Web of Worlds

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Web of Worlds Page 27

by Michael Atamanov

  “What beauty! And absolute freedom! The Geckho guaranteed the safety of this island, so no outside conflicts can touch this territory. For that reason, one of Earth’s planetary shield generators will be built right here on the island. Talk to the La-Fin Faction Drafter Gerd Alex Bobl. Have him bring the best workers in for the job. I will provide blueprints for the structure. I will also try to bring Engineer Gerd Ustinov’s team in from the Human-3 Faction to help with the enormous project. But first of all we must find an appropriate place to build. There are cliffs all around, so that might be problematic. But we must manage. It is very important to earth!”

  “Yes, my lord!” the young mage bowed mechanically, not displaying any emotions. Nevertheless I felt like he was mocking me somehow. Not surprising for my assistant’s first day of work. I was holding out hope that, with time, this wary caution would all pass.

  “Mac-Peu, after consulting with the Engineers and Drafters you will provide me a list of parts and materials necessary for construction, and I will buy them. I’ll also need a list of personnel requirements by profession. Construction should begin in the next few days and end before the planet’s term of safety is up. But powering the shield will take energy. Lots of energy. Mac-Peu, use your magical abilities, look at the possible futures and tell me what has greater potential: building a big power station here with our limited space or stretching an electric cable along the bottom of the sea from those lands over there,” I said, pointing to the dark distant horizon.

  “Yes my lord, it shall be done!” the Mage Diviner gave another mechanical bow, then finally showed some human emotion on his stone face. “Leng Gnat La-Fin, I must admit I am delighted! All mage rulers I have dealt with before as a diviner were only interested in war and searching for ways of eliminating competition. You’re completely different. You aim to unite factions, not destroy them. And for the first time in many, many years, I’ve been asked to do something for creation, not destruction!”

  Chapter Twenty-Two. Business Partner

  I REACHED the spaceport far past midnight. First of all I of course, visited my frigate. It still looked pretty atrocious. It had huge ten-foot-plus gaps in the fuselage due to the still unreplaced insulation tiles and missing left stabilizer, which had been removed and attached to a special fixture to allow easier access. But the repair of my starship was going full pace even at night. There was no lack of either parts or working hands provided by spaceport head Vano-Ubish. The Miyelonian Engineer Orun Va-Mart, by the way, immediately agreed to join the new Relict Faction and assured me that within three days the Tolili-Ukh X frigate would be ready for takeoff. That was all great but... what was that thing? In the neighboring hangar, just six hundred fifty feet from ours, another starship was being assembled!

  Kurimiru. Geckho cargo shuttle.

  The most surprising thing was that bustling all around the thing was a group made exclusively of humans!!! And every last one of them came from the La-Shin faction! The thirty players of noncombat professions, climbing around the starship exterior like ants were repairing dents, switching out damaged armor panels and cutting and welding. An even larger number of players, all soldiers, were standing in a circle around the ship, fifty at least. It looked as if they were afraid someone might get in their way or try and stop them. And given the thickest part of the guard chain was facing our hangar, I suspected they were taking precautions against me and my crew precisely.

  “It’s rare to see old jalopies like that these days!” noticing my interest, Orun Va-Mart commented on the nearby spaceship. “The Geckho took the Kurimiru out of production fifty tongs ago, and even then it was very antiquated. Now the only place you can find a fuselage like that is a scrapheap. And the hyperspace drive just blew me away. I had to go take a closer look. It was from some ancient Cyanian frigate. Who could possibly want such museum pieces?”

  “Someone who didn’t have the crystals for a more modern starship,” unlike the Miyelonian Engineer, I knew perfectly well what was happening here and I was sure I didn’t like it.

  This was one of the strongest factions of the magocratic world, the La-Shin Faction, and they didn’t get along with the La-Fin faction and were hostile to my usual humanity. In the end, they got just enough crystals to purchase their own starship. And hearing they’d bought a seriously outdated model was paltry consolation. If the Dark Faction made it into space and thus around our suzerains’ de facto technology and economic blockade, it would be a big breakthrough in their development. Then they could sell goods at a more or less fair price, without the Geckho’s draconian fees. They’d have a source of space currency. New weapons. New technology. All that threatened to seriously throw the balance of power out of whack. It might even start a new war with the Dark Faction.

