Web of Worlds

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Web of Worlds Page 8

by Michael Atamanov

  Sharpshooter skill increased to level thirty-five!

  Sharpshooter skill increased to level thirty-six!

  Rifles skill increased to level fifty-two!

  Two of the audience standing in the first rows took balls to the forehead and fell to the floor paralyzed for a few minutes. This orange Medic was not giving himself up easy! Good thing Avan Toi didn’t miss. At the same time as my pointless shooting, he made a series of blasts from the laser pistol and hit the fast-moving Miyelonian once on his left toe. It was not a severe wound, but my Supercargo had done his job, and stopped the fluffy-tailed Medic from healing the heavily wounded Gladiator.

  Targeting skill increased to level twenty-four!

  I stashed the emptied Paralyzer and tried to concentrate for another psionic attack. And as I did, I got a sense for the battle as a whole. The enemy Bodyguard, his blades out and snarling, was preventing me and Avan Toi from reaching the heavily wounded Gladiator, who was down on his knees. The Medic, having made a complete circle, was trying to run up from the other side to heal his comrade but was again driven off by my partner’s shooting. I mentally attacked the crazily nimble Medic once again and once again it came to naught. What the hell?! What was his Intelligence if I couldn’t even hit him?!

  It was time to change something in this very nearly dead-end situation. I abandoned the surprisingly nimble and unhittable Gerd Mauu-La and chose a different target for my next psionic attack. And I easily took over the Bodyguard. Got him! Yes! The striped and shaggy Miyelonian swung with all his might and took off the head of his wounded comrade, who was kneeling and trying to pull Tini’s blade out of his side, which was stuck in up to the hilt.

  Mental Fortitude skill increased to level fifty-eight!

  “Avan Toi, deal with this!” I pointed to the Bodyguard, who was frozen with a look of confusion on his face, meanwhile exerting force to keep him under control. I even grew surprised at how hard it was for me to control the big beefy soldier. In this battle, psionic actions were coming very hard to me.

  The Supercargo stopped using his pistol to chase the nimble bushy-tailed Medic around the arena, stashed his useless weapon and, like a pro wrestler, got a running start and jumped high, spreading his arms wide. His nine-hundred-pound body slammed down on top of the Miyelonian Bodyguard, pressing him to the floor. The crunch of his breaking bones was so distinct that everyone watching, including me, winced in pain. Satisfied, Avan Toi gave a loud roar, tightened up and ripped the tail off his prostrated enemy with his bare hands.

  “My trophy!” he shouted, raising it high above his head and demonstrating the bloodied tail. And although Avan Toi was shouting in Geckho, I don’t think it was lost on anyone.

  I meanwhile realized why I was having such problems with my psionic abilities. I played myself, as they say. Instead my normal +5 Intelligence rings, I was still wearing those +1 Perception ones! I quickly corrected the vexing oversight and, picking myself back up, walked unflappably toward the Medic not even trying to dodge his pistol shots.

  Medium Armor skill increased to level fifty-five!

  Gerd Mauu-La understood perfectly that his side had already lost, but he was in no rush to admit defeat. He hit me either five or six times, taking down two thirds of my defensive shield, then tried to run away to a safe distance. I even got the impression that the last of my enemies was planning to leave the circle and hide behind the many soldiers. Not on my watch! I sharply extended a hand and the fluffy-tailed Medic froze in a pre-jump pose. Finally! You were starting to make me worry!

  Unhurriedly walking over to Gerd Mauu-La, I pulled the laser pistol from his numb fingers and looked at the weapon. A standard Miyelonian officer’s laser pistol with expanded batteries, and improved damage and accuracy. Not a bad weapon. In theory, there was nothing stopping me from taking it as compensation for upsetting me and wasting my time. But I didn’t do that, setting the pistol into the holster on Mauu-La’s belt. Yes, he was a difficult enemy, and I found his combat abilities admirable, so I didn’t take his weapon.

  I raised my eyes to Gerd Mauu-La, intending to say some words of approval and even admiration, but... I drowned in his thoughts.

