Rising Moon: The Awakened Trilogy #2

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Rising Moon: The Awakened Trilogy #2 Page 4

by Amanda Carol

  I can feel my blood starting to boil, If I'm supposed to be his Beta, then why is every decision I make being questioned? This is what always happens with us.

  “Blaine was sparring with Aria and he took it too far,” I bite out.

  “Well they were training, and sometimes those things happen. Like I told you before, you’re letting your feelings for this girl get in the way. One day, you will become Alpha, and you will have to put personal feelings aside and do what’s right for the pack.” His voice is matter-of-fact.

  I hate when he throws Aria in my face like this. Why is he allowed to be in love with my mom, but I’m not allowed to have feelings for Aria? Having feelings for someone doesn’t mean I’ll make a bad Alpha. In fact, with Aria by my side, I’ve never felt stronger and more confident in my capabilities, being the Beta.

  I wonder if it’s because she’s not a wolf, or because she’s new to the Compound. Would he be acting like this if the girl in question was someone like Sloane?

  “Personal feelings aside, sir, there should be consequences for his actions. What happened today was not a typical sparring match. It was assault, plain and simple, and I have witnesses to confirm this. He will not be going. Axton will take his place,” I argue back.

  My father stares at me for a long moment, rubbing his chin with his fingers.

  “Fine. But you will be informing Blaine and Axton of this change and you will be leaving tonight,” he instructs before waving his hand, dismissing me.

  I turn on my heel and leave the room, trying not to slam the door shut behind me. Once I get outside, I shift into my wolf and take off running into the woods. I need to let off some steam. Running in wolf form is freeing, and just what I need. I need to calm my ass down before I talk to Blaine. I let out my aggression as I pound my paws into the ground. It takes three laps around the Compound for me to start feeling calmer, and when I shift back into my human form I see Kai and Blaine headed toward the barn.

  “Hey, Hunter. What’s up man?” Kai reaches out with his hand, and I slap mine into his.

  “Hey, Kai. Not much. Can you give Blaine and I a few minutes?” I ask, trying to calm my ass down again.

  Seeing Blaine’s face just reminds me of what he did to my girl’s face. And I’d be lying if I said I’m not getting satisfaction out of kicking him off the team for tonight.

  “Sure.” Kai nods and makes his way into the barn, leaving me alone with Blaine.

  Actually…it probably would have been a good idea if Kai stayed out here, just in case I decided to wolf out on Blaine. Oh, well.

  “‘Sup, Hunt?” Blaine crosses his arms over his chest, lifting a dark brow.

  “I’m switching things up tonight. You’re staying here and Axton will be taking your place,” I state flatly.

  “Excuse me? I’m one of the best fighters you got and you’re benching me?” he huffs, uncrossing his arms and running a hand through his dark hair. His eyes even glow slightly.

  “This isn’t baseball, Blaine. Your actions today in training have consequences. You’re out, he’s in. Did you think I wouldn’t find out?” I grind out, stepping up to him and squaring my shoulders.

  His lips form a thin line as he stares me down.

  “Is that a command?” he hisses through clenched teeth.

  “You’re damn right, it is.” I stand a little taller, glaring back at him.

  After a few tense moments, he finally submits.

  “Yes, sir,” he spits out, before brushing past me and into the barn.

  I watch the barn door slam shut after him before I go over to Axton’s cabin. At least this conversation will go over smoothly.

  I didn’t mean to snap at Hunter. I just didn’t think it mattered who I sparred with. It wasn’t going to change a damn thing. But I know he’ll figure it out, if he hasn’t already gone to Axton about it.

  After another shower, I go to my studio room to paint before I meet up with Zayne for fire element training. My paintings have taken a dark turn lately. I barely use any color. It’s mostly blacks and grays. I’m currently working on a dark forest painting, with a certain black wolf with Caribbean blue eyes, and he’s illuminated in the moonlight.

  I jump at the sound of my alarm going off, letting me know it’s almost time to meet up with Zayne. I clean my brushes and make my way to the front door. When I open it, Bennett is standing there, fist up in the air about to knock.