  I couldn’t allow my enemy to get into to outer space! However, I couldn’t stop them from building this ship. At the very least my hands were tied here, in the spaceport, where the Geckho provided security. But out in space...

  “Orun Va-Mart, we must complete construction and get into orbit before that washtub!” I told the Engineer, pointing at the ancient shuttle. “Speed it up, have the repair workers concentrate on the most necessary tasks. We can fix some things of secondary importance later, in space. Also I need constant surveillance over our neighbors. Let me know immediately if you think they’re planning to attack or impede our construction! And talk with Uline Tar. Have her get the spaceport to provide extra guards for our Tolili-Ukh X! Actually, wait! I’ll talk to her myself.”

  Uline wasn’t on the frigate. I discovered that right away by scanning. Overall it wasn’t a surprise. It was night out and, most likely, my huge furry friend had left the game into the real world. So I headed to the dispatcher’s tower. There in a vending machine on the third floor I got the package from the Tailaxian prelates and immediately copied the invaluable data onto a fresh crystal drive I purchased as well.

  Meanwhile, Valeri-Urla told me mentally that she had received her package and was prepared to begin placing the spy bugs on my frigate. She promised to give me a full list of what she installed where and I could check by scanning anyhow. Despite how unusual it was, I gave the Tailaxian girl my approval to install the bugs.

  “Thanks, captain! Let my jailers think they’re in complete control of the situation. At this stage it’s in our shared interest.”

  The conversation ended. I went down the spiral staircase one floor... and unexpectedly met my business partner Uline Tar. The trader was in a state of deep thought, drumming her clawed fingers on an empty glass, was sitting alone in the empty restaurant. I walked up and sat opposite her.

  “How was the date with Kosta Dykhsh?” It may have seemed a tactless question, but I knew my friend well, so I was sure she wouldn’t get mad and it was better to ask directly rather than spend a long time talking around it.

  “Ah you know...” Uline bared her fangs (a gesture that meant strong emotions in the Geckho, not necessarily hostile) and fell silent, not able to finish her thought.

  “Did he offend you or something?” I also bared my teeth, showing her that I was taking her worries to heart.

  At the same time, not trying to deeply read her thoughts, I took a look at the furry Geckho lady’s emotional background. Melancholy. Love. Sadness. Thoughtfulness. She wasn’t offended or even annoyed with the Geckho Diplomat. In fact, Kosta Dykhsh occupied the central part of Uline Tar’s mind and sparked interest and especially positive emotions.

  “No, Leng Gnat, come on!” The Trader flared up at the very idea he would have. “Viceroy Kosta Dykhsh was very gallant and polite. Half an ummi ago, he even made me an official proposal to become his legal wife...”

  Legal wife? Wait! The viceroy?! That meant the drive with valuable information must have already reached Fleet Commander Kung Waid Shishish. But I tried to set those thoughts aside for now because I had seen my furry business partner gnawing on something. That meant she was very worried, maybe even suffering. And for some reason she c
ouldn’t or was ashamed to say the whole truth. I’d never worked as a psychologist for love-struck females of an alien race before, but you gotta start somewhere. And seemingly, I wouldn’t be getting by here without a little mental influencing.

  “And what did you tell the viceroy, Uline?”

  The furry Trader averted her gaze assiduously, knowing about my abilities and not wanting to share her private thoughts. But she did answer eventually, and in fairly great detail:

  “Well, what could I say? He’s so handsome and charming, that young Kosta Dykhsh! It’s rare that you meet such an educated and tactical Geckho. But there’s some strange force behind him. After all, without the protection of influential patrons, the unknown youngster would never have been appointed Diplomat to a promising inhabitable planet. But who could it be? His clan Waideh-Dykhsh? Gnat, that name says nothing to me. I searched for information about his clan, but there was very little out there. It’s strange. Either they’re skilled manipulators who do everything through third parties without drawing attention to themselves or this has nothing to do with his clan. Anyhow, I couldn’t give Kosta Dykhsh my agreement without first understanding who was behind him. But that wasn’t even the most important part...”