  “They say people have no fur on their bodies. Just bare skin as if they got sick and all their hair fell out. So gross, it’s nasty just to think about. But what is that glimmering deep in his helmet? Some kind of blue shade. Weird. Is this person looking at me? Spooky. Just my luck to end up against a psionic! Although I could have guessed based on how confidently Gnat acted with my goofball underlings. He had them turning tail with just a couple words. But after all, he is right. The only ones left on the station are losers, the kind who would never be put on the first wave of a landing operation. Or the second for that matter. This is deep reserves. How I wish I never would have to see these hateful constantly drunken mugs again! And why me, top graduate of the Star City medical academy? Why was I sent to command these soldiers who have no appreciation for the knowledge and intellect of their commander?! Sure I’m not a soldier in spirit, and especially not a commander. I’m a Medic! An Astrobiologist by education! Agility and Intelligence — those are my strong suits. But I have to use my abilities to manage a squadron of dingbats who are always wobbling around like idiots with curved blades. But what’s taking Gnat so long? He’s already won, just take care of the one last...”

  I’d heard enough to make up my mind. Extra loud so everyone would hear, I addressed the helpless captive:

  “I really don’t want to cut off your tail, orange cat. And not because you’re an unworthy enemy, in fact quite the opposite. You did much more in battle than I was expecting. You surprised me both with your combat abilities and high resistance to magic. So in my eyes you did not lose. You won the right to keep your weapon, tail and life! You are free to go!”

  Fame increased to 67.

  Authority increased to 55!

  The feline soldiers nearby reacted positively. Apparently, the conflict with landing brigade one hundred forty-six could be considered completely quashed. Nothing was stopping me from going further. But most importantly, as I spoke, I mentally sent a message to Gerd Mauu-La:

  “You will never find understanding and respect among these cutthroats. This is no place for you. You are alien to them. And meanwhile, I just so happen to need a capable medic on my frigate. And you as an Astrobiologist by education, may find it interesting to see new worlds and their unique creatures. Think it over. And make your choice. If you decide to go, I’m at docking bay 567, airlock number fourteen.”

  Psionic skill increased to level seventy-eight!

  The orange Medic, shaken up after the squabble, puffed his fur out which immediately made him look twice as big, then thanked me for treating him nobly and mercifully. Then he spoke up, clearly choosing his words carefully so his subordinates and I would hear exactly what he wanted us to:

  “Ah, I envy you Free Captains! Long-distance space flights, new worlds, meeting new people, so much interesting stuff! I’ve always dreamed of such a life and, one day, I’ll definitely find work on a starship. But there’s a war on, I’ve been drafted and, what’s more, I’m a squadron commander. So I’ll stay here to pay my debt to the Union of Miyelonian Prides until one of the high commanders says otherwise.”

  * * *

  “You can’t come in! Private party!” a group of eight plainclothes guardsmen tried to stop me and my Geckho companion at the entrance to the Supernova Shine bar.

  None of the security had readable names, class or level, but I could sense that they were all confident in their strength. But the main thing was that all eight of them wafted an air of danger. They didn’t look like some bored bog-standard bruisers like you see at a normal bar or restaurant. And why have eight guards just at the door?

  I had no doubts that I was seeing before me soldiers of the Miyelonian army. And what was more, these were not common soldiers, they were true elite. Let’s check! I activated the scanning icon:

  Pola Us
t-Keetsie. Miyelonian Female. First Pride. Level-207 Assassin.

  Gerd Deyar An-Keetsie. Miyelonian. First Pride. Level-211 Gunner.

  [information hidden, insufficient skill to read]


  Map Mo-Keetsie. Miyelonian. First Pride. Level-200 Gladiator.

  Just as I thought! Not merely elite, these were First Pride, the best of the best, guarding the most important people (well, aliens) of the Union of Miyelonian Prides. And based on their names, these were Leng Keetsie-Myau’s personal guard.

  “I’m not used to seeing First Pride without their famous white armor,” I said with a smirk. Then immediately, while the jilted guards exchanged surprised glances, I added: “I’m here to see Leng Keetsie-Myau, she knows me.”

  The guards didn’t reach for their weapons or show aggression. But four of the Miyelonians, seemingly unrelated to us, started moving slowly, getting behind me and Avan Toi as furtively as they could. A lean black cat, the only one whose name I couldn’t read with scanning, walked forward and said:

  “The great commander will not be receiving guests today. She is relaxing and celebrating her fleet’s brilliant victory in the Spai Cloud with her most successful captains. Petitioners will only be admitted the day after tomorrow.”