  “I’m right on time. You ready to go, Blondie?” Bennett takes a step back as I nod and walk outside.

  We are halfway to Zayne’s cabin before either one of us speaks.

  Bennett shoves his hands in his pockets. “I heard about what happened this morning. Just ignore Blaine. He’s a dick to everyone.”

  “Yeah, tell that to my face,” I mutter, not surprised that Bennett already knows what happened this morning. He and Hunter are best friends.

  “Which actually looks fine, by the way. In case you were wondering.” He runs a hand through his red hair.

  “I wasn’t, but thanks,” I say dryly as we finally make it to Zayne’s cabin.

  Tessa comes rushing out with Micah in her arms.

  “Hey, guys!” She drops his diaper bag on the ground.

  Bennett grabs the bag and throws it over his shoulder. Tessa gives him a warm smile.

  “Thanks. Sorry I can’t stay and chat. I’ve got errands to run, but you guys have fun and please don’t burn anything down. We’re still trying to mend the woods that caught fire a few months ago. You taking me to my car?” She looks at Bennett.

  “Yes, ma’am, but I will be staying here. Sloane will be going with you into town. She’s meeting us in the lot,” he explains before glancing at Zayne and me. “Later, dudes.”

  Bennett throws up the peace sign before walking away with Tessa and Micah.

  “You ready?” Zayne asks, jumping off the porch and landing on his feet in front of me.

  “As I’ll ever be,” I reply.

  He looks at me, tilting his head slightly to the side as if he’s studying me.

  “Everything okay?” I ask.

  He shakes his head, like he’s trying to clear it. “Yeah, let’s go.”

  I follow him down to the fire pit, our usual spot to work on the fire element. It doesn’t take me long to summon fire. I can feel the flames boiling my blood as the power shoots down my arm and flames form in my hand. I can manipulate the flames much better now, and I’m able to form a small fireball.

  Zayne and Kat have set up some rock targets so I can throw the fireballs at them and not set anything on fire. I mean, even if I did, I can use the water element to put it out, which I have had to do once or twice. It’s harder to summon if I’m not near water, but, like Grace has taught me, I can pull water from anywhere. I just have to search for it.

  I create and throw fireballs for a while before we move on to pulling the flames back to me. Which, apparently, I can do. It just takes a lot of concentration.

  “Focus on the flames,” Zayne explains as he circles around me. “Think of it as a rubber band. You let the flames go from you. Now you just have to pull it back in.”

  I watch as he pulls the flames from the pit into his hand, forming a nice fireball. Then he lets it go back into the pit.

  I close my eyes, trying to imagine my power like a rubber band. I can feel the hum from the fire. It’s almost like pulling water from deep within the soil, so I latch onto that feeling and imagine the fire snapping back into my hand. I feel the heat in my hands, letting me know that I was successful in calling the fire back to me. I slowly open my eyes and look at the flames that are now blazing in my hand. I don’t feel the heat. Not yet, anyway. As I stare into the brightness, I start to feel the burning sensation, but I ignore it.

  “Aria, you have to let the flame go,” I vaguely hear Zayne say.

  I’m so focused on the embers that I don’t even register his words. The burning feels similar to the cuts that Isabella carved into my skin that night. For hours, I
was helpless, unable to stop her. I remember her smirking at me as she held my gaze, watching me cry out in agony. Then she threatened my brother. I feel the flame get even hotter. My skin is really starting to burn now…

  “Damn it!” Zayne curses as the flame leaves my hand and flies back into the pit. “You can’t hold onto it for that long!”

  He reaches out and gently grabs my hand. It’s red and a few blisters are starting to form.

  “What’s going on?” I hear Abby’s voice as she approaches us.

  “Nothing.” I jerk my hand out of Zayne’s as Abby slides up next to him, wrapping her arm around his waist.

  He casually throws his arm around her shoulders, pulling her in closer.

  She gasps as she glances down at my burned hand. “Oh, my God, Aria! That’s not nothing!”

  She reaches for my hand, but I jerk back at her touch.

  “Don’t, Abby,” I warn, my voice low.