  The huge furry lady decisively raised her head, met gazes with me and I drowned in her bottomless lemon-yellow eyes:

  “Gnat, look, I cannot agree to Kosta Dykhsh’s offer! I represent an influential and rich clan of space traders, Tar-Layneh, I’m not some stray from an unknown tribe. My family has hundreds of starships, huge capital, and a bride of my stature simply must have a rich dowry to give, otherwise it cannot be. What’s more, I accidentally bragged in front of my future groom, telling him about the success of our shared enterprise and showing him the one-million-denomination crystal. And after all that, to tell Kosta Dykhsh I have no dowry... would be the kind of shame that doesn’t wash out. Both for me and my entire family. Yes, I like Kosta Dykhsh, and he’s a worthy groom — a planetary viceroy. I haven’t given him my answer yet, but I’ll have no choice but to refuse!”

  Psionic skill increased to level eighty-eight!

  Uline Tar turned her head and broke visual contact. After that she took a deep sigh as if about to dive into the water and blurted out:

  “Leng Gnat, I really need some cash to leverage an important deal! At least five million crystals. But more would be better. I cannot ask them as a loan from anyone but you. My family and Clan Tar-Layneh won’t give me any. I already told you that my relatives are upset with my behavior. First of all by the rift with Geckho hero Captain Uraz Tukhsh. So it’s useless to ask them. But to me it is a very important deal. I’d even sell my share in the starship to get the money together if we can find it a buyer...”

  Why was Uline afraid to mention the dowry out loud? Why was she trying to veil her request behind some trade deal? Most likely, the trader knew something. For example there could have been hidden microphones in the restaurant. I checked.

  Scanning skill increased to level forty-nine!

  Exactly! Every table contained a good amount of hidden devices, and quite often it was not some inoffensive thing like a gyroscope and antigravitation disk, providing for levitation of the table and fixing it firmly in one place. For example:

  Hidden microphone, model OP-341. Chance of making inoperable 97%. Total control chance 52%.

  Code breaker. Chance of making inoperable 99%. Total control chance 84%.

  Hidden video camera, model W-67. Chance of making inoperable 97%. Total control chance 52%.

  Player inventory scanner. Chance of making inoperable 100%. Total control chance 88%.

  Reader of electronic cards, wallets. Chance of making inoperable 99%. Total control chance 82%.

  Portable drive data reader. Chance of making inoperable 94%. Total control chance 76%.

  Holy crap! So many surprises for guests of the spaceport! Then the captains and crew members of starships trading with Earth would bust their brains over how money was taken from their wallets, and their trade secrets suddenly became available to their competitors. I suddenly had serious questions for the spaceport, because it was extremely hard to imagine all this equipment had been placed without their knowledge. And given it was all installed illegally I could afford to break it. No one would have any complaints. And proving a connection between Leng Gnat and the electronics suddenly going out of order would be factually impossible.

  Machine Control skill increased to level seventy-nine!

  Machine Control skill increased to level eighty!

  Great! It was good experience for deactivating the spy equipment in the body of Valeri the Tailaxian.

  “Uline, we can speak frankly. I just fried all the spy devices in this room.”

  “So there was espionage equipment after all?” the Geckho woman squinted and groaned in dismay. “Gnat, I suspected that after the date with Kosta Dykhsh. Every time I searched the data network while in this restaurant he mentioned the thing I looked up: his clan, risky but potentially profitable trade routes, this planet’s remaining term of safety... Somehow he always knew the answer to questions I wasn’t even asking him.”

  What? Newly appointed Viceroy of the planet Kosta Dykhsh was somehow linked to the espionage equipment? I had to admit, it was hard to believe. Although... if I considered it, why not? I had noticed before that the Geckho Diplomat was greedy. I didn’t know that Kosta Dykhsh sometimes pursued riches by illegal means though. Seemingly I had a new big topic for conversation with the newly appointed viceroy beyond the recently signed peace treaty and the Tailaxian prelates attempting to recruit me.