  “Do I look like a petitioner to you???” I managed to add a bit of humor and unfeigned surprise. “It’s generally the opposite. The strong of this world ask me for unusual favors: fetch something unique, perform a miracle, win a battle that’s coming together poorly. And by the way, I am also a successful captain! My group and I are responsible for the deaths of more Meleyephatians than you’ve seen in your life!”

  “Gerd Gnat, how could you possibly know how many Meleyephatians I’ve seen in my life?” the black cat snorted indignantly. Nevertheless, I could sense his opinion of me changing for the better.

  Successful Fame check.

  Successful Authority check.

  “I’ve heard of you, Gerd Gnat. The great commander has mentioned your name. You may enter, but without a weapon and alone. I do not know your companion, so he cannot come inside.”

  I really didn’t want to leave Avan Toi alone on the station. But this was not the kind of situation for arguing and flexing my privileges. As it was, I was being let into a private Miyelonian party with a very restricted guestlist. That was surprising enough on its own. I turned to my Supercargo and explained what I had just talked about with the guards. The sullen Geckho bared his teeth in understanding and rumbled, which for his race was a sign of good-hearted laughter:

  “Don’t you worry about me, captain! I’ll either make it back just fine or respawn in the dock next to the frigate. One way or another I’ll get back to the ship. I’ve had enough adventures for one day. My fame has already gone up two points, more than enough for a day’s gaming.”

  I slapped the Supercargo approvingly on the shoulder and handed him my Paralyzer. However the guard then scanned me with a device that looked like a thick monocle and demanded I also surrender my knife. The knife? I had never had to use blades in the game, and Gnat had no melee weapon skills. Still I didn’t argue. I had personally watched the inoffensive looking Fox gut Miyelonians and Geckho with a normal knife or even just her claws, so the bodyguard’s fears were not unfounded. I gave Avan Toi the knife and bid farewell to my Supercargo, then passed through a forcefield that looked solid color from one side and entered Supernova Shine.

  A smell of luscious and overpowering perfume mixed with intoxicating smoke crashed down on me all at once. My eyes were spinning from the flickering of the colored bulbs, loud Miyelonian music cut into my hearing, too layered and complex for the human ear. I couldn’t even distinguish the several melodies and rhythms laid atop one another. I quickly came to my senses, got my bearings and looked around.

  It was a huge room made for about five hundred visitors, and it was now approximately two-thirds full. But I couldn’t see any tables. The Miyelonians were sitting cross-legged on thick mattresses and pillows, and many were just lying down on soft bedding with glasses in their clawed hands. And innumerable flying robot waiters were flitting around, pouring drinks into empty glasses. At the very farthest end of the room there was a towering mountain of cushions and pillows and, at the end of it sat the nearest favorites with a proud bearing. On the top then, the Great Commander was in repose:

  Leng Keetsie-Myau. Miyelonian Female. Pride of the Sharp Claw. Level-257 Strategist.

  Woah! Level two hundred fifty-seven! This little kitty could leave a mark. The commander was a big Miyelonian female with very soft-looking white fur like a Persian. It covered her whole body with the exception of a mask of black hair on her face and a few small spots on her ears and neck. It looked very contrasting, and the combination of colors was very eye-catching. I had already heard from Tini that Keetsie-Myau was considered not only a brilliant fleet commander but also a reference point for Miyelonian beauty standards. Okay then, now I understood why my ward was so pleased. From the human point of view as well, this was a very cute kitty.

  So, how would I get up to her? There was a whole room of hundreds of Miyelonians celebrating the shared victory. What was more, I didn’t want to just ask the Great One to stop her celebration to sign some documents authorizing my ship to leave the space station. That would look very brazen. This was not the time. Keetsie would just order her subjects to throw me out so I wouldn’t spoil their party. No, I needed to try something a bit different!

  To the surprised gazes of hundreds, I decisively headed for the bar.

  “I’ll have what the Great One is drinking! In fact, I’ll take two!” I said to the bushy-tailed bartender and started reaching for my wallet, but was told that in honor of the big celebration, all drinks were on the house.