  “Don’t what? Let me see it. I can help!” She steps forward, reaching for my hand again.

  “Don’t touch me!” I shout, shoving her.

  She stumbles back into Zayne, her eyes going wide.

  “What the hell, Aria?” she gasps as Zayne helps her to her feet.

  “Everything okay?” Declan approaches and looks between the three of us.

  When his gaze connects with mine, he quirks a brow. I calm down slightly, feeling the disappointment in his stare alone, and I glance away.

  “Aria?” he asks.

  I lift my gaze back up to him. “Everything is fine.”

  Something catches my eye behind him. Hunter, Bennett, Knox and Axton come walking up to us.

  “What are you guys doing here?” I ask.

  “We’re leaving to go track down Ronan and Isabella. I’ve been describing my visions to them. We think they’re staying in some abandoned theater in a theme park that got washed away by the storm,” Declan answers.

  “We?” I let out a breath. My legs suddenly feel like they are about to give out, but I don’t fall. “You’re going with them?”

  “Uh, yeah. Alexander wanted me to go. If anyone gets hurt, I can heal them. Plus, I can use my powers. I'm going to wear the amulet until we get there so they can’t sense me,” Declan explains.

  I barely hear the words. I’m staring at my brother, desperately trying to think of something, anything, to get him to stay.

  “Blondie, are you okay?” I can barely hear Bennett’s voice over the sound of my own breathing.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I see Hunter take a step toward us.

  “I’m coming with you,” I blurt out.

  I really don’t want to see Isabella or Ronan again, but I won’t let my brother go alone. I mean I know he won’t be alone, but I have powers too. I can protect him.

  I have to.

  “No. You aren’t,” Declan replies sternly.

  I narrow my eyes at him. “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me.”

  We have a typical Matthews glare-off. We never went off on our own to hunt vampires. Ever. We always had each other’s backs. And I know Isabella will make good on her threat if she sees him. My heart starts to race as he turns to walk away. Desperate, I reach out and grab his arm.

  “Please, don’t go,” I whisper as my eyes connect with his.

  “It’s going to be okay, Aria. We will be back later tonight, I promise.” Declan pulls me into a hug, and I feel numb.

  “You can’t go. Please.” My voice is thick with emotion.

  I feel him kiss the top of my head.

  “I’ll be fine. We will all be fine. Hunter will keep you updated.” Declan releases me as Hunter walks up.

  Everyone else walks away to give us a moment alone. All my frustration with Hunter leaves as he pulls me into his embrace.

  I open the link, more desperate than ever. Hunter, please. Don’t let him go.

  He pulls away and cups my cheeks.

  We are only going to scope it out and make sure it’s them. Then we come back here and assemble the pack. After that, we take the fight to them. This is only a precaution. Hunter’s reassuring voice calms my nerves as my gaze locks with his.

  Hunter’s thumb caresses my cheek before he brings his lips to mine. I grab onto his wrists, preventing him from pulling away. His tongue darts out, swiping across my bottom lip. I open my mouth so he can deepen our kiss. My hands make their way into his hair, as his hands drop low on my waist. I gently tug on his hair, which causes him to make a guttural sound deep in his chest. The vibration causes my body to come alive. I put everything I want to say into the kiss.

  Please come home.

  Please protect my brother.

  Both of us are breathless as he breaks the kiss.

  “Aria,” he whispers against my lips.

  He doesn’t say anything else, and neither do I. He gently kisses my forehead before turning to walk away. I watch him as he catches up with the others. They all pile into Knox’s Suburban and drive off.

  Kai walks up and escorts me back to my cabin, then leaves to go patrol the grounds. All I can think about is everyone getting home safely. So, I do the one thing that helps me clear my mind, other than training. I paint, and wait for Hunter to check in.

  The drive out of the Compound is silent until we hit the main road. It’s going to take us an hour to get to the abandoned theme park, and who knows how long after that to find the theater. The images that Declan described had us all at a loss until Zayne said that they resembled a building in a theme park that got washed away during a hurricane. He said the building was a large theater room that put on shows or concerts. Zayne wasn’t in the meeting, but he was talking with Axton earlier in the day.