  “Uline, about the dowry, I can assure you that I’ll do everything in my power. I just don’t have the money right now. I’ve got a million and a half but that isn’t enough as far as I understand,” seeing her head hang in shame, I hurried to continue. “But tomorrow, or at the very least the day after tomorrow, the Naiads will raise a cloaked frigate that fell into the sea which used to belong to the leader of the Miyelonian pirates. The starship broke up on impact, but we still have a decent chance of making out like a bandit. After all, that thing had laser cannons, a navigation system, shield generators, on-board computers, thrusters and a cloaking system... Something might be repairable, and every one of those parts is worth at least a hundred thousand crystals, more like millions. And I will give it to you as a gift. Let it be my wedding gift to you!”

  Successful Constitution check!

  Medium Armor skill increased to level fifty-nine!

  Woah, I should have considered that the large strong Geckho woman might react emotionally and nearly strangle me in her embrace. Even my armor couldn’t fully protect me from such a stormy outburst. I rasped with difficulty to let me down, and Uline immediately unclenched her bear’s grip.

  “Gnat, you’re a real wonder of the Universe!” Uline told me, impossibly happy.

  “I know,” I chuckled, very flattered at her reaction. “But I do have one little condition. Before you promise anything to the viceroy and, all the more, transfer him the money, I need to have a talk with him. I want to make sure he isn’t tricking you and that Kosta Dykhsh’s intentions are pure. As leader of the Relict Clan, which is now funding the wedding of a gorgeous member, I have the full right to do so!”

  Only there Uline Tar noticed that my faction name had changed in my character description. Momentary confusion gave way to a look of satisfaction:

  “Great! I’ve been meaning to start playing differently for a long time. I’m sick of relying on the opinion of my relatives and leadership! Add me to your faction, Leng Gnat!”

  * * *

  I didn’t manage to catch the Geckho Diplomat in the spaceport even though I was desperately seeking a meeting with Kosta Dykhsh. I needed to tell the suzerains as soon as possible that enemies of the Geckho had attempted to enlist me in a treacherous scheme. If I didn’t, it could have the most serious consequences for myself and the whole earth faction I was associated with. Uline Tar to
ld me I was too late and Kosta Dykhsh had flown back to his residence about a quarter ummi ago. But the Trader assured me the viceroy was still in the game because she was periodically exchanging messages with him via communicator.

  I didn’t wait for morning and went to the Capital node taking my wife Gerd Minn-O La-Fin with me and my advisor Mage Diviner Gerd Mac-Peu Un-Roi. We informed the Human-3 Faction of our purpose and flight plan before leaving the spaceport, so there was no panic or chaos when the Dark Faction antigrav showed up at the capital citadel this time. The Sio-Mi-Dori landed neatly in the center of the platform, which was marked with bright landing signals, and I was first down the gangway.

  The twenty elite First Legion soldiers who had come out to meet our aircraft were frozen at attention. Leader of the Human-3 Faction, Gerd Ivan Lozovsky, a mountain of a man, stepped out in front. Behind his back, striving to keep up, there was a dark-haired plump lady I didn’t recognize walking at a quick pace behind him in a strict business suit:

  Gerd Eva-Maria Fischer. Human. Human-6 Faction. Level-73 Engineer.

  A member of the Human-6 Faction? I didn’t know what she was doing, although... why not really? The conditions of our peace with the Dark Faction and the future of Earth concerned the German faction directly, so I could easily explain their interest. Ivan Lozovsky, after greeting Princess Minn-O and giving a somewhat nervous sidelong glance at the Mage Diviner behind me, extended a hand welcomingly:

  “Imran and Eduard already told me you concluded a peace treaty. And not only with the Dark Faction, the Naiads as well. Excellent work, Kirill! Now Eva-Maria would like to know when her faction will get their island back.”

  Holy crap, what a claim! I even froze in surprise. What was the most tactful way I could tell them the island belonged to me now and I was not planning to give it up? Anyhow... to hell with tact! It was a very convenient opportunity to demonstrate to everyone just how the political situation had changed:


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