  Okay then, all the better. As it turned out, Leng Keetsie-Myau was drinking a strong layered cocktail that smelled of valerian and mint. Taking the two tall narrow glasses, which looked more like burettes from a chemistry lab, I decisively headed across the whole room, walking over the Miyelonians on the floor and paying no more mind to their groans of dismay. That impudence allowed me to go unimpeded to the very foot of the mountain of pillows, where one of the beautiful commander’s favorites jumped up quickly to stop me:

  Gerd Lekku. Miyelonian. Pride of the Sharp Claw. Level-190 Brawler.

  “Stop where you are, human! Answer quickly, why are you coming this way?”

  All conversations in the room went silent. Hundreds of Miyelonians set down their glasses, leaned over and cocked an ear to hear my answer over the rumbling music. Even the commander stopped talking with one of her favorites and turned in my direction. I pointed to the drinks in my hands and spoke as naturally and peaceably as possible while remaining loud enough to be heard, at the same time using psionic abilities and generously splashing out Magic Points:

  “Oh, Great One! In my race, there is an ancient tradition that one should celebrate important events and victories with the most beautiful female they can find. I looked around the room. There are many gorgeous Miyelonians here, but no one is equal to you Leng Keetsie-Myau. It would be your right to punish me for audacity and give an order to your minions to get rid of me, but it would have been disingenuous on my part to walk up to any woman here. Please don’t refuse me this honor, please accompany Free Captain Gerd Gnat today!” with these words, I raised one of the two glasses, offering it to the commander of the Miyelonian fleet.

  To say everyone lost their minds would be to say nothing. Everyone who heard me was in complete shock. For three seconds nothing happened, then the whole room started making a racket all at once. The favorites sitting nearby then, as if on command, jumped up simultaneously, demonstrating anger and even aggression. The Brawler even pulled a glimmering blade from his bosom (I wonder how the First Pride let him in with a weapon?) and placed it to my neck:

  “Human, how dare you address Leng Keetsie-Myau without being addressed first?! And to say such insolent things! Our celebrated lady, mere m
oments from Kungdom, is also one of the most likely claimants to the vacant seat of the Krong of all Miyelonians! And you have the cheek to approach the Great One with such an absurd and insolent proposition!”

  Danger Sense skill increased to level fifty-two!

  Fame increased to 68.

  Authority reduced to 53!

  Authority reduced to 52!

  I guess I made the wrong decision. Sure I could walk up to Keetsie and draw her attention, but her subordinates were not joking around. I was surely going to respawn now...

  “Leave him, Lekku!” came a dense powerful voice from above, and it seemed completely unlike the delicate sonorous voices of Ayni and other Miyelonian females I had heard before. I didn’t even realize right away it belonged to Leng Keetsie-Myau. “Can I really get mad at a guest for having the gall to speak the truth?” The Brawler instantly hid his blades and took a step back from me. “But what victory of yours would you like to celebrate in my company, Gerd Gnat?”

  I could hear poorly hidden mockery at the very end of the commander’s question. Like, could a person really achieve something big enough that the Great One would deem it worthy of her own celebration? I gave a slight smile and started naming my achievements. I was speaking quietly so the other Miyelonians couldn’t make out my words over the loud music:

  “Oh Great One, I will not bore you by listing all my achievements, I will just mention the most recent ones. I discovered a Relict outpost and was among the first to enter it. A group under my command took down the defenses on the planetoid Ursa II-II, which allowed the Geckho to capture the Meleyephatian base there. In recognition of my service, Commander of the Geckho Second Strike Fleet Kung Waid Shishish even gifted me a frigate. I already managed to accumulate significant finances, weaponry and all the equipment to remodel and modify this ship and become a Free Captain. I have escaped a few squabbles with space pirates and caused them significant losses. I managed to survive and save my starship in an encounter in space with a superheavy-class ship of an unknown race and even determined the dangerous ship’s route. Well and, beyond everything I listed above, I am the only player to have turned to the Listener class and one of the very few who has studied the ancient language of the Relicts. And lots of other minor things, which are not worthy of wasting the Great One’s valuable time.”


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