arms down with his knees. Sloane tries to buck him off, but it’s no use. Kai wraps his hands around her neck, and the match is over.

  “Nice job!” Axton shouts, clapping his hands.

  Kai gets off Sloane, holding out a hand to help her up. She refuses and gets up on her own. They shake hands and return to their spots against the wall. I glance over at Blaine, who is standing with his arms folded across his chest. When his eyes connect with mine, he smirks, and it doesn’t give me the warm fuzzies.

  “Okay next up we have Aria and—” Axton pauses, looking down at his clipboard.

  “Me.” Blaine stalks forward, arms falling to his sides.

  Oh, this is just fucking great.

  I clench my jaw tight and walk forward. I glance over at Axton, who looks confused.

  “Uh, Blaine, I have Aria paired with Jasper.” Axton crosses his arms over his chest and stares at Blaine.

  “Not anymore. Unless Aria is scared,” Blaine taunts.

  I glare at him. “Not a chance.”

  Axton steps up next to me and lowers his head to my ear. “Aria, you don’t have to spar with him if you don’t want to.”

  My gaze locks with Blaine’s, who quirks a dark brow at us. I don’t know what his problem is, but maybe if I fight him, he’ll leave me the hell alone.

  “It’s fine,” I mutter back.

  Axton takes one last look at me. “Alright. Let’s get to it, then.”

  Axton walks away, taking his position back in the front of the room. He signals for the fight to start, and not even a second later, Blaine’s fist smashes into my face. I stumble back, not having enough time to recover as he punches me again. I fall down onto the mat, and when I get up on my hands and knees, I feel something warm dripping from my lip. I glance down at the mat to see blood dripping onto it. I reach up and wipe my mouth; when I lift my head up, Blaine is glaring down at me.


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