  “So, are we going to address the elephant in the room? Or are we just going to ignore it?” Knox’s deep voice breaks the silence.

  No one seems to want to answer. We all saw Aria push her best friend.

  “You mean Aria?” Zayne pops up from behind me in the trunk, causing us all to jump and turn around.

  “God damn it!” Knox yells, slamming on the brakes and swerving off onto the shoulder.

  We all grab onto something to keep steady as Knox brings the Suburban to a stop.

  “How in the hell did you get in here?” Knox narrows his eyes at Zayne, who climbs over the last set of seats and plops down next to Axton.

  “It was magic.” Bennett waves his fingers at Knox from the passenger seat.

  Knox rolls his eyes, turning forward and pulling the Suburban back onto the road.

  I turn to face Zayne again, raising my eyebrows at him. “You know you aren’t supposed to come on these missions, right?”

  Wolves are hard to kill. Even snapping our necks doesn’t kill us. It’ll put us out for a few hours, but our healing abilities mend the damage before death can start knocking on our door.

  Witches don’t have healing abilities, but they do have potions and other mixtures that help speed up the process. They share that with us so it will accelerate our healing.

  Zayne waves me off. “Save the Beta lecture. You know I can fight, and it might be nice to have a second set of magic hands to help. Plus, you guys need help with finding that building in the park. I’ve been there loads of times. I know exactly where to go.”

  “Right. You loved the roller coasters there,” I remember.

  I’d only gone once or twice when I was younger, but after I almost wolfed out at a clown, I wasn’t allowed back. I fucking hate clowns. Creepy-ass fuckers.

  “Hell yeah, man. The scarier-looking, the better!” Zayne grins. “But, anyway, we’re talking about Aria. Yeah, she pushed Abby, but that’s not all…”

  Declan turns to look at him, brows raised.

  “I can sense emotions in people. I mean, not all emotions. Just anger. Most fire witches can. She’s got a lot of anger, and that seems to be fueled by its sister emotion…” He pauses, looking at both Declan and I. “Fear.”

  I stare at him for a few moments, real
ization kicking in. Every time Isabella’s name comes up, Aria mentally shuts down on me. She was tortured for hours before we found her. She’s always been so brave, but now, every time someone approaches her, she runs off in the opposite direction. Unless it’s me, Declan, or Bennett.

  “What do you suggest we do?” I ask no one in particular.

  “Beats me. You’re her boyfriend and Declan is her brother. I just told y’all what I know.” Zayne shrugs, leaning back in the seat.

  “You could always take her to pound town,” Bennett suggests.

  I shoot him a look as Declan snorts next to me.

  Knox scoffs. “Yes, because sex would solve all of her problems.”

  “I didn’t say it would solve her problems. But it might make her feel better. I don’t know,” Bennett says as Knox looks over at him. “Hey! Eyes on the road! You have precious cargo in here!”

  “As much as sex would make us feel better, I doubt that would work for Aria. Women are much different,” Axton chimes in from the backseat next to Zayne.

  Everyone except Knox turns to look at him.

  “What?” he asks.

  “He’s right. Maybe just bring her some flowers or something. Chicks like flowers, right?” Bennett asks, turning to look at Declan. “Does Blondie like flowers?”

  “I know her favorite flowers are daisies, but I don’t think flowers will make her feel better,” he replies then turns to face me, the ghost of a smile forms on his lips. “You’re welcome.”

  I nod, letting him know I made a mental note of that.

  “You guys are idiots. Sex and flowers are what you give your girl after you’ve had a simple argument. Aria needs to deal with her emotions. She needs to deal with the root of her problems. When Grace was attacked by that vampire, her reaction was similar to Aria’s. Grace and I left town for a few days. She talked to me about how she was feeling, and after that, she was able to recover. Her physical wounds healed quickly; it was the mental ones that took their toll on her,” Knox explains.

  The car grows quiet. I remember that. Grace wasn’t herself after her attack, and when they came back, she seemed better. Lighter, somehow.